Figure skating is more than a mere art form—it's a beautiful blend of artistry and science, where physics takes center stage. And that's precisely what captivates Lovette about her sport. She delves into the calculations, imagining hypothetical numbers to determine the velocity needed for her spins. It's a unique intersection where her passion for figure skating meets the laws of physics, fueling her relentless pursuit of perfection.
Every waking moment, Lovette's thoughts are consumed by figure skating. It's an all-encompassing craving that can only be satisfied on the ice—through the graceful glide of her skates, the intricate spins that defy gravity, and the exhilarating jumps that seem to defy possibility. Figure skating courses through her veins, pulsating with a fervour that cannot be contained. She hesitates to sound conceited, but deep within, she harbours an unshakable belief that the ice is her true calling.
As she holds her arms in an 'x' formation, Lovette launches herself into the air, soaring with unparalleled determination. She feels herself rotate, not just four times, but four and a half, executing a flawless quad axel. The sharp scrape of her blades meeting the ice echoes in her ears, while a triumphant grin spreads across her face. In this moment, she twirls in a graceful whirl, her body radiating the electrifying thrill of accomplishment. With one arm extended upward and the other pointing downward, Lovette signals the end of her routine—a declaration of her mastery. Breathless and exhilarated, she skates toward the edge of the rink where her coach, Maddie, awaits with a bottle of water.
"Lovette, if you skate like that next week, the Olympic Committee won't have a fucking choice but to put you on the American team," Coach Maddie remarks, her voice reflecting her awe and excitement. With 25 years of coaching experience at the Los Angeles Figure Skating Club, Maddie has never witnessed a talent quite like Lovette. Their paths crossed when Lovette was merely five years old, and even then, her prodigious abilities were evident. Many of Maddie's past students have peaked at the tender age of 12, only to succumb to burnout by 13—but not Lovette. Lovette came back stronger than before, every fucking year.
Maddie hands Lovette the much-needed water, a brief respite amidst their demanding practice session.
"Take a break," she encourages, patting Lovette's back reassuringly. "Then give the routine one more go. After that, we can call it a day." The coach's touch exudes comfort and support, reminding Lovette that she's on the right path. "You're doing great, kid."
With a radiant smile, Lovette tosses the bottle back and swiftly glides back into her starting position, ready to conquer the routine once more.
Lovette's concentration on untying her skates is interrupted by the familiar voice of her mother. She cranes her neck to see Mariela Jarmon, known affectionately as Mari, approaching with her usual exuberance. Shaking her head, Lovette refocuses on her task, tugging at the laces.
"If it isn't my little valedictorian!" Mari exclaims, her excitement evident in her tone.
"Mom, they haven't even announced it yet," Lovette sighs, sliding her skates into her duffle bag. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
"Love, you always do this! You're a shoo-in," Mari insists, clapping her hands to grab her daughter's attention. "Just keep your grades up, which is a piece of cake for you, and boom! You'll be giving that valedictorian speech come May."
Lovette understands the significance of maintaining her grades, especially with the coveted title of valedictorian up for grabs in Harvard-Westlake's class of 2022. Alongside two other classmates, she stands as a potential contender. Her mother's unwavering confidence fuels her belief that Lovette will come out on top. Yet, as Lovette finishes untying her skates, thoughts of school momentarily fade away. Right now, her focus is on impressing the Olympic committee.
"Where's Dad?" Lovette inquires, swiftly retying her box braids into a ponytail.
The question arises because her parents usually pick her up from practice, the rink conveniently close to the hospital where they work. Before answering, Mari takes hold of the bag her daughter is fussing with, recognizing Lovette's fatigue from the demanding practice session. "He's probably keeping an eye on the new car. You know how he gets."
"I swear he loves that Tesla more than his own kids," Lovette teases, slipping on her sneakers.
"Oh don't be ridiculous," Mari throws her arm over Lovette's shoulder while they exit the building, "he loves that car as of it were his child."
"Love, how was practice?" Theo asks, his eyes flickering to the rearview mirror, seeking a glimpse of his daughter. They had been driving for a few minutes, and he sensed that her mind was preoccupied. He hoped she wasn't burdened by the pressures of school and the potential of competing in the Olympics. Theo and his wife, Mari, understood that Lovette possessed exceptional academic and skating abilities, but they were adamant about not adding unnecessary pressure. The valedictorian remarks made by Mari were purely in jest. In truth, Theo and Mari couldn't care less about their children's academic achievements as long as they made an effort.
Lovette's eyes met her dad's through the mirror. "It was good. I was just thinking about everything I need to do in the next few months."
Graduation was approaching, which meant relocating to Massachusetts to attend MIT for computer science. When Lovette and her twin brother, Levi, turned twelve, they devised a plan—to attend college in Massachusetts and live with their older sister, Maeve. With an eleven-year age gap, they rarely had the chance to see her, a fact that displeased all three of them. Lovette had temporarily taken on the role of Levi's tutor when his dyslexia hindered his studies during his freshman year of high school until their parents found a suitable tutor for him. It paid off, as Levi ended up being accepted into Harvard.
Theo understood his daughter well—she inherited his quirks and obsession with planning. He recalled a time when he walked into her room and discovered her Barbie doll's meticulously organized itinerary. It was endearing, especially since one of the to-do list items was "find world peace."
"I've spent so much of my life worrying about the future, and it's just not worth obsessing over. It's beyond your control, Love," Theo shared, his eyes darting to the rearview mirror. "Of course, you can have goals and ambitions for yourself, but ultimately, life can throw unexpected obstacles your way. The moments that truly matter are the ones happening right now. Live in the present, and the future will unfold as it should. No need to fret."
A moment of silence hung in the air before Theo spoke again. "Remember what I always tell you?"
"My dreams should be big, and my worries should be small," Lovette finished, a phrase her father had instilled in her. While it was a beautiful sentiment, Lovette often allowed her worries to run rampant.
Mari turned around in her seat to face her daughter. "Your dad is right. Instead of diving into your homework as soon as we get home, why don't we watch a movie together? Then you can tackle your physics or coding assignments."
"Can we watch—"
"I'm begging you to choose anything but 'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days,'" Theo interjected, chuckling. He adored his wife, but they had seen that movie so many times that he could recite the lines in his sleep—which he had done on occasion (being a sleep talker and all!).
"'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days' is a masterpiece!" Lovette exclaimed from the backseat.
Theo laughed heartily. "I'm not saying it's a bad movie, but you guys watch it all the time."
"Mom was the one who introduced me to it!" Lovette defended, crossing her arms over her chest.
Mari smiled, turning to her husband. "Yes, my taste in movies is, as the kids say, on point."
Lovette scrunched her nose at her mom's outdated slang. "The kids do not say that," she retorted.
"Yeah, they say 'on fleek' now, sweetheart," Theo interjected, playfully chastising.
Lovette cringed internally. "Also no, but I appreciate the effort!"
Lovette's head throbbed as if a metal bat had repeatedly struck her skull. The pain pulsed through her, intensifying in her neck. As her vision cleared, she realized she was upside down. A warm sensation trickled down her forehead, and when she touched it, she winced at the sight of her own blood. Despite her disorientation, Lovette reached out to grab her father's shoulder.
"Dad?" she weakly called out, her heart sinking as she received no response. She shook him harder, desperation seeping into her voice. With newfound strength, Lovette released her seat belt and landed on the car's roof. Carefully navigating the shattered glass, she moved toward her father. His head lay at an unnatural angle, his eyes open and his face bruised from the deployed airbag.
"Dad, are you okay?" Lovette asked, her voice trembling. Silence hung heavy in the air, amplifying her growing fear.
She pleaded, her hand reaching out to touch his arm. "Dad, please, talk to me."
Desperation gripped Lovette, and she pressed two fingers against his neck. Nausea churned in her stomach as she found no pulse.
Her dad was dead.
The world around Lovette blurred, as if she were viewing it through a smudged lens. Her actions became mechanical, detached from her body. While she kicked at the jammed car door, crawled on the gravel road, and stared at the car her dad had recently purchased, Lovette felt disconnected. Memories became fragmented, leaving only a vague recollection of her mom suggesting they watch a movie later.
Her mom. Her mom wasn't in the car. She must have gotten out.
Hope flickered within her, a flame of warmth. Her mom had to be okay.
But as Lovette surveyed the area, her hope crumbled. Her heart plummeted as she spotted her motionless mother lying on the gravel by the car.
"Mom?" Lovette crawled to her side, her body consumed by waves of nausea as she noticed the pooling blood around her mother's body. With trembling hands, she searched for the source of the bleeding, desperately hoping to apply pressure and save her mom's life. But the blood seemed to flow faster than Lovette could comprehend. In a misguided attempt, she looked into her mother's fading eyes, realizing that life was slipping away.
"Mom, please don't leave me," Lovette pleaded, gripping her mother's hand. Tears streamed down her face as she stared into her mother's face, etching her features into her memory. "I need you."
Mariela weakly turned her head, her breathing laboured. Tears welled up in her eyes, not for herself but for Lovette's sorrow. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice filled with love. "I love you so much. You and your siblings have been the greatest blessings in my life."
"I love you too," Lovette choked out, her voice thick with emotion. The tears continued to flow as she held her mother's hand, desperately clinging to the last moments together. "Mom, please, don't go."
But her plea fell on deaf ears as her mother's breathing slowed, and her grip weakened.
In the midst of the chaos and grief, Lovette's mind raced, searching for something, anything, that she could do to make a difference. Her hands trembled as she reached for the zipper of her figure skating jacket, the familiar fabric offering a small comfort in the face of tragedy. With a determined resolve, she pulled the jacket off, feeling the cool air against her skin as she moved closer to her mother's lifeless body.
Lovette's heart pounded in her chest as she delicately wrapped the jacket around her mother's injury, applying gentle pressure to stem the bleeding. Her fingers moved with a sense of purpose, a desperate attempt to prevent any more precious blood from being lost. She clutched her mother's lifeless form, burying her face in her chest as gut-wrenching sobs wracked her body.
The sound of Lovette's sorrow echoed through the empty air, a haunting melody of pain and loss. Each sob tore through her soul, a visceral expression of the void that had been carved into her heart. Her cries reverberated through the silence, as if begging the universe to return what had been taken away.
But amidst her sobs, Lovette's heart also broke for her father. She remembered the shock of finding him lifeless, his absence now an agonizing void in her life. She mourned the loss of the man who had been her guiding light, the one who had protected and cared for their family. Her cries became intertwined, a symphony of grief for both of her parents, the weight of their absence pressing down on her soul.
And as the waves of sorrow crashed over her, Lovette wept not only for herself but for her siblings. The realization that they no longer had parents to rely on, to share their joys and sorrows with, pierced her heart like a thousand needles. Her tears were not only for her own pain, but for the innocence they had lost too soon, and for the unfair burden they now carried.
In a final act of desperation, Lovette leaned over her mother's lifeless body. With her trembling hands, she tried to remember her CPR training. She positioned her hands on her mother's chest, feeling the weight of the moment. Lovette pushed down, attempting to pump life back into her mom's still form. Each compression felt like an eternity, her tears mingling with the sweat on her face.
"Come on, Mom. Please," Lovette whispered, her voice strained. She switched to rescue breaths, leaning over her mother's lips and exhaling, hoping to reignite the spark of life. But there was no response, no sign of revival.
Time lost all meaning when her mother took her final breath. It remained elusive as a stranger approached, asking if she was okay. Even as the stranger called for an ambulance, time slipped through Lovette's fingers like grains of sand. Minutes blended into hours, leaving Lovette with an overwhelming sense of grief and the weight of two dead parents.
hello,,, how you guys doing...
the fact this fic was started in 2022 but is not seeing the light of day until 2023 is sort of funny to me
but fun fact levi and lovette's relationship is heavily inspired by the song 'if we have each other' by alec benjamin (specifically at 2:00 onwards)!
until next time <3!!
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