Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Manly Urges"
Exiting the trailer, Jack waved to Trey and closed the door up. Outside the trailer, Jack saw Mark kicking at patches of snow. Crossing his arms, he asked Mark calmly. "I know you are not overly fond of him... but Trey isn't a bad guy. He's just trying to help." Mark stopped kicking snow to tell him seriously. "I know that. I just... He just..." Mark turned away from him with a heavy sigh. Approaching him slowly, Jack wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Mark felt so tense. Kissing his neck, he asked him softly. "Mark...? Talk to me." Mark bowed his head, grabbing Jack's arms to hold them against his chest. Releasing another sigh, Mark muttered out. "I don't want him around my mother... Especially, not right now." Jack shrugged, asking curiously. "Why not?" Mark inhaled deeply, then pulled from his arms as he said bluntly. "We should go. My mom will be waiting for us." Jack followed him to the car. After climbing in, Jack slammed the door and asked again with more authority. "Mark Edward Fischbach. Answer me. Your mother is a grown woman. She can like who she wants."
Mark didn't answer, he just put the car in drive. Jack glared at him but said nothing. He thought about saying something, until Mark turned down a road that wasn't leading to his mother's house. What was he doing? Mark suddenly parked with a sad look. Without looking at him, he told him in a shaky voice. "Just stay here. I'll be a minute." Mark left the car running and climbed out, heading slowly to a man selling flowers at the curb. Jack watched him pay the man, then head around the corner. Growing with even more frustration, Jack shut off the car and climbed out, muttering to his baby. "Now what is he up to?" Locking up the car, Jack quickly jogged after him and froze at the sight of the large iron gates to a cemetery. Releasing any breath he had, Jack made his way slowly inside. It was a small town cemetery that was covered in a thick layer of snow, making the grey headstones and bright flowers stand out. Mark stopped to stand by a spot that didn't have a standing headstone.
Kneeling, Mark started to brush the snow off a flat headstone that had become buried beneath a layer of snow. As Jack approached him, Mark refused to look at him. His hand just kept clearing the snow as silent tears ran down his face. Jack bowed his head, getting it now. Moving behind Mark, Jack kneeled and wrapped his arms around him. Kissing his cheek, he told him sweetly. "You know... Your mom is not replacing him. And she doesn't expect you to." Mark set the rose on the headstone, then turned into him to cry against his shoulder. Rubbing his shoulders, Jack told him sweetly. "You've been a great dad, Mark. And you will continue to be one. Maybe you're not the man your dad was... but you're the man that I need. That our children need." Kissing Mark's cheek, Jack added lovingly. "Mark... he should be proud of you. You're his son. And the people that love you no matter what... They are your family." Mark lifted his head to nod. Brushing away Mark's tears, Jack told him sweetly. "If he should be mad at anyone it's me. I left you with the kids. I never stick around... Meeting me was your biggest mistake. If you hadn't used the potion on me, you could have been-" Mark stopped him by kissing him.
The kiss was light but held so much affection that Jack's heart skipped. Pulling from the kiss, Mark told him with a deep chuckle. "I don't regret that. Without it, I never would have realized how much I love you. I wouldn't be the man I am, if I didn't have you to keep the sun shining." Jack rolled his eyes, chuckling out to him. "Bullshit. You were doing just fine on your own. With me things got complicated..." Mark leaned in to bring his lips to Jack's ear, whispering to him in a deep buttery voice. "I don't care. I wouldn't trade you for the world." Jack hugged Mark, mumbling out. "I really hope you mean that and that it's not just the potion..." Mark pulled away after a minute to rest his hand on Jack's stomach, giving Jack a warm smile, he told him warmly. "You shouldn't be exposed to the cold for too long." Mark staggered up to his feet, reaching out for his hand. Jack hesitated to take it though, telling Mark curiously. "Actually... Can I have a minute with your dad?" Mark nodded, putting a hand on the stone to say in a soft voice. "Merry Christmas, Dad."
Sliding his hand off the stone, Mark straightened up and walked a few feet away. Jack waited until Mark was a good distance, before telling the stone in a loving voice. "You never got to meet me. And I think I'd be terrified of you if I had... but I love your son. And your grandchildren are miracles. I hope you are proud of him because I am. We've been dating for years... and there is a new year coming. A chance to start new. He asked me to marry him..." Leaning closer to the stone, Jack dropped his voice to a whisper as he said honestly with a smile. "I'm planning to say yes. And I hope that you'll give us your blessing." Jack put his hand on the stone, adding with a smile. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Fischbach." Climbing up to his feet, Jack made his way over to Mark. Mark wiped his cheeks of stray tears, asking with a chuckle. "Well? Did he give you a hard time?" Jack stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets, giggling back. "Oh, ya. Told me I wasn't good enough for you. Said if I ever hurt you, he'd nail me to a post. You know, the usual." Mark chuckled, wrapping an arm around Jack to pull him closer. Giving him a kiss to his temple, Mark told him sweetly. "I hope you were nice."
Jack wrapped an arm around Mark's waist, nodded with a smile. Together they walked out of the cemetery and back to the car. Handing Mark the keys, they climbed back in and Mark drove them to his mother's house. No sooner did they arrive in time for breakfast, Jack rushed to the bathroom again. He had to pee so bad that couldn't help hating his pregnancy symptoms. His emotions were starting to switch as easily as flipping a light switch over the littlest things. Trudging back to the living room, Jack dropped down on the couch weakly. His body hurt too much from the cold to sit in a chair at the table. He apologized to Mark's mom, but she only smiled and got him a blanket. While they ate at the table, Jack watched movies and started snacking on cookies in a bowl that was on the coffee table. He was a little sad to be left alone and out of the conversation at the table. However, it brought a smile to his face when Mark came over with a plate for him and sat down with him.
While eating a plain waffle because the idea of syrup was making him sick, he asked Mark curiously. "How long do you think the baby will take this time?" Mark looked at the other two in the play pen nearby, shrugging out. "I don't know. With them it felt like a long time. This one seems... faster?" Jack rubbed his stomach absently as he said lightly. "This one will have more room..." Mark chuckled, rubbing Jack's legs that were draped over his lap. Mark told his mom how the visit with Trey went and even showed her the ultrasound that she rushed off with to put in her ornament. While Jack tried to focus on just keeping himself calm and relaxed. No stress. For a little while it worked. Until his body began to ache more. He felt tense and uncomfortable. Which forced him to stretch more on the couch. As he did, Mark patted his thigh beneath the blanket, asking uneasily. "Are you ok?" Jack groaned, rubbing his leg absently against Mark's stomach. From the kitchen, Mark's mom told Jason to take the dogs for a walk and heated up a heating pad for Jack. She told him to put it against his aching joints to relieve the problem, then took the babies to change them.
Jack did as he was told but found that Mark's massaging hands were better. Mark rubbed his hips beneath the blanket, asking him innocently. "Feel better?" Jack nodded, taking Mark's hands and guiding them up his torso. Mark leaned over him more, chuckling out. "If you want your shoulders rubbed, then sit up." Jack felt strange like he was on the cusp of sleep. Shifting his leg out behind Mark, Jack lifted the blanket and told Mark hopefully. "Lay down with me?" Mark didn't hesitant. Sliding under the blanket, Mark laid across the couch with him. Turning to face him, Jack cupped his face and kissed him with a needy urge to be closer to him. Mark wrapped his arms around him, hugging him close to kiss him for as long as he desired. Jack loved kissing him. There was nothing that felt better. His hands trailed down Mark's body, feeling out his muscles and warmth. Reaching his pants, Jack tugged on them and started loosening them. Mark broke the kiss, his expression a little torn as he whispered out. "What are you doing? My mother is-" Jack kissed him, pulling Mark over him as he whispered back hungrily. "Shush... I need you. Now. It can't wait."
Mark brought his lips to Jack's neck, growling playfully against his skin as he adjusted in between Jack's legs. Mark's hands loosened Jack's pants, his hand sliding in to fondle him. Jack gasped, arching a bit. Reaching up to grab the arm of the couch, Jack clawed at the fabric as his legs rose to pin Mark over him. Mark kissed a trail from Jack's neck down to his chest, nipping at a nipple through Jack's shirt. Jack tugged on Mark's pants, thrusting his hips up against him. Mark captured his lips for a greedy kiss, then whispered to him hopefully. "You want to fuck me right now?" Jack nodded, purring up into his ear. "Yes. I need to feel you. Right now." Mark rose enough to mess with his pants, when Jason came back through the door. Unhooking the dogs, Jason called out to his mother lightly. "It's so cold out right now that they didn't want to go very far. Feels like it is going to snow again." Jack touched Mark's face to keep him focused as Jason asked bluntly. "Mom? Are you cooking something? What is that smell?" Jack kissed Mark, feeling Mark trying to work his pants down enough to enter him.
Mark managed to get Jack's pants down, but before he could wipe out his dick... Jason suddenly launched over the couch to tackle Mark to the floor. Jack screamed as both guys fell off the couch and smashed the coffee table. Sitting up, Jack panted and watched both Jason's and Mark's eyes glint before they started fighting! The feeling Jack had was gone as his wits came flooding back. Mark's mom rushed out of the bedroom, yelling out. "What's going on?!" Jack scrambled over the couch, yelling back. "I don't know! Their fighting!" Jason slammed Mark into the floor, starting to punch his face. Mark kneed Jason in the ribs, punching him across the jaw and flipping him over to slam him into the floor. The dogs barked loudly and the babies began to cry in the other room. Mark's mom rushed in to grab Mark, yelling out. "STOP THIS!" Mark swatted her arm off him with a primal growl, which allowed Jason to hit him in the gut. Mark grunted, while Jason grabbed the leg of the coffee table and smacked Mark across the side with it.
Mark rolled off him, rising into a crouch. Jason rolled up to his feet, gripping the leg tighter as he charged at Mark with an angry snarl. Mark's mom tried to run in to stop them, but Jack yanked her back before she got hurt. She looked at Jack, rushing out. "What happened?!" Jack shrugged, stammering out. "I don't know! Where's your phone?! Call Trey!" Jason and Mark collided, before Mark flipped Jason over himself and slammed him down on the floor. Mark's mom ran to the kitchen to snatch her phone and Jack rushed over to yell at Mark. "STOP THIS!" Mark stopped, his eyes a blazing purple. Jason didn't. Kicking Mark between the legs, Jason kicked Mark backward into the wall. Pictures on the wall shattered as Mark hit them and fell dazed to the floor. Jack put a hand out toward Jason, yelling out. "STOP IT!" Jason's eyes were the same striking purple as Mark's, but unlike Mark... Jason didn't listen. Instead, Jason rushed forward to grab Jack. Jack struggled as Jason wrapped his arms around him and tried to wrestle him to the ground.
Jack thrashed, trying to stay out from under Jason as he screamed out Mark's name. Jason pulled at Jack to bring him under him in order to pin him against the floor. Jack whined as Jason got him pinned to the floor, but soon after Jason fell to the floor unconscious. Shaking, Jack sat up to see Mark standing over him with a dark expression and panting out growls. Scooting over to the wall, Jack gasped for air and watched Mark slowly relax when he realized Jason was no longer a threat. Jason was still breathing but both of them were bloodied up. Mark moved closer, dropping to his knees as he asked Jack in a worried normal tone of voice. "Jack? Are you ok?" Jack watched Mark's purple eyes fade to normal but couldn't bring himself to answer. He had no idea what had just happened. Mark's mom frantically spoke to Trey over the phone, watching them from the kitchen with wide eyes. Mark gently took Jack's arm, helping him up and back to the couch, before rushing off to check on the babies in the other room. To Be Continued...
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