Hound Party
Loona was absolute ecstatic. Today was finally Thursday, which was the day of Vortex's party. Which was Hellhounds only, by the way. Loona felt fortunate enough to be friends with Vortex after meeting him for the first time.
You see, when Loona first met Vortex she had a huge crush on him. However, things kind of turned out bad for a few reasons. One: he was working as a bodyguard for her adoptive father's ex-girlfriend, who was also the Succubus pop star Verosika Mayday. Two: Vortex has a girlfriend who throws the parties Loona now goes to, which completely flattened any chance the twenty-two-year-old could've had. Fortunately enough, though, was that Vortex was kind enough to invite her to one of his girlfriend's self-claimed wild hound parties. The two have been friends since, although Loona is still a bit jealous of Vortex's girlfriend.
It was probably because she felt lonely, but she'll never admit that.
Loona: "Okay, okay. Today is going to be good. Tonight is going to be good."
Loona said as she was trying to calm her nerves, staring at her full-body mirror on her bedroom wall. She was wearing a fishnet shirt over a black bra with semi-ripped short shorts and fur at the bottoms, along with black leggings that had white Xs going down them. She also wore dark, fingerless gloves along with a black choker with an upside-down heart.
Loona: "Come on, why am I so fucking nervous? I'm usually not this nervous!"
She growls in annoyance as she held her face in her hands. She hadn't been this nervous since going to her first hound party. Why was she so nervous all of a sudden.
Loona: "Okay, this is fine. This is completely fine. Nothing's wrong. Just officially hanging out with Y/n after years of not."
Loona stares at herself in the mirror before she groans.
Loona: "That sounded better in my head."
Loona rubs her hands on her face before sighing. She attempts to hide her nervousness and grab her phone, along with her cigarette pack, and walked out of her bedroom. She exits into the living room, where she sees her adoptive father lying on the couch as he watches some random television show.
Loona: "Hey, Blitz, I'm headin' out now to Vortex's party. I'll be back in a couple hours, 'kay?"
Blitzo: "Sure thing, sweetie! Have fun!"
Loona nods and waves Blitzo a goodbye as she turns to leave. She walks away and goes through the front door, closing it behind her as she steps outside. She then pulls out her phone and sees a text from Vortex.
Hey, girl!
Almost at your place
You ready yet?
Loona smiled as she texted back.
Yeah, I'm ready
Waiting outside
See ya soon, girl!
Loona smiled as she pocketed her phone. She then pulled out her pack of cigarettes and took one out before putting the pack away. She then puts the cigarette in her mouth and brings out her lighter with an IMP sticker on it, igniting the flame and bringing it to her cigarette to light it. Once it catches the small flame, the Hellhound puts her lighter away and takes a puff before taking the cigarette out and blowing out some smoke.
It wasn't much of a wait. Vortex was telling the truth about being almost at Loona's home, as she saw a very familiar red and black truck coming down the street. It stops right in front of Loona, and Vortex turns to look at her from the driver's seat.
Vortex: "Hey, girl! You ready to go?"
Loona: "You know it."
Loona smirks as she walks around the truck and opens the passenger door. She hops up into the truck and closes the door once she's seated before turning to Vortex as he started driving forward.
Loona: "Thanks for picking me up, Tex. You know how much I hate that damn van."
Vortex: "It's all good, Loona. I'm happy to help a friend."
Vortex told Loona as he flashed her a fangy grin before turning back to the road. Then Loona realizes something and asks a question.
Loona: "Hey, Vortex?"
Vortex: "Hm?"
Loona: "Do you know if there's anyone... special or specific coming to the party?"
Vortex: "No, not that I know of. Only the usual people. Why? You expecting someone, Loona?"
Loona looked at Vortex for a moment before sighing and shaking her head as she looks away.
Loona: "No, not at all. Nevermind."
Vortex glanced at Loona in confusion for a moment, wondering what was bothering her. However, he decided to leave it be since he didn't want to pry. So he just refocused on the road and drove forward.
Vortex pulled up to some house and parked, letting Loona out as he turns off the engine. The darker Hellhound also got out of his truck and began approaching the house with Loona, which had loud music and bright lights coming from it. They walked up to the front door and Vortex opens it to walk in first, revealing the raging party that was going on inside. Hellhounds of all shapes and sizes were inside, dancing and laughing and drinking. They were all just doing party things, but it was much wilder than normal partiers since Hellhounds were quite the actual party animals.
When some of the hounds near the door heard it open, they turned to see Vortex walk in with Loona right behind him. They al smiled and cheered in greeting when they saw them, especially Vortex since he was better friends with them than Loona. She didn't mind, though, since she was still kinda new.
???: "Tex, babe! You're back!"
Both Loona and Vortex turn to who spoke, and when he sees her Vortex couldn't help but smile as she approaches them. It was a female Hellhound, only a bit shorter than Loona with dark grey fur and darker fur on her shoulders and feet, and even her ears. She had a patch of lighter grey fur on her chest that followed up to her snout, and her bushy tail went from grey to light grey. She also had shoulder-length white hair.
The Hellhound wore a navy blue tanktop with a red pentagram along with short-shorts. Both articles of clothing didn't leave much to imagine for her curves, nor did the tanktop do much to hide her cleavage. Finally, she wore what seemed to be a choker or a thin black collar around her neck.
???: "And I see you brought Loona as well. How you doin', hon?"
Loona: "I'm doing fine, Vanessa. Can't wait to party."
Vanessa: "That's what I like to hear, girl!"
Vortex: "How's my 'Nessy doing, huh?"
Vortex asks as he places his huge hands on his girlfriend's shoulders. She smiles at him and cups his face with her much smaller hands.
Vanessa: "I'm doin' just fine, Tex."
Vanessa says as she and her boyfriend share a kiss. Loona immediately felt a bit awkward and uncomfortable at the sight, so she decided to just walk off and join the party. She made sure to grab a beer on her way and opens it to take a swig. Soon, Loona got into the swing of things and joined the party, dancing and laughing with everyone else. She was really enjoying herself, though she was slightly depressed that Y/n hadn't come like he said he would. But she wouldn't let that stop her from having fun.
The doorbell suddenly rang, although very few heard it over the music. However, Vortex happened to hear it and raised an eyebrow at it, wondering why someone was coming to the party so late. Or was it the neighbors coming to complain? Vortex didn't know, but he was about to find out. So he walked up to the door and opened it to see who it was, only for a massive smile to spread across his face.
Meanwhile, Loona was dancing along with everyone else with a bottle of beer in her hand. Then her ears perked up when she heard Vortex speak up, and rather excitedly, too.
Vortex: "Holy shit, man! I didn't expect to see you here! I thought you had work."
???: "Nah, mate, I'm off this week. And I promised someone I'd be here, just ended up a lil' behind is all. Mind letting me in, Tex?"
Vortex: "Yeah, c'mon in, Y/n! Glad to finally have ya at a party!"
Loona stopped dancing at the mention of the name. Her tail started slowly wagging as she turned towards the front door to see Vortex walking with none other than Y/n right beside him. He wore jean shorts, as usual, along with a white t-shirt with some band name on it.
The sight of him made her tail wag even faster as a smile formed on her face, walking forward to approach him. However, Vortex turned the music down, which made everyone turn to him in confusion.
Vortex: "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Y/n! This is his first time at one of these parties, so make him feel welcomes, guys!"
Vortex tells everyone, but they all just looked at each other in confusion. This makes Vanessa roll her eyes before speaking.
Vanessa: "That means party on, hounds! Get to it!"
Vortex smirks but rolls his eyes at this as he cranks the music back up. This makes everyone immediately go back to what they were doing, whether it be dancing or drinking or talking. Vortex then turned back to Y/n before they bro-hugged.
Vortex: "How've you been, man?"
Y/n: "I've been doing just fine, mate. Been going off lately, but I've been free this week. Decided to finally come to one of ya girl's parties."
Vortex: "That's great to hear, Y/n. Come on, let's get you a beer and we can get this party started!"
Vortex declared enthusiastically, making Y/n laugh as he's brought forward into the crowd of party animals. However, his smile only grows when he hears a familiar voice call out to him.
Loona: "Y/n!"
Y/n turned to see Loona pushing herself through the crowd of partiers to get to him and Vortex. When she got to them, her tail was wagging with a smile on her face.
Loona: "You made it!"
She said before hugging Y/n, making both him and Vortex look at her in confusion. Then Loona realized what she was doing and let go of Y/n with a nervous smile.
Loona: "I-I mean... hey."
Loona awkwardly punched Y/n in the shoulder in a friendly manner, making him smile and snicker to himself.
Y/n: "It's good to see ya, too, Loona."
Vortex: "I'm sorry, am I missing something? I've never seen Loona hug someone. You two know each other?"
Y/n: "Of course we do! She's my best mate!"
Y/n stated as he went to stand next to Loona and threw his arm around her.
Y/n: "We've known each other since we were little ankle biters!"
Loona: "Being twelve didn't make us "little ankle biters", Y/n."
Y/n: "Ah, tomato, potato. We've still known each other since we were kids, and that's all that matters!"
Vortex: "Loona, how come you never said anything about this?"
Loona: "How come you never said anything about this?"
Y/n: "She's got ya there, mate."
Vortex: "Yeah, touché. Anyway, I'mma go over to 'Nessa. Have fun, man!"
With that, Vortex walked off to go join his girlfriend in the crowd. Y/n couldn't help but shake his head in amusement at this before turning to Loona, whose tail was still wagging behind her.
Y/n: "So, how've you been, Loona? Gotten into any more wild adventures since I last saw ya?"
Loona: "No, not really. You're late, by the way."
Y/n: "No, I'm not. Can't be late if you never know the time you're supposed to go somewhere, now can ya? Hmm?"
Loona looked at Y/n's smug face for a moment before rolling her eyes. He was right.
Loona: "Okay, fine. But you don't have to be so smug about it."
Y/n: "Look who's right once again."
Loona: "Hey, you're right only half the time. Remember "Operation: Food Fight"?"
Y/n: "Okay, yes, but it was still a beauty of an idea."
Loona: "Y/n, we got grounded for two weeks."
Y/n: "How the bloody hell was I supposed to know that those floor boards were creaky as shit?"
Loona: "You were the one who scouted out the food storage beforehand. You should've known. They made us clean the entire fucking cafeteria until it was spotless."
Y/n: "Yeah. Heheh. Those were the good ol' days.
Loona: "Those days sucked, Y/n."
Loona told her childhood friend as she turned to walk off, with Y/n right behind her. They walk towards a table with beers on it.
Y/n: "Ah, but they were still fun, weren't they?"
Y/n asked, making Loona's eyes turn somber as she recalls those days when they were younger. They were quite fun when she thought about it. She cracks a smile at the memories before taking a beer off the table and tossing it to Y/n, who catches it easily.
Loona: "Yeah, I guess they weren't too bad."
Y/n: "Well, I reckon they weren't. I was there, weren't I? Ya woulda been bored to death without me."
Y/n said as he pried the cap off of the bottle. He then took a quick drink of it before smiling at Loona.
Y/n: "So, ya ready to party or what? 'Cause I'm sure as hell ready."
Loona smirked as she lifted her beer up, and Y/n does the same as the two tap their drinks together.
Loona: "Let's party!"
And party they did. With Y/n now at the party, Loona ended up having even more fun than before. Everyone was dancing, drinking and eating, laughing, and playing games like pool and beer pong. However, after a few hours, Loona ended up going to the bathroom. Why? To vomit since she ended up having too much to drink.
Loona was hunched over the toilet, throwing up chunks. She groaned, her stomach clearly not agreeing with how much she just drank. When she was done hurling, Loona pushed herself off the toilet and sat down against the wall. She groaned again.
Loona: "Uuuooogh... I shouldn't have had that many beers. I'm gonna have such a fucking hangover tomorrow morning..."
Loona grunted as she held her head and shook it a bit. She then pushed herself up from the wall and wobbly walked out from the bathroom. However, she was able to fix her posture and walk straight as if she were sober. She, of course, wasn't sober, but she wasn't exactly drunk either. It would take a lot more to get her actually drunk, but she still wasn't completely sober. So that's why she decided to finally head back home so she can sleep it off.
Making her way down a hallway, Loona found herself back in the main area where the party was happening. There were a lot less Hellhounds now, but still a good amount. Music was still playing, but barely anyone was dancing. There was only one guy dancing, and he was super drunk. Everyone else was either passed out from either drunk or exhaustion, playing games, or just sitting around around and talking over some drinks. Vortex was playing a game of pool with Vanessa and two others, and she saw a group of hounds sitting around on the couch and chairs, and even the table, as they talked and laughed. However, when she heard a familiar voice, she stopped walking and turned to see that Y/n was one of the hounds on the couch. He had a beer in hand as he told them a story.
Y/n: "And then I whacked the fuckah in the face like the drongo he was! Haha!"
And he was super drunk to boot.
Loona: "Of course he is..."
Y/n's ears perked up and he looked at Loona with a drunk smile on his face.
Y/n: "Looo Looooooo! There ya are, mate! She's me best mate, yous all know that?"
Y/n asked the hounds around him, his accent become stronger from how drunk he was. And Loona couldn't even believe he used that stupid nickname he gave her when they were kids.
Loona: "Oh, boy..."
Loona cringed as she walked forward towards Y/n and the other hounds.
Loona: "Y/n, how drunk are you?"
Y/n looked at Loona while squinting his eyes. He was thinking for a moment before answering.
Y/n: "I'm... drinnnky."
Y/n immediately chuckled after he said that, making Loona a bit concerned. She turns to one of the hounds sitting on the table across from Y/n.
Loona: "How much has he had? I stopped paying attention after five."
Female Hellhound #1: "Uh, fifteen? Maybe twenty."
Loona nearly choked on her own saliva, taken completely off-guard. She knows Y/n as a lightweight when it comes to beer, but now him suddenly taking at least twenty which isn't what she was used to. Things have definitely changed from when they were younger.
Loona: "Holy shit, Y/n! Fifteen to twenty?! I thought you were a lightweight!"
Y/n: "Yesn't."
Y/n responded with a drunk smile, making Loona groan. She realized she may have to bring Y/n with her, but Blitzo would kill them both for her bringing a boy home with her. She also didn't know if Vortex knew where Y/n lived, so the best bet would to have Y/n use his portals. But would he be able to in his current state? She'd have to find out.
Loona: "Alright, c'mon, Y/n. Let's get you home."
Loona said as she walked around the table and pulled Y/n up from the couch. He wobbly stood to his feet and leaned against Loona for support, making her grunt from his weight. He was definitely heavier than she expected.
Y/n: "But I donwanna!"
Y/n complained before remembering something in his drunken state.
Y/n: "Ooh, ooh! Loo Loo! Remembah that one night at the park when we--"
Y/n was immediately quieted by Loona slamming her hand over his mouth. She had a massive blush on her face, not wanting Y/n to talk about that night. However, the other Hellhounds became intrigued by what Y/n was going to say.
Male Hellhound: "Whoa, whoa. What's this now?"
Female Hellhound #2: "Yeah, what happened at the park? Did you two--?"
Loona: "We did nothing and we are leaving!"
Loona said as she dragged Y/n away from the Hellhounds, who couldn't help but snicker and laugh among each other, and towards the front door.
Loona: "See ya, Vortex! Vanessa! Thanks for the party! See ya!"
With that, Loona opens the door and leaves with Y/n, slamming it shut behind them. Both Vortex and Vanessa turn to the door right as it closes, making them confused.
Vanessa: "Aren't you here ride?"
Vortex: "Uh, yeah."
Vanessa: "And didn't she just leave with your friend, Y/n?"
Vortex: "Yeah, she did."
They both stared at the door for a few more moments before turning to each other with smirks.
Vanessa: "They're definitely fucking."
Vortex: "Oh, definitely."
Outside, Loona brings Y/n forward as they walk through the front yard. It was dark out now since it was actually very early morning now, but Loona was thankful she can see very well in the dark.
Loona: "Alright, Y/n, think you can make a portal to your place? I don't wanna leave you alone in the state you're in, so we're going to your place first."
Y/n: "Hmmrg... Okay."
Y/n said, but just stayed leaning against Loona without doing anything.
Loona: "You gonna open the portal?"
Y/n: "Hm? Oh, righto."
Y/n said as he pushed himself off of Loona, but wobbly started to teeter. Loona tried to help, but Y/n quickly fixed himself and held his hand out to stop his friend from helping him. The Hellhound hesitantly nodded her head and took a step back to let Y/n do his thing. The (P/C)-furred Hellhound stretched and cracked his fingers before shaking his hands. He then, instead of waving his hand in the air like Loona thought he did, Y/n instead revealed his claws and swiped them through the air, creating a tear in space which forms a greenish-blue portal the size of a person.
Loona: "Holy shit..."
Y/n: "Shall we, Lovely Loo?"
Y/n said in a slurred voice as he turned to face Loona before teetering backwards and falling through his own portal. Loona immediately panics as she runs forward after him.
Loona: "Shit! Y/n!"
She runs towards the portal and sprints right through it before it started closing. When she landed on the other side, she ended up landing on her stomach with two grunts coming from the landing. Loona then pushed herself up and shook her head before opening her eyes to see Y/n right beneath her.
Y/n: "G'day, Loo Loo."
Loona immediately began to blush before pushing herself off of Y/n and stood up. She had an annoyed tick on her forehead.
Loona: "You know I hate that dumbass nickname!"
Y/n: "Ah, but it's an absolute beauty of a nickname! I love it!"
Y/n said as he lied on the ground, a drunken smile on his face. He stupidly laughed, making Loona cross her arms and look away as she clicks her tongue.
Loona: "Dumbass... Come on, let's get you in your bed."
Loona bent down and grabbed Y/n by the arm. She lifted him up onto his feet and threw his arm over her shoulder, supporting him up.
Loona: "Alright, where's your room?"
Y/n grunted as he motioned over to a hall to the left. Loona took the direction and made her way to and down the hall. Y/n then told her where his room was, and she opened the door to bring him inside. Loona brought Y/n over to the full-sized bed in the middle of the room. She set him down on his bed, and Y/n did the rest as he shuffled around got into a comfortable position. He turns to Loona, finally looking tired after finally being in his bed.
Y/n: "Thanks, Loo Loo..."
He smiles appreciatively at her, making Loona blush a bit before smiling back.
Loona: "It's, uh, no problem, Y/n. Now sleep, 'kay? You're gonna have one fucking bad hangover in the morning."
Y/n groaned at Loona saying that and threw his arm over his face. Loona rolled her eyes at this, thinking of her friend just being dramatic. She leaned forward and reached for his arm.
Loona: "Stop being dramatic, you--"
Loona stops when she moves Y/n's arm only to see that his eyes were closed. He let out soft snores, signaling that he was now asleep. And if Loona remembered anything from her time at the adoption center, Y/n was one of the heaviest sleepers she knew. So she just decided to leave him be and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her and walking back to the living room. She looks around for a moment before realizing something.
Loona: "Fuck...! I don't know my way home from here. Shit!"
Loona groaned in annoyance, realizing her stupid mistake. But she also knew that, no matter how well he could handle himself, Y/n wouldn't have been able to get to his home without help with the state he was in. So Loona just sighed and looked at the couch, seeing that a blanket was already prefolded on the backrest and the pillows didn't look too uncomfortable.
Loona: "Well, looks like I'm staying the night. Consider yourself lucky, Y/n... but I guess you already are."
Loona said with a small smile before walking over to the couch to prepare a place to sleep for the night. Once she had the blanket over her and was comfortably lying down on Y/n's couch, Loona couldn't help but yawn as she felt herself drawing close to sleep. So she pulled the blanket over her shoulder and huddled under it for warmth as she slowly went to sleep.
Loona: "Goodnight, Y/n..."
And without a second thought, Loona ended up closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Edit: I didn't even realize I didn't finish a paragraph up top that described what Y/n was wearing. Man, how tired was I? That's crazy. Anyway, got it fixed now so enjoy. See ya around!
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