Chapter 13 - Part 1
The cops arrived quickly and a flurry of activity followed. While an officer who introduced himself as Officer Johnson questioned me, a couple of officers searched the building for the attacker. I didn't miss the look that the officer gave Sin as he began to question me.
"What's your name?" he asked as he gave me a kind smile.
"Taylor Price."
"Taylor Price," the officer murmured to himself as he wrote it down in his notebook. "Your name sounds familiar. Have you had any run-ins with the law?"
Oh no!
I swallowed hard. This couldn't be happening. I remained as calm as possible and shook my head. I hadn't had any run-ins with the law, but there was only one reason why my name might have sounded familiar.
Please don't let him remember why he knows my name, I thought to myself as I waited anxiously to see if he was going to question me further about it.
"What happened?" Officer Johnson asked me as he shot Sin a questioning look. Sin remained indifferent. It was like he was used to it. I felt relieved that he had moved on and wasn't going to ask any more questions about the fact that my name sounded familiar to him. I relayed the events best as I could. I couldn't stop myself from trembling in fear when I told him about the attack itself. An arm wrapped around my shoulders and I glanced to see Sin standing beside me.
"Did he say anything during the attack?"
I hesitated for a moment.
"He said that I was his whore," I said. I felt the heat of Sin's eyes on me. I left out the other part because it would be too embarrassing to say in front of Sin. It was like everything happening around us was making our arrangement out to be more than it was.
"Did you get a look at him?" the officer asked with his hand holding the pen to the small notepad.
I wrapped my arms around my body as I remembered the feel of his body pushing against mine. I wanted to throw up. He'd held me so hard I couldn't turn to look at him.
"Was there anything you noticed that would help us identify the attacker?" he asked.
I shook my head, feeling disheartened. The truth was I could walk past this guy at any time and have no idea who he really was. It was scary. The officer looked at me for a moment and then dropped his gaze to a notepad where he scribbled something down.
"Have there been any other incidents that you think might be related to this?"
"Yes," I answered. Sin stiffened beside me. It was time to lay it all out.
"There have been a few weird incidents," I began to explain as I rubbed my forehead. I was starting to get a headache and it was hard to concentrate.
"Take your time and start from the beginning," the officer suggested. I told him about all the incidents. When I got to the underwear incident, I felt Sin's arm tighten around my shoulders, but I didn't look at him.
"Why didn't you report your drink being spiked?" he questioned.
"I couldn't prove it," I replied. At the time, I'd thought it was an isolated incident. There was no way I could have known it was going to be so much worse.
"Did you keep the underwear?"
I shook my head, feeling stupid that I'd thrown away evidence that might have been able to lead the police to my attacker. At the time, I had just wanted to get rid of it so I could forget about the incident.
"Do you have somewhere to stay in the meantime?" Officer Johnson asked me. The truth was, I didn't. I'd have to try and find a hotel nearby. But I knew that once Connor found out what had happened, he'd be on the first flight here and he'd be packing my things for me. I rubbed my forehead as I tried to sort through my thoughts and decide what I was going to do.
"Ma'am?" the officer said.
"Yes, she does." I turned to face Sin, who was standing beside me. What was he talking about?
"She'll be staying with me," he told the cop.
The officer eyed him for a few moments before he gave a brief nod. It was only after the police left that I had a chance to talk to Sin.
"I can stay in a hotel," I said as he watched me pack some of my clothes in a bag. I didn't want to impose myself on him and besides it wasn't like we were dating or anything like that. He didn't need to play the concerned boyfriend. He was a guy I was screwing and that was it. Staying with him went way beyond what we'd agreed.
"You've got some crazy nut after you and you want to go and stay in a hotel where he might find you?" he argued with a frown.
I hesitated.
"We both know what would've happened if I hadn't come back and frightened him off," he said, driving the point home. He was trying to make me face the reality of my situation.
I paled at the reminder. I tried to swallow my fear as my eyes stung with tears. It was all I could think about when the officers had questioned me. I'd been so lucky. A tear escaped and slid down my cheek despite my attempts to keep it together.
"I'm sorry," he said softly as he reached for me and pulled me into his arms. Another tear slid down my cheek as I pressed my cheek against his chest.
"I didn't mean to make you cry," he whispered as he held me. He pulled away gently to brush the tears from my cheek as I bit my lip. He held me for a few minutes while I pulled myself together.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled as I pulled away from him. I felt fragile and exposed because I'd cried in front of him.
He remained quiet.
"What about your roommates?" I asked. I wasn't sure how many guys lived in the house.
"It will be fine," he assured me.
I debated for a few minutes before I relented. It wouldn't be for long because I had to call Connor to tell him what happened, and when he found out he would insist I move back home.
I packed up some of my stuff. Sin took the bag from me and carried it for me as I followed behind him. At the door to the stairwell, I hesitated for a moment. The cops had searched the building and they hadn't found the guy who had attacked me, but I was still scared to go back inside the stairwell where I'd been attacked.
Sin turned to me in the doorway and extended his hand. I took a deep breath and put my hand in his. Side by side, he walked me down the stairs with my hand in his.
I was subdued as he drove us back to his house. I felt his gaze on me a few times during the drive. The party was still going when we arrived. I'd completely forgotten about it. We got more than a few curious looks as Sin got my bag out of his car and walked me into the house.
"Hey, man, where have you been?" asked Slater as we entered the house. His eyes moved from Sin to me.
"I didn't think you were coming tonight," said Slater to me. I gave him a weak smile.
"What's up?" Slater asked Sin when he noticed my bag in his friend's hand.
"Taylor is staying with us for a couple of nights," Sin informed his friend. Slater looked a little surprised as his gaze moved to me.
"Sure, no problem. Do you want me to close up the party?" he asked. Sin gave a slight nod of his head.
"Tay," Jordan squealed when she saw me.
"Hi," I greeted her, fastening a smile to my lips as I hugged her. I could smell alcohol on her and she was a little unsteady on her feet.
"Were you planning on taking Jordan back to the dorm room?" Sin asked Slater as Slater put an arm around Jordan's waist to make sure she didn't stumble.
"No," he answered, giving his friend a questioning look.
"Good," replied Sin as he reached for my hand and led me up the stairs. I turned back to see Slater press a kiss to Jordan's head as she leaned against his chest. They looked so good together.
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