2| Trust
I sat in class listening to the teacher. I looked at Kyle to see him doodling in his notebook. I rolled my eyes as I kicked his shin. He glared at me before going back to whatever he was doing. I sighed. Thank God I had two classes with him after lunch. The bell rang and I smiled. Cheerleading Auditions!
We both got up. "Good Luck, sis!" he said as he rushed to get changed himself. I stopped at my locker when I saw Christian and Blake walking by. "Guys!" I shouted they turned around glaring but calmed down when they saw it was me. "Oh, your highness what's up?" Blake asked. I raised my eyebrows. "Is Asher okay? I mean I know that was a bit too much," I said shyly. "Don't worry Kiara he has gone through worse," he chuckled. I looked at him as if it had another meaning to it.
"Anyways you guys trying out for football?" I asked as I took out my bag. They laughed. "Why the hell would we do that," they said. I just shrugged. "Kyle said you guys could make the team so I thought you guys might wanna try out," I said. "Don't worry too much Kiara and we don't want to be in the spotlight," Blake said. "Okay, I guess. Bye," I said and walked away.
"Why are you two fu*ctards always with her?" said an angry voice. I sighed I didn't need to know who it was. I just walked away letting them deal with the grumpy man.
I met up with Elina in the changing room and filled her in on the details. She gasped. "Wow, he seems like bad news," she said. "I don't know Elina, you know I don't like to judge people," I said. "But at least his friends were nice to you," she smiled. I smiled. Well, let's see.
"Okay You girls did great but we have only three spots on the team so we had to make a very tough decision. Don't worry you can join the dance team if you don't make it!" she said trying to console everyone. I snorted it wasn't working. I was scared. Cindy had also auditioned and she was good. I sighed I mean if I didn't make the team it was okay!
"The first person who made the team is Kiara!" she shouted I smiled as I got up and went forward she hugged me and I got my pom-poms. "THAT'S UNFAIR! I deserve to be on the team first!" Cindy shouted. "Cinderella if you would have patience," Elina said taking her real name making someone juniors gasp and the seniors snicker. Gosh, I loved when people found out about her name.
"Next Allisa!!!!" I looked at this shy redhead girl walk up in front and give everyone a small smile. I haven't seen her before. Huh. "And finally Cinderella," Elina said dryly making all of us snicker. Cindy screamed as she got down. "Now I am the QUEEN!" she said Elina cleared her throat and Cindy looked at her glaringly. I laughed.
"Others thank you for trying out please keep trying one day you might get there!" she squealed. See I told you she was not good at this. She ran to me and hugged me. "You did amazing!" she said. "Thank you, Captain!" I smirked. "Let's go see the football team," she said excitedly. "No! I don't want to see my brother flexing. Thank you very much! I will text you when I get home," I said. She frowned but hugged me as I made my way to the changing rooms.
I got changed after taking a quick shower and walked outside to bump into someone. I was about to fall to the ground when strong arms made their way to my waist. I opened my eyes slowly to be met with the familiar green ones. A smile made its way up to my lips but as soon as that happened he dropped me. I heard chuckles and I got up to see the three new faces that I had grown too familiar with.
"Suh a gentleman," I said as I got up. He just stood there glaring at me. "You again," he sighed. "And he speaks!" I squealed looking at Blake and Christian who were holding their laughter in. "Don't you think you talk too much?" He snapped. I looked at him. "First of all, I wasn't talking to you," I sassed, "And secondly I will do whatever I want. This is my mouth," I snapped back.
He smirked and that's when I realised how wrong it sounded. Great! I was about to walk away when someone bumped into me had sent me flying into Asher. I grabbed his shirt as he grabbed my waist to steady us. My eyes closed from the impact. "I am sorry," we heard a small voice. I turned around and away from Asher to meet with Allisa. She looked panicked and as if she was running from something.
"Hey! It's okay, calm down. What happened?" I asked tears were in her eyes as if on cue Derek came towards us but stopped when he saw Allisa with me. That's when it clicked with me. She was running from him. Derek was about to walk away but I step forward and pulled him by his collar. "Kiara it's not what it looks li-" but I slapped him right across the face. "HOW DARE YOU?! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE THAT!" I said throwing a punch at his face. Allisa sobbed beside me. "KYLE IS THROWING YOU OFF THE TEAM!" I shouted at him. He stumbled back ready to hit me but his hand was caught midway.
''Don't even fu*king think about it," Asher towered over him. "Get lost before I kill you," he said his voice deep and deadly.
I looked at Derek glaring at him. He eyed me once and walked away. Asher looked at me. "Can you fu*cking not do that? What if he would have fu*cking hit you?" he shouted. I flinched but I glared back at him. "But you didn't let him so I am fine. Also, stop swearing I don't like it," I said. "Just don't do that again I won't be there to save you," he said walking away.
I sighed turning round to see Allisa shaking and Blake looking at her weirdly. I hit him on the shoulder. I brought her closer "Allisa, it's okay you are fine he won't do anything," I told her. She started crying her breathing becoming ragged. Oh, My God!
Christian pushed me aside and held her "Allisa, try to breathe in and out. In and out." he said softly. I looked at him shocked Blake put his hand over my shoulder his mouth open as well. She shook her head still crying. He put her hand on his chest. "You feel my heart?" he asked she nodded as she wiped her tears which followed down like a waterfall. "Try to sync your heart with mine, Breathe in," he said slowly and she started listening and in a minute her breathing was normal. He wiped her tears and she calmed down.
"This is not good," Blake whispered. I looked at him like he was crazy. "What why? They are perfect!" I said hitting him with my elbow. "You don't know Kiara we aren't exactly the best of people," he said. He grabbed Christian and dragged him away. Allisa looked at me. "Thank you," she said slowly. "You're welcome! Next time he will remember my awesome punch and leave you alone," I said and she laughed at that.
"But Kiara thank you for standing up for me. I know he is your friend," she said softly. "IS?! From now he is my enemy," I smiled. "Who was that guy?" she asked slowly. "Ohhh you mean Christian?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. She blushed. "No the other one who was shouting at you," she said shyly. "Oh him, That was Asher he is the Bad boy of the school. Just got enrolled in school with his two best friends," I said. She nodded.
"So you want a ride home?" I asked. "No it's okay I can walk!" she said giving me a small smile. "Oh come on I can drop you," I said. "Thank you," she said. I put my hand around her shoulder.
"So how do you know Christian?" I asked. She blushed again. "He and I are partners in Chemistry," she said. "What really?" I asked and she nodded. "But he seemed ruthless before how come he just touched you like that and you didn't panic?" I asked.
"I know right? Even I was surprised Like what the hell?! How could he do that? No one was ever been able to do that except my brother and now he did it and I calmed down!" she said and then she looked at herself with surprise. I smiled she was finally out of her comfort zone!
"So now that your shyness is gonna let's go, pretty girl!" I said as unlocked my car. She smiled at me and got in.
"So put in your address here while I just text Mom," I said.
Mommy Dearest - I'll be half an hour late. Dropping a friend. Also got on the cheerleading team!
I put it away. "Oh you live two streets away that's pretty close," I said.
"Yeah, I know. I mean you live in the Wilder Mansion," she said. I smiled. Everybody knew that. So...
"So you why haven't I seen around that much?" I asked. "Oh I don't have any friends," she sighed.
"Wow, I am hurt! I am your friend!" I said fake glaring at her. She smiled. "I would love to be your friend!" She said. "Now that we are best buddies I will pick you up tomorrow pretty girl!" I said as I parked in front of her house. She hugged me. "Thank you Kiara!" she said as she waved at me. "See you tomorrow!" I said as I drove away.
I reached my house in 10 minutes. Mom was talking to God knows who on the phone I saluted her making my presence known. I went up to my room, removed my contacts and lay down on my bed.
"Kia!!" I heard a whisper. I turned around. "Kia!" I heard it again. I threw the pillow at him. "I need help!" he said. "Kyle go away before I kill you!" I said. "Kia, notes for today's chemistry lecture," he said. See he was doodling and now he wants notes.
"Just get it from my backpack," I hissed. "Thanks!" he said and walked away. Thank God I thought drifting off to sleep.
"Kia..." I heard someone poking me. "Kia..." He hissed again. I sat up frustrated. "WHAT!" I asked. "Umm, Can you explain..." he asked pointing at my book. I sighed as I got up and grabbed my glasses. I started explaining to him the numerical. And we both studied.
I sighed after we walked back up after dinner. "I saw you with the new guys," Kyle said. "Hmm, They are cool," I said. "Kia..." he warned. "I know I know... Make sure they aren't evil people," I said. "Good. Have a good night," he said. "You are sleeping?" I asked shocked. No Facetime? "Yeah today she has some family thing," he said. I patted his back in sympathy and hugged him briefly before leaving.
I honked outside Allisa's house. I had already texted her. "HEYYY!!!" she said as she got in. "You have glasses?" she said. I nodded I had a minor eye infection this morning when I woke up so I didn't want to risk it by wearing lenses. "Yup!" I said as I drove to school.
"So you have chemistry today?" I asked smirking. "Gosh you aren't letting it go are you?" she asked. "Thank him today you will have a conversation starter," I smiled. "So you hate Asher?" she asked. "Why would I hate someone I don't know?" I asked. "Good point," she said and I laughed.
I started to park the car in an empty spot when another car parked just at the same time. We got out to see a sports car. I rolled my eyes. As Allisa came to my side I smirked at the boys. "Finally decided to learn how to carpool?" I asked. They looked at me, while Asher glared, Christian laughed and Blake came to me giving me an up top.
"What can we say your highness we decided to learn from you," Blake said. Christian smiled at Allisa as she waved at him. We all started walking in. And I noticed the whole school looking at us. "What happened to him?" I whispered to Blake. "Oh, he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I snorted listening to him when Asher hit him on the head.
"I will fu*cking send your face on the wrong side," he snapped. Christian and Allisa were in their world to notice. I stopped and turned to him. "Why are you so angry? Like does it hurt to be normal?" I asked. Blake looked at Asher for an answer. He just walked away. "Don't worry he will come around..." he said. I nodded. Kyle and Elina came in and Kyle looked pissed "You hit Derek?" he asked.
Oh, shoot I forgot to tell him! Christian and Allisa looked at us. "Yeah, he was about to force Allisa!" I said. "What? That son of bitch I should have hit him as well," Elina said. I fist-bumped her. Kyle looked at us and then at the others.
"Oh, This is Blake, Christian and Allisa," I introduced myself. "Guys, This is my twin- Kyle and his girlfriend Elina," I completed. Kyle did a head nod with the guys and smiled at Allisa. Elina smiled at everyone. "She told me about you guys! Hey!" Elina said.
The bell rang and we all said our goodbyes and rushed to class. I saw an empty seat but it was beside Asher. I sighed. I sat down we still had 5 minutes to class.
"Hey!" I said to him. He looked at me for a minute and then ignored me. Great. two minutes passed by when I heard, "Hi," he said. I dropped my book to the floor in horror. "Did you just acknowledge me?" I asked just to confirm I wasn't hallucinating.
I saw a smile make its way up to his lips but then faded immediately and he rolled his eyes. "Asher, I know we got off on the wrong foot. Let's start over and be friends," I said. He looked at me like I was an alien. He just ignored me and the professor entered just in time.
I waited for him to say something but he just ignored me the entire time and left as soon as the bell rang. Great, I am going to make him my BEST FRIEND now.
I walked into the cafeteria at lunch and saw Allisa sitting alone. I walked to her sitting next to her. "Hey!" I said she closed her book smiling at me. "So how was your day so far?" I asked. "Boring," She snickered. Soon Elina walked in and sat down with us. "Hey, Besties!" she said.
We started talking about how we should go out this Friday. When Kyle sat down with us. "Great now I am the only guy," he said.
Third Person's POV :
"Christian, you can go sit with her you know?" Blake said. Christian was looking over at Allisa. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. "What the fu*ck are you talking about?" he hissed. "You know what let's just go there Kyle seems uncomfortable," Blake snorted.
"Why are you guys enjoying this? What happened to the deal? Do we have it tonight?" Asher snapped. "Calm down Ash, We can either scare everyone in school and be loners or we enjoy and make friends," Christian said. Asher's eyes blazed with anger as heard the words 'friends' "What did she tell you?" He snapped.
"What are you talking about? Anyways let's go there Kiara wouldn't mind," Blake said getting up. "What why are you guys so comfortable with her? You know that we shouldn't let anyone in, right? And she is a good girl we shouldn't pull her into this!" Asher shouted. Blake and Christian looked at him a small smile on their faces.
"She said something to you didn't she?" Christian asked. Asher just ignored them as he typed on his phone. "Blake I think he doesn't want to befriend her," Christian says smirking. "Or he thinks she is so nice that he might fall in looovveeee.." Blake grinned. Asher looked up from his phone and hit both of them. "Shut up! Look I don't have any problem with whatever you guys do Just make sure no one finds out about ...." he trailed off. They nodded seriously.
"And also don't think I will be changing myself and talking to her nicely just because you guys are friends," he snapped. While they both just snickered. "KIARA!!!" Blake shouted from his table waving his hand vigorously at her. The whole cafeteria looked at the conversation that was about to unfold.
"KIARA!!!" Blake shouted from his table, waving his hand vigorously at me. I smiled and waved back with the same enthusiasm. He motioned for me to come over, but I looked at our table and then motioned them to come over. He nodded as he grabbed Christian and Asher. Asher just glared at him, and Blake rolled his eyes, leaving him there. They both walked over.
"Heyy!!" I said. They sat down with Blake beside Kyle and Christian beside me. "We saw how miserable Kyle looked so we just wanted to help him." Kyle fist-bumped him and Blake laughed. "So Kiara was saying you needed a player for your team?" Christian asked Kyle. "Yeah, man, One of our players transferred this year and I had to throw Derek off the team," Kyle explained, looking at Allisa. Christian nodded.
"I mean we could join it but we have no time for practice since we have to balance work and school," Blake said. Kyle nodded. "But if you play well enough I could talk to the coach and you wouldn't have to come to every practice, because I need players and nobody in our school is good enough," Kyle said. Elina motioned for me to look at my phone.
Sister-in-law: Asher.
That was the only thing she said. I looked over at him to see him angrily looking at his phone. He looked lonely. I looked at her and she nodded. "Guys I will be back," I said they just nodded as they went back to their conversation.
I walked over to Asher and sat down beside him. He felt my presence but didn't look up. This is going to be difficult. "Asher..." I said softly. It took him a moment but he looked up. His eyes softened a little but the anger and rage were still evident. "Why didn't you come over?" I asked. He just ignored me and went back to his phone.
Now that is annoying. I know he might kill me for this but I snatched his phone. He looked at me with rage and raised his fist to punch me I guess but I just closed my eyes waiting for the impact. 1 second, 2, 3, 5. I opened my eyes slowly to see his fist in mid-air just a few inches away from my face. He stopped.
I gently grabbed his hand and placed it on my lap. His hand is still in mine. I locked his phone and kept it on the table. "Are you fu*cking insane? I would have hit You!" He shouted but not loud enough for anyone to hear. "But you didn't!" I said. "But I could have!" He snapped. I gently grabbed his hand and his eyes closed. "You didn't and that's what matters. I knew you wouldn't because I trust you," I whispered.
His eyes snapped open as he took back his hand, "How can you do that?" he asked I raised my eyebrows confused. "You can't trust someone you just met Kiara," he whispered. The way he said my name sent an unsettling feeling to my stomach.
"And especially not me," he said and got up leaving me to figure out whatever he said.
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