Chapter Fourteen: "Resisting Temptation"
Cursing, Jack tried to move back off Mark's lap. Mark's hands kept trying to pull his hips closer with loving caresses, forcing Jack to physically remove Mark's hands off himself. He had to get out of the tub. Grabbing the edge, he tried to pull himself out, only to have Mark wrap his arms around his waist. Against his shoulder, Mark told him in a deep buttery voice. "Don't go. Jack. Stay." Jack shook his head, mumbling under his breath with disappointment in himself. "I can't. Mark, I'm sorry." Mark pulled him back against his chest, purring out lovingly. "Why are you so scared of a little bathbomb? You wanted this, didn't you?" Jack scoffed, struggling to sit up from Mark's lap as he gruffly replied. "Mark... This isn't how I wanted to use it... I wanted to wait until... AFTER!" Mark chuckled, his arms wrapping around his slender torso like constricting snakes, upon whispering closer to his ear. "After what?" Jack blushed, trying to pry his arms off as he grumbled out. "You know what... Now let me go!" Mark snuggled him more, nibbling on his ear a little.
Jack blushed a deeper red, flinching as Mark's nibbling gave him goosebumps. Mark knew how sensitive his ears were. It wasn't fair. Mark's warm breath sent more tingles down his neck, when Mark finally asked him playfully. "Then why did you drop it in early, baby?" Jack scoffed guiltily, sputtering out. "I-I didn't! I put it in my robe to bring it into the bathroom! I was going to hang the robe on the wall but... you... You distracted me! And I... MARK!" One of Mark's hands slid down between Jack's legs to cup his groin as he gave it a little teasing squeeze. Jack jerked his legs up out of the water, slamming his thighs together as he sank in the bubbly warm water. Mark chuckled, barely able to keep Jack above water as he slouched down. Mark's arm adjusted around Jack's torso, pulling him up against him more comfortably. Jack whined, twisting his body to drape his legs over the edge of the tub. He hoped to hook his legs on it and pull himself out. Mark nuzzled his neck, kissing a spot under his ear as he purred to him beautifully. "You're giving me mixed signals, Jackarooney. I thought you wanted to make love to me? I'm in the mood now..."
Jack's eyes rolled back a bit in pleasure. He loved Mark's attention but hated that he couldn't afford to enjoy him to the extent he wanted. Clearing his throat, Jack breathlessly mumbled out. "I do... Oh god, I do... But Mark, we can't now... The bathbomb... you have to resist it!" Mark trailed his lips along his cheek to his lips, capturing them in a passionate kiss that made Jack moan in frustration. Mark's hand pet his shaft, making Jack squeal into the kiss as his toes curled. Jack's heart was doing laps around his ribcage. This was everything he wanted, and it was torture. He had thought it would be easy to resist Mark. He was usually the one chasing him! He even thought that if they had sex before using it, that it would lessen the effect. Now he felt like this was going to be the worst case of blue balling his Christmas! Mark curled his fingers around his shaft, uttering over his lips in a deep voice. "I don't want to resist. I feel good. And I want you to feel good..." Jack covered his face with his hands, whining out in distress. "Oh, fuck my life... Mark, please... Concentrate!"
Mark let out a lighthearted chuckle, making Jack peek between his fingers. Giving him a powerful smile, Mark whispered to him. "I am. I'm concentrating on you. I love you and every adorable thing you do." Jack curled his fingers down to press them against his lips before blushing out in a small voice. "Like what...?" Mark pressed his forehead to his, answering in a voice dripping with honey. "Like the way your eyes seem to get bigger and softer whenever you get nervous or startled. The way you bite your lip when you're thinking... The way to pretend to know the lyrics to the songs I like. Or the way you bounce around the house to no music because you can't sit still for too long." Jack lowered his hands more, before gawking out a little shocked. "You... noticed that?" Mark smirked, replying with a blush. "Of course. I notice everything about you." Mark turned his head a little, giggling to himself before telling him happily. "My favorite is watching you sip your coffee in the morning. You always pull your sleeves over your hands and hold the cup close like it's your personal heater. And when you sip it... you make this cute sound that makes me envy that damn glass."
Jack thought he might cry. Mark had never told him this before. He didn't even know that Mark had caught him doing some of those things. Mark brought his lips back to Jack's, stating over his lips. "I savor everything you do... because it keeps me sane when you are away from me." Mark's lips pressed against his in a tender kiss that had Jack's heart floating. Jack put a hand to Mark's cheek, melting into Mark's kiss. For a bit, he had forgotten why he was resisting him. Letting Mark's hand stroke his cock beneath the water, until Jack was panting into their kiss. It wasn't until Mark shifted in the tub to try laying Jack back in order to position over him, that Jack thrashed enough to slosh the tub water. Mark sat up quickly to let Jack sit up and scoot back from him. Shuddering a bit, Jack stammered out. "Shite... I almost... We almost... Ok. Mark. Enjoy your bath." Jack rose quickly, stepping out of the tub and onto the fluffy white bathmat. Panting, Jack searched for a towel, then yelped as Mark pinched his ass.
Yanking the heated towel across his front, Jack whirled around to smack Mark's hand. Mark crossed his arms over the side of the tub, saying with a playful pout. "Aww... But I wanted to spend some time cleaning you." Jack backed toward the door, chuckling out nervously. "Thank you... but you know. I'm suddenly getting a headache..." A wicked grin spread over Mark's face as his eyes looked him over and he told him. "Which head are you referring? Because that's not a headache. That's called being aroused." Jack immediately put a hand to his groin to push his cock back against his body to keep it from standing out from behind the towel. Hugging the towel to his chest, he blushed so red that he couldn't look Mark in the eyes. Backing up into the cold sink, Jack yelped in surprise. Mark laughed, beckoning him back with an alluring finger, but Jack bashfully shook his head. Whirling around, Jack raced for the bedroom before Mark could convince him to join him.
Going to the closet, Jack pulled his suitcase out and dug through it to find pajamas. He needed to dress before Mark got out. He didn't want anything to tempt Mark. Pulling out his Christmas fleece pajama pants, he slipped them on in a rush. No matter how hard he tried though, he was too flustered to find the shirt. Slamming the lid shut, he scooted back to lean on the bed and put his fingers to his forehead. Peeking between his fingers, he looked to the bathroom, expecting to see Mark come chasing after him with lust in his eyes. Instead, he just heard Mark bathing. Had he done it wrong? Mark had told him that when he was under love potion number nine, that he had been all over him. Was this potion just weaker in comparison to that? Lowering his hands to drape them casually over his raised knees, he listened to Mark hum and wash like he didn't have a care in the world. It was certainly a change from earlier, but that made him nervous. Reaching for his phone on the bedside table, he thought about calling Rosemary to ask her. As he picked it up though, he felt silly and put it down.
He didn't want her to get angry with him. He had promised to use this right... and despite his little blunder, everything was fine. Slowly climbing to his feet, he took a few breaths to calm himself. Even if Mark's eyes had glinted a soft pink to show the potion took effect... Mark hadn't forced him to do anything. He had let him go and hadn't gotten aggressive with him. That was a good thing. No reason to panic. Swallowing, Jack carefully sat down on the edge of the bed. On the TV, Christmas movies played, and the fake fireplace was on and making soft sounds of wood crackling. It all helped to relax his wild heart and thoughts. Falling back across the fluffy red bed comforter, Jack draped an arm over his eyes and mumbled out to himself. "I can't believe I did that... So stupid. I should have just left the stupid thing where it was..." Unable to stop himself, he bitterly shot back at himself in a whiny voice. "Oh, but Jack... You don't want to get out of the warm tub to retrieve it. And you don't want to track soap on the carpet. I should have put the damn robe on the floor, but no... I didn't want it to get wet. UGH!"
Grabbing a pillow, Jack pressed it over his face and yelled every curse word that he could think of and some that he just pieced together to have something longer to say. He was so mad at himself. When he finally burned himself out, he just laid there and chewed absently on the corner of the pillow. He wanted to chew ice but didn't want to get up. He was just starting to settle down enough that he was thinking about eating something. He hadn't noticed that the smell of pizza still hung in the air until now. Releasing the pillow from his teeth, he tossed it back to its spot and sat up... right into Mark! He hadn't heard Mark leave the tub and he'd clearly been out for a bit because he was only a little damp now. He had the towel wrapped around his waist and he smelled so good. Mark was leaning over him, staring at him with a warm grin. Jack closed his legs together, trying to scoot back as Mark crawled up onto the bed. Jack's heart was starting to race again as he wispily told Mark. "Baby...? How are feeling?"
Mark pushed Jack's knees down, bringing his lips to Jack's belly to kiss his belly button. Jack tried to suppress his giggle, causing it to turn into a strangled snort. Mark's beard tickled. Mark's hands slid over Jack's hands to hold his wrists, before playfully kissing and humming against his belly. Jack fell back, arching against the bed as he burst into squeals and giggles. Mark gave him a moment to breathe and Jack used it to plead with him with a blissful smile of his own. "Mark... No fair! I- AH!" Jack twisted his wrists in Mark's grip, squealing and laughing louder. When Jack was forced to pant for air, Mark turned his tickling into genuine kisses that he trailed up his abs to his neck. Since Jack refused to part his legs, Mark straddled him. Sitting on his thighs to pin them down as he brought Jack's wrists up to pin them over his head. Jack swallowed loudly, before asking breathless and timid. "Mark...?" Bringing his lips to his neck, Mark suckled on a spot to form a hickie against his pale skin. Jack couldn't help arching back with a moan as Mark did it. He had always loved Mark's hickies, but Mark had stopped doing them when they started showing in his videos.
He hadn't expected him to do that now and it was knocking him on his ass! Licking the spot, Mark purred against his ear. "Relax. I feel great. In fact, I feel so good... that I want to leave a hickie on every part of your body. Only this one on your neck will show... Otherwise, I'll put them in special places that only I'll be able to see." Mark's lips brushed lovingly over his chest, stopping briefly over his nipple to tease it. Arching his back a little, Jack moaned out under his breath to the ceiling. "Fucking hell, Mark... I'm being punished, I just know it..." Mark snorted, asking as his lips went to Jack's ribs. "Punished for what? I thought you liked when I did this." Jack whined, his toes clawing the edge of the bed as he strained out. "I did... I do! But Mark... You don't understand. I can't... I can't sleep with you!" Mark chuckled sarcastically, his lips crossing over his body to kiss his other side as he whispered back. "What are you talking about? Of course, you can. Just stop resisting and I'll prove it." Mark's knee then wedged itself between Jack's thighs, forcing his legs to part.
Once both his legs were nestled between Jack's, Mark yanked off his towel and laid over him. Jack shut his eyes, groaning softly with a mix of pleasure and frustration. He was thankful that his pants were still on, but for as thick as the fabric was... he could feel every detail of Mark's hard cock against him. Grinding against him slow and tortuously, Mark playfully growled against his neck. "I promise you. It will be the best you've ever had." Tilting his head back, Jack whined out to the universe. "I hate you. I hate you!" Mark worked on the hickie on his neck again, letting out little growls that gave Jack goosebumps and made him hard. His heart was willing to throw caution to the wind, while his mind was playing a balancing act. He'd love to know how good sex would be with Mark like this... but not at the price of losing him! Letting out a reluctant groan, Jack muttered out as he trembled with pleasant sensations. "Mark... I can't. Please..." Lifting his head, Mark licked his ear and whispered in a voice dripping with honey. "Then I'll tease you, until you change your mind, sweetheart." To Be Continued...
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