Chapter Eighteen: "Everything You Wanted"
Jack couldn't breathe as he watched Mark pull a towel from the dispenser. Putting it under the water, Mark got it wet before shutting off the water and crouched down in front of him. Jack scooted back into the sink counter, panting heavily as he stared into Mark's eyes. Mark was strangely calm. Mark reached out to put the wet towel to Jack's nose, making him flinch. Nervously touching Mark's wrist, he stammered out uneasily. "Mark? Can I... Please give me my phone back?" Mark placed his free hand on Jack's cheek to hold his face steady. His other hand held the towel in place, collecting the blood that leaked from his nose, while telling him simply. "You don't need it. I'll take of you." Jack swallowed with some effort, before asking him curiously. "What did you do to me...?" Mark tilted his head, stating out with a lost expression. "I haven't done anything. Why would you think that?" Jack shrugged, taking the paper towel from Mark, before pleading lightly. "Mark. I need my phone."
Mark's hands slid down to hold Jack's sides, telling him flatly. "No, you don't. It's a distraction." Clearing his throat, Jack tried to keep his voice calm as he said rationally. "What if there is an emergency?" Mark leaned in to kiss his forehead in a light loving kiss. As his lips trailed down his to his cheek, Mark whispered to him casually. "I'll be with you. You will have no need for it." Jack's hand shook as he put a hand on Mark's chest, stating out a bit firmer now. "Mark... I'm serious. Give me back my phone." Mark looked him straight in the eyes, shaking his head defiantly. There was no malice in Mark's eyes. There was only a deep love in them. Sitting up straighter, Jack snapped at him more commandingly. "Mark. Now!" Mark's hand rose and Jack flinched expecting him to hit him. Instead, Mark's fingers ran through his hair, before telling him sweetly. "Why are you so scared? I'm doing this for us. Aren't you tired of technology being between us?" Jack turned fragile eyes on Mark, uttering out in a timid whisper. "Mark... You're scaring me... Please. Just give me my phone. It's the only way I can contact my parents. My life is in that phone. Please?"
Mark's warm hands cupped his neck, his thumbs stroking his jawline as he told him in a deep loving voice. "I know... That's why I'm holding onto it for a while. You wanted us to try to make this work... To start over. I want this to work out. But I can't let you leave before then. I won't let you leave me this time. I need you." Jack's heart started to race laps in his ribs as he mumbled out to himself in realization. "Oh shite..." Mark pulled him into a gentle kiss and Jack returned it with a heavy heart. The potion was doing EXACTLY what he wanted... but in a way that he hadn't expected. When Mark pulled from the kiss, he smiled to him and said affectionately. "Don't leave me, Jack... My heart can't take it anymore. I want to spend more time with you... because I... I don't want to lose you too." Jack raised an eyebrow, softly asking. "What do you mean by that?" Mark pulled Jack's hands up to his lips to kiss his knuckles before replying in a sad tone. "We spend so much time apart... and I've been going to the hospital more... It got me thinking... I just don't want to regret anything. I need a change... I need you. Not just now... but forever."
Mark lowered his forehead to Jack's shoulder, whispering to him in a shaky voice. "I don't feel so lost when you are around." Jack hugged him, kissing his neck. He couldn't tell if this was the potion or Mark... but it felt like Mark. Rubbing his back, Jack tried to discreetly move his hand down to Mark's pocket to remove his phone. He felt the corners of his phone in his pocket and tried to pull it out, when Mark pulled from him. Mark rose to his feet, extending his hands out for him to take. Accepting his hands, he let Mark pull him back up onto his feet. Once he was on his feet, Jack staggered into Mark still feeling lightheaded. Mark wrapped his arms around him, asking him with worry. "Something wrong?" Jack slid his hands down to Mark's hips to steady himself, telling him honestly. "I don't know. I never get nose bleeds and now I'm just so... dizzy." Mark cupped his face again, replying coolly. "Could be the change in weather... Going from a warm to cold climate can do that. Maybe the fireplace is too much for you in this weather?"
Jack nodded, saying softly. "Ya. Could be that. I think I just need more water. Can you go order me some? I'm going to splash my face and be right out." Mark nodded, giving his temple a kiss. Just before he turned though, Mark told him sweetly. "Don't take too long. Or I'll get worried." Jack nodded, leaning back on the sink counter with his hands nestled behind his lower back. After Mark left the bathroom, Jack turned to face the sink quickly and redialed the number. Coughing a little, he spit a few drops of blood into the sink and shook his head. This time the call picked up faster and Rosemary asked him uneasily. "Jack...? What's going on...?" Jack cleared his throat, rushing out as he eyed the bathroom door. "Rosemary, I think I'm having a bad reaction to the potion... I'm dizzy and I'm coughing up blood... my nose is bleeding... And Mark... I'm not sure I did it right." Rosemary's voice turned into a calm and clear tone as she asked him. "Ok. What's he doing?" Jack coughed again, slowing sinking to the floor to sit down. He couldn't stand up because he felt like he was going to vomit.
Leaning his head back against the sink, he rushed out. "He took my phone... and I feel like he's... It just feels wrong. He loves me but... it's almost... possessive now? Rose... What's happening?" He heard her flipping through pages and talking to someone for a few seconds about the symptoms. He heard an inaudible reply and Rosemary asked him curiously. "Jack, quick question. When you pictured this 'perfect love' that you wanted or missed in Mark... What traits did it take on exactly?" Jack tried to think but his mind was a blurry mess with how dizzy he was. Shrugging, he grumbled out. "What? I wanted him to love me like he used too. He never loved me like this... And I certainly didn't want him like this." Rosemary's voice was serious, upon asking him. "Are you sure about that?" Jack groaned, causing her to tell him quickly. "Jack, listen to me. This potion is projecting the feelings YOU gave him. Everything you felt that was keeping you part. This potion will use against you to get what it wants. I told you that it WANTS to prove you only love him for the sex. He won't hurt you... less YOU felt like he'd be a better lover if he did. Do you understand?"
Jack huffed, grumbling out. "Why didn't you tell me that?" Rosemary scoffed back a bit darkly. "Well, I'm sorry if I don't ask about your sex life. Besides, it's not something you can change. The potion reflects how you feel deep within. You can't fake that. So how was I to know that you think he'd be better as a... Nevermind. You'll just have to deal with this until the month is up. You can resist him for that long, can't you?" Jack swallowed, mumbling out. "I don't know. But what's happening to me?" Rosemary chatted with someone for a bit. Forcing himself to lean forward, Jack winced. His body felt tense and ached in pain. Rosemary asked him where he felt pain and how it started. He explained what he could to her, then sat in a bit of shock. The pain was fading, and he was starting to feel better. He told Rosemary and she sounded just as surprised. Jack heard Nico's voice much clearer now as he said to her. "It's fading? Ok... That could be good and bad..." More pages flipped as they talked over theories on why.
Jack waited patiently, hoping to hear something helpful. Climbing up to his feet, he splashed his face and looked himself over for anything that might help narrow down their search. His arms looked good. Looking into the mirror to check his face, he didn't see anything there either. Leaning closer, he started to look over his neck and frowned at the hickies. Then his eyes caught movement and he froze. Leaning on the frame of the bathroom door with his ankles crossed was Mark. Mark's fingers tapped the doorframe silently, his face contorted into a disappointed frown. Lowering the phone from his ear a bit, he said breathlessly. "Rosemary...?" Over the speaker, Jack heard Rosemary state out. "I know. I'm looking. Give me a minute." Jack stood still, unsure how this would affect Mark. He'd clearly been there for a minute or two. So, he wasn't afraid of Mark lashing out at him in anger. Pushing off the doorframe, Mark slowly strolled up to him. His expression turned to a more docile one, before he raised his hand for the phone.
Slightly curious what Mark would do if he refused, Jack moved the phone behind his thigh. His hand shook a little, but he tried not to let Mark see that. Staying as calm and steady on his feet as he could, Jack inhaled and told him bravely. "No." Mark's hand fell to his side with a neutral expression now. Taking a step closer, Mark's voice was rather caring when he said openly. "I'm not trying to do this to hurt you. Can't you just humor me for now?" Jack tilted his head a little, asking confused. "Why is it suddenly a problem?" Mark inched a bit closer, putting his hands on Jack's elbows loosely. With a heavy sigh, Mark lowered his eyes to the floor, honestly admitting. "It wouldn't be the first time that you booked a ticket and didn't tell me until the last minute... and with things so tense between us... Jack, please? I just don't want this becoming an issue. Can we try to enjoy our time together without this being a distraction?" Jack felt bad but tried to return the honestly by telling him truthfully. "I understand that... but this isn't about any of that. It's about the potion. Mark, I think I'm having a bad reaction to it and Rosemary-"
Jack drifted off when he saw Mark's eyes glint with the magical hue. Mark blinked like his eyes hurt and when he opened them, he told him firmly. "You're here with my family. We should be out there spending time with them. Not discussing this." Mark's hand slid down his arm to his wrist, causing Jack to curl his fingers around his phone tightly. Mark's fingers slightly wedged around his fingers in a gentle attempt to take the phone from him. Without using force, Mark told him nicely. "Jack. Let it go. You can go the rest of the day without it." Jack shook his head, biting his lip anxiously. Mark's other hand rose to lift Jack's chin with his fingers, whispering over his lips with a smile. "You are so stubborn. It's adorable..." Mark brushed his lips lightly over his, making Jack's heart race to the idea of kissing him. As Mark was pulling away to leave him without a kiss though, Jack took the initiative to kiss him instead. Mark returned the kiss, pressing into him more to deepen it. Mark's hand slid under Jack's chin to touch the side of his neck with the tips of his fingers. The gesture made Jack's heart skip.
The sound of approaching voices and footsteps pulled Jack's attention away from the kiss to look over Mark's shoulder toward the door. However, Mark's fingers gently pushed his jaw until their lips met to continue their kiss. Jack was stunned by this. Mark NEVER liked public affection. He'd always shot it down to keep their lives more private. The men that entered the bathroom laughed amongst themselves until they noticed them. Jack blushed a deep red from both a mix of shame and embarrassment. Soon breaking the kiss to look away completely from both Mark and the men. One of the men cleared their throat. Both of them sidestepping over to the farthest urinals from them. Mark paid them no mind, his attention was only on Jack, giving him a worried look. Jack gripped the counter tightly, noticing only then that his phone was gone. He didn't get a chance to say anything though, because one of the men commented dryly. "Would you mind taking that somewhere else? This is a bathroom. Not a hook up spot." Jack tensed, mumbling out nervously. "Sure. Sorry." Jack didn't make eye contact with them and tried to leave quickly.
Only to be surprised when Mark grabbed his elbow to stop him from leaving. Turning his attention to the men, Mark growled out darkly. "As a matter of fact. I do mind. This is a public restroom. If you can't piss, then go home." The man puffed up his chest, turning to Mark as he snapped out. "You're right. This is a PUBLIC restroom. So, if you're not going to piss... Take your whore home." Mark released Jack's arm, turning to face the man as his fingers curled into fists and he snapped back in a daring tone. "Say that again." The man stepped closer, accepting the challenge to state out with more emphasis. "Take your WHORE home." Jack rushed between them to push Mark back, pleading out. "Mark, stop! Just drop it." The man chuckled, commenting as Jack got Mark a few steps toward the door. "That's right. Walk away like a bitch before you get your ass beat!" Jack yelped as Mark suddenly spun away from him and rushed up to deck the man across the face. The punch had been so hard that the man was knocked off his feet to fall back into the tile wall limply. Mark had knocked him out cold.
Mark turned his eyes on the friend, who instantly raised his hands in surrender and backed up with wide eyes. Mark kept his eyes on the friend like he expected him to try to get in a cheap shot, but the guy meekly mumbled out. "I didn't say anything. He's my dumb brother-in-law. I'm sorry." Jack pulled on Mark's arm to pull him away from them. Mark snatched a paper towel from the dispenser as he passed it, balling it up to throw at the man on the floor, upon stating out to the other man. "You should clean him up. Fucker, pissed himself." Pulling Mark from the restroom, Jack stammered out in shock. "What was that?! What were you thinking?" Mark blinked like it was a stupid question, answering bluntly. "I wasn't going to let him talk about you that way. The asshole deserved to be put in his place." Jack shook his head, sternly telling him. "Mark, I'm flattered... but that's assault! Whether he deserved it or not, YOU shouldn't have been the one to do that!" Mark rolled his eyes, asking sarcastically. "And who else do you think would have done it? Besides, do you really think he's going to call the cops with a piss stain on his pants? The guy got off easy."
Jack groaned, grabbing Mark's arm to stop him from walking away as he growled out. "Mark, don't do it again! You hear me?" Mark rolled his eyes again, muttering out under his breath in a less than sincere voice. "Ya. Ya. Whatever." Mark started to walk back to the table, prompting Jack to question him gruffly. "Mark, where's my phone?" Mark pulled it from his pocket, chuckling back over his shoulder carelessly. "I've got it. Come on, let's eat. I'm hungry." Jack rushed up behind him, attempting to take his phone back, but Mark kept it out of his reach. Returning it to his pocket, he bumped his hip against his to keep him back as he told him through a light chuckle. "You'll get it back when we return to the hotel. Just try to enjoy yourself for now." To Be Continued...
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