"Guys, this is Claudia. Claudia, these are the lads." Niall said as him and Claudia walked into the house. Claudia gave everyone a smile, even thought I could tell she was freaking out on the inside. Kind of how I was when I first met the guys in the airport when Liam came home. "Hey, guys."
"This is Avery. Liam's younger sister." Niall smiled at me, his arm wrapped gently around Claudia's shoulder. I smiled shyly, waving as she waved back.
Through the past month, Claudia and Niall have went out on a few dates together. They haven't made anything official just yet, but I was hoping they would soon. Even thought it's only been about a month since they started talking, I could tell Niall was head over heels for her. And I noticed that Claudia felt the same way about Niall. I could tell that she liked Niall for him, not for the Niall Horan in One Direction.
"So, very important question." I spoke with a smirk on my face. Niall raised his eyebrows. "Yeah?"
"When the hell are you two gonna date? I'm liking this girl already and she's only said two words since she walked in the door!" I grinned, seeing Claudia and Niall both starting to blush.
"God dammit, Avery. I'm working on it." Niall mumbled, a small smirk on his face as well as mine. Claudia's eyes widened in surprise, but smiled, looking down at the ground.
"She's very quiet." Louis chuckled, coming up behind me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I smiled. I never got tired of that. Even if it was just an act for the public.
"Aw, are you two dating?" Claudia asked quietly. Liam's jaw dropped a bit. "She speaks!"
Niall shot him a look, and Liam chuckled. "I'm just teasing, mate. Don't get your panties in a twist."
I laughed, before turning to look at Claudia again. "Well, n-" I started to say. "Yes, we're dating." Louis interrupted me, leaning forward and placing a kiss on my cheek. I blushed like a mad man, biting down on my lower lip to prevent myself from grinning like a fool.
"I saw it all over the news. I just wasn't sure if it was true or not." She laughed, leaning into Niall's shoulder.
You have no idea, Claudia. You have no damn idea how much I wish it was true.
Liam has learned more or less to accept the whole fake relationship idea. Louis and I have walked out in public a bit together, and yes, we did get noticed. Photos of us are on magazines and internet articles everywhere.
This whole relationship thing has been going on for maybe two or three weeks so far, and I'm surprised people are still buying the idea. I still get hate, of course. But after a long conversation with Louis, I learned that in the end, what they say to me doesn't matter.
"I have an idea!" Harry shouted, jumping up from the couch. Everyone jumped a bit, caught off guard. "What's up, Harry?" Louis asked.
"Since it's still daylight, we could head to that forest we went camping in that one night. Set up our tents, a fire, all sorts of shit."
All of us grinned, nodding. I have never been to this forest that Harry was talking about. But, I did know what he was talking about. It was the forest they were camping in when they talked about things being different if one of the members had left.
"Do you wanna come?" Niall asked Clauida, hope glimmering in his eyes. "Hm.. let me think about it."
Niall's face fell for a second, and she started giggling. "Of course I will, Niall. But I have no pajamas or anything!"
"You can wear something of mine. I have some clothes you can borrow." I said quickly, smiling. She looked at me. "I guess that'll have to do!"
"Well, let's get ready!" I grinned, pulling Claudia away from Niall, pulling her up the stairs and into my bedroom. Claudia laughed, looking back as we ran up the stairs, seeing a pouting Niall left in the living room.
"Okay. Since we'll probably be gone just for the night, we'll only need one change of clothes for the each of us." I said, rummaging through my closet. I grabbed two pairs of pajamas, handing a set to Claudia. I grabbed some fresh clothes, too. Along with a bag to carry everything in.
"Okay. I think I got everything." I said, throwing the last of my belongings in my bags. I headed downstairs with Claudia, seeing the other lads in the living room with their bags and tents.
"We ready?" I asked, walking towards the door. Everyone nodded. "Ready."
Vote for Chapter 9.
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