Chapter Sixteen: "Boys Will Be Boys"
Jack felt so warm and comfortable snuggled against Mark that before he knew it, he had fallen asleep against him. Something he hadn't done in a long time. When a phone started to ring, Jack groaned and snuggled into Mark more. He didn't want to get up. He was too warm and comfortable. Beside him, Mark moved a little before answering the phone. Jack refused to open his eyes but listened as Mark groggily told someone. "Ya. We're good. What's up? Sure. We'll be right over." Mark hung up and Jack sleepily mumbled out. "Mark... It's too early... Can't this wait until noon?" Mark kissed the top of his head, telling him after a yawn. "Can't. My mother wants to go out for breakfast, and we have her car." Jack curled his fingers in the hem of Mark's P.J pants trying to keep him in bed with him. Mark kissed Jack's temple, while prying Jack's fingers off him before he told him. "I have to go. You can stay here if you want, but I don't know when I'll be back." Jack groaned, his head falling to the bed as Mark slide out from under him.
As Mark raced around the room to get himself dressed, Jack lifted his head with his eyes barely open as he mumbled out. "What do you mean? Won't you come right back?" Mark growled playfully, leaning back over him to kiss his neck until Jack squealed from how it tickled and retreated under the blanket. Still leaning over him though, Mark finally answered honestly. "I'd like to... But she'll probably want me to stick around and talk to her. And my mom has all these traditions that she does... I just don't know what she's got planned today." Jack groaned louder, flipping the covers off himself as he said grimly. "Oh fine... I'll go." Just as Jack was starting to sit up, Mark pushed him down and laid across him. Jack smirked, letting Mark cup his face in his warm hands. Their lips sharing a passionate kiss that woke every part of Jack up. Until he was moaning and arching up into Mark happily. There was just no better way to wake up than to Mark's loving embrace. Prying his lips off his, Mark breathless whispered to him hopefully. "How about we play a little before we go? Just to relax before we seize the day?"
Jack's hand went to caress Mark's muscular arms. He wanted too so badly. Biting his lip, he shook his head and whispered back softly. "No, Mark." Mark nibbled Jack's ear, trying to tempt him into it. Jack could feel his tired body responding to Mark. Mark felt it too, his hand sliding down Jack's slide to slip under his pajama pants. Jerking upright, Jack wiggled his way out from under Mark, stating aloud. "We should go. Your mother will be waiting." Staggering toward the bathroom, Jack stopped short. Was Mark in any condition to be around his mother and brother? It had been dangerous for him to be around his kids before... He couldn't recall what Rosemary had told him and was pissed that he hadn't wrote it down. He started to move again, only to be pulled away from the bathroom and pushed up against the wall. Jack pressed himself completely back against the wall as Mark placed his hands against the wall over his shoulders. Staring into his eyes, Mark whispered to him in a deep tempting voice. "The more you shy away from me... The more I want you."
Jack swallowed, backing a foot up against the wall. His mind wanted him to run, but he was mesmerized by how confident he looked. His small smile was devilish, and his eyes looked right through him. Mark brought his lips close to him, saying in a sudden deep breathless whisper. "I'll go slow. Just like you want... Please?" Goosebumps shot up Jack's arms, causing him to shiver a little. Mark's bangs fell over his eyes, seconds before his lips met his in a tender kiss. Jack's hands shook as he moved his hands to Mark's waist. Feeling his dark blue jeans and white T-shirt had Jack's head spinning. Mark stepped in closer to him, his lips coaxing Jack to open his mouth more to let his tongue slide in. Jack whimpered, gripping Mark's shirt tightly. Mark was too good at making him feel special. Their tongues caressed each other to a sensual rhythm that made Jack's cheeks flush a bright pink. Jack felt lost in Mark's desire. Even when he felt Mark's hand slide down his body, Jack couldn't bring himself to stop him.
Mark's warm fingers slide easily and slowly into his pajama pants. His fingers running through his thick pubic hair. Jack shifted his legs closer together, but Mark's fingers didn't need his legs to be separated. The moment Mark's fingers touched flesh; Jack broke the kiss to gasp so hard that his head hit the wall. Mark's lips drifted across his cheek to his neck, finding his hickie from before. Sucking on it more, Mark's fingers completely curled around his shaft to try encouraging it to get much harder than it was. Shaking his head, Jack tilted his head forward and bit Mark through his white shirt with a soft whine. Jack's hand moved to grab the arm of Mark's offending hand, but he didn't have the strength to remove it. His body didn't want Mark to stop. It felt good. Mark leaned into him more to pin him against the wall, whispering into his ear huskily. "I've got you, baby. Relax." Jack leaned on Mark for support, starting to pant harder as Mark worked him into a semi-hard state.
Jack just shifted his leg unconsciously aside to let Mark move closer, when the phone rang again. Jack barely could process what that sound meant. His body felt drugged. Mark pulled away from him, walking casually to the phone to answer it. Without Mark to hold him up, Jack slid down the wall to sit on the floor. Mark listened for a bit, then told his mother with a chuckle. "No. Mom... No. If she is doing that then it means that it is not hers." Jack blinked, his thoughts gathering as Mark sat on the bed. Rubbing his temples, Mark told his mother slowly. "Ma, what pacifier are you using? Ma, I can't see it. Just tell me what it looks like?" Jack smirked, watching Mark roll his eyes and chuckle out. "Ma, the purple one is Barry's and the blue one is Sam's. I don't why! That's just how it is. I don't know how she can tell the difference either, Ma." Jack chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around his legs. Mark huffed, telling her sweetly. "I don't know what to tell you. Maybe the nipple feels different. Look, I'm on my way now. Ya. Ok. Bye, Ma."
Mark hung up his phone, shaking his head with a smile. The smile was genuine and so precious that Jack smiled. Sitting back against the wall, Jack asked him curiously. "Everything ok?" Mark chuckled, getting to his feet as he told him in a blissful voice. "Ya. She was dressing the kids and Sam started crying. She gave her a pacifier and she spit it out. Which she only does when you give her the wrong one." Jack bit his lip, then said sweetly. "I'm a little jealous that you know them that well." Mark moved up to him, extending his hands out. Jack took ahold of his wrists, letting him pull him up. Staggering into Mark, Jack let Mark hug him and tell him lovingly. "Stick around this time and you won't have to envy me." Jack felt a stab of pain, but as he opened his mouth to comment on that, Mark pulled away to tell him. "Get dressed. We have to go." Jack nodded solemnly, going to his luggage. Pulling on fresh clothes, he slipped into a jacket and joined Mark at the door. Mark opened the door for him, then closed the door to their room after their exit. Pulling on his own jacket, Mark followed him into the elevator. Jack was going to ask Mark how he felt about going to see his mom, until people slipped into the elevator with them. He didn't want them to get the wrong idea about Mark's condition.
Mark slid into Jack to make room for more people that rushed in. The people laughed and chatted about family amongst their small groups. Jack was uncomfortable. He didn't consider himself to be claustrophobic. However, small cubical spaces made him anxious and self-aware of his breathing. Mark's hand discreetly slipped behind him, creeping up inside the back of his jacket to rub his back. Jack's eyes shifted to glare at Mark, but Mark wasn't looking at him. It was helping to keep him calm. So, he closed his eyes and let himself think about someplace else. It was working. Right up to the moment that Mark's hand drifted down to slip into the ass pocket of his jeans. Jerking back, Jack's heel kicked the wall, causing the women in front of him to turn to look at him. Turning his head away from their curious stares, he blushed guiltily. Mark's hand squeezed his ass cheek from within the pocket, making Jack shuffle his feet. At the bottom floor, Jack let the people exit, then stomped on Mark's foot.
Mark removed his hand, chuckling to himself. Jack took a single step, then yelped as Mark smacked his ass to hurry him out. Yanking up his hood, Jack stormed down the steps to the lobby. Mark kept up with him, following him out to the car. When the group of people had dissipated enough, Jack turned and asked Mark a bit sharply. "Why did you do that?! Are you trying to embarrass me to death?" Mark stepped up to Jack, leaning in to say smugly. "I did it because I wanted to. And because I just wanted to see you blush. It's cute." Jack shoved Mark away from him lightly, muttering under his breath. "You arsehole." Mark opened the passenger door for Jack, leaning on it as he waited for Jack to get in. Slipping into the car, Jack stomped the snow off his shoes. His shoes were not built for the snow. His toes were already frozen with just the short time that he had crossed the parking lot. After Mark got in and started the car, Jack put his hands on the heater. Christmas music played on the radio, prompting Mark to sing as he pulled out.
Jack enjoyed listening to his deep voice. His singing had gotten so much better after the training he got. Leaning back against the seat, Jack watched him. He just couldn't tell if Mark was finally relaxing or if the potion made him this way. He couldn't help liking Mark this way. It was like having the old Mark he loved back. Jack started to sing a little but stopped when it drew Mark's attention. Jack didn't like his voice. Mark smirked at him, asking him curiously. "Why did you stop? You know the words." Jack rolled his eyes, mumbling out. "You're just better at it. My accent..." Jack looked out the window to avoid finishing. Mark surprised him by saying sweetly. "I like your accent." Smirking, Jack mumbled out to the window. "I know you do." Mark's hand left the steering wheel to pat Jack's thigh and Jack put his hand on his to squeeze it. When Mark finally arrived at his mother's house, they got out to help Mark's mom out. Jack and Mark's mom held the babies in their little puffy jackets that they certainly hadn't brought with them.
While Jason and Mark argued over how to put the car seats in the car. Mark's mom sighed heavily at them, bouncing Barry in her arms as she asked him excitedly. "So? How did you like the hotel? Very pretty, right?" Jack nodded, excitedly telling her. "It really is. I forgot to tell you. They have a Santa that will be coming to the hotel and-" She cut him off to excitedly interject. "Santa photos! Yes! You'll have to send me the times for it! We can dress up and get you all together! That will be a great first Christmas photo!" Jack chuckled. She was almost more excited than himself. Her excitement faded quickly though as she snapped out at her sons. "Boys! How much longer? The babies will catch their death out here!" Jason's voice came from the other side of the car as he yelled out. "Mom, tell Mark to stop guessing and read the damn instructions!" Mark shot back at Jason from his side of the car. "Don't bring Mom into this! It's not rocket science! Just loop the seat belt through here!" Jason groaned, swatting Mark's hand as he snapped back louder. "Mark! Stop! It says right here to loop the seat belt here! Why are you forcing it in there?! STOP!"
Mark's mom flashed Jack a fake smile, before stomping up to the car and snapping at them both. "Knock it off both of you! Or I'll do it myself!" Mark pointed to Jason, saying dryly. "He started it." Jason groaned, before saying loudly. "Start this, Mark!" Mark's Mom jumped away from the car and Barry began to cry as a snowball came through the car and smashed against Mark's neck. Mark's Mom tried to dust off the cold snow that hit Barry, before yelling out in a stern motherly voice. "JASON!" Mark stepped back from the car, scooping up snow to make a snowball of his own as he yelled back bitterly. "You hit my kid, you ass!" Mark's mom pointed at Mark, yelling out angrily. "Mark! You throw that and I'll-!" Mark threw the snowball over the car to hit Jason and Jason retorted by saying with a sarcastic chuckle. "Oh! It's on, babyplier!" Mark raced around the car, before his mom could grab him. Jack shook his head, grumbling under his voice. "Boys..." Mark's mom let out a groan, yelling out as her car was pelted with snow. "GET AWAY FROM MY CAR!" Jason took off across the lawn and Mark dashed after him. Jack tried to grab Mark's arm but missed because he didn't want to drop Sam.
Sam giggled, watching Mark tackle Jason into the snow. Jack only shook his head, walking over to Mark's mom. She dusted snow out from the inside of the car, then set Barry on the seat and began to work on the car seats herself. Looking over the instructions, she told Barry in a light stern motherly tone. "I wanted girls and I got boys... I couldn't even have one by accident. No... See all of Grandma's grey hair? All from THEM!" Jack laughed, drawing her attention to ask with sudden concern. "They aren't killing each other, are they?" Jack looked to see Mark and Jason laughing and pelting each other with more snowballs. Rolling his eyes, he told her. "Nope." She relaxed, going back to work as she said softly. "Good. Cause I'll kill them myself. I've earned that right." Once she got the car seats set up, she buckled Barry in and happily said. "There! See? Let that be a lesson to ya. Never send your boys to do a job that you can do better the first time." Jack stepped in to put Sam in her car seat, giving Mark's mom a smile.
She watched him put Sam in, telling him seriously. "This is why I have to plan things out early on. Because they make me late for everything... Takes ten extra minutes to go any- AH!" Her surprised yell surprised him, causing him slip on the small patch of ice beside the car to fall back on his ass. Sam and Barry giggled as Jack winced in pain. All while snow fell off the side of Mark's mom's face. Jack could almost see the fury and tension growing behind her dark brown eyes. Slowly, Jack looked to see who had thrown that. Jason was kneeling on the ground, looking back at them with a horrified expression. Standing a few feet away from Jason, Mark stood with a mortified expression at having thrown it. Mark's mom turned to face her boys with a dark expression, asking sternly. "Who threw that?!" Jason immediately pointed at Mark. To Be Continued...
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