Chicago Part 2
Becca's P.O.V.
Adam and I woke up and got ready to tour the city.
I was so excited. I started humming "Don't you forget about me" by Simple Minds from the Breakfast Club.
"I'll be alone dancing you know it baby!" Adam sang.
I laughed as we drove around the city. I started to fall in love with the "Windy City."
We made it to the art museum from Farris Buller's Day Off and it was amazing.
Adam and I stood there and acted like the masterpieces like in the movie. I couldn't help but laugh at Adam. He's so adorable and sweet for doing this with me.
"Can we go to the Cubs game today?" I asked.
"I was thinking of seeing the Blackhawks but it's up to you babydoll." Adam said as he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.
"How about we do both?"
"Becca do you know how expensive that is? We can't do both."
"I'd beg a differ. Remember the coach gave us free tickets to the Blackhawks. If we do that then we can go to the Cubs!"
"Okay that works with me."
We left the museum and headed to the Blackhawks game. The goal of our scholarship is to automatically get a try out for the Blackhawks and play for the NHL. Well that's Adam's scholarship. Mine is just for college. I want to break the gender barrier but I don't know if that can happen.
We sat in the front row and I was so excited! We got to see the team warm up. I have never seen Adam so happy. Literally his entire mind involves me and hockey.
"You good babe?" I asked.
"I have never been happier baby girl. Honestly it's been a dream of mine to go play on an NHL team hopefully this is the next step." He said as he pulled me closer.
"Well well well what do we have here? Once a hawk always a hawk I suppose." We heard someone say behind us. We turned around and saw someone that I haven't seen since I was 10.
"McGill? What the hell are you doing here?!" Adam asked wide eyed. Adam hasn't spoken to McGill but he's spoken to Larson since he left the Hawks. McGill used to bully me at school because I was a duck.
"I came to watch the Blackhawks play also I got a hockey scholarship here. Hold on are you dating a Conway? This is such a plot twist!"
No this isn't happening! He can't be getting a scholarship here! Adam and I would never hear the end of it from him.
"Yes he's dating me and I'd advise you to back up or else you'll have a puck to your head!" I yelled as let go of Adam.
"You're sexy when your feisty!" McGill replied. Adam's fists began to ball up and his jaw began to clench. The last time I saw him this pissed was when I got my concussion from Riley.
"Don't underestimate my power McGill!" I said stepping closer to him.
"You know a lady like you shouldn't talk to me like that!"
"McGill I mean it! If you touch her you'll be a dead man!" Adam said as he stood in front of McGill.
"Banks we all know you're a pussy ever since you joined the ducks. You won't do a thing because you're scared of me! I can give you another concussion easily!"
That's when Adam snapped. He punched McGill in the face to the point of McGill's nose began to bleed.
"That's for giving me that concussion 8 years ago and the pussy around here is you! Stay the fuck away from us! By the way I'm not a hawk I'm a duck and always will be!" Adam said as McGill ran away.
What are we gonna do now? Knowing that McGill is going to be on the team with us in college gave me a sick feeling.
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