"Quickly, my girl" The old man breathed out, urging the girl forward and looking over his shoulder to make sure they weren't being followed. He pulled on the hood of his cloak, hiding his face further with the fabric and blending in with the shadows of the stone stairway.
The girl in front of him did the same, tucking her almost glowing white hair into her own hooded cloak. She held her hand agasint the wall to steady herself as they descended, the stone cooling her clammy hands.
"Exterminate! Exterminate!" They heard from behind the hidden passageway at the top of the steps. They paused and the girl held her breath with wide eyes.
The two listened as the harsh, emotionless static voice faded away before they continued downward, quickening their pace.
Soon enough, they reached the bottom of the stairwell and came across three cobbled tunnels. Without hesitation, the man and the girl ran through the left pathway. She held her dress in her hands, lifting it from the ground to enable her to run without interruption.
They ran until the fire-like sky became visible over head. They came to a stop at the edge of a cliff, where a large sphere floated in the air.
The man lowered his hood, revealing the crown of black iron sat upon his greyed hair. His blue eyes twinkled with fear but there was an underlying determination, too. He opened a hatch on the side of the sphere and pushed the girl in.
"Papa" She cried, reaching for him but he merely cradled her face in his hands with a sad smile gracing his thin lips.
"You must go, my sweet" He said, lowering her hood to kiss her forehead and displaying the black iron tiara contrasting against her white hair. "To protect yourself and the babe"
"Are you not coming with me?" She asked incredulously, her eyes wide and teary with terror, grasping onto his arms to stop him from leaving.
"I must fight for our people. For what is a King without his kingdom?"
"Then why must you send me away?" She wept. "Why cannot I fight to protect our people alongside you?"
"Because, my daughter, I am a selfish man" He said, giving her a melancholic yet teasing smile. "Much like that Doctor of yours"
"I see the glances you share when you believe nobody else is looking, the secret smiles and the love you hold for each other in your eyes" He listed, before looking down at the swell of his daughter's stomach. "And I know the life you hold in your womb is grown from his seed rather than your husband's"
"I do not love my husband" She whimpered, her tears leaving tracks over her flushed cheeks. "And he does not love me. But The Doctor loves me as I love him"
"I know, my sweet girl" He soothed, running his fingers through her hair like he did when she was a child. "It is time for you to go. Be safe, my child"
He closed the hatch and the white haired girl placed her palm on the glass. With wet eyes, he stood back and watched as the sphere rose into the sky and shoot off through the atmosphere.
When he could no longer see it, the King straightened his back and hardened his face and went back the way they came.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Doctor"
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