Chapter Thirty-Two: "Loved Unconditionally"
Jack was so tired, but he just couldn't let himself sleep. He was just too worried about his baby. He wanted to stay strong for him. He couldn't bare the thought of something happening to him when he was awake. Stroking his baby's face, he told him softly. "I've got you. You'll be ok." The baby practically buried his face against his bare chest, trying to get as close to him as he could. Pushing the blanket down a bit, Jack let him snuggle up against his body. He hoped the contact would help him somehow. Every hour Trey wondered in to check on them, telling Jack softly. "You need your rest. I can watch him?" Jack shook his head, whispering out. "No... It should be me. He needs to know I'm here... and waiting." Trey touched his arm, telling him cautiously. "I understand... but you're no good to him without your strength." Jack stared down at his baby, telling him with a smile. "He doesn't need my strength. He just needs to know I'm here. And as long as he hangs on... I will."
Trey checked the baby's tubes and wires over, then told Jack warmly. "I think you're right. His heart seems a little stronger after being close to you." Jack smiled, listening as Trey told him. "I think listening to your heartbeat is helping to regulate his." Jack bit his lip, feeling like he was doing something right. Trey guided Jack's hand to the baby's back, informing him sweetly. "Be very careful not to hold him too tight... but stroke his back from neck to tailbone and back along his spine. It should help circulate his system." Jack let Trey show him how, then took over to do it himself. Trey patted Jack's leg, whispering to him sweetly. "I'll get you some orange juice. It should help keep your levels up." Jack giggled a little, then stopped. Giggling had made his baby smile for the first time. When Trey returned, he spoke of how Mark was helping him go to a local donor. Jack wanted to be against a woman feeding his baby. He felt like the baby wouldn't be his if it drank from someone else.
However, Trey sat down and told him gently. "Listen, Jack. The preemie formula can only do so much for him. It has the nutrients that he needs... but he needs to gain some weight and get some antibodies in his system. Things to help him fight sickness and help strengthen his immune system up. It's why first feedings are particularly important. I know the woman that is doing this donation well. She eats healthy and has a strong immune system. Her milk will be good for him. Just to get him started." Jack wanted to say no but looking down at his tiny baby... he felt an urge to do anything to help him survive. So, he nodded. His baby was showing signs that he was getting hungry. His lips were moving more, and he was shifting a little. When Mark arrived with a baby bag filled with sealed bags of fresh breast milk, Trey said aloud. "Alright. We'll start him with breast milk and then give him a mix of formula and breast milk. That way he gets a slight balance between what he needs to strengthen him up a bit."
Trey told Mark to get to work setting up the two different bottles in preparation, then took a normal bag of breast milk to warm it in the trailer. After it was warmed and tested to be cool, he poured a little into a small cup. Setting the cup on a tray, he got a new eyedropper and told Jack seriously. "Give him only a drop or two at a time. Just to see if his system is ready." Taking the eyedropper, Jack filled it and brought it to the baby's mouth. Smearing a drop over his lips, he watched as the baby curled his lips and licked them. Jack smiled to himself. It felt like progress, until the baby threw it back up with more of the mucus liquid. Jack's heart sank, but Trey cleaned it up and told him assuring. "Don't panic. That's not a bad sign. His body is still clearing the pipes. Give him a minute and try again." Jack inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself. Then after a minute, he tried again with the same result. Trey cleaned up the mess, then told him softly. "We might just have to wait longer. We don't want to push him too much." Jack shook his head, mumbling out. "But he's hungry..."
Trey shrugged, saying gently. "He just can't hold it down yet. Let's just wait another hour before trying again." Trey got up to head to the house to see how the process was going on Mark's end. Leaving Jack by himself. The baby squirmed a little, petting Jack's chest hair. Sighing, Jack reluctantly told him. "You heard the doctor... We've got to wait." The baby shifted closer, finding Jack's nipple and started to suck on it lightly. Licking his lips, Jack whispered to him lightly. "Alright... We'll try again." Picking up the eyedropper, Jack filled it and tried to wedge it between himself and the baby. Squeezing out a drop, he watched it run down his skin to his nipple where the baby was suckling. The drop seeped between the baby's suckling lips and Jack waited. The baby kept suckling without a trace of throwing up. So, he repeated the process. Again, the baby sucked the drop off his nipple and kept going for more. Jack's heart swelled at the sight. He didn't know how much to let the baby have. Cautiously, he just kept giving him a single drop at a time. Allowing him a little while between drops in case it didn't stay down.
By the time Trey slipped back in, Jack had only a few drops left in the small cup. Trey froze in the doorway, asking stunned. "What are you doing?" Jack gave the baby another drop, answering calmly. "I'm feeding him. He's been keeping it down... but he's eating so much." Trey moved over to them quickly to look over the cup and baby. Jack started to worry, until Trey smiled and told him. "I'll get some more milk ready. We feed him until he's full. Good job." Jack beamed, feeling warm and fuzzy. While the milk warmed up a bit, Trey asked Jack softly. "Did he attach to you on his own?" Jack blushed but nodded honestly. Trey grinned, grabbing some tubes to set something up as he said. "That's great. He's got some basic baby functions. That could mean he's got a healthy brain." Jack blinked, asking nervously. "You thought he wouldn't?" Trey set up what looking like an I.V., replying gently. "With premature babies, there is always a risk that they could end up with brain damage or healthy problems. It's difficult to know how much of them is developed enough to work on its own. We just don't know. It's why we have to monitor them so closely."
Jack stroked his baby more proactively, while Trey warmly said. "Just make sure he is breathing between feedings. He's doing well, because of you." Jack smirked, then questioned Trey curiously. "What are you doing?" Trey brought the small tube over to Jack, chuckling out. "I'm going to let you continue to feed him the way he wants to be fed." Trey slipped the small tube over Jack's nipple and taped it in place, then hooked the tube to a bottle of breast milk. As the baby suckled on Jack's nipple, it sucked on the small tube that worked like a straw to bring the milk to him as he wanted it. Jack's jaw dropped as he watched it work. Trey took a seat to monitor the baby and the milk. When Jack asked how he had learned that, Trey answered proudly. "I've helped guys in my coven do things like this. For premature babies especially. Close contact is important. This way, he gets all he needs from you. Although, you may get sick of this after every two-to-three-hour feedings. Your nipple wasn't designed for such prolonged attention. You'll be sore."
Jack shrugged, stating out firmly. "I don't care. As long as he pulls through." The baby grunted like a pig, causing Trey to lean in to inform him. "Slow him down if he starts doing that. He might be hungry, but he needs to breathe." They chuckled, slowing the baby down a bit until his breathing leveled out again. After feeding, the baby slept off his meal. Jack loved watching the baby's tiny toes and fingers curl in his sleep. The baby still hadn't opened its eyes or cried, but it was feeding and keeping it down. The baby didn't eat nearly as much as Sam or Barry, but he had a healthy appetite for his small size. By the time dinner rolled around, Mark brought him some slices of pizza and stayed to watch him feed the baby. Jack had to admit that his nipple was getting sore from all the feedings. He even joked to Mark that he might have to switch nipples soon. Mark chuckled, leaning closer to whisper to him in a cool playful tone. "It's not fair, you know..." Jack raised an eyebrow, asking curiously as he watched the baby's breathing. "What isn't?"
Mark leaned in to brush his lips along Jack's ear as he whispered. "Those were mine before they were his." Jack blushed a deep red, snorting a little. Mark chuckled, kissing a spot under Jack's ear. Shaking his head, Jack mumbled out a bit nervously. "Mark... You're not jealous of him... are you?" Mark sat back on the stool, smirking as he replied in a whisper. "Just a bit." Mark slid his hand across Jack's leg to hold his hand. Jack watched Mark closely thinking the potion might still be in effect. Yet, Mark was so calm. The baby grunted, pulling his lips from Jack's nipple. Jack started to move his hand, but Mark's beat him to it. Pressing his hand to the baby's back, Mark very lightly tapped the baby's back between his tiny shoulder blades. The baby burped, then settled down to drift back off to sleep. Leaning in, Mark kissed the baby's forehead and whispered to him lovingly. "Stay strong, tiny Tim." Jack blinked, looking to Mark with worry. They hadn't agreed on a name yet. Mark cringed guiltily, explaining softly. "Mom is watching the Christmas Carol with Jason and the babies. Tiny Tim's struggles just... fits. You know?"
Jack thought about it, looking down at the tiny baby in his arms. It did fit strangely well. Stroking the baby's head, he whispered to him. "It does suit him. Our tiny Tim." Mark started to smile but it faded quickly as he stared at the baby. Jack's eyes darted down to the baby to see he wasn't breathing. Sitting up straighter, Jack yelled out. "TREY!" Trey scrambled into the doorway, knocking stuff over in his rush. Jack cradled the baby close, telling Trey in a shaky voice. "He's not-" Jack stopped talking, watching the baby start to squirm a little. Trey rushed to grab his bag of supplies. Mark reached out to touch the baby's arm, while Jack stroked his back to try coaxing him to breathe. The baby squirmed a bit to lay on its back, then to everyone's utter shock. The baby's eyelids opened to reveal bright blue eyes. Jack inhaled as the baby squirmed a bit more to look around. The baby began to wheeze as Trey leaned in to examine him. Quickly moving away, Trey dug around for something as he told them. "He's having an Asthma attack."
Jack looked to Trey as Trey prepped a small mask, asking in a panic. "What do we do?!" Trey brought the mask over, ordering Mark to hold the mask in place. Trey then pressed the button of a child's inhaler that was hooked to the mask. Jack held the baby still, watching as the baby wheezed a bit longer. After a minute or two, the baby eased and started breathing normally through the tubes. Exhaling in relief, Trey told them in a calm tone. "Opening his eyes must have been quite a surprise for the little guy." Jack winced, asking grimly. "He's got my asthma?" Trey nodded, honestly replying. "With the breathing problems preemie babies have it is not uncommon. But if that is all he ends up with... I think it's reasonable." Mark grinned, telling Jack lovingly. "We can handle it. He's fighting as hard as he can." Trey looked over the child inhaler, uttering out to himself. "I'll need to get a few more of these." Jack kissed the baby's head, sweetly cooing to him. "You're doing so well, my precious boy. I'm here."
Mark placed his hand against Jack's beneath the baby. Leaning closer together, they stared down at him in awe. Mark kissed Jack's shoulder, lightly purring out. "He doesn't look as red now. He's actually gotten some color since I was last in here. I think the milk is helping." Jack smiled and took ahold of the baby's hand between his fingers. The baby fussed a bit as it tried to nestle up against Jack again. However, his arm got caught up in the tubes in his nose, causing him to pull on the tape that held it in place. Jack quickly worked to fix it, but in that moment... the baby began to whimper until it grew into a soft cry. Jack almost cried listened to the baby cry softly. Trey even looked more hopeful and relieved by it. Mark kissed the baby's head, not bothering to quiet him down. They all wanted him to have a good cry first. After a good cry, Jack calmed him down with snuggles of pure joy. Trey leaned back against the doorway, stating out warmly. "That is a remarkable little guy you've got. I think it is safe to move you both inside the house. We'll set up a warm bed and see if we can get you both more comfortable for the night." To Be Continued...
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