Three - who's carson?
Y/N p.o.v.
As I head towards the door of the school, Josh runs toward me, so I stop, waiting for him to catch up.
"Hey Y/N, I was just wondering if you needed a ride,"
"No, but thank you. I'll just go walking, I've got things to think about," I politely respond.
"Great, because I've got detention, so I wasn't gonna be able to give you a ride anyway," he smiles awkwardly.
"What do you have detention for..?"
"Me and Sky were talking during class," he sheepishly says.
"Well at least you'll have Sky with you."
"Yeah, well I've gotta go, before I earn a whole week of detention."
"Bye, Josh," I laugh.
When I walk outside, I turn my head to see Tyler and Deliaa standing together. Tyler is blushing and rubbing the back of his neck, while Deliaa twists a strand of brown hair in her fingers.
I laugh silently and shake my head, but a part of me, very deep inside, is bothered by the sight of them together. I wouldn't want for them to ever be a thing. Mainly because she's a rat, but also because Tyler deserves someone great, just like him.
You'd think Tyler would be walking with me, but no he has basketball practice. Maybe that's why he was with the skank bitch. After all, she's a cheerleader. Cliché.
I get home and drop my bag by the door. I'm so tired. I hate school. The concept of having to go to school since we are four, all the way to the age of 19, only to go to college for four years, more if you want an even better job, then work till you retire and die. That's no life. I don't want that life.
When I sit on my bed to take my shoes off, I hear the ringtone to FaceTime. I check and it's my ex boyfriend, Brendon. Most relationships end in bad terms, but Brendon and I were still friends. We dated for a year, before he had to move to California.
"HEY," shouts Brendon after I click the accept button.
"What's up Brendon, how've you been?"
"Grrreat. There's this girl named Sarah.. sorry my siblings are loud," he apologizes, as I hear his brother, Matt, screaming.
"Ouuu, ok continue about the girl Sarah," I said raising my eyebrows and smirking.
"Well she's i- HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE GODDAMN DOOR!" he shouts at who I believe are his siblings.
I laugh and urge him to continue.
After 30 minutes of catching up, I tell him I have to go because Tyler would be here any minute, for help with his homework. We say our goodbyes, and just as I hang up, I hear the doorbell ring.
I run down the stairs, and open the door. Standing there is an annoyed looking Tyler.
"Why so moody?" I pout.
"I hate math," he huffs.
"Oh come on, I'll help you," I told him while leading him to the kitchen table.
"Where are your parents?"
"Working. They come back until 10:00." I respond. " Do you want some cherries?"
We work for about an hour, until he asks, "Who's Carson?"
"Didn't Josh already tell you?"
"Yes.. but..." he trails off.
"I want to hear it from you," he explains.
An idea runs across my mind.
"Okay, I'll tell you, but you're gonna have to tell my what's going on between you and Deliaa," I propose.
"Nothing really.." he blushes.
"I saw you and her talking outside the school. You were blushing," I push.
He gets even redder, as he says, " She just told me some stuff."
"What stuff?"
"She said I was cute," he mutters rubbing his neck.
I laugh, but yet again, I feel bothered.
"Shut up," he exclaims, " now tell me about this Carson character.
"Well, he came over to our lunch table, and he told me his name, then he said he just wanted to tell me I was pretty."
"But here's the craziest part, I was madly blushing, like tomato kind of blushing. And you know I don't ever do that. Then the blushing got worse when he whispered "bye" in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine, Tyler. It was like, going down a roller coaster, scary, but I wanted more," I explain.
I see him shuffle uncomfortably.
"I've never felt like that before. Brendon never made me feel like that. No one ever has," I continue.
"Well then."
"He asked me out on a date," I exclaim.
"A date?" he questions.
"Well he asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream on Saturday."
"What did you say?" he asks, eyebrows furrowed.
"Are you sure Y/N?" he asks, "you barely know him."
"I'm sure Tyler."
There's a few moments of silence, until he blurts out, "Well I'm thinking of asking Deliaa on a date."
This shocks me, but I don't show it.
"Cool," I say, avoiding eye contact.
"I guess I should head home now," he clears his throat.
"Oh, okay."
I walk him to the door, and head outside. We stand facing each other.
"Goodnight Y/N," he says, pulling me in for a hug. His head rests on my neck.
"Night," I say pulling away.
He laughs and asks, "Why do you always say 'night' instead of goodnight?"
"Because I don't really mean the 'good' part, I explain, knowing this day would come.
"So you don't have a good time with me, darling?" he smirks.
I laugh, "No, it's because I know I'm gonna have sleep complications, so it's not really a 'good night'."
"Wow, what an interesting concept, but you know, if you ever need something, or someone, you can call me," he tells me. I see worry flick across his eyes.
"I know Ty, thank you," I say, "Don't worry."
"Bye Y/N," he waves.
"Bye," I respond.
I watch as he leaves, he lives seven houses to my left, so he should be home quickly.
I head to the kitchen to clean up, and look at the time, 9:43. As if on cue, my parents enter the house.
"Hey sweetheart," they greet at the same time.
"Hey," I kiss them both on the cheek, "I'm gonna head to bed."
"Goodnight," my dad says.
When I lay down on my bed, of course, I can't sleep, so I think about today. It has been an unusual day.
Hello, there goes another chapter, written at 2:27 am. I like writing this story, it makes me feel like I accomplish something, every time I finish a chapter.
You don't know my brain
The way you know my name
You don't know my heart
The way you know my face
You don't know what I've done
I'm wanted and on the run
I'm wanted and on the run
So I'm taking this moment to live in the future
Release me from the present
I'm obsessing, all these questions
Why I'm in denial
That they tried this suicidal session
Please use discretion
When you're messing with the message man
These lyrics aren't for everyone
Only few understand
- Twenty one pilots
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