chapter three=where's Jaymi?
The losers had begun to be worried as darkness fell and Jaymi still hadn't shown up "guys I have a bad feeling" ben said as the group headed towards the library. They finally made it only to see mike getting attack by Henry so richie just grabbed to fire axe and swung sticking it into bowers head making him drop to the floor dead "thanks rich......wait where's Jaymi?" Mike asked and everyone just shrugs. Stan and bill were overly worried at this point that's when Beverley noticed some writing on the wall, shining a flash light on it she screamed in shock catching everyone's attention. Written in blood on the wall was the words 'she is with me, come get her and then leave and never come back, better hurry or else she dies' stan and bill now are angry at themselves for allowing this to happen "that son of a bitch is dead" stan says. The group gather their things then started heading to Nebilot street and slowly walked into the house and tried to find if Jaymi had been hidden somewhere within, as they checked upstairs they could hear quite crying "hello?" Mike whispers as ben screamed from downstairs but before stan and bill could come help the floor collapsed in "guys go help help ben!" Stan yelled to brenna, richie and Eddie and the 3 ran.
Jaymi kept crying as she looked around this random cavern completely lost and limping on her sprained ankle "someone help me!" She yelled out. She was kind losing hope that her friends are even looking for her, she knew they eventually show up as this is like where mike described where the ritual need to be performed. She eventually just sat down and refused to move, she hated herself for getting into this position in the first place "I just hope that their all okay and haven't gotten hurt" she says to herself. She held her head as the fucking clown showed her what he was doing to them all "no stop it please!" She yelled as she watched him cutting 'home at last' into Ben's stomach. She watched in utter horror as her best friends kept getting attack by it and she didn't know how but she seemingly was able to stop it, she snapped out of her trance and began running and slipped threw the caven entrance as she heard voices from above "guys I'm down here hurry" I yelled and soon the rest of the losers were down there with her. She was right away pulled into a hug by bill and stan "I love you guys" she says to them and they both smile "we love you to" they said "now let's kill this fucking clown for good" richie said as they all went into the cavern. Jaymi stayed close to stan and bill as mike set up the ruital "okay your tokens, place them in the fire" mike says gesturing to the fire he had started, the losers one by one put their artifacts in. Jaymi toke her necklace off "this is some I probably should've forgot about or lost but I didn't as i never toke it off, for 27 years" she said placing it in the fire. They then got in a circle and held hands "the ruital is a battle of wills, we all must get threw this" mike says as the fire all of a sudden went out and Jaymi saw the dead lights "shit guys it's the dead light don't look at them" I said as we all started chanting whist keeping our eyes closed. They kept chanting like mike said to and it all seems to have worked till a red balloon started to grow from within the thing mike brought for them to put their artifacts in "guys is this meant to be happening?" Jaymi asked and they all had to run as the balloon kept growing till it got so big it popped on the spike like things. That nose was so loud it temporally made the losers not be able to hear anything "are you guys okay?" Eddie called and one by one the losers said yes and just as they all think they did it they see pennywise is still alive.
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