Chapter Twenty-One: "To Be A Dad, Or Not"
After getting everything on her list, Jack slipped away for a little bit to do his own shopping. He didn't have a large budget to spend, but he got them something. By the time the people finished wrapping them, Jack returned to find Mark complaining to his mom about all the things she bought. She dismissed his complaints, telling him firmly. "This is our first Christmas all together and I want to be prepared. I'm sure you boys will find a way to make it all fit in my car." Mark groaned, prompting his mom to add out. "If you want me to cook this year, you'll make it work." Thomas chuckled, peeking inside the bags. She swatted his hands, snapping out. "No peeking! Just take them to the car." Jack approached, trying to discreetly set his own tapped and labeled bags in the cart. Taking notice, Mark turned to look at him, commenting dryly. "Not you too..." Jack chuckled softly to himself, taking Barry out of the cart. They made their way back to the car, where Mark and his brother got to work loading the trunk.
Jack started to put Barry in the car, when Mark's mom stopped him to excitedly ask. "How about getting pictures with Santa before we go home?" Jack straightened up to see her pointing over to the open garden section of the mall. Giving her a shrug, he told her. "We can try but..." He looked to see if Mark was listening, but he was busy shoving his brother around to load things faster. Mark's mom pulled him closer, whispering into his ear. "We can do this one and then if the 'other' shows up. We can do it again at the hotel." Jack bit his lip but nodded. She excitedly went to tell her sons, leaving Jack to look at Barry's judging eyes. He imagined Barry telling him that he didn't want another sister and it made him smirk. Heading back to the mall's enclosed garden center, Jack couldn't stop glancing at Mark. He wanted to tell him, but just couldn't bring himself to do it. Mark was distracted talking to his brother about the last Santa they saw as kids. It didn't feel right to try to tell him now. At the entrance, Thomas shoved Mark forward for making an adult joke about sitting on Santa's lap.
That's when one of the large Christmas box decorations at the door popped open to reveal an animatronic elf that yelled out. "Merry Christmas!" Mark screamed, punching the elf before falling back onto his ass. The elves swayed from the hit to lean back toward Mark, causing him to scoot away as he yelled out. "Stay back!" Thomas burst out laughing uncontrollably. Jack stepped back from everyone, trying hard not to laugh. He had jumped too, but no one except Barry noticed. Sam had been scared at first but started laughing as everyone laughed at Mark. As his mom helped him back up, Mark grabbed his heart and muttered out. "Son of a bitch... Who ever made that should be slapped!" Jack moved closer to hug Mark, chuckling a bit. Mark's heart was beating so fast. Coaxing him to walk past it as it slowly sank back into the box, Thomas chuckled back to him. "That's the Christmas spirit. Punching elves." Mark's mom shushed Thomas as they got closer to kids. Mark hugged Jack close, still eyeing the decoration as he mumbled out uneasily. "Maybe if they didn't make them look so... creepy. I had enough issues with the jack-in-box toy..."
Jack smirked, kissing Mark's neck to draw his attention away from the door. Hugging him close, he felt Mark slowly calm down as they waited in line. The place was empty of garden supplies and filled instead with Christmas trees of all sizes and colors to look like a forest. They had even brought in a horse sleigh that had eight white reindeer harnessed to it. There were people dressed as elves that were holding the lead reindeer, while mall staff that were dressed as elves were leading kids up to Santa. Santa sat on a stool beside the sleigh and Jack had to admit that he was the best looking one that he had ever seen. He really was a burly Santa. His beard wasn't fake, and his clothes looked worn but accurate. It was clear that the Santa loved kids and animals because he answered all their questions with a bright fun expression. He even told them that these deer weren't his real team, because his real flying reindeer were resting for the long trip that he'd make on Christmas Eve. Which was why Rudolph wasn't present. Jack was impressed with him. Mark thought it was interesting that Santa was even drinking peppermint coco between the groups of kids.
As they approached him, Santa welcomed them over with a warm smile. Mark's mom didn't even have to ask if he'd hold Sam, because he was already reaching out for her. Sam shied from him, until he gestured to an elf to bring him one of the Christmas cookies that he was handing out to kids. The cookie was colored and shaped like a candy cane but was made of soft sugar cookie. The smell of it alone got Sam to reach out for it. Sam sucked and nibbled the cookie as Santa took her into his lap. After Barry got his cookie and was sat on Santa's other leg, Santa chuckled out to them. "Guess I'm going to have to add you on my route this year." The adults smiled, watching him coax them into smiling for the camera. Mark's mom got three pictures. One with the whole family. One with just Mark, himself, and the kids. Then one with just the babies. The babies really liked him, which warmed Jack's heart to see. He almost didn't want to take them from him. Taking them back, Jack took Barry to pet one of the reindeer.
The reindeer sniffed Barry's face, then licked his lips, causing Barry to shiver with a mix of disgust and shock. Jack laughed, wiping Barry's face. Sam kissed the warm nose of the reindeer that sniffed her, causing the adults to melt as they watched her. Waving goodbye, they made their way to the exit. This time Mark lingered in the back until after the elf popped out. Glaring at the elf, Mark growled out beside Jack. "That thing will give kids nightmares." Jack turned Mark's face to look away from it with a smile. Climbing into the car, Jack relaxed in the back. It was good to get off his feet after so many hours of standing. The moment Mark was settled beside him, his attitude changed. Leaning closer, Mark nuzzled into Jack's neck. Kissing him openly there, while his hand slid up Jack's leg. Jack grabbed Mark's wrist to keep him from fondling him as he warned softly. "Mark... Not here." Against his ear, Mark purred to him. "I'll stop... if you promise that we'll play in the hotel." Jack didn't like being forced to promise things. Taking too long to answer, Mark nibbled his earlobe and added lustfully. "Please? I'm going crazy..."
Jack pushed Mark's hand off his leg, mumbling back. "I know... but I'm... I don't know how I'll feel when we get back. Right now, I'm tired..." Mark's hand came back to slip under the front of his shirt. The moment Mark's hand slid up his stomach, Jack shoved Mark off and sat up. Wrapping his arms around his stomach, Jack panted a little. He hadn't meant to shove Mark so hard. He just didn't want to be touched there right now. Mark sat very still, watching him with a startled expression. Blushing, Jack swallowed and told him shakily. "I'm sorry... I just... I'm not feeling good remember?" Mark looked him over but nodded. Up front, Mark's mom called back to them. "Everything alright back there?" Mark sat up, answering without looking at her. "Ya. We're fine." Pulling up at the house, Jack climbed out and tried to get Barry out of his car seat, when Mark tapped his arm and told him. "Move. I got him." Jack resisted, telling Mark slightly guilty. "I'm fine. I've got him." Mark tried to push him back, saying a bit more commandingly. "Jack, move."
Jack shrugged him off, retorting just as firmly. "Stop. I'm fine." Mark grabbed his arm, yanking him away from the car as he snapped out. "No, you stop! You're sick. I can handle it. Go lay down." Jack gawked at Mark, watching the pink light reflect off his eyes menacingly. Jack was too stunned by Mark's reaction that he didn't know what to address first. His grip on his arm or his attitude that just seemed to come out of nowhere. Mark's mother moved cautiously around the car, pointing at Mark to beckon him over like a stern mother as she said firmly. "Mark. Come here. Now." Mark looked confused but dropped his hand from Jack's arm. Mark stepped closer to his mother, then turned to tell Thomas seriously. "Don't let him move anything! He's sick." Jack crossed his arms, gawking at Mark. Mark's mom took her son's arm to take him out of earshot to scold him. Thomas moved closer to Jack, asking curiously. "What's going on?" Jack shrugged, honestly answering. "I don't know..." Thomas put a hand on Jack's shoulder, coaxing him back away from the car. Jack backed up for him. He was too shaken to pick up Barry now.
Rubbing his arm where Mark had grabbed him, he swallowed. Rosemary had said that Mark shouldn't hurt him unless he wanted him too... but he hadn't wanted it. Thinking over how he had shoved him, Jack tensed up and uttered out under his breath. "Oh no... I was... When it fell in..." Covering his mouth, he tried to control his breathing. Thomas pulled Barry from the car, asking Jack confused. "What are you talking about?" Jack patted Thomas's arm, pleading with him hopefully. "Thomas, do you have a phone? Can I use?" Thomas nodded, removing his cellphone to hand him. Thanking him, Jack snatched it and walked to the backyard to call Rosemary. Rosemary didn't pick up at first, but he called again. This time she picked up and asked. "Who is this?" Jack told her, then rushed out. "Rosemary, quick question. This potion you gave me... If I was pregnant when I used it. What would happen?" Rosemary was silent for a time, before saying coolly. "Well... I don't know. I don't exactly give potions to pregnant people. That's irresponsible... Why are you bringing this up? And please don't say what I think you are about too..."
Jack chuckled with distress, telling her honestly. "Rose... I screwed up. I don't know how... but I don't think the potion that I took before wore off because... I'm pregnant again." Jack heard something clatter to the floor and Nico's distant coughing. Rosemary's voice came back, asking seriously. "Jack, are you sure?" Jack scoffed loudly, pacing the yard as he told her. "Believe me... I wanna be wrong... but I took three different pregnancy tests, and they came up positive. And what's worse... I think the potion is doing something to Mark. I shoved him earlier and he grabbed me... hard." Rosemary sighed heavily, before grimly muttering out. "Alright. At least now I know what I'm looking for... You'll have to keep me posted on this. Be careful what you do and say around Mark until then." Jack licked his lips, meekly telling her. "I'm so sorry, Rosemary... I..." Rosemary's voice came back warm and sweet when she said. "It's ok. Just keep yourself calm and we'll get through this. I have to ask before I ask Trey some things... Do you want this baby?"
Jack stopped pacing, asking a little stunned. "What do you mean?" Rosemary's voice was gentle when she replied. "If you're not showing yet... I might be able to send you something to... stop it from happening. It will still have to be removed... but at this stage it is a possibility to have an abortion. Unlike last time." Jack dropped down on the porch steps, asking a little breathless. "How long would I have to make up my mind?" Rosemary's voice was uncertain when she said. "I don't know. Your term wasn't normal. I have no reason to think this one will be either... So, the sooner the better. Otherwise, this could reach the point of no return by tomorrow if it wanted." Jack pulled the phone away from his ear a bit to think. Did he want another baby? He could get rid of it now and Mark would never have to know. Though he doubted that Mark's mom would ever let him live it down if he did. Part of him didn't want to go through this again, but a small part of him did. Touching his stomach, he tried to see if he could feel anything that would make up his mind.
Over the line, Rosemary asked him. "Jack? Are you still there? What are you thinking?" Swallowing, Jack brought the phone to his ear and answered with a mix of emotions. "I'm... I'm going to keep it." Rosemary's voice was still very warm and gentle when she said. "Are you sure? There is nothing wrong with not wanting to put your body through this again." Jack nodded, bowing his head as he answered. "Ya. I know. I... I just... I wanna do it." Rosemary exhaled slowly, then told him. "Ok. I'll contact Trey and tell him to see you as soon as he can." Jack licked his dry lips, uttering out. "What about Mark?" Rosemary inhaled deeply, then told him openly. "I have to look into it. Just keep doing what I told you and be careful." Jack's hands shook a bit, asking a little scared. "Rose... What if I can't stop him from... taking me tonight?" Rosemary flipped through pages on her end, before telling him confidently. "You just can't have sex with him. So... You're a clever and healthy young male. I'm sure you can think of ways to... relax him. A little advice though... don't stall or reject his advances without... encouraging him a little. If the potion is... warped. Then the potion might work harder and get more aggressive to get what it wants. Do you understand?"
Jack looked up at the darkening sky, mumbling out reluctantly. "Ya. I understand..." Jack hung up the phone, slowly rising from the step. The sliding glass door behind him opened to let the dogs out and Jack headed toward it. Handing the phone back to Thomas, he thanked him again and slipped inside. To Be Continued...
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