Chapter Twenty-Six: "Natures Final Say"
Jack sat up more, trying to process this. Raising a hand to stop Trey from moving anywhere. Then looking up at him, he asked him as calmly as he could. "Walk me through this... How exactly did my baby get the potion? I used my blood. The spell should be on me. I don't..." Unable to finish that thought, Jack squeezed Trey's arm and asked nervously. "Will this hurt my baby...?" Trey pushed Jack to lay back down, then began taking a seat on a small stool that he pulled out from under a computer mount. Once seated, he told Jack comfortingly. "Calm down. Your baby will be fine. What's happened is quite normal... just not in this context." Jack tried to relax but his arms were gripping the chair arms a bit too tightly. Trey gave him a warm smile, then informed him as clearly as he could. "There are reasons why doctors tell pregnant woman not to do things. Drinking. Smoking. It's because it effects the baby. While the baby is growing, it takes things it needs from YOU. Which is why women get emotional. Your body is producing double of everything in order to give some needed things to the baby. Immunities and important chemicals. That all comes from you."
Trey pointed to the ultrasound picture on the screen, continuing slowly and clearly. "The first few weeks of a baby's development are important. What you crave is a sign of what your baby needs. More iron. More sugar. By eating and drinking those things, the baby absorbs what it needs. As the brain develops, it starts listening. It feels how you feel through your hormonal balance. Which is why we tell you not to stress... Your body can handle the rise in stress. Your baby's body cannot. Its heart is too fragile at this stage. Sudden rises in hormone levels can overwhelm the baby's body because it's not ready to handle those emotions so quickly. It sends the baby into shock or a seizure that results in... death. After all, think of how big your body is... when you get scared or stressed out. You have trouble breathing and you feel overwhelmed... imagine a baby the size of your hand or smaller feeling that too. It's like injecting an adrenaline shot for an elephant into a small dog. Its heart just isn't ready for that kind of exertion."
Jack forced his hands to relax and took a steady breath. Hearing that made him suddenly paranoid that he was hurting his baby. Trey rubbed his hand to help distract him a bit, adding casually. "Everything this baby feels comes from you. It can tell when you are happy or scared by just feeling how the chemicals in your blood rise and fall. It feels your heartbeat. It can hear your voice. This baby is apart of you and that is why, when a woman gives birth, they get very depressed. Because you feel like you've lost a part of yourself. Your body keeps making double of everything and trying to take care of something that isn't in you anymore. It's why its called Baby Blues. Understand?" Jack nodded, asking very softly. "And this potion...?" Trey leaned back against the wall, telling him calmly. "From what Rosemary told me. The bath bomb takes a drop or two of blood and you both get in the tub to use it right?" Jack nodded again without saying a word. He just wanted to listen. Trey nodded in return, then placed a hand on Jack's stomach. Jack flinched a little, giving Trey a nervous look.
Trey rubbed his belly, telling him with a small smile. "Your blood is being shared with the baby. Think of it like a blood transfusion. He shares Mark's and your blood... but in this stage, its body can't produce its own blood. It needs help until it has grown big enough that its heart can do the job on its own. So, right now. Your blood is being pumped into the baby to help its heart and organs grow strong." Trey gestured for Jack to put his shirt back on, adding sweetly. "Magic is not something we can completely predict. It's a force of nature. And like nature... it can be surprising. You used the potion and because your blood was being pumped into another... It was absorbed into the baby. And because both you and Mark share blood with this baby... It's effecting you both in different ways. I can't say more without studying it. But my guess is that the baby feels and hears what's going on and is... making things interesting for you." Jack scoffed, but Trey quickly asked him with a shrug. "You say Mark got upset that you were on your phone. Has been hostile toward other men? Why do you think that is?" Jack stilled as he thought it over.
When he didn't answer right away, Trey informed him lightly. "Did you know that when a female is pregnant in the wild, her mate and members of her social group get VERY protective of her? It's a primal thing. Animals give off different scents. Those scents trigger things around them. Lust. Comfort. Aggression. Humans have them too, but its more unevolved since we use products as our scent. Destroys natural scent triggers. But what if I told you that Mark's behavior is being triggered because the potion is amplifying those animalistic traits to keep you safe so that it gets what it wants? Something the baby can't control or even understand because nature programed your body with those scent cues. In this case... the potion is amplifying Mark's primal behavior in order to help bring him closer to you so that you can complete what the potion wants. While also trying to give the baby the perfect daddy it desires." Jack licked his lips, asking Trey apprehensively. "Ok. So, how do I fix this?" Trey tilted his head a little, biting his lip before answering honestly. "Wait until the potion runs its course. Try and be careful what you say and do."
Jack blushed now, sitting up again as he said without looking at him. "How do you think this will affect me... sexually? I mean, the potion wants me to... give myself to Mark. If the baby absorbed the potion..." Trey chuckled, telling him confidently. "The baby's body is not even developed enough to know what sex is. So, I'm afraid that pull stays with you since your body is more... mature than the baby's. By the time the baby is old enough to preform 'sexual' acts, the potion will be long gone from its system." Trey took a sudden deep breath though, mumbling out. "My only worry is that the potion will have a greater pull on both you and Mark. Since the baby doesn't understand it and its body can't process sexual hormones yet. That means that the potion has both you and Mark under the spell of your own primal urges and the baby is reading your rise in hormones as being happy. So, it WANTS you to be happy together. Which could result in you not having a choice... and the potion winning by misunderstanding."
Jack's shoulders fell, mumbling out. "Oh, great... is that all?" Trey tilted his head back against the wall, telling him seriously. "Like I said. Nature plays by its own rules. You can plan for every outcome that you can think of... and forget that nature makes the rules. That is why we tell you that magic doesn't solve your problems. We can try to channel particular outcomes... but in the end. Nature gets last say with what happens to its energy." Jack sighed, mumbling out. "Ya... I'm getting that. But that doesn't help me now. You're saying that I can lose everything because of a damn technicality..." Trey patted Jack's leg, replying nicely. "You've done alright so far. The potion doesn't take full control over a person. It just... amplifies feelings and desires. It brings out the things you want in them. I will keep monitoring you and we'll see what happens." Rubbing his stomach a little, he asked Trey anxiously. "When this is over... Can you make this... stop?" Trey shrugged, truthfully saying. "I'd have to see once the baby is out. I'm fairly certain that I can. I've stopped it before, but everyone's body is different. You might be one of the ones that will be this way permanently because of how long you've been exposed to it."
Jack slipped his hand under his shirt, mumbling out a bit scared. "Does this mean that you'll have to cut me open again...?" Trey let out a heavy exhale with a nod but said quickly to calm him. "I know it's not ideal, but this time should go much better." Jack winced a bit, uttering out. "Ya... but I just... I still have nightmares about the last one." Trey reached out to rub his shoulder, sweetly telling him. "It will be ok. I've got everything that I need here. I have my phone on day and night. I'm ready. I'll take care of you." Jack forced himself to smile, but his heart wasn't in it. He was scared. From the door, Mark knocked and asked firmly. "So? Everything ok, Doctor?" Trey pressed a button on the computer, getting to his feet as he opened the door and answered. "Yes. Everything is good. I'm printing the ultrasound now. Wanna see?" Mark nodded, inching aside for Trey to get by him to the other computer in the waiting area. Once Trey was out, Mark slipped in and asked him more directly. "Jack? Are you ok?" Scooting to the edge of the seat, Jack nodded and said under his breath. "Ya. I'm just... Thinking."
Mark's hands went to Jack's stomach as he leaned in to kiss his cheek. Holding Mark's wrists against his stomach, he told him lovingly. "It's healthy and happy. But it is a little smaller than normal..." Mark smirked, pressing his forehead to his as he said excitedly. "You're both ok. That's all that matters to me." Trey tapped Mark on the shoulder, causing him to turn around a bit reluctantly. Handing him the ultrasound photo, Trey told him in a pleasant voice. "Take a look." Mark took the photo, looking it over as a smile spread across his face. Seeing Mark look so happy made Jack blush. It was just so comforting to see him excited. Mark walked over to show him the ultrasound even though he had already seen it. Snuggling into him, Mark kissed his cheek and whispered to him. "What will we name this one?" Jack touched the picture, replying softly. "I don't know. We'll have to think of some names for both girls and boys." Trey leaned against the doorframe, giving Jack a wholesome expression. Sitting up, Mark told Jack with even more excitement. "We have to go get a frame for this and show it to my mom."
Sliding off the chair, Jack told him with growing excitement of his own. "Or... We could get a smaller picture to put inside an ornament that she may already have bought for herself..." Mark narrowed his eyes on him but chuckled out. "That could work too." Trey backed away from the doorframe to let them exit. Typing on his computer to print a smaller one without being asked. When Trey started to handle the photo to Jack, Jack asked him hopefully. "You know. You should come with us. I'm sure Mark's mother would love to have you over." Mark snatched the photo before Jack could take it, saying a bit bluntly in a tense voice. "Let's not assume that. She didn't plan for guests and I'm sure that she'd-" Mark was cut off by Trey answering casually. "Your mother has already invited me. And yes. I'd love too." Jack saw Mark's jaw clench and his body stiffen. It almost made Jack laugh to see it. It was no secret that Mark's mom had a little crush on Doctor Trey... but Mark seemed to be the only one threatened by him.
Tugging on Mark to sit, Jack told Trey guilty. "I'm really sorry that I'm keeping you from your family during this Christmas season..." Trey shrugged, admitting casually. "It's fine. My family... is always with me. Besides, this gave my friends no excuse not to go on their trip." Mark stared at the floor, grumbling out under his breath. "What a shame. I'm sure they would have loved to take you." Trey rolled his eyes, inching over to Mark as he retorted promptly. "Eh, I'm not the top to go to the tropics in the winter. I like having the snow for Christmas. Makes everything seem brighter and cheerier." Trey reached over to touch Mark which made him flinch. Touching his neck and wrists, Trey told him calmly as he calculated his pulse. "Just want to check something really quick." Mark stayed still for him but grumbled out. "Why? Did my mother say something to you?" Trey shook his head, answering in a distracted tone of voice. "No. I just feel like checking up on the daddies from time to time." Mark raised an eyebrow, turning his attention to Jack. Jack gave him a reassuring nod.
After checking his pulse, Trey sat on his chair and began to type something in a new file. Mark leaned forward to read it, until Trey slowly turned the computer monitor and flashed Mark a playfully grin. Mark pointed to it, saying swiftly. "It's my file. Don't I get to see what you're writing about me?" Trey shrugged, leaning back in his chair upon answering. "Yes and no. This is for... something personal. My medical journal. Stuff that would bore you." Mark began to tense up again. However, Trey remained calm as he told him simply. "I have to document this for my own personal records. It's not like regular doctors write papers on men giving birth every day, you know. I have to study everything and keep records for people long after I'm gone. Just in case it helps them." Rolling his eyes, Mark got to his feet and told Trey seriously. "Well... Thank you for your time. But we should go and leave you to it." Jack was going to protest, until Trey casually said. "That's fine. I have to look over this new information anyway and consult some people on their opinions. When I'm done, I'll head over to your mom's house."
Mark stopped at the door, glancing over his shoulder with agitation. Trey pointed to the computer, adding sweetly. "I wanna give your babies a check-up too. It's been so long since I've seen them." Mark slipped out of the door, muttering inaudibly to himself. Jack shook Trey's hand, nicely saying. "Thank you. I'll see you at the house." Once the door closed behind Mark, Trey pulled Jack closer and whispered into his ear. "His heart rate is a little fast. Are you worried about something? Or do I just upset him?" Jack chuckled, smirking out as he said. "I'm good. I think he's just tense about his mom seeing you again. After all... She kind of likes you." Trey blinked like he hadn't noticed and then laughed. To Be Continued...
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