Chapter Five: "It's not you. It's Me."
Mark helped pull Jack out of the chair, telling him with a warm smile. "Go get changed. I'll get everything together." Jack gave Mark a worried look, until Mark pressed his forehead to his temple to add in a sweet voice. "If you hurry. You can help me." Jack touched Mark's chest, then raced off to change. He'd only just made it into the room, when Mark called out to him. "Wear something warm. It's cold outside." Digging clothes out of his suitcase, he changed and pulled out his jacket. Jogging back into the living room, he stopped to watch Mark in the kitchen. He was packing a grey backpack with diapers and bottles. Moving into the kitchen, Jack chuckled out. "Are you going to take everything with you?" Mark looked up at him with a light glare, before informing him dryly. "Trust me. You pretty much have to take everything with you. Because when you don't have it... They need it. But when you have it, they rarely need it. It's better to be prepared for anything." Jack shrugged, asking hopefully. "What can I do?"
Mark pointed to the closet, saying a bit distracted. "Go in there and get the stroller. It has three parts. Two baby carriers and a bottom that looks like a cloth cart." Jack blinked a little confused but made his way to the closet. The closet was mostly empty. So, it made it easy to find the things he described. Pulling out the pieces, he unfolded the cart portion and raised the handlebar. Looking at the carriers uneasily though, he asked him. "Mark? Are we carrying the babies and pushing the cart?" Mark huffed sarcastically, walking over as he told him. "Oh, hell no. Look. You take the carrier, and you lock in sideways across the cart like this." Mark snapped one of the carriers onto it, then gestured for Jack to try it. Jack took the carrier and tried to do it, but it just wasn't working. Mark moved closer behind him, telling him with a chuckle. "Ya... Took me a long time to get it too. You really got to beat the shit out of it." Jack began to laugh, letting Mark help him snap it down. Once the carriers were secure next to each other, Mark's hands drifted back to Jack's waist. Leaning over him, Mark kissed his shoulder briefly.
Jack smiled to himself, watching Mark pull away from him. Mark pointed to what looked like a fuzzy blanket of sheep wool, telling him coolly. "Those are the stroller blankets. Wrap the kids and lock them in." Mark moved to fill the bottom of the stroller with dog bags and extra blankets. Tracing a finger over one of the carriers, Jack asked Mark a little grimly. "Who bought you all this?" Mark straightened up, glancing at him nonchalantly as he answered. "My mother. Soon after you left. She had so much fun picking everything out and telling me how she never had all this stuff when she had-" Mark drifted off, noticing Jack's solemn expression. Jack kept tracing his finger along the cart absently. He had missed out on that. Mark set the backpack down on the counter, moving closer to him to say in a loving voice. "Jack? You ok?" Jack nodded, not looking at Mark as he replied in a calm voice. "Ya. Why wouldn't I be?" Mark's hand touched his cheek gently, saying in a soothing voice. "It's just stuff. They'll outgrown it and... we'll have to get new stuff. They'll be old enough then that... we can go together."
Jack nodded, but his voice dropped a bit as he replied. "I'm sorry that I left all this on you. I... I shouldn't have left." Mark's fingers stroked his neck, telling him comfortingly. "Hey. You didn't just leave. I told you to go. It's... what we always do. You stayed so long before. I figured you'd get home sick and you needed to rest. Be with family." Mark dropped his hand, going to the closet to get the dog leashes. The question crept up Jack's throat, until he turned to say a bit bluntly. "Speaking of which... Mark, we need to talk." Mark set the leashes on the counter next to the backpack, stumbling around an excited Chica as he told him lightly. "Ya, I know. You're only here for a short time. That's why I want you to enjoy this while you can." Mark grabbed a carrier blanket, almost tripping over Chica as he made his way toward the babies' room. Shooing Chica out of the way, he took the other blanket and followed him. In the doorway, Jack started to say a bit strained. "Mark, that's what I mean. I wanted to talk to you about-" Mark hefted a bundled Barry up, cutting him off to tell him. "Make sure she's dressed warm before you bundle her up, ok?"
Jack nodded, stepping aside to let Mark walk out with Barry. Trudging over to Sally's crib, he looked down at her and said curiously in a low voice. "Do you want to see Ireland?" Sally grabbed her feet, giggling as she rolled around. Slipping a pair of socks on her and fixing her little onesie, he laid out the wool blanket and carefully slipped her in it. Wrapping her up until all he could see was her face, he watched her giggle. She looked adorable. Picking her up, he carried her out to the carrier. Mark had just finished buckling Barry in. Jack moved to the other carrier, setting her in and buckling the harness around her waist. She looked like a strapped down burrito. Sally wiggled, her eyes wide like she knew what was coming and was excited. How often did Mark walk with them? Mark pulled the cover of the carriers over the babies to block any sun that might be outside, then slipped on his jacket. Jack slipped on his own jacket and hooked Chica onto her leash. Mark slipped on the backpack and put a leash on little Henry before opening the front door.
Mark pushed the stroller out carefully with little Henry walking slowly with him. Chica was so excited that she pulled and danced in circles until Jack followed him out. Closing the door, Jack locked the door with the keys that Mark handed him. After locking it, Jack stared at the keys a second. How could he tell Mark that he wanted to live with him? Let alone convince Mark to leave L.A. for Ireland? Handing the keys back to Mark, Mark led the way down the street. Henry was great at keeping pace with the slow stroller. Chica was awful at it. She wanted to sniff and explore everywhere. For the most part, Jack let her to keep her happy. It was cold outside and there was a light frost covering the ground. All signs that winter was just around the corner. They walked through an almost empty park, noticing the young couples snuggling together on benches or holding hands as they walked. Leaning on the stroller handlebar, Mark cleared his throat and asked him curiously. "This is probably the nicest stroll I have had with them. Such a nice morning."
Jack stopped, looking back at Mark as he said honestly. "Yes. It is. Mark, there is something that I want to talk to you about. It's important." Mark shrugged, taking in the nice morning as he said a little uneasily. "Ok." Jack walked a little slower, nervously telling Mark. "Mark... I... I think we should consider moving in together." Jack tensed, waiting for Mark to answer. Inhaling deeply, Mark retorted bluntly in a cool voice. "No. I don't want to talk about that." Jack turned to face him, his voice a little hurt as he asked defensively. "Why not? Normal couples would think about-" Mark cut him off by raising a finger and announcing in a firm tone. "First of all, we aren't like 'normal' couples. Second, we can't have this decision without fighting." Jack shrugged, doubtfully saying. "That's not true." Mark stopped pushing the stroller, glaring at him as he said sternly. "Oh, really? How many times have I brought this conversation up, Jack? How many times have we EVER finished it without getting upset?" Jack crossed his arms over his chest, saying more calmly. "This time will be different."
Mark raised an eyebrow, stating out bluntly. "Ok. So, you're going to move in with me, right?" Jack uncrossed his arms, mumbling out. "Mark, I-" Mark cut him off to point a stern finger at him, but kept his voice level as he snapped out. "Exactly! You only care about the answer if it goes your way. Well, I'm not uprooting my life. I like it here." Jack shrugged, snapping back lightly. "But that's not fair! Everything I know is in Ireland. The U.S. doesn't run the same. The money, the roads, the culture. It's nothing familiar to me." Jack couldn't stop himself as the words slipped out. "And besides, what is there for you to uproot? You've been drifting from YouTube for months now. And your family and friends live states away." Mark stared at him with a neutral expression. Jack took a shaky deep breath, trying to counteract his words, but Mark blurted out. "Are you saying that I don't have a life here? Wow, Jack..." Jack pointed a finger at him, saying quickly. "That's not what I meant. I just mean that it will be easier for you to move than for me-" Mark raised a hand to stop him, interrupting quickly. "No. That is exactly what you meant. Ireland is just as foreign to me as America is to you. But you expect ME to drop everything for YOU."
Jack opened his mouth, but Mark added in sternly. "You know. My family and friends may live states away. But I can drive to see them! I can drive to theme parks and museums. I can drive to the beach and get everything that I need. Can you say the same?" Jack started to say something but stopped himself. Mark had a point. He'd always complained that he lived far from everything. Mark started to push the stroller again, muttering out sourly. "Why is it that whenever we get into a fight... It's always about what 'I' have to sacrifice for us?" Jack bit his lip, then retorted bitterly. "You're right. I only almost died trying to have YOUR kids." Mark rolled his eyes, mumbling out. "Oh? Now they are MY kids?" Jack spun around to walk beside Mark, muttering out. "Mark, just shut up and listen to me!" Mark waved him off, stating back bitterly. "Jack, just stop. I don't want to talk about this anymore. We can't agree and we never will." Jack grabbed the stroller to stop Mark from pushing it, upon blurting out in the heat of the moment. "If we can't agree to this. Then I'm taking my kids home with me."
Mark's face fell into a look of betrayal. Jack swallowed but knew he couldn't take his words back now. Clearing his throat, he said more gently. "Mark... They are my kids too. You've taken care of them and that's great... but I brought them into this world. By right, they are mine." Mark stepped out in front of him, saying in a low firm voice. "You never would have had them without my help. You can't just take them. I won't let you." Jack softened, pleading with him. "I don't want to take them from you, Mark. I want us all to be together. Mark, come with me to Ireland. You'll love it there. Please?" Mark shook his head, his grip tightening on the handle of the stroller as he said protectively. "No. I've given up a lot for you, Jack... but I'm not giving up my home. And I'm not letting you take them." Jack released the stroller to cup Mark's face, pleading with him in a desperate voice. "Mark, why don't you want to go?" Mark pushed Jack's hands off his face, answering in a firm tone of voice. "Why are you afraid to leave yours?"
Mark continued to push the stroller onward, leaving Jack to stand there a minute. He didn't want to fight for custody of the kids. Turning slowly to watch him walk away, Jack put a hand to his heart and rubbed his chest. Part of him wished he hadn't said anything. While another part of him was more worried about what would happen if they just couldn't stop butting heads over this. Trudging along after Mark, the rest of their walk was done in silence. The silence was brutal. Jack envied the loving couples he saw. The ones that had it all figured out. The ones that had done everything in order. Mark and him had kids before they were ready and now... everything was falling apart. Just as they were arriving home, the snow was beginning to fall again. Standing in the center of the lawn, he watched Mark take the babies and Henry inside without once looking back at him. He had wounded Mark deeply. Did Mark now think that was the only reason he had come back?
Jack watched the front door close, before taking a seat on the lawn. Chica sat beside him, her eyes watching the falling snowflakes. Hugging the jacket tighter around himself, he asked Chica in a small pained voice. "What's wrong with me, Chica? Why do I feel like... I'm the one pushing him away?" Chica licked his cheek, but it didn't help his mood. Bowing his head, he tried not to cry. Stuffing his hands into his pockets to keep them warm, he felt his phone and pulled it out. Staring at it, his mind was a mess of twisted thoughts. His heart told him no... but he found himself scrolling through his contacts to Rosemary's number. He hated that she was right. He was going to crawl back to her and ask for help... But not for Mark. He needed something to fix whatever was wrong with himself. Pressing the call button, he brought the phone slowly up to his ear as a tear ran down his cheek. When he heard her pick up, his broken voice asked almost in a whisper. "Rosemary... Can you have Nico come pick me up. I need to talk to you. No. This isn't about Mark. It's about me." To Be Continued...
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