Chapter 12: ~Final battle~
Adrien growled. "I'm never gonna date you, lila." He said. He felt Mari's hand wrap around his arm. He looked at her and she gave him a look. "Mari i have no choice." He whisperd and turned back to lila, who was smirking. "Then you leave me no choice." She said and did a sign to behind her.
The couple stood ther confused and until the two big, muscular men come from behind her and walked towards them.One of the man stepped to Mari and was about to grab her arm but Adrien shoved her behind him and pulled out his gun and placed it to the guys throat. He swallowed hard. "Touch her, you're dead." He told him with obssesive in his voice. The other guy slapped the gun out of Adrien's hand and chuckeld. "It's gonna be you,who dead." He said and grabbed his arm.
"That's what you thought." A voice said before the gunshots were heard and hit the the guys. They both hit the ground with a loud thud. Adrien and Marinette looked at the person from who the voice belonged too and Marinette smiled big. Lila turned around and huffed. "Who are you??" She exclaimed.
The woman laughed and stepped closer. "Awhh lila you don't remember me." The woman laughed and pouted fakely. She had long blond hair in a ponytail and her eyes were blue. Lila narrowed her eyes. "Chloe." She glared at her, huffing. Chloe laughed and stepped towards her while she played with the gun. " Ahh yes. that's me. i was always your favorite right." She said with a small grin on her face because she knew she was annoying Lila. The blonde winked at Marinette and she laughed remembering.
When Chloe and Marinette were togheter in prison, they were bored a lot! So they loved to prank the officers and Lila was their favorite victim. One time they place a bowl of water on top of their celdoor because she was coming to get Marinette for an overhear. When Lila entered, all the water fall on her and Chloe and Mari found it ofcourse hilarious.
Marinette looked at adrien and grabbed her gun. He nodded and grabbed his own gun too while Chloe kept distracting Lila. Adrien held his arm around Lila's neck from behind, pulling her to him chocking her a bit. "It's done Lila. You touch my girl, you have a problem." He said in a voice wich made Lila froze. She placed her hands on his arm trying to pull it away but his grip was to strong.
Marinette was now beside Chloe and they did a small handshake. "Great to see you again." Chloe said smirking. Marinette held up her gun towards Lila and stepped closer. "You know it's really funny. How you were saying i was pathetic and you will win when you were kicking me, hurting me. And now here we are. My boyfriend is keeping you on your place while i am holding a gun right before your head." She said with a big cocky grin on her face. "I think i'm winning" She continued.
Lila huffed and tried to get our of adrien's grip. "This is not the end!" She exclaimed loudly. Adrien laughed behind her and didn't let her go. Marinette giggeld fakely. "Yes it is." She said before pulling the trigger and shooting Lila right in the heart. Adrien gasped and moved out of the way. Lila fell down on the groun with a loud tud. "Jesus christ marinette!" Adrien exclaimed placing a hand on his chest.
"A warning should have been nice." He looked at her with wide eyes. The bluenette giggeld and lowered her gun. She would towards him and kissed his cheek. "Sorry babe." She told him before turning her attention to Lila. She checked her pulse. "She's dead." Marinette turned to Adrien and Chloe.
Chloe cheered while Adrien applauded. Chloe walked to Marinette and hugged her. The bluenette hugged her back and smiled. "I missed you." She said. The blond smiled back and pulled away. "Me too. It was so boring withour you so i escaped too." She said. Marinette laughed. "You're so crazy. I love it." She said before hugging the girl again. They stayed there for a moment until a cough behind them interrupted the moment.
The girls pulled away and turned around. Adrien stood there rather akward and waved slightly. "Hi! don't forget me." He started. "Also" He pointed at Lila's dead body. "Oh yea. Can you get a blanket or something?" She asked her boyfriend but puppy eyes but Chloe came between it. "I have one." She said and grabbed it out of her bag. Adrien frowned and looked confused. "I- why do you have a blanket with you?" He asked. Chloe shrugged and laughed while packing in Lila's body. "I knew Marinette would kill her." She explained. Adrien softly laughed and nodded. "Valid."
The three of them carried the body to a lake. No one was around to see them. They it in and all cheered and high-fived. Marinette turned to chloe. "I didn't introduced you guys yet" She exclaimed. "Chloe, Adrien, my boyfriend and chat noir. Kitty, Chloe, my cellmate and the most craziest bitch ever." The last she exclaimed a little. The others laughed, shook each others hand and said proper hi.
Suddenly alya and nino run to them. "What the fuck?" Alya exclaimed loud with an confused face. The trio turned to them, laughing nervously. Marinette explained everything and nino and alya stood ther shocked. "So the bitch is dead?"NIno asked. Mari laughed and nodded. "YESSS FINALLY." He exclaimed loudly. Alya did somthing like a victory dance. Chloe, Alya and Nino met each other properly too before they went back to the club.
Chloe met everyone from the squad and everyone really liked her! They all celebrated because they won but this isn't the end...
Maybe last chapter, maybe not...
Also sorry i took me so long to update.
Thank u for 700 followers! I love you guys so much and i hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Byeee everyone!
Word count: 1020
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