Namjoon finished his shooting a few while after Jimin arrived. Jin was being way too comfortable around the genius monster. Another heartbreak here we come.
"Oh, Jimin. You're back!" Namjoon greeted him "is Yoongi hyung with you?" He continued and asked leaving Jimin with confusion left. He shook his head in response for a no. None of the two saw where Yoongi headed to. All they know was he left telling Jimin's manager he would be out for a few minutes. He may be an old granpa but he has a fast wheelchair .
Namjoon's and Jimin's manager approached them telling them that Yoongi is back in the dorm now and it'll all fine. The three was a bit relieved but not surprised at all after all, he is the type who would get bored easily on something that takes energy to do, except when it's music related.
All of them went into the car and headed back. Namjoon had noticed Jimin was not his self ever since he came back. It wasn't noticeable, in fact it was well hidden but it didn't stop his brain to work well "Did something happened?" Jimin was gripping the water bottle before as it made a few crackle sounds from it. He had bitten his own lower lips trying to get a grip on himself and commanded his own self to act natural.
"It was nothing hyung"
Namjoon had always been the member that could guess others easily, some may say that it is a birth talent. He would never accepted lies but just for this time. He would, for the sake of Jin and Jimin. He didn't want Jimin to pour tears to himself nor did he wanted to comfort him when there are people around. As for Jin, he is afraid that Jin would go full time mother mode thus making Jimin more lip shutting then he is now.
They arrived at the dorm. Even with wasting one day off, Jin was pretty happy. He had the smile that could make flowers bloom in seconds, in fact his presence were flower like.
The three parted ways. Jimin decided it would be best to put the water in the kitchen or dining room so he went there only to be greeted by the disappeared hyung.
"Hyung!" Yoongi did not turned away from his glass of milk. instead, his eyes took a glance at the boy to notice the water bottle in hand, yet did not say anything about it. "Where were you? I got so worried" Finally, Yoongi putted his milk away to talk to the young. "I was out for a walk" he simple said, nothing more, nothing less which only got an o from Jimin.
"Did i mentioned you smell like cherry blossom today?" His lips curled a bit to form a small sweet smile leaving Jimin feeling accomplished for making his hyung smile and also felt really happy someone noticed "wow! I thought no one noticed it!" He continued to smile back. "The smell suits you" Jimin's smile was still there but tints of red appeared on his cheeks as he accepted the compliment. Definitely buying those product again.
Both of them went silence. The sound of the ticking clock and dropling water were dominating the room. They had ran out of topic to talk about. Jimin had left the bottle there and decided it would be best to leave but he was stopped by Yoongi's big hand. Jimin turned around with a confused face as why he wasn't allowed out. But Yoongi finally spoke out .
"don't fall too easily"
The surprising word was simple yet those words worked like wi-fi signals and went through Jimin's head. What did he mean by fall? Are they thinking about the same fall? Falling from a cliff? Fall in autumn? Fall in..?
"What do you mean?" He asked as he is confused "you excatly know what i mean" Yoongi approached him. Steps were getting closer as Jimin walks a step back everytime they got closer until his back has reached the wall. Yoongi's palm roughly slammed at the wall as both of their face was so close they could feel each other's breath.
"Don't fall too hard.. like me"
With both of their orby eyes staring at each other. Jimin was sure something was bound to happen any second now as he has experienced this from kdramas and so it did.
Yoongi got closer and closer as their chest hits eachother. Yoongi's lips tip touched the younger's vibrating one.
"Stop hyung"
Jimin pushed his chest away before the actual thing to happen. Yoongi felt defeated but he letted it go as he thought it was too soon and Jimin looked so scared a few minutes ago.
This time, Yoongi was the one who took the leave first. He didn't say any word but only waved his hand in the air for him before banishing back to his territory
Jimin's knees fell to the floor as he recalls what had just happened. His face went to a shade of deep red thinking what would happened if he didn't push him off? Would they kiss? Or would Yoongi pull himself?
He began to touch his trembling lips. Unsure, was he scared or nervous?
Tonight is a confusing night for our little chimchim
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