Reaching Heaven
In late September, everyday, at exactly twelve o'clock, she was always there. In the same spot. Always doing the same thing.
She would stand behind the bleachers and jump. Always trying to reach something, but kept on falling short. I would watch her with one swollen eye that I always got from the beats downs people would give me.
She never seemed to notice me during the thirty minutes she would spend jumping. That wasn't till today. I've been studying this majestic creature and decided it was high time to ask her 'the' question.
I was going to ask her the question that has been running through my mind since day one. I want to know, why? Why does she keep jumping like she's gonna reach something?
I walked behind her as she jumped and tapped her shoulder. I must've scared the living crap out of her, because she jumped higher than she ever has. Immediately she turned to see the douche bag who scared her. In this case the douche bag is me...
As she turned I finally got one good look at her face and wow... She was gorgeous. Like a Princess in a Fairy Tale. I would describe to you her facial features, but I might start thinking she's not all that beautiful.
"Uh... Hi..." Was all I could say to this beautiful human being.
She scanned me up and down. After she did that, she shrugged and went back too jumping. I'm such an idiot. Uh hi was all I could say? Loser...
"Why do you always jump?" I asked her.
"I'm trying to reach my parents." She bluntly said.
I gave her a confused look and she rolled her eyes at me.
"They're in heaven. If I reach heaven, I can bring them back and have a nice conversation with God. I have some questions that need answering." She explained.
I was so speechless to the information that I received that I just walked away. I didn't say another word and went to eat lunch elsewhere.
Later on I started to realize how much of an idiot I am. After realizing how much of an idiot I am, I came up with a plan. The next day I had snuck in a couple balloons. I had paper and pen with me when I took the balloons too the bleachers. As I got there, I saw her. Jumping like she always did. Without hesitation I tapped her shoulder and handed her the pen, paper, and balloon.
"Write down why you want to talk to god. After you write it down, tie it too the string on the balloon and wait for his response." I told her.
In the blink of an eye she grabbed the materials and started writing things down. She than tied it too the balloon and watched it fly up to heaven. This went on for five days. She had told me God responded and explained to her why they left her alone. I told her to stay strong and if she wanted a stranger to talk to, I was here.
I never saw her again. Not until graduation when she thanked the stranger behind the bleachers who helped her through a rough time. Now when she said that I stayed in my seat. I didn't run up there and kissed her or anything. I just let her walk off. I don't know where she is or what she's doing.I don't even know her full name. She will forever be the girl who reached God.
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