Chapter Six
Secret Admirer
"Have you ever wondered, if there is someone who thinks about you when they can't sleep? Or smiles at just the mention of your name? What if there is a person that thinks the world of you, and you've never even noticed them."
Scarlett's POV
"That's all for today. I would be collecting your assignments on Monday. And next time, I won't take any excuses." The bell rings.
"The class is dismissed." Miss Jocelyn announces and the students really disperse.
Some students are laughing, celebrating or throwing papers in the air. After all, it's finally weekend. And might I add, this has been a very hectic week. With all the homework and tests surrounding me, I barely had time for myself. Not to mention my besties have been continuously pestering me to cut myself some slack and just enjoy my life. But, how can I be so carefree, when I have to concentrate on every aspect of my life? How can anyone?
Right now, as I walk down the main hall, which is really crowded and noisy. There are thoughts clouding my mind. It's been a week. But, I've got no answers so far.
Yes. I'm still thinking about what Tony said that day in the recess.
"You can have it all."
What? Why? How?
"Not poor Hazel. Poor Lionel."
Who told him, about my fencing partner? Surely, Hazel didn't have time and she's not a very regular texter, either. Then?
Wait. Realization hits me. Is he keeping tabs on me?
Suddenly, I feel someone grab hold of my hand. "Scarlett, come on." Hazel tugs me and is literally pulling me towards the parking area. With my bag in one hand, because I did not have time to sling it on my back, courtesy of Hazel Brown soon to be Redfort. And my other hand in her grip, I ask,
"Where are we going, Haze?"
"We are dropping you home." She says.
"We?" She just nods as a reply and I am soon answered as I catch sight of.
Black hair till his shoulders, styled to look pleasing. Beard that can be excused, as it looks great on him. The dark brown eyes, that can scare depths, in a man. Even if a simple glare is passed from them. But, now that's just a rare case. I smiled.
Roman Redfort.
He catches sight of me. Suddenly, I'm hit with a big bear hug. And I really mean big.
He's tower and I'm a hut. He has a very buff body. If I start describing his physical appearance, I'm sure everyone would eventually find out. That he is or was a wrestler. In our case, he was a wrestler in the past.
Hazel laughs and says,
"Calm down, Romy. She will break. She's already so thin and little."
He let's go and messes my hair by running his elephant sized hand though my head. I murmur an urgh. And he chuckles and asks if I'm okay.
"Just awesome." Sarcasm isn't one of my best assets. But, let's just say, one of the cute ones. Because I love the way, Hazel makes an 'aww' face. Just after, Roman grabs her and gives her a whole hearted, 'I missed you, I love you' kind of kiss. He felt lonely without her, when she was away at school.
I turn myself around. Letting them enjoy their private and cherish able moment. It's a great pleasure to see two of your friends, who love each other, with all of their hearts to be together. Strongly bonded. I remember, I couldn't contain my happiness; when I was told about them getting engaged. Hazel is very lucky. He left his career for her. His dreams, his goals meant nothing against Hazel and her demands for better future. She knew, with Roman pursuing his wrestling career. It would be tough for their children to choose a normal life. So, she gave him options. It was her or the job that could never make him, lead an ordinary life. She was very sad, that she came in the way, of his life long wish. But, if I see it from her point of view. She wasn't wrong. No one wants their offsprings to lead a life, that's not ordinary or like normal people. That's the reason why, Roman quitted.
Because, he loved her more than anything.
"Scarlett, hop in!" Roman says and I open the back door of the car and get myself in.
The ride to my house is a usual chatter filled talk journey. In which, Romy and Haze go through with, how they missed each other and asking me about school from time to time. We are halfway to my house, when I realize something. That makes me want to hit my head to the back of the seat. Reluctantly, I do so too.
How can I be so careless?
Roman pulls the brakes and I hit my head again. Great, just great.
Hazel and Roman turn back to look at me. Asking,
"What happened?" And "What's wrong?"
I answer, sounding like an irresponsible girl I am, "I forgot to tell Bree, that I'm coming home, with you guys. She'll be-"
Hazel cuts me off, "Don't worry, I texted her. She argued, but agreed. Anyway, she will be at your house like-"
"Like when?" I ask. "Like now." She replies.
I let out a sigh and settle back comfortably in the backseat. Roman starts driving.
Hazel says, "Hey, Scarlleey. Just stop, stressing over every single thing. You need to chillax. Life is not so hard. If you don't, have someone to share your feelings" Pause. Roman eyes her. Where is she getting with this? "I mean, romantic feelings, that's not a problem. I'm sure, there is just the guy who loves you madly and you just can't see. But, believe me, when the time will be right, you will know, and you will be just as mad for him."
What? There is a guy, who likes me? Moreover, loves me? Madly?
"Who?" I haven't been this curious in my entire life.
"When the time is right." Is all they answer with.
The car comes to halt. I'm home and I'm extremely confused. So, much more now, than I've left for school this morning.
"Guys, come in for a coffee. Will you?" I ask.
"No, Scarlett. Not today, Michelle will be home, and she will blabber about nothing to eat. We really have to go." Hazel says. She's the best sister, anyone could ever have.
I open the message, that I just got from Michelle on my phone. I smile and show it to Haze. 'I'll be at your place, in five minutes.' To which Hazel laughs. She gets out of the car and Roman goes to park the car.
We walk to the front door. Where I shuffle through my bag pack, to get my house keys in hand. Mom would be in office at this time. She would arrive late. So, we both have our spare set of keys. I finally find the pointed material, and let ourselves in. Following us, Roman walks inside with none other than Ash and Ed.
"I found them, standing near the parking area." He says humorously.
"Found?" Hazel asks, quirking an eyebrow. Roman nods dubiously and we all burst out laughing. Ah, friends and sense of humor are two words that really don't mix well.
As the usual greetings are exchanged, I make my way towards the kitchen. And the smell that welcomes me, is very mouth watering. Mamma mia! If it isn't her special. And my favourite, Pasta.
The door bell, startles me out of my devouring fantasy and I'm partly angry. Because, who is it that interrupts me and Pasta? When I take a quick glance at the lounge. My anger evaporates. It's just.
"I can't believe, you agreed to come in Ethan's car. Listening to that awful piece of rock. How can anyone call it music? My poor ear drum's are still hurting from the harsh noise polluting beats." Michelle says to Andrew in disbelief. Looks like someone is really furious.
"Come on, Michelle. Andy just wanted to have a chat with Eth, so he joined us. Nothing to be mad about." I can see Bree is trying to make the situation better.
Good going, Bestie.
"Firstly, that is not awful; it is awesome piece of rock music. The Beetles. Old classic piece. Lady, you just have a bad taste. And secondly, the least you can say is thank you." Ethan just has to be Ethan. Spectacular. He made it worse.
Then, he walks towards Andrew and whispers out loud, "Dude, I don't know, how you tolerate her." Now, he made it worst. I sigh. Boys.
I come into view to ease the tension in the room.
"Who's up for my mother's Pasta?" I ask. And I hear all 'me's' in the background.
Setting the table and distributing plates wasn't difficult. It was a lot easier from the time, when we all were in middle school and Ethan had his habit of throwing food. I have to admit, he has changed a lot, in the control and responsibility of Bree Ashton.
Ethan's phone starts ringing and he makes a gesture from his hand saying, he'll be back in two minutes. I nod caring less. What? My favourite dish is in hand. I'm too busy eating. I only see Ethan leave the house for proper communication.
A ping diverts my attention. Signaling the arrival of a text on my phone. It's Tony.
The backyard, now. Huh?
I go towards the back door and as I open it. I almost bump into Ethan.
"Scarlett, you should see this." He says worried and ending his call. I frown. What's up with them?
I move away and what I catch sight of, leaves me breathless. There are roses scattered here and there. The first rose that I pick up, has a paper attached to it. This paper has a alphabet "Y" written on it. The second rose, that I pick up in a row, has the letter "O" written on it. The third one, has the alphabet "U". The next one, has the letter "A". The other one, contains the initial "R". The one after that, has the alphabet "E" written on it. The next one, has the letter "T". Then, after that, the rose that I pick up, has the alphabet "H". The next one, has the letter "E" imprinted on it. The initial, that I find, on the nest rose is "O". The other one, has the letter "N". The one after, has the alphabet "E" written.
Then, finally I reach the last rose in the row. This one is different, it is a red rose like others. But, it's petals are wilting from above. They have black shade shadowing the beautiful bright colour. It's a very enchanting sight, as if one rose from a fairy tale.
It contains, an envelope that is heart shaped. My heart beat is running at a speed like a professional in a marathon. I put the words together, from the previous roses and it says,
You Are The One.
I look up to see, Tony standing there. I smile, and am just going to say, thank you. But, then a memory flashes in my mind. And it is so vivid, I can't blink it away. I remember, as me and Tony went to buy something for Florence for her birthday. And I grabbed Tony's arm and pulled him towards a flower shop. He sniffed and coughed out something. And when, I saw the hand that was covering his mouth. I stood there shocked. It was blood and he literally ran from the shop grabbing my hand. His eyes were red. He looked like someone else. That day, I got to know a secret.
"Wow, Tony. I never knew that you felt for Scarlett. So deeply and strongly." Michelle teases with mocking smile.
"Michelle, not in that-" He tries to explain, but I cut him off. By letting them know, the truth, that was supposed to remain a secret.
"Tony is allergic to red roses." I say, looking up at him.
"If he did not do this. Then, who would?" Andrew questions, concerned.
Everyone diverts their attention on him and I see the looks of worry cross their faces.
Roses are never a good sign.
I open, the envelope that I got, from the last rose. The writing inscribed on the paper is very striking, it makes me think. The sender is a very deep person that uses heart felt words. I take a deep breath and read it out loud,
Wonder, wonder who gave you this?
Recall the attractions that you miss,
A heart that you can hardly touch,
Lips that you can never kiss,
So, make a list and read it loud,
Maybe then, would your lover be finally found..
I hear Ashley gasp from behind me.
"Scur, how many roses are there?" Bree asks.
"How does the number of roses, got to do with anything?" Michelle asks, annoyed.
"It matters." Ethan adds a point, suddenly serious.
"I don't know. One, two, three, four, five.." My voice trails off, until it lingers on the last numbers. "Twelve and thirteen." My throats sour from dread. And I gulp.
"Oh my God. Scarlett, do you know what it means?" She's freaking out. This isn't something that happens regularly.
The next thing, she says. Sends shiver down my spine. And, I feel terror caging me, in it's dark and black amity of room. The only thing that escape, are her words that cut deep to frighten,
"Secret Admirer."
Hola, amigos!
It has been a long year. And finally, its coming to an unwanted end. Yes, even if this year has been ridiculously weird for me. I'd confess, it has brought me good luck too. And I will, miss it to no end. But, you know what they say,
"Past is a prison that you should escape from as soon as possible, or you are lost in the realms of time."
So, let's just believe that, our upcoming year. Would bring us lots of joy, smiles, blessings, inspiration, friends and most of all love.
Anyway, how did my dear readers find this chapter? Scarlett's life is taking very unexpected turns, that she's obviously not prepared for. So, what do you say? Who's the admirer? But, most importantly the question that troubles her the most is.
What does that person want? Her love or her life?
Secrets are creating suspense. Can she even trust her friends? Or are they the only ones, should she count on? It's quite a dilemma, not knowing, who's your ally or your enemy.
Keep reading to know, the end to this tale of obsession and betrayal. Until, later.
Have a good year and a great life. Adiós, gente.
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