Chapter Ten
Scarlett's POV
I cup the mug with both my hands feeling the heat and getting the whole experience. As I take a sip from my shimmering hot coffee. Black and bitter. Just the way, I like it. I flick through another page.
Mr. Darcy never gets boring.
It's an edgy seat, over my little spaced cushioned window. Though, I love to crawl here, when I read. Outside the window, I see how the sun ends its shift as the only source of light. I smile, it's a beautiful sunset. I rest my head against the wall. That's when; I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in, if it's important." I say, as I sigh inwardly.
"Oh, it is." Tony says, opening the door and flashing me his charming grin. I give him a half smile. I glance towards the clock.
"You're fifteen minutes early." I point out.
"I see, Mr. Darcy is more wanted than I am." He says, eyeing my edition of Pride and Prejudice on my lap. What? He's my favourite. As I recite these lines,
"You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you..." I'm cut off, as Tony completes me.
"...And wish from this day forth never to be parted from you."
We both laugh as we quote Mr. Darcy's proposal. Just when, we stop laughing. I see Tony's gaze linger. There's definitely something, he wants to say. But what?
We step out of the moment, when my phone rings. I press dismiss.
"Who was it?" Tony questions intrigued. "It's my alarm." I answer and that funny smile is back on his face. I'm relieved to see the old Tony. We really need to talk about his recent mood swings. But, not now. Not when, we have to pick his sister and my best friend off the airport. One who hates tardiness.
"I have to change." I say, as I stand up. He quickly scans my disheveled PJ look. Then, after nervously coughing and muttering, "Sure, I'll be downstairs." He leaves.
Way to make it awkward. Not all of us have a closet as huge as a changing room. I roll my eyes, at the memory. Making my way, towards my closet.
Ten minutes later, when I enter my lounge. I see, mom and Tony are all talks about business.
"Honey, hey! Can you believe it, that Mr. Atlas actually gave a tour to Tony of the British Corp.? That's amazing." Mom says enthusiastically. As Tony smiles proudly. I don't really know what the British Corporation is. Or why getting a tour there is such a big deal. But, I smile back as I rarely ever see Mom this enthusiastic.
"Yeah, I had to interview, Mr. Atlas in place of James, the senior reporter." He pauses for a thought. "I guess, I can call myself lucky to get such an opportunity. When James called in, that he was sick. They didn't have much of a choice, then to send me. It was Christmas time of the year. Nobody was available." Tony explains his point, looking at me expectantly.
Before I can even say anything, mom gives her piece of mind.
"Oh, definitely. But, it is your hard work that got you there too. Don't give your luck all the credit." She says, patting his shoulder proudly. I check the time again; it's only half an hour till Nista's flight lands.
"Mom, we better get going." I intercept, giving Tony a look that says, don't-get-too-cozy-you-floozy.
He shrugs and says, "Yes, we should leave. It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Holmes and thank you for being here, for me." He concludes, which earns him a mother affectionate hug. I roll my eyes at the sentiments. These two.
When, we finally get in the car. I narrow my eyes at Tony as I grate,
"If we're late, it's all on you." He laughs, as he pulls the car out of the driveway.
"You still have it?" he asks, pretending to act nonchalant. I just blankly stare at him. "I have no idea, what you are talking about."
"Oh, come on. The girls charm bracelet." He says, hinting towards my precious and safely kept bracelet.
"You mean this friendship bracelet?" I say, raising it to eye level. He nods. "What's so shocking about me, still having it?" I question, completely clueless. "Because, from what I remember. None of the best friends abide to this rule. I'll forever wear our friendship bracelet." The way, he quotes our rules. With him faking a feminine voice is hilarious.
"Let's not." I plead, as I shake my head laughing hysterically.
"Come on, you remember what Amie did." He says with that smile.
"I know, I know. She traded hers to her cousin, to keep the little minx (As she calls her) mouth shut for her date night." I say, remembering every detail about the famous date that got ruined.
"Let's not forget, how my sister and Hazel are so charitable." He exaggerates, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Hey! I wouldn't blame them. Charity is a good thing." I reply, earning a look from him.
"But, our dear Michelle is not quite behind in the list either. She was so protective about the thing, that she 'accidently' dropped it in the sewage." He adds. I laugh so hard, that my laugh vibrates in the whole car. "Tony you remember, how you gave Bree an evil eye when she left, your cassettes and her accessories bag at her mother's old house." I remind, as I remember how much of a fuss that created. "How can I forget? They were my lifetime recordings. I should have never given them to her." He says, frowning.
"Hey." I touch his shoulder lightly. "But, I got you new ones. It's never too late to make memories." I console gently. He turns to look at me. A smile forms on my face. As he says, "It never really is."
Honking makes the car go out of control. I am pushed back to my seat, as he tries to regain control of the car. He applies the brakes, when we're safe. I give a sigh of relief.
As someone driving past us yells, "Get a grip, you floozies!"
I flush ashamed. But, Tony starts laughing and I look at him baffled. Seeing him laugh, while tapping his hands on his lap, I started laughing too. When finally the laughing fit dies. He starts driving again and I turn up the stereo.
A familiar song starts blaring from the speakers.
I hung up the phone tonight,
Something happened for the first time deep inside,
It was a rush, what a rush,
'Cause the possibility,
That you would ever feel the same way about me,
It's just too much, just too much,
Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you,
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized,
And I've just got to know,
I know this song. I know this song all too well. I sneak a peek at him and then quickly look away trying my best, to not do the mistake. I did all those years ago.
Do you ever think when you're all alone,
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way you do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away,
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy,
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy,
I bite my lip hard, frowning at how this song still affects me. David Archuleta doesn't stop his assault, as he keeps on singing the main phrase.
Oh, screw it! I move my hand to change the station. But then I feel cold, when my hand makes contact with another hand. I crease my forehead. As Tony, decides to increase the volume, while I'm trying to change the station. I glare at him and he doesn't look taken back. Instead, he shakes his head and increases the volume more. I grit my teeth, as I notice that are fingers are still touching. My face feels warm, as I try my best to not drown in the memories that I've buried. I quickly pull my hand away.
Has it ever crossed your mind,
When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends?
Is there more, is there more?
See it's a chance we've gotta take,
'Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last,
Last forever, forever,
Why, Scarlett? Why are you still attached to something that didn't exist? My subconscious tries to thicken my wounds. Is it a sin to fall for someone? Or is it an even bigger sin to want them?
Maybe. Because, that day. Drew wasn't my only mistake.
Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you,
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized,
And I've just got to know,
I whip my head, towards Tony's direction quickly. He's singing. He's singing along with David. He's singing the song that I sang when I had my first crush. When I realized, who I loved more.
Do you ever think when you're all alone,
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
Stop singing! My heart's yell is louder than this car vibrating with the music. I grip the ends of the seat so hard, that I'm sure I'll leave imprints there.
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way you do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away,
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy,
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy...
When the music finally fades in the background. Tony gives me the warmest smile, he can muster. "I have to admit, even at thirteen. Your taste in music was so much better than other girls, I've come across. It still is."
I don't say anything. Because, if I will. I'd most definitely explode.
"I read it in a magazine, somewhere. Girls love music according to their mood. It's like seasons. Right?" He says, getting to a point I don't want him to reach. I nod, trying to act oblivious.
"So. What were you feeling those days? Or more precisely who were you feeling for?" He smiles, as I turn to look at him angrily.
This is it! I can't take it anymore.
"Stop the car!" I shout at him. "No, Scarlett-" He says, all calm. I cut him off.
"I said, stop the bloody car!" I shout louder this time. "Or I'll jump."
"What? No!" He panics. "Do you even hear yourself?" Worry drenched in his tone. "This isn't you." He feigns disapproval. I give him a death glare, as my mind burns with profanities to scream at him.
"Scarlett." How does he do it? Sound worried one second and the other he's sweeter than the sweetest drop of honey.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm good." I answer, even when I know I'm not.
"But, you don't you look so good." He encounters.
"Then, stop looking." I grate. I want to hit his head with something.
"You know, you can tell me anything." He reminds me. I know, I can. But this is too much. Even for him.
"There's nothing to tell." I reply, looking outside the window. Suddenly, the darkness of the night is the most interesting thing to be seen. I hear him sigh. But, I don't turn.
"Scarlett, being difficult won't get you anywhere." He answers patiently.
I wish, I could tell you. I wish, I could tell you the secret; I've sealed in myself since so long. I wish, I could tell you. Why I lied.
My subconscious reminds me, how I'll lose his friendship too.
When I turn, I see his eyes filled with hope. I give him a half smile. I always take things the wrong way. He's only hopeful because, he thinks I'll open up. Not because, there's something else.
"I'm taking a nap. Wake me up, when we get there. Maybe, then I'll feel less difficult." I say gently. He frowns, but doesn't persist further. I sigh, as I snuggle into the car seat.
When I close my eyes, it doesn't take long for me to drift away.
THE SUN IS GRAZING MY BACK. I can't stand here all day. But, the choice I made. The guilt. The lie. It's not helping me move. Someone shaking me brings me back to my senses.
My vision is clouded with my wet eyes, when it finally makes contact with the people. My friends. Bree, Michelle and Hazel. They all have a look of worry etched on their faces. I've been crying. Of course, they're worried. I probably look like, a crying monster by now. I quickly, rub my eyes with the edge of my sleeve.
"Hey, hey, hey. Don't be so rough with yourself. Here's a tissue." Michi hands me a spare. I mumble a quiet thank you.
"Can you tell us, what happened?" Hazel asks, hesitantly as she caresses my shoulder. I stay silent. But, Bree explains.
"What could have happened? I mean really, Haze? Is that so hard to understand? That Elmore guy with a cow nose, messed with our best friend's heart." Bree answers, on my behalf. I stand still, saying nothing. Because, partly she's right. He has messed with my heart. Hazel looks at me for assurance. I can only manage a nod.
"Come on, my aunt's here. I'll give you a ride home." Michelle insists, as Bree and Hazel drag me towards the car.
Michelle opens the car door for me. Just as I step in, I'm engulfed in a hug. "Yay! Sleepover night!" Amie squeals. I give her a weak hug back, thinking let's not ruin her happiness. Behind me, Michelle shakes her head signaling Amie, about how I feel. She mouths an "Oh". After giving our greetings to Michelle and Hazel's aunt. The car gets into motion.
Bree doesn't seem very happy. Because, when Hazel talks about our one month long planned sleepover (which is tonight), she keeps on making uninterested scowls and irrelevant eye rolls. The only time, we don't receive a response from her, is when she's lost in thinking. Like now, when Amie's currently asking her a question and she just snidely replies to shut her up,
"I'm busy, thinking payback. Stop disturbing me." Michelle rolls her eyes. Hazel looks very uncomfortable and Amie gives her a look that screams "Freak". I look away, thinking how to get out of this without telling any of them the truth. Tough chance. When they drop me at my house, I purposely take a slow walk to my door. Trying to absorb all that has happened and trying my level best not to cry.
When I step onto the porch, he's sitting there. His hands underneath his face and his elbows on his lap. His eyes analyzing every step I take.
"What took you so long?" Tony says, getting up from his perfect posture. He brushes dust from his pants, as he moves towards his bicycle. He takes out a book from his backpack and hands it over to me. I scan the copy, which is laid over my hands.
"Pride and Prejudice. I found it in paper-back edition, at the Jeremy's." He says with a smile, I could run miles for. I shake my head.
"I can't take it. It's too expensive." I answer, handing him back my favourite classic. He doesn't take it.
"No, Scarlett. I know, you wanted it. So, what's the big deal if I got it instead of you?" I shake my head again. "Okay, okay fine. Consider it as an early birthday present." He convinces. He doesn't seem in denial, so there's no use making him consider otherwise. Also, I'm very emotionally tired to deal with arguments right now. "Thank you." I say, lowly.
I keep my head my low, as I head towards the door. He catches me before, I can move any further. I knew, I couldn't go long enough with my façade.
"What happened?" He asks, as he smells something's wrong.
"Nothing." I say and add, "I'm just tired." When I know, he'll never buy that nothing excuse. But, from the look he's giving me, he knows I'm still lying. I gulp, as I focus on the floor beneath my feet. There goes my secret out the window.
"Scarlett, does it have anything to do with Drew?" He asks, as if he just decided to read my mind. I quickly look up and I am met with his interrogating eyes.
Me or Him?
A voice in my head screams remembering what Drew Elmore said.
My vision blurs and this time, I won't be able to stop the tears. Tony frowns. He motions me to sit on the pristine slippery doorstep with him. Having no control of my self control, I go against the better judgement. I sit beside him. As I tell him the truth,
"He didn't like the thought of me, spending my summer with some guy that's not him -" I start.
"But, we've been best friends since prep school." Tony interrupts.
"I told him that. He said, that was before I became his girlfriend." I reply.
Tony grimaces and asks, "Then?" Here goes.
"He gave me a choice." I prolong, because I'm scared and mostly because it's painful.
"About what?" He hesitates.
"It's either, you or him." I look away, as tears cascade my face. I couldn't hold it in anymore. How could he have done that? If he loved me, he wouldn't have made me choose.
Tony moves my face towards his face. Now it's just me, drowning in those dull blue eyes. It's an ocean. "What did you say?" He asks, with a sad face.
He lost hope so easily. He places a finger over a fallen tear, and then delicately wipes it away. As I try to calculate my breathing.
"He broke up with me." I murmur.
He levels our gaze, as a smile lights his face. With inches apart, he moves closer. When our lips meet, I'm frozen at my spot. My eyes shoot up widely. He kisses me lightly. I'm too shocked to respond, when he steals my first kiss.
He pulls away suddenly. I just stare at him, thinking of words to say, to not make this awkward.
It was too quick.
Sorry, I didn't kiss you back.
I was too shocked, I...
"It was a mistake." Tony interrupts my thoughts, shaking his head abruptly.
In a flash, he gets up to leave. He doesn't even look at me once, when he gets on his bicycle and exits through my front yard. I sit there. Thinking he left me too. Heart Broken. It's easy to say, leave the world for them. But, that day I realized, you couldn't abandon yourself for one.
Because, they'd live up to make promises about years.
Yet, they won't wait a second to break them.
"I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOU. WE'RE HERE!" I jerk awake, as he shouts. When my dizzy vision clears, I see Tony arguing on the phone. I take a deep breath; he scared the hell out of me. "I said, wait! I'm at the car park." He glances at me and when he sees I'm awake, mouths me a sorry.
I nod sympathetically. Bree can be over-the-top. And about, the dream flashback? Let's just say, we've moved on. It's been four years.
"Where the hell are you? And what the f**k did you do to my bestie?!" See, I knew it. Bree screams through the phone. Tony winces, as he puts his phone away from his ear. I put a hand over my mouth, as I chuckle.
Talk about over protectiveness.
"A, you should seriously mind your language. And B, she's with -'' She cuts off Tony. Oops.
"I don't care about you're A and B bullshit. Just tell me, she didn't die on your watch? Because, if there's even a scratch on her. I swear, I'll beat your over smart and intellectual as....stop Ethan, don't fondle me, right now." Her voice goes distant. I chuckle again, as Tony moves out of the car to open the door for me. The perfectly tamed gentleman thing never really goes away.
"I mean your bum. I'll kick you bad on the bum." She completes, as she gets back. I mouth him to put the phone on loudspeaker. He does as he's told. Well, after complaining she's already too loud.
"We're on our way, Bree. It's me and I'm safe and sound." I laugh.
"I'll believe that, when I see you." She says, all serious. "And you guys are really late. Damn, were you waiting for Christmas?" She snickers. I wave as I see her and Tony drops the call. We really are late, everyone is already waiting.
"Oh, Tony. It's so nice of you to finally show up!" Bree teases.
"Ignore the drama queen." Michelle advises, due to which she gains a look from Bree.
"As usual, the words of wisdom." Robby appreciates Michi. She returns a smile back.
"Hey, guys!" I smile. "You look pretty." Ashley gushes, as I get nods of agreement.
"Thanks. You guys, look no less. After all, we're the trend setters." We all laugh, thinking it's our iconic up-to-date friendship.
"That's Nista, isn't it?" Ethan questions, sort of confused. We all look over, where he's pointing and Roman shouts,
"Williams!" Florence Williams finally turns around. And it's not only, Ethan who doesn't recognize her. Damn, if she doesn't look different. That cute Katy Perry shoulder length haircut looks amazing on her and that purple t-shirt paired with boyfriend jeans. She looks like; she just walked out of a set instead of an eight hours long flight.
Suddenly, I'm engulfed in a hug. "Oh, kitten." She says, as she snuggles her head over my shoulder. "I missed you so much."
I'm not that modest either, as I hug her with all my might.
"I missed you too, sissy." We both chuckle, as we quote the nicknames that are very old, but are still gold. When we pull apart, I know she has that sour look that says I-wannabe-attached-to-your's-hip.
Nonetheless, she hugs everybody. Also, asking questions from Tony about how I've been. I mean what? I'm standing right here. Of course, I'm not dead. But ignoring the fact, I ask, "Where's your luggage?" That is when; I realize there are four trolleys behind her. I sigh. She didn't change a bit.
"They're all your bags?" Bree asks, shocked. Nita gives her a look and Bree just raises her hands saying, "I'm not saying anything." I roll my eyes.
"Tony, could you please assist them to get the bags in the cars?" She says, referring to the chauffeurs. He nods and Roman and the guys join them.
Florence holds my hand as we're getting to the car. I pull my hand away quickly. Crap, she noticed the cut on my hand.
Scarlett, way to be blatantly obvious. My subconscious scolds.
I bite my lip, as I think about who she's really going to kill.
She shouts and.
We're officially doomed.
That's a wrap! How was the chapter of the week?
Sorry, for that one. Hey, my dear lovely readers! I know, I didn't keep my promise and I've posted so late. For that, I'll apologize again. But, my exams were on the way and college isn't really a piece of cake either. Also, this chapter is also about broken promises;)
Anyway, getting to my "Highlight Of The Day". Have you heard of the "Sudan Uprising"? Because, if you haven't, then here's a trailer. It's a country in which nowadays, people are being brutally abused and murdered. It's very tragic and I'll not enlist the numbers (because that will be too heart breaking). But, if you want to know more. Kindly go browse it on Google.
But, getting to the point. I'd like a small help from you guys. If you actually feel their pain and want to stop the riots going on there. Start sharing this message. For those, who have already done it. Then, do it again! Do as quick and often you can. Because, you are their voice and a voice against crime. Is a good voice! It's helpful! And maybe, your voice might save someone's life.
You have Instagram? Facebook? Twitter? Or any anonymous social media account. Just screenshot the blue shade and post it as your profile picture and give out your voice as a supporter to stop these vile actions! # I am Sudan Uprising!
I hope, you liked the chapter. Have a good day! Also, don't forget to be a voice!
See you next time;)
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