Ch:15 Things Happen, I Get Hurt
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Blair's POV
It's Monday morning now. Ryan came over yesterday as he said he would. We had fun. He spent the entire day coaxing me to eat something healthy and watching movies with me. Both of us sat on our side of the bed while watching the movie.
My alarm just rang but I'm too bored to get up so I decided to go back to sleep.
"Come on princess, wake up." I hear someone softly murmur in my ear and gently stroke my head. I grumble a no and turn away from the sleep intruder.
"Come on, princess we have school." The amazing voice murmurs again.
I go under the covers.
The voice chuckles. "Princess, last time or else you may suffer from some tickle time." the voice teases.
I ignore it.
"That's it."
And I feel a huge load on me before the covers are pulled away and somebody starts tickling me.
I open my eyes to see Asher's beautiful face in front of me. His hair sporting the sexy out of bed look. He has worn a tight fitted black v neck with some dark jeans and a leather jacket laying on a chair nearby.
"Asher" I pout. "No fair. I'm sick."
"No you're not." He replies. Taking hold of my hands in his one hand that were trying to push him away.
"Chop chop, princess. Time for school. You look really pretty by the way." He comments bringing a strand of my unruly hair in front of my face.
I believe him for a moment before realising that I had drool on the side of my mouth, hair all haphazard, my short T-shirt had ridden up my tummy. And I realised Asher's fingers were running circles on the part of my exposed tummy.
"Go away, Asher. Leila, can you send away this mammoth and make sure he and his stinky pants don't come back." I shout trying to free my hands that are still in his grasp.
"Cheese puffs, my pants do not stink I must tell you. In fact I smell something else." He says sniffing around acting around as if he can smell something. He sniffs around bringing his nose upto my face near my neck. He puts his nose there sniffing me. "It's you that is stinking Blair Bear." He teases nuzzling my neck further.
I giggle. "It tickles Ashy." I say pushing him away. He continues nuzzling before finally placing a kiss there and pulling away.
"Come on baby, I'm waiting downstairs be ready in 20 mins." He orders before turning around and marching down the stairs.
We are in the car now. And Asher was driving us to school. "So did Ryan come around yesterday?" He asks cautiously.
"Yeah, we had so much fun." I tell him excitedly.
He gives me a look. "I don't like him princess." He pouts. Omg he pouts. *adorable*
"Are you even listening to me?" He asks annoyed. I blush. *no I'm busy drooling over you*
"Sorry, I didn't hear you."
"I think he likes you and I don't like it. You don't like him right." he asks hurriedly.
"What's wrong with him liking me?" I asked annoyed.
"Are you saying there is something wrong with him cause he likes me." I ask angrily.
"What? I did not say that."
"Yes, but you meant it." I tell him feeling sad more than angry.
"No, God princess." He says exasperatedly pulling over at the side of the road.
He turns towards me pulling the seat belt away."I did not mean that princess." He says cupping my cheeks and wiping the tears that had flowed at the side of my eyes.
I look away not able to look him in the eye. "I just-uh I don't know I just don't want him to like you." He says stammering. Not able to explain what he mean.
I knew what he was trying to say. He doesn't think I'm good enough that anyone sane would actually like me.
I nod at him trying to act as if I believe him and turn away looking out of the window.
"Blair" he cries running his hand over his hair and pulling at it in frustration. He puts on his belt resuming back to driving saying nothing further.
The day has gone by. I haven't spoken to Asher again. It is Home Ec now. I spent most of the day with Mia, Lisa and Ryan. I saw Asher once but he was hanging around with Naomi. Her hands were on his chest and his were around her waist. They were just about to kiss, so I turned away.
I shared Home Ec with both Asher and Ryan and I'm not sure how it was gonna be.
I entered the class with Mia and Ryan by my side. Mia took her place at the desk with Blake and Ryan and I went over to our desk that we shared with Asher.
We were supposed to be baking some kind of a cake today. I was pretty excited about it. It involved a chocolate cake, raspberries and nutella. I was super excited to bake it. Hope Asher won't ruin it for me.
Both Ryan and I sat at our desk. I turned around and saw Asher sat on the stool with Ashley- Naomi's minion in his lap. I turn around disappointed. Mia catches me looking and gives me a small sympathetic smile.
"Blair" Ryan calls trying to grab my attention. "So I was thinking, maybe you could give me that tour around town today." He asks nervously putting his hands in his pocket and bouncing back and forth on his heels.
Before I could answer, Asher pops in. "Sorry buddy, but I think Blair's still not feeling that well, maybe you should cancel it." Wasn't he the one who said I was fine in the morning?
"Don't want your grubby self making her sick all the more." He murmurs, which only I hear.
"Asher!" I yell at him.
"I'm actually pretty fine today. We can go." I tell Ryan.
Asher just doesn't want me to be happy. I turn away from him trying to ignore his entire existence.
"So where do you want to go?" I ask Ryan.
"Blair" the annoying voice beside me tries calling me. I ignore.
"I don't really know much around here. Anything fun!" Ryan replies.
"We could go to the cinépolis theatre for a movie first. The service over there is amazing and their cheesecake is yumm. We could watch the french movie 'Love'." I tell him.
"You are not watching that movie with him." The voice beside me grumbles pulling at my hand. I ignore.
"It sounds fun. So today at 4?" he asks. "We could go do something else after that."
"Yeah sure." I agree nodding my head.
"It's a-a-a cool." He stammers looking behind me.
I turn around to see Asher glaring at him. Daring him to say something? I don't know what goes on with that guy.
Mrs Claudette enters the class. "Class settle down please." She requests in her sweet voice.
"You have all the ingredients needed for baking your cake on the desk and the recipe is with you. The recipe sheets were passed on the first day itself." She reminds us.
I proudly wave my recipe sheet around and look to my right and left to see both the boys don't have it. Ryan gives a sheepish smile while Asher looks bored. I ignore him.
I look on the desk to see two jars of nutella yumm, bright juicy berries and all the other ingredient needed to bake the cake.
Mrs Claudette starts with the instructions and I look over the recipe and start with my work. Ryan helps looking over the recipe and mixing the necessary ingredients. Both of us are hunched over on one side of the desk ignoring Asher.
"Take 300 gms of flour Ryan."
"No, that's salt not flour Ryan. Pay attention. I need to make this cake perfect."
"No that's sugar." I correct him again "Take the packet that says flour on it Ryan." I say exasperatedly.
A hand from the right hand me the flour. I look up at Asher taking the packet from his hand. I ignore him.
Ryan and I go back and forth and finally put the cake in the oven.
Asher keeps on calling me every two seconds pulling at my hand. The batter bowl had almost fallen down twice. It would have seriouslyturned ugly if Ryan wouldn't have succeeded in saving it both the times. He calls me again. I ignore him.
Ryan and I sit around chit chatting and planning on what we'll be doing later in the day. Asher goes sits with Ashley in the back. Messing around with her with the nutella and raspberries. I ignore it.
Mia shows me her almost done cake. It's good, but mine is gonna be perfect I've made the perfect nutella ganache, I picked out the best raspberries and settled all the other toppings for the cake. I'm super excited to complete it. My cake is gonna be perfect.
Asher comes back and keeps on trying to persuade me to cancel my plans with Ryan. I try to ignore him.
The cake is finally done and I gently try and pull it out making sure nothing happens to the cake. Just then Asher again pulls on my hand trying to get my attention.
The cake topples from my hand and falls on the floor.
All the chatter seizes down. And everybody looks at the fallen cake. I look at it and then at Asher. He has a guilty look on his face and his mouth is in an 'o'.
I was so looking forward to make it. Asher knew it but still didn't care. He knows what I want but still never cares. He makes everything so difficult for me.
I give up. Throwing away the mittens in my hand and running out of the class with tears in my eyes.
Aaghh I think this is my biggest chapter. Show me your support by liking it and commenting.
I hope you guys enjoy it.
Don't be shy to
Love xo
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