Chapter Thirty-Four: "Welcome Home"
After Christmas things started to happen in a stressful but exciting blur. Plans were made and slowly came into place. Jack extended his stay to heal and together they shopped for houses. After living in the bustling cities for so long, they both agreed to pull back to something more private and peaceful. While it was frightening at first, Mark's excitement made his own grow. By the middle of the next year, Jack and Mark left the kids with Mark's mother to make the trip to Jack's house. They worked together to pack and ship everything to their new home. By the end of the year, Jack was walking down the isle of their outdoor wedding in Ireland, that overlooked the ruins of an old Irish castle with a beautiful mountain landscape. They had managed to get both families to attend, and they had loved it. Even when it started to rain in the middle of the ceremony. For their honeymoon, they simply went home. After years of living in California to keep up with Youtube. They had settled into a small house nestled in the countryside of Ohio. There, Mark carried Jack over the entryway of their little house and their new life began.
Standing before the sink, Jack popped a pill into his mouth and struggled to swallow the stupid thing down. Behind him, Mark kissed his shoulder still groggy from sleep as he asked him. "You're still taking those? How much longer?" Jack coughed it down, then turned the medicine bottle over to show Mark before grimly saying. "Trey said to keep taking them until I run out this time. Just three more days and I'll finally be done with them. Besides, why are you upset? They work." Mark took a seat on the edge of the tub, chuckling out. "I'm not complaining. I just know how much you hate taking them. And after all this time... I just don't want you addicted to them." Jack rolled his eyes, setting the bottle back in his cabinet as he told Mark. "They aren't addictive. They've just been fixing my... pregnancy issue." Mark blushed, mumbling out. "It has been nice but part of me is sad to see it go." Jack huffed, telling Mark flatly. "Then you try it. Then I can sit back and watch you suffer." Mark chuckled, shaking his head as he replied. "No thanks. Three is enough for me."
Jack moved over to Mark, running his hands through Mark's hair lovingly. Mark had grown his hair out and Jack loved running his fingers through it. It was always so soft and wavy. Mark tilted his head back with a soft moan as he enjoyed it. Noticing all the white hairs that were starting to show in his dark hair, Jack mumbled out under his breath. "We're getting old..." Mark wrapped his arms around Jack's waist pulling him closer as he told him lovingly. "Don't start that again, Baby. We are as young as we feel." Jack lowered his forehead to Mark's, whispering to him. "Do you miss who we were?" From the bathroom doorway, a small boy peeked in and nervously asked. "Daddy? Are you coming?" Mark chuckled, giving Jack a kiss before telling him honestly. "No. I'm happy with who we are." Mark climbed to his feet, telling the small boy playfully. "Who sent you to ask that?" The boy squealed and ran off, prompting Jack to yell out. "Tim! No running! Mark! His asthma!"
Mark waved to him, answering as he rushed from the bathroom. "Ya! Ya! I know!" The kids squealed in the distance, followed by the thundering of feet down the hallway. Jack rolled his eyes, muttering as he left the bathroom. "Mark... God damn it." Moving out into the hallway, Jack leaned against the wall as Mark grabbed Sam and lifted her over his shoulder to tickle her. She screamed and laughed out. "Barry! Save me!" From the bedroom, another boy rushed out to run into Mark's legs. His fist hitting Mark in the balls. Mark sank to his knees, releasing Sam as he gasped and coughed. The kids laughed and tried to tickle him while he was down, until Jack moved closer to shoo them away. The kids dashed off, Allowing Jack to smugly ask. "How do you feel now?" Mark rolled onto his back, chuckling out. "Could be worse." Jack tried to walk around him, when Mark put a foot on the wall to block him. Jack sighed, crossing his arms as he stated out. "Really? How old are you, Mark? Let me pass. I have to make breakfast." Mark smirked, his legs moving to wrap around Jack's legs to bring him down over him. Jack yelped as he fell forward onto Mark's hands.
Laying him down over his chest, Mark wrapped himself around Jack and yelled out. "I've got him! Get him!" Jack thrashed, practically screaming out. "Don't you dare!" The kids bolted from around the corner to leap into the fray and started to tickle Jack. Jack screamed and laughed as Mark kept him from retaliating. When Mark told them to ease up and get their stuff, the kids groaned but wandered off. Jack swatted Mark's chest, grumbling out. "Arsehole. They are going to be late for school." Mark kissed his cheek, whispering to him. "No, they won't. I got up early to get them ready." Jack raised a suspicious eyebrow, until Mark told him in a warm genuine voice. "Happy Birthday, Baby." Jack's jaw dropped a little, when Mark pointed to the kitchen and added. "Your breakfast is waiting for you. I'm driving the kids to school today and I'll be picking up your ice cream cake on the way home." Mark rolled up to his feet, while Jack sat up and asked. "You waited to buy it?" Mark huffed, telling him curtly. "No!" From the bedroom, Barry walked out with his backpack answering proudly. "Dad, made them make it with eyeballs and lots of bloody ooze!"
Mark grinned nervously, tapping Barry's head as he passed and correcting seriously. "I did not! I told you that idea was gross!" Sam crossed her arms, blurting out. "You made it green! That's a gross color!" Mark pointed at her, stating out. "Hey! Green was a big thing for him back in our day!" Sam rolled her eyes, telling Jack with disappointment. "I wanted it to have ponies." Mark crossed his arms, telling her as she pouted on her way by him. "And on your birthday, you can have some ponies on it." Barry whirled around at the door, snapping out. "NO! I want the cake to have gummy bugs!" Mark huffed, telling Jack lightly. "Why did we want kids again...?" Jack laughed, watching Tim stumble from the room with his bag. He was still smaller than kids his age, but out of their children... Jack secretly loved him the most. Tim handed him a piece of paper with a badly colored Trico on it, telling him in a small meek voice. "Happy birthday, Daddy... I made you Teeco." Jack grinned, pulling Tim against him as he looked over the picture and said happily. "Look at that. You did. That is lovely Tim. Thank you."
Mark clapped his hands, calling out. "Alright, let's go or we'll be late!" Jack kissed Tim's cheek, then reluctantly released him. Tim had only just started going to school and it was still so hard to watch him go. Getting to his feet, he quickly rushed over to kiss the cheeks of his other kids and wished them a good day. Just as they rushed out, Mark lingered to kiss Jack. Jack accepted the long kiss, loving the taste of mint of his breath. Behind Mark the kids uttered out. "Eww... Daddy, stop!" Mark ignored them, breaking the kiss when he wanted to whisper to him. "I'll be back, and 'we'll' celebrate. Just don't eat a lot. I've got plans for us later." Mark winked, then was pulled away from the door by Barry and Sam. Mark turned to usher them all to the car, when Jack called out. "Don't forget Tim's inhaler!" Mark removed it from his pocket as he called back. "Relax. I've got it." Staying in the doorway, Jack watched them drive off and waved to them. Little Tim waved back before the others realized and waved too.
After they left, Jack wandered to the kitchen to eat breakfast and then sat on the couch to watch some 'adult' movies. He rarely got to watch them with the kids home. After the movie, Jack cleaned up toys around the house and put them in the kids room. The twins had bunk beds. While Tim had a single bed. With his asthma and small size, Jack had insisted that he stay close to the ground. However, on occasion he caught Tim sleeping on the top bunk with Barry. Resorting to him putting mattresses on the floor. Stepping on the mattresses to reach the toy bin, Jack put the toys away and froze. Picking up the Septic Sam plushy, he grinned. It had been years since his days on Youtube, but he had such fond memories of it. Sitting down, Jack wondered if he'd ever have the courage to show his kids what Mark and himself used to do. Most of the videos he felt his kids weren't ready to see. The majority of the videos were gone forever since the accounts were deleted, but Mark had saved their favorites on a flash drive. Setting the plushy back in Tim's toy box, Jack smiled as he heard the door open and close.
After turning around to look, Jack smiled. Mark stood in the doorway with a bottle of champagne and a small ice cream cake. Mark backed up, teasing him sweetly. "The real party doesn't start until AFTER school... but I thought... I'm off today. We should have some... ADULT time." Jack chuckled, climbing to his feet to follow Mark out into the living room. Setting the cake down, Mark fetched their good slender glasses and Jack laughed. They weren't the plastic ones. Mark kissed him, then gave him a spoon as he told him honestly. "I bought two cakes. One for later and one for now." Jack opened the cake box and grinned brighter. It was a green cookie cake that read in red writing; 'Happy Birthday! Spoil yourself rotten!' Jack laughed, then snuggled against Mark as they snacked and watched movies. By noon, they enjoyed a nice lunch together at a nice restaurant and talked about the past and how much things had changed. Until they had to return home to clean up for the party with their friends and family.
Jack went to pick up the kids from school and upon returning, he was greeted by everyone he knew. Bob and Wade rushed out to hug him. Then ushered the kids off to tell them embarrassing stories. Mark's mom wished him a Happy Birthday and then went to help around the kitchen with Mark. Jason was setting up the backyard grill with Trey and Nico. Which had Jack pausing to take that in. Nico was here? Behind him, someone tapped his shoulder and Jack whirled around to face the smiling face of Rosemary. She hugged him and he hugged her back before asking how she was. Upon taking her aside, she asked how he was. He told her how great everything was and how things were working out. Then Rosemary lifted a box and said playfully. "So, you don't want my gift then?" Jack chuckled nervously, mumbling out. "Depends... What is it?" Rosemary cracked the box open to reveal the contents as she said. "Just a little something for you and Mark. Incase you want to see how your kids turn out."
Jack reached out to close the box, telling her as nicely as he could. "We appreciate it. Really. But like you said before... potions and magic just aren't the answer for everything. I think we just want to see how things play out on their own." Rosemary booped his nose with a grin and told him happily. "That is what I wanted to hear. I foresee a long and happy life for you both. But I'm sure you don't need my word on it." Rosemary gestured to the house, where Mark was looking for him. Leaving her with a smile, he walked over to see what Mark wanted. When he got there, all Mark wanted to do was hold him in his arms. Holding Mark's hand, Jack snuggled back against him watching their kids laugh and play. Sharing a brief kiss with Mark, he bit his lip and blushed. This wasn't the life he thought he would have. It wasn't average or normal. Their relationship had been rocky and at times stressful... but looking at it all now... Jack was thankful for it all. This was where he belonged. This was home. He wouldn't trade it for the world and no potion could ever make it better than it already was. The End.
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