Chapter One
The outfits above are first day to school attires. For each, girl. So this, is the first chapter. I hope you like it.
The N.Y. High
Scarlett's POV
I stare into the mirror. Admiring my dress and disapproving my body.
My skin too fair for my body.
My face too small for my body.
And duh, exactly heart-shaped like my mother. But how come, she looks so amazing, and me.
I look weird.
My dress pink, orange, yellow and lime green. Perfect spring colours. My dress till my knees. And floral style.
More like Marilyn style.
My hair are loose. The reddish brown waves of the ocean. Till my waist.
My phone buzzes. A text appears on the screen.
Get Your Ass Down Here.
It's Bree. Language, Bree. I strape my platforms. Apply a coat of my light pink lip gloss. Take my cute backpack.
The only thing, I'm proud of.
And rush downstairs. I call out,
"Mom, bye!"
She answers from the kitchen,
"Have fun, sweety!"
When I leave the house, she peeks from the window. She really is the most beautiful woman, I've ever seen.
No, my backpack is not the only thing, I'm proud of.
I get in Bree's Mercedes and the journey starts.
"Oh, I just love it, when Mom's see you good bye." Bree says.
"You don't see good bye, you say good bye." I state.
She says,"But your Mom peeks from the window, isn't that called seeing?"
I reply,"Who says, she sees me good bye."
"So?" Bree asks. Gosh, she really wants to know.
I respond honestly,"She checks on me, that's not seeing good bye."
"So you agree, huh?" Yeah, yeah. Bree, I do.
"Yeah. But she does not do this for herself. She cares for me, that's why she checks on me. She.."
And a sob drops from my face. I remember. My dad's death. An accident, when I was only 1 year old. And my mom young, she could not stop crying. I was only a year old, but I remember the devotion, my dad had towards me. The one and only child of his.
Bree says,"She cares for you,'cos she only has you." True.
I say,"And me, her."
Bree says,"That hurts. You don't only have her. You have us."
She looks from me to my college building. Yes, I have you guys. We have reached our destination. I smile weakly at her.
Bree continues,"Now, wipe of your tears. Or you are going to ruin your make up."
Do I look so fake?
I answer,"I have not applied any make up. Except lip gloss."
She stares me. Then says,
"Oh, yeah. Your cheeks are naturally pinkish."
I get out of the car. Bree goes to park her Mercedes.
Bree Ashton. The most charming and heart touchy drama queen, I've ever known. But I guess, she has to be that way. Well, she is the best play actress of our college, who dates.
Ethan Marshall. The guy whose second name is 'Romeo'. He is nothing like Romeo. Neither is she anything like 'Juliet'. They just played Romeo and Juliet in our annual day play. Which everyone came and saw.
And which was a major hit.
Our Juliet now, was wearing a messy hair bun. Slim tight-black capris, a dark red dress shirt (that is a button down) and ooh so sheek high heels (that was pencil) bright red sandles.
The wind is blowing fast.
And it's hard to settle my hair, in its position. So I quickly, tug it into a side boho braid.
And enter my college. My college the N.Y. high. It is the most popular high school in New York.
Yeah, I am a Yorker.
After I go inside, the first person. I see is, Edward. As usual, minding his own business. When I say that, I mean busy in his phone.
I roll my eyes, and I don't know. What gives and he looks at me. Then comes to me, and,"Hey Scarlett," still looking at his phone "Sup?"
Then I say,"Hi, Ed." I guess and say,"Is it, Ashley?"
"Good guess." He answers.
He is smiling showing his dimples. He is slim, but not too slim. But, just compared to other boys in this school.
"Where is she?"
"She's coming in the car, now."
Gosh, it's getting annoying.
I turn my head, and see someone's nervous face.
I walk towards her. She sees me and starts,
"Oh, Scarlett. I'm so scared. The speech. Which you deliver the first day of school, after the spring holidays is today. And they have elected me to do it. Gosh, I'm so scared. And the speech is in fifteen minutes. OMG! Oh!"
"Wait a second. Have you written it?" I ask.
"Of course, I've written it." She answers. As if obvious.
What the. I ask,"Then, why are you worried?"
"Because, in which accent to speak to. The British or American. The biggest trouble is, I was going to do it in British, but just then. Amie told me, there are a lot of Americans in, for this year." She says.
"Amie told you. That means, she's here. Where?"
"Are you serious? You are worried about Amie, not me?!" She exclaims.
"Of course, I am worried about you. Listen, I have the solution to your problem. It is, just do it in your accent. American. Because, if you will do it. In yours, you will give your best. After all, it is. Your mother tongue."
"Oh, thank you. You always give the solution to my problems. You are the smartest person, I know. Thank you!"
She grins happily. And rushes towards the direction of backstage. She looks back and says,"I'll give the credit of speech to you. Thank you."
"Thanks. And anytime!" I say.
I go towards my locker, and am going to put my backpack.
I hear muffled noise and I turn my head. Slightly in the right direction. I see a girl and a boy standing together, holding hands and looking closely each other in the eye. I abruptly recognize them.
Ruby and Nerdy.
Then, suddenly. I feel guilty for invading their private moment. So I look away. I close my locker and am going towards the main hall. Then, from behind I hear,
"Hi, Scarlett!"
I sigh. Is my presence, that easy to come into realization?
I turn and see them, approach me.
Nerdy as in Robert Hatchson. Whom we call Robby or Nerdy. He is not a Nerd, but we just call him that, because he wears nerd glasses. And he's the super intelligent person of our group. I know that,'cos he used to teach me: Physics, ICT and Mathematics. And because, he taught me in my house, I aced all three of them. He's sweet, kind and a calm person. Well, he does take a lot of tention.
But actually, our whole group is a drama.
"Scarlett, you look so pretty, today." Ruby compliments.
"Thank you." I say.
"So Scarlett, are you going to take part in the upcoming Kangroo Maths Competition?" Robby asks. "Robert, she is not a kangaroo. And secondly, we just met her and you started with studies." Ruby says teasing.
"Ru, what got into you? You were so sweet before." Robby mocks back.
She eyes him. I fight the urge of laughing. Robby apologizes,
"Sorry, Scarlett."
"Ah, don't apologize. I should be the one to do that. Because I just ruined, your moment there."
Seriously, I did the mistake. And he is the one apologizing.
God, I'm ashamed of myself.
Then, they both say in unison,
"Scarlett, you-did-not-ruin-any-thing." And we burst out laughing together.
"Where are you, heading?" asks Robby.
"Um, you know the assembly ground. It's Michelle's speech, today." I answer.
Ruby nods, and confirms,"And Robby is doing the debate of inspiration, and the N.Y. pledge, right?"
"Correct." replies Robby.
"Robby, if you are doing that, then what are you doing here? You have to go backstage, and encourage Michelle too. She is way over thinking." I say.
"Correction, she always way over thinks." Robby states.
Making me and Ruby, snort. Then tease,"Hatchson."
"Okay, okay. I'm going. You guys." He then, walks ahead. And once turns, saying,
"Ru, would you do the honour of joining me? As you are the inspiration of my debate of inspiration."
He moves his hand, in her direction. She looks at me and I nod. She takes his hand and they go towards the backstage.
On their way, Ruby once whispers,"But, where will I stand?"
He answers,"Behind the stage, near the curtain, my life."
And she giggles stupidly.
They look so cute together. Bickering and arguing. But, they both know, that they are the most adorable couple ever.
Well, that is their relationship. I sigh. I wish, I was that lucky. But looks like, I am not worth that ship.
Anyways, Ruby Jones. A wild, curly, jet black, elbow length hair girl. What do you call them?
Oh yeah, Bouncy Curls.
She is pretty affectionate. Today, she wore a black long skirt and a sweater like full-sleeved, short maroon shirt. Which looked like, a cute upper. Underneath, she was wearing a black fitted tank top. With matching black rattle-snake-skinned flat pumps. Her eyes dark brown and a bit healthy figure.
I continue walking my way towards the ground. Feeling a bit excited, a bit unique.'Cos today, I am the only one wearing a dress.
A short dress, my inner self corrects.
Still a dress. And excited because, of meeting my awesome friends.
I hear a ping and look at my phone. Bree messaged,
Where are you?
I start typing,
Just her....
I almost bump into someone's back.
The clattering noise surrounds us. As my phone falls down.
And as that person turns. I lose my balance, as I bumped him and am very close to him, while standing. I am going to fall, but all of a sudden.
A hand reaches my waist and then another clasps my other hand. And then, me and him are in an awkward position, that is pretty hard to describe.
I am half standing. Half falling. And he is giving me a support, so that I don't fall. He stays in that position, staring me. Taking me in. Acknowledging me. Well, I am doing the same thing. But actually, I know real quick, who he is. Tony.
I stare into his dull blue eyes. They are dim, but still brightens up a girl. If he looks at them with those. Now, they are covered by his rectangular reading glasses.
Antonio de Williams.
One of the most famous personalities, of our N.Y. high. Well, known for his skills and talents. And what do I say?
Good looks.
He is a reporter. Any news, of New York and this campus; just can not get out of his hands. I get a feeling, that he has acknowledged me. And its been too long, I've been standing in this pose.
So I put my free hand on his chest. And slightly back away. But he does not, let go off me. Instead, his grip tightens.
Why is he still holding me? Let go.
But then, I realize his grip has tightened, because he is helping me to stand upright. His grip is not that tight, but enough to let me stand. He holds me like, as if he holds me harder; then I'll break.
Duh, I am not made of porcelain.
When I stand, I feel his cheeks red for a moment. And then, just like a wind passes through you. They are back, to the way they are.
He asks me,
"Um, are you alright?"
I say,
"Yeah, thanks. Are you, okay?"
He looks at me. With a puzzled expression. As if determining, that is my question literal or a tease.
Then suddenly, I hear someone shout from a distance. I look at the view of the ground. And spot that person, Bree.
She waves her hand, to invite me. Or us, I guess. Because now, I can see her, trail her eyes from me to Tony. And she smirks. I arch my eyebrow, in confusion. She motions us, to join her.
So I start walking, towards her.
When I'm there, I notice a blond guy beside her. His eyes greyish blue. Fair skin. Wearing a plain white t-shirt, with blue jeans. He is a bit buff.
Ethan Marshall, is not looking that bad, today.
When, he looks at me. He grins.
"Where the hell, were you?"
Bree asks, commanding an answer.
"Hey, B. Take it easy." Ethan says.
I look innocently towards Bree, then towards Ethan. He makes a gesture, as if to say aww. But then, thinks better of it and says,
"Hi, Scar-lett."
Pausing in between Scar and Lett.
I say,"Hi, Ee-than."
He smiles. Holds me up in his arms, and swings me. Like as if, I am a small baby. And in between slightly tickling me. I giggle. Holding my dress down by my hands.
Better safe not to keep my panties at show.
Now, it's getting irritating.
"Ooh Bec, you have increased weight and grown in size." He compliments me, in his own irrational manner.
"Leave me, Ethan." I mutter.
Trying to kick him by my legs, but helplessly missing every kick.
"No matter, how much you grow, you will still be Bec to me."
Bec, as in the Bec in the Darren Shan's novel. The little girl.
Now, he has to leave me,'cos now everybody has started staring us.
"Ethan, put me down! Everybody is looking."
Some people are laughing, some enjoying, some are getting annoyed.
"You're still grouchy and childish. And bratty in nature. Spoiled, eh?" He says smiling.
This is not a joke, seriously.
"Ethan!" I say complaining.
This swinging is making my head spin.
"What? I'm just showing everyone, that the littlest girl in New York, has grown in size."
He laughs.
Can Ethan Marshall be anymore embarrassing?
"Let-me-go, Ethan!" I shout. Making each and every word. Crystal clear.
That's when, I see a hand on Ethan's arm.
"Let her go!"
Tony, has removed his glasses, and now I can see his real face. Well, frowned face.
Ethan ignores. Being his usual self.
"Let me down!" I order.
"Leave her!" Tony commands.
"Eth." Bree pleads.
Actually they both say that together. In unison.
When my platforms touch the ground, I feel the surroundings around me, move.
I put a hand on my forehead. My fingers delicately caress my left side of it. Then, I feel someone gripping my arm. And gradually, my vision turns back to normal and nothing is moving now.
I notice that it is, Antonio's hand helping me again. I smile at him. And glare coldly towards Ethan.
He moves up his hands, as if to surrender. The voice inside me says,
He did not mean to harm you, intentionally.
I agree and nod. He's lucky, I'm forgiving.
Then, I notice a lock of blonde hair, almost till her elbows. The hair are not exactly blonde, they have a shade of light brown in them.
Dirty Blonde.
That's her hair shade and her personality. You can say that, about her and Edward. Well, they are pretty mature. I mean. That they come in.
Do-not-look-if-you-are-not-above-eighteen section.
They keep it, PG 13 in front of me. So, I really don't mind.
She has light blue eyes. That glow in the sun, and so does her white fair skin. Her body not thin, not fat. And one, innocently cute smile. That overcomes the fact, that she is naughty from inside.
Today, she's wearing a peachish pink chiffon top and dark blue slim fit jeans, with matching sandle heels. A bit of light pink blush, mustard pink lip gloss as makeup.
That is, Ashley Hayward.
After all.
I smile and greet,"Hi, Ash."
She says,"Hi, Scur."
Gosh, she has such a soothe and humble voice. I guess her voice, is God-gifted, and is made for her to sing. Then, I notice Edward, beside her.
Oh, Scarlett. Don't you know, he never leaves her side.
My inner voice exclaims.
True, that's why. I adore them.
"We missed you, Scarlett. And you are taller, than before. I agree with Ethan there. Two weeks, changed you a lot."
"See." Ethan approves and Tony scowls.
"Yeah, I know right. One and only small child in our group, has become a young woman. She was a toddler in front of our eyes, and now."
Bree makes a gesture, as if to potray that, she's sobbing.
I give her a look. That says,
Over exaggeration. And. I. Was. So. Not. That. Tiny. Even. Before.
Ash says,"Always the senti-mental one."
Bree continues,"Well, I am in drama, darling."
We all roll our eyes at her.
Ashley says,
"Come on, it's getting late, we got to head up to the conference room. I don't want to miss, Michi's speech."
Michi as in Michelle.
So, we make our way, towards the room.
In our way, I hear Ethan whisper,
"So, you are that old?"
He emphasizes the that. In return, he earns an elbow, in the chest by Bree. Weak Spot.
Deserved that. For being, annoying.
I'm lost in my train of thoughts. Still recollecting, the earlier events of today. And slowly, laugh to myself. Realizing, the fact that.
Oh boys, what would the world do, without you?
So, this was the first chapter. How did you, find it?
Boring, I know.
It's just the start, dear patient readers.
The story takes different twists and turns.
I am warning you in advance.
Anyways, don't kill me. Or stay in shadows.
Please Vote and Comment.
Love you and Meet you soon;)
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