Becca's P.O.V.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" someone yelled as my bedroom door opened. Wide eyed we covered ourselves.
"MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK EARLY?" I yelled. Adam just looked embarrassed and wides eyed.
"I came back because I left something here! Now get dressed I have to talk to both of you!"
We went downstairs and got dressed.
"First of all when did you two start dating and second are you two using protection?" My mom said in a stern voice.
"Mom, we started dating the night of the party and yes we always use protection. Please don't tell Charlie about this. If he knew he'd never forgive me and Adam." I begged my mom.
"You know he's going to find out eventually. Why not tell him now?"
"Because I am his best friend Ms. Conway. You know how protective of Becca he is. If he knew about us, he'd never want to be friends with me again!" Adam said in a sad voice. I took his hand and lightly kissed it causing him to smile a little.
"Alright fine I won't tell him but Becca I'm taking you to the gynecologist soon so I can give you some birth control. Now I don't want to catch you two doing that again is that clear?" mom said.
"Yes mam'm" we both said in unison.
"Now I have to get back to work I'll see you tonight!"
Once she left we both plopped on the couch feeling guilty.
"I'm sorry this is all my fault. I hate keeping this from Charlie we need to tell him soon the guilt is eating me up!" I said as I started crying.
"Baby girl I'm sorry I want to tell him too but we can't right now!" Adam said as he wiped my tears with his thumb.
We decided to watch tv and tell Charlie about us later.
It has been a couple of weeks since mom caught us and it's been a month since Adam and I started dating. We still haven't told Charlie yet even though he's been more suspicious every day. We decided to go on a romantic date to Olive Garden.
"Happy anniversary baby girl!" Adam said as he kissed me.
"Happy anniversary Adam!"
"Are you ready for practice to begin again?"
"I'm excited but at the same time I've enjoyed the summer off."
As we were talking Riley came up to us. I haven't seen him since our freshman year when Adam played in varsity.
"Well well well what do we have here? Looks like some puny ducks on date! Damn Becca you're sexy as fuck since the last time I saw you!" He said with a cocky tone.
"And I see that you're still an asshole!" I said in the same tone as him. Adam's jaw began to clench and his fists were balled up. The whole team hated the varsity players from our freshman year. They were assholes to us and we beat them 2 years in a row.
"How about you ditch Banks here and go out with me a real hockey player?" he said as he looked at me.
"Riley, I suggest you stay the fuck away from her or else you'll have to deal with me!" Adam yelled as he stood up facing Riley.
"Banks, you could never fight me if you tried!" Riley smirked.
Adam then punches Riley in the nose causing Riley to step back he tries to throw a punch at Adam but misses then Adam hits him again causing Riley to fall.
"I think I just did! Now stay away from us you piece of shit!" Adam yelled as Riley ran out of the restaurant.
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