Chapter Twenty-Six
Scarlett's POV,
My life is the second name of déjà vu.
Because walking down the same dark path, I had reassembled my thoughts a billion times. But did fear have weight upon concern? Concern for someone you love? In my dictionary, yes. No one knew my tale of torture, because no one had known as much. The timber wood odor wasn't doing wonders, it reminded me so much of when it was mixed with the fresh smell of stanching bloodshed. One I witnessed, but couldn't stop. The owls singing weren't exactly movie-ish to me. So when they rose, they brought back the same night, when she had screamed.
I whip my head to the left. Was it really someone screaming, or was I hearing things? Trauma does a number on you. You hear things. I look down and almost catch a glimpse of a tall shadow looming over me. I gulp. You see things. I continue walking though. But this time, when I feel someone's breath brush past my necks behind. I halt to a stop, only to convince. You feel things. I push past the agonizing fear trying to catch its hold and almost run against the wind.
Why Scarlett? Why be the hero every single time?
Because, the pure act of heroism hadn't got me. It was my worry. Some weird emotions churning in me, that wanted to chase after Tony and the sudden want to explain things to him. He had seen the proximity, Jack and I shared for the very first time. And it's not only about Jack. It's about how close I am to someone. He's never seen me getting groovy. He probably had a panic attack. Plus, I would have fed my concern some foolish lies. But the man, I had entrusted, to stop me from going on a suicide mission, didn't read between the lines. I remember him saying, "He went that way," Pointing towards the woods and when I sighed, walking the direction. He had stopped me, warning, "It's better, if he stays on his own. He needs some space," When I had frowned, "Edward, is he okay?" He remained silent. "What's up with him?" His face pales. "You know, don't you?" When he doesn't utter a single word for another five minutes, I scowl and continue my way. But, this time Edward stands in front of me. "Scarlett, just..." Raising an eyebrow, I urge him forward. "...Let him go." I crease my forehead, at his spooky double meaning reply. I scoff, believing that if Tony's not okay then he will be, after I sneak on him. I walk around him, going deeper. But, twenty minutes here and I think I've done a mistake.
Is he your dad, Scarlett?
No, but he's my best friend. Rolling my eyes at my own drama, I come to a sudden stop, as I stare at a tree inches away from me. Bravo! I would have collided head first again. If it weren't for my overthinking. Cold air of the misty night goes past me, blowing my unruly locks with it. I push them behind my ears. My teeth chatter at their own pace, don't know whether it's cold or terror. But nonetheless, I shout through the frost in me,
Noise much similar to shuffling is heard and I spin anti-clockwise. Because like in horror shows, something had moved. And likewise a dumb actress in a thrill sequence, I shout,
"Who's there?" My subconscious is shaking its head. "Tony?" I shout yet again.
But with no response, I follow the same track of the flick. Glancing back and seeing no one. Dreading the outcome of what's to come in front of me. I turn around slowly. My forehead creases itself, as it registers, that there is no threat. Almost shocked with how my luck turned out so fortunate. The thought makes me smile.
But like my luck heard me, the pointed branch of the ancient tree in front of me starts creaking. The enchanting lilting voice of a lullaby follows. She hums in a rhythm, a being can drown in. So hauntingly beautiful. I would have entranced myself in her song, but my beating heart was louder to me than her hypnosis. No! I will not give in. So, I force my head to remain still, as it stares hardly on the ground. Muttering quickly.
Just a delusion. I'm traumatized. She's not real. She's dead.
The branch creaks further. Her stretched grey white toes will reach ground level in no time. My breathing is harsh and I grind my teeth together. Because, I'm this close to snapping my head up. When her feet touch the land, coldness suddenly compasses my body. And I'm shivering for help. I force my eyes shut. Because, in the back of my stubborn mind, when I'll open my eyes she'll be gone. It's all in my freaking head! My mind screams so loud, it'll burst my brain cells. All I can hear is the sound of my ragged breathing, which I'm trying to restrain by biting my lower lip. My vocals don't stop too, as they mentally pray for a merciful miracle. Standing there like a vice, my feet are too cold to retreat. I count till ten in my mind and continue arguing with my heart. I pressure myself to narrow my eyes. Shockingly, when I see the messy surface of the forest empty. I open them wide.
A huge sigh escapes me with a small smile of relief, as I quickly turn my face back up. Only to scream like a banshee. My heart does a double take, I'm so scared. The deafening silence is so loud, that it mutes my screams. I'm living in a nightmare again, as I see it play. With Poppy's battered face within inches from me, her body swinging upside down from the same branch of the tree. Her hollow eyes stare down to my soul. And until I stare at her in frightening shock, she remains quiet. But, when my senses hit me like a truck. I scream so loud, anticipating the most terrifying fact.
My voice is lost.
Even if my mouth is open, I'm forcing my cords, but no noise comes out. Her black blue lips which seem like they were sewn shut, shift upwards. Her gruesome self gives me a haunted provoking grin. My hands emerge, trying to push myself away from her horrid self. But finding it appalling, she screams. So loud, queer and screeching. The land beneath me quivers like an earthquake. My ears deafen. Heart stops moving and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to breathe. My fingers circle themselves around my neck, pressing them for oxygen. But, instead of the outcome I want, I feel my hands tightening.
What the hell?
My hands stiffen and become so taut, that I can hardly bend them. My own hands are suffocating the life out of me. She's doing this. The girl named, Poppy, who's swinging upside down on the branch of the tree, is going to be my murderer. Just then, she starts singing in her haunted voice again. Like my forceful suicide wasn't enough, her song promises death. Struggling for a single breath, my body impulsively moves back. I cough. Walking back at least, ten steps. I cough again, I'm losing it. As the distance grows, I begin to lose sight of her. And the further I go, my hands soften like I'm escaping from some spell bubble. Eventually, they flex themselves and I can let go of the wringing self torture off my neck. Then, I gasp some air for revival. Subconsciously, continuing the motion of bending my fingers; worried that any second, they'll betray me for her ghastly tricks.
I look up from my hands, bending my head to see a better view. My stupid self walks few steps forward for reassurance of her follow. But, when I catch sight of nothing, I place a hand over my beating heart and take deep calm breaths. "This is it, I have to tell everybody." I walk in reverse, my mind almost made. But, Tony? My subconscious questions and I shake my head, because I don't have any answers. My back hits something hard and I jolt forward with the force. My heart jumps with the intrusion too. My breath escalates; terror crawls up my skin.
I crease my eyebrows, as I swiftly turn around. The familiar voice of the man, I can't escape from.
"You're as pale as a ghost. Did you see something you shouldn't have?" He sounds so confident, like he knew what happened here. To me. I frown. "How did you find me? It's so dark in the woods." I question, suddenly cautious of his presence. He starts chuckling, I frown harder. "Didn't I tell you, Miss. Holmes?" He stops talking, and tilts his head to my eye level. So, I can see his brown orbs in the dark, shining like marbles. "You can't escape me." I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding. I open my mouth and close it again. Finally, forming a thin line and crossing my arms, I look the other way. He chuckles again.
"Come. I have to show you something." He beckons, and even though I want to resist, I give in and follow him through the rough tracks of the forest.
I roam my head around and when I see us nearing the same way, I ran from. I quickly walk closer and strongly control myself from holding onto him. Though, he being himself notices that. His smirk is a proof and I roll my eyes.
Urgh! I hate how vulnerable I am to him.
Suddenly, the events of last night flash in front of my eyes. "Because I've seen it too". Jack's reassurance. "You know why? Because I've seen it too." I twist my head, my eyes giving him a scrutinizing stare. Cursing myself for forgetting something so important. My thoughts register him, trying to read him like an open book.
"What did you mean last night?" I pause to see the sudden change in his demeanor. "When you said, 'I've seen it too'."
His face pales, and I see his adam's apple bob up. I crease my forehead. "Scarlett..." He prolongs, and I wait impatiently for his reply. "Why don't we keep that discussion for daylight?" Are you scared? Like he's heard me, he replies defending himself. "Nah, the souls are up now. I don't mean to reveal one's secret to their face," He pauses and shoots me a look. "Especially with you here." Huh?
He halts himself, as he turns around lowering his face and inching close to mine. So, much that even our hands wouldn't be able to pass by the shortest distance he has covered. He drawls, "Yes you, Scarlett Holmes," His defenseless voice continues, "Are prone to wake things that have been asleep for a very long time." I gaze into his grief stricken eyes. The look exudes things, he wasn't planning to say; and suddenly, I have this distinct feeling that he isn't really talking about souls. As if he doesn't want me seeing the truth behind his cover, he draws himself back hastily and starts progressing. Five minutes of uncomfortable silence later, I begin,
"You're not making sense."
He gives out a dark laugh. "Enjoy it while it lasts, love."
My subconscious chuckles at his attempt of distance. Though me, he's twisting me into new tangles and the agony is, I'm not exactly a solved case either. "Enjoy?" I scoff. "This is very frustrating." He laughs again.
"Some things are best, when they don't make sense. Because, viewing them from a clear perspective, ruins their prospect in all."
For a moment there, I just stare at him. As usual trying to figure him out. He's even more complex than the big jigsaw puzzle mum gifted me last Christmas; which I tried so hard to fit together. Then laugh to my own misery, that there once was a Scarlett, who was good at making out the most messed up logics. But now, look at me, looking at him. He's the dementia, I want no cure from.
"Hush," He whispers, breaking my reverie. "Don't make any noise." He adds, in an inaudible tone, moving a branch and peeking through. "But there's nobody here." I say, in my normal pitch. "Scarlett, I said stay quiet!" He demands, keeping his sound in check. I narrow my eyes and look around. Is he bananas? "You're being ridiculous." I comment in a sassy tone, in reply, he grits his teeth. It's sort of funny annoying him. So I decide to do it further, moving my level up a notch. I push past him and walk to where he's peeking. "Scar –" What I see, makes me regret what I just did. Glowing yellow orbs stare back at me from the depths of those dark green bushes. I register, "Are those..." Gulping, I add, "Eyes?"
Then they multiply, and suddenly all the dark bushes, I was surrounded with, are glowing with them. Hundreds or maybe thousands. My hand extends behind me, because my body is unable to move and finding support.
"I would have told you, if your impatient self would have been obedient for once."
Jack takes hold of my arm and reaches up close, that I feel his chest against my back. He's here, I'm safe. He puts his head on top of mine and chuckles.
What the hell?
"And those aren't eyes, Scarlett," He utters in complete serenity. "Look."
And then suddenly, they aren't. As the fireflies start flying from the bushes, I'm entranced by how beautiful they are. The fascinating flicking of green and yellow lights, sparkling all around me, feels like I'm dreaming fantasy. The magical aura that suddenly encompasses me, might be the best thing I have felt in the longest of time. But the sorrow is, they don't stay long as the thousands of clusters of them begin to fly away in the clear sky. I follow completely spell bound, willing to see more and with Jack's footstep I hear him follow too. Going through another bunch of bushes. I forget to breathe.
Am I in a Disney movie?
There in front of me, is the most beautiful place I have ever laid my eyes upon. The moonlight shone over the glistening wide and majestic lake. The beautiful fireflies flying in clusters atop it. The mountains of snow, standing tall behind the lake, are the site where the mesmerizing waterfalls find their reigns. The rhythmic sound it makes as it falls over the lake, has my worries numb. White clouds that appear smoky grey in the sky, seem to make the best companion with the full moon. The captivating odor of lavender fills my nostrils and I all but draw it in. The lush green grass beneath my feet looks so soft, that I imagine myself lying right there. I walk forward entranced with the view and almost drop to my knees, when I see the colorful marine species in the lake.
"I've never seen anything like this before." I remark. "It was waiting for you." He adds, looking at me with longing. What's with the double meaning today?
Glancing back, now viewing it from low to high, I'm struck again with the beauty of the white waters cascading from the heights of the dark rocky chambers, of the piece we call mountains. Having enough of my restraints, I drop down and just when I'm on the edge of dipping my hands in water, he catches me before I can do the deed.
"I won't recommend that," He advises, "I know the water seems very tempting. But some creatures in there aren't safe."
That's when realization finally hits me. Fantasy had me zoned out, but here he was, Jackson Wyatt, the savior, the living and walking version of a headache, the wizard, the know-it-all and the list doesn't seem to end. But all in all, I have given the most precious part of myself to this man. My heart. And now as I see him so close, with his rough palm holding my hand firmly yet delicately, with his warm brown eyes scanning me, like I'm a wonder. I heave a sigh.
"Your hair," He starts and I glance into his eyes. "Is the deepest shade of red. In the moonlight, it looks like glowing blood."
I give out a light chuckle, "That sounds horrible."
He passes me a look of pure disbelief. "It's a miracle," He corrects, surprised. "Because blood red symbolizes death and yet on you," Voice low as he slides closer to me, whispering from merely inches, "It's like you're life."
I'm seeing stars. Stars in those eyes. And it's almost a dilemma; whether to let myself fly by letting myself fall, or breaking apart, so I could learn to take flight.
I choose the latter.
My subconscious roars her way out. Yes, I can't. I barely know him. But, that dance? His save? His touch? Why am I getting used to it? It's the hormones. It has to be. Stop thinking, Scarlett! Get up, you need the distance. He's interrupting the sensible part of your brain again. Right okay. I swiftly stand up, ready to walk away from the bright end of the beautiful world, from him, back to the darkness and the loneliness. At least, it's safe that way. You won't get hurt again.
"Running back to your hole are you? Shortcut's to the left."
He interrupts my haze, pointing at the direction. And beneath his wounded voice, I hear him murmur, "Coward" and swiftly, I turn around to glare at him.
"I'm not a coward! I can find my way home!"
"It's not about finding ways, Miss. Holmes," I fold my arms, demanding an explanation, every nerve of my body taut and angry. "You're a coward, because you're running away," I grit my teeth and turn my head sideways. "I am not!" Completely dodging my question, he continues, "What are you so afraid of?" His speech very low but not inaudible.
"It's none of your business!" I shout to his face.
"That's it!" He lets out a frustrated grunt, standing back up. "You are not going to leave, until you answer me." His deep gaze, holding me captive, I shake my head to break the daze and give out a bitter laugh. That's a hell of a confidence, right there. "Make me."
Big mistake.
The next thing I know, is my back, pushed to the nearest tree, his chest pressed over mine. My breath escalating way too quickly, shock sending tremors all over me. Goosebumps supporting my skin. My blood running hot and my face so warm, burnt in an oven. I gulp, my eyes wide, my heart hammering in my chest. And I'm worried he's standing so close, he'll hear it. My eyes slowly trace him, from his jaw, his lips, up till his dark gaze; carefully regarding the situation, that is me. "You." That three syllabled word, escapes his mouth and then his lips crash on mine. We collide. I'm lost and don't want to be found. My thoughts go mute and all I can feel is his taste. A weird combination of mint and coffee. He bites my lower lip and I cry out in surprise. "Unhinge." He softly kisses it back, like a furious animal turning human for me. I circle my arms around his neck, just as he grabs my thighs and wraps them around his waist. I jump in shock and he gently caresses my back, setting fire in my being. My hands untangle themselves and teasingly crawl from his abdomen up to his chest. They are suddenly pushed harder, as Jack presses me further into the tree. "Me." And when my brain registers his declaration, it ignites our passion. Our tongues ravish each other. I grab hold of his collar and pull him closer, if that's even possible. He groans, very much liking how I'm losing control too and I gasp. Our fronts rubbing off each other, turns on the temperature Celsius high. I fold my arms around his neck again. He shifts his line of target, softly pecking my jaw and tracing his way to my neck, where he finds a spot, which tickles me. I giggle and he stops, whilst breathing in pants, "I love that sound." His husky voice just made my mind go nuts and damn that hooded gaze. I blush, redder than a tomato, which is stupid, after what we've just done. Breathing hard as I confess in the haze, "And I –"
"Scarlett?" Tony interrupts.
Heya! Five months laters. I'm so sorry! I really am.
URM. So, how did it go?
So technically, I'm a nervous wreck. I won't say much. Because, I've said too much. So, now it's your turn. Tell me guys, how'd you guys think about it?
Let me know! Until, later.
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