italics indicate a memory
"Just with you, Lovie," Chris's words echoed in his mind.
Those four words held a weight he couldn't ignore, stirring a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions within him.
Lovette's response, "That's comforting," replayed in his mind like a broken record, leaving him in a state of confusion. What did she really mean by that?
The following nights, their hangouts continued, seemingly unaffected by the pivotal moment they shared. Chris did his best to hide his nerves, masking them with an air of nonchalance. It was as if they were in a dance, each step forward accompanied by anticipation of what would happen next.
Chris couldn't help but notice the increasing frequency of their outings. He found himself suggesting new places for them to go, hoping to create memorable experiences. Yet, an undercurrent of anxiety tugged at his thoughts. Would he eventually run out of places to show her? Unbeknownst to Chris, Lovette's enjoyment didn't hinge on the places they visited but on the simple pleasure of spending time with him.
And so, it leads Chris to stand outside Matt's room. While aware that Matt is with his girlfriend, Leanna, he opens the door nonetheless, silently praying he won't stumble upon an awkward situation. Fortunately, the two of them appear to be engrossed in a movie.
"What happened to knocking?" Matt questions, pausing the movie they were watching.
"Shit, sorry," Chris apologizes, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. "I need to talk to you, both of you. You're not in the middle of something important, right?"
"Chris, we're busy," Matt whines.
Leanna snorts and adds, "No, we're not. There are only so many Liam Neeson movies I can handle at once."
Matt looks offended, his mouth agape at his girlfriend's comment.
"I watch the movies because I love you," Leanna sweetly interjects before turning her attention to Chris. "Anyway, what's up?"
His mouth dries, suddenly realizing that he'll have to verbalize his feelings toward Lovette. He pauses, trying to figure out the right words to say. "I like someone and it's the first time I've had feelings in a while."
"Airport girl?" Leanna rhetorically, asks, well aware that is who he is referring to.
"Her name's Lovette." Chris and Matt say simultaneously.
Matt grins, nudging his girlfriend's shoulder, "He calls her Lovie."
Leanna's eyes widen as she looks over at Chris, "That's really cute."
Chris looks at the ground sheepishly, his cheeks flushing. He hadn't realized how endearing the nickname truly was, and it adds a touch of vulnerability to the situation.
"Wait, so why do you need to talk to both of us about this?" Matt questions.
"How do you know when someone is worth pursuing?" The weight of Chris' words hanging in the air, "Or if it's better to just be friends."
Chris is well aware of his feelings for Lovette, but with his lingering issues with commitment, he is hesitant to rush into a romantic relationship that might end in heartbreak.
Leanna ponders for a moment, her gaze fixed on Chris. "Sometimes, it's hard to know for sure. If you feel a genuine connection and enjoy being around each other, it might be worth exploring. Relationships are never without risks but you should trust your heart, Chris."
Matt adds his own input, affirming Leanna's words. "It's important to communicate with her too. Make sure you're both on the same page."
Chris tries to internalize their advice, realizing that he must confront his fears and have an open conversation with Lovette about their feelings and intentions.
Leanna, intrigued by Chris' demeanour, can't help but inquire further. "Tell me more about her."
A soft smile spreads across Chris' face as he speaks, his voice filled with admiration. "She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. But it's not just that, she's funny and sweet. She has this amazing ability to make me feel comfortable. I genuinely enjoy spending time with her."
Leanna's smile widens, sensing the depth of Chris' feelings. She playfully asks, "So, have you put her through 'the challenge' yet?"
Matt chuckles, reminiscing on their early teenage years. "Shit, 'the challenge.' It's been years since we've used that. Remember when we made it up when we were 14, thinking it was the ultimate test?"
The triplets had created the challenge when they were young, as a way to assess the compatibility of potential romantic interests. The example was simple: if Lovette couldn't engage in a meaningful conversation with Nick and Matt individually, it would raise doubts about her long-term compatibility with Chris. The challenge had only been used once when Matt and Leanna started dating.
Chris admits sheepishly, "Honestly, I completely forgot about it until now. That feels like forever ago."
Leanna chuckles, leaning back. "Well, maybe it's time for you to just trust your instincts instead."
As Chris stands in Matt's room, a pang of uncertainty grips his heart. The fear of opening himself up to vulnerability gnaws at him. What if he lets Lovette in, only for his commitment issues to resurface and push her away? The thought churns his stomach, creating a knot of anxiety. Chris' commitment issues hang over him like a heavy fog, shrouding his ability to fully embrace a romantic relationship.
Lovette prided herself on her emotional intelligence when it came to matters of the heart. She recognized her feelings for Chris early on, the moment came clear to her when he gently swiped sugar from her lips. It was a moment of vulnerability and connection that ignited her interest. In contrast to the superficial boys she had encountered in her Los Angeles upbringing, Chris exuded authenticity and sweetness. His subtle flirtation became more pronounced after the McDonald fiasco, leading Lovette to reciprocate.
Levi quickly picked up on the change in her behaviour. While he hoped it was due to therapy, he suspected there was another missing piece to the puzzle. That missing piece revealed itself on a Tuesday afternoon.
Levi sat in the kitchen, eating popcorn absentmindedly, until the familiar sound of his sister's footsteps pulled him from his snack-induced trance. He looked up to find Lovette entering the room, her presence accompanied by an uncharacteristic air of happiness. It was a subtle shift, but one that didn't go unnoticed by him. She paid him little attention, heading straight for the pantry, likely in search of her beloved Oreos. Levi winced, knowing he had finished the last of them.
"Did you eat my Oreos?" Lovette inquired, her raised eyebrows accusing him of the crime.
"The pantry is fair game. They're not exclusively yours," Levi retorted, unapologetic."But yes, I did eat them."
Unexpectedly, Lovette's response lacked her usual lightheartedness. Instead of teasing him back, she simply snatched the bag of popcorn from his grasp. Levi took in his sister's demeanor, curious about the change he sensed in her.
"You ... look nice," he remarked, his voice tinged with puzzlement.
"Thank you," Lovette replied, her focus still drifting towards her phone.
Levi shook his head slightly, wanting to clarify his statement. "That wasn't a compliment. It was an observation."
His eyes roved over her outfit once more. "Why do you look nice on a Tuesday afternoon? You don't have therapy today."
Lovette hesitated, surprised at how quickly her brother had deduced her schedule. She searched for a plausible response.
"Well, you know, just felt like dressing up a bit," she finally offered, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
Levi squinted, unconvinced. "Dressing up for what? Where are you going?" he probed, trying to piece together the puzzle.
Before Lovette could come up with a convincing answer, a knock on the front door interrupted their conversation. Levi turned his attention to the noise, but not without noticing Lovette's subtle attempt to fix her hair.
"I'll get it," Lovette quickly volunteered, making her way towards the door.
"No, I'll get it," Levi countered, gauging her reaction.
Caught off guard, Lovette cleared her throat and responded, "I can do it. It's fine."
"It's Chris," Lovette confessed.
"Airport Chris? When did you—" Levi began to inquire.
Cutting him off, Lovette offered a weak explanation, "It doesn't matter."
Levi's eyebrows furrowed in suspicion. "Wait, why didn't you tell me?"
Lovette shrugged, trying to come up with a plausible excuse. "I guess it must've just slipped my mind."
Crossing his arms, Levi pretended to be offended. "Fine, but I'm telling Maeve about this."
Lovette unlocked the door, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "She already knows."
After that revelation, Levi became hyperaware of Lovette's comings and goings. Normally, he was rather aloof when it came to his sister and her romantic pursuits. However, ever since her first boyfriend had cheated on her, he had developed a slightly protective streak. Catching a glimpse of her crying in her room had melted his heart, even though he would never admit it.
Shifting the focus to Maeve, she stood in front of her closet, hands on her hips, contemplating her upcoming business trip. Neglecting her packing due to her busy schedule, she had left it until the last minute. Her siblings sat on her bed, engaged in a futile argument about which Disney Channel Original Movie was superior (it seemed to be a tie between Lemonade Mouth and High School Musical 2). Tuning out their conversation, she reached for one of her white blouses to pack.
"Why don't you guys invite Chris and his siblings over this week?" Maeve interrupted, her concern for her siblings' potential loneliness evident. They hadn't started college yet, and their friends from back home were scattered across the country. She knew how interested Lovette was in Chris and thought it would be a good opportunity for them to spend time together.
Lovette's eyes widened, seeking support from Levi.
"Hey, don't look at me. He's your crush," Levi playfully deflected. "But they seemed pretty chill. I wouldn't mind."
Maeve tucked her toiletries into her suitcase. "And maybe more people can actually make use of the game room in the basement!"
The game room occupied a significant portion of the main floor in the basement. Maeve had generously decorated it, lining it with arcade game machines and even getting her brother the coveted PS5 he had been longing for. While it was well-appointed, it was meant to be enjoyed by multiple people.
"Yeah, I'll ask if they're free," Lovette confirmed, her nervousness building.
With Lovette's confirmation, the plan to invite Chris and his siblings over began to take shape. Levi couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue about how this gathering would unfold. He had always been protective of Lovette, and this potential development with Chris only heightened his curiosity.
such a bad ending but i literally could not figure out how to end this omg
i made a playlist for this fic ages ago but would you guys want that?
this is more a filler than anything but whatever
until next time <3!
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