Louis' POV
It's been days since Avery and I's little chat, and honestly I miss her so much. The word was officially spread about Harry and Avery, and everyone was buzzing about it.
I barely ever came out of my room anymore, mainly because I just didn't want to speak to anyone.
The lads and I had a sound check today for our album that were working on. Honestly, the progress has been excellent so far. I can't wait for our fans to hear it.
"Louis! Get up!" Niall banged on the door to my room, and I groaned into my pillow. It was only 9:00 in the morning, and I sure as hell didn't want to be awake right now. I wanted to sleep away forever.
The banging continued on until I finally shouted, "Okay, okay! I'm up!"
Standing up from the bed, I looked at my reflection in the stand-up mirror. My eyes had bags resting underneath of them, and my hair was an absolute mess.
I sighed under my breath, rubbing my eyes to try to adjust them to the light. Once they finally adjusted, I began to get dressed and ready.
Since it was only a sound check, I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a pullover. Then I slipped on my TOMS. I was just reading to get this day over with, just like the rest of the days that's occurred in the past seven months.
Quickly slipping a beanie over my mop of hair to hold it back, I flung the door open and walked downstairs where the girls and guys were. "Ready to go?" Liam asked, grabbing the car keys. I nodded with a quiet sigh as everyone made their way outside to the car. How we all fit in that small ass car? I don't know.
The entire car ride the guys and girls were chattering away, Harry and Avery sitting and cuddling in the backseat next to me. My elbow was propped up on the side door, watching out the window as I listened to The Fray through my headphones. I let my thoughts take over as I listened to Never Say Never.
Sitting next to the sappy couple made me want to fling this side door open and jump out of it with all my might. The only thing holding me back from doing so was the fact that we had a sound check for the album. And I wasn't disappointing my fans by jumping out of a full speed car.
After twenty minutes of lip smacking and giggling, we finally arrived to the bloody building where we did our sound checks. I thankfully got out of the car, rather quickly, making my way inside as I didn't bother to wait for the others.
"Ah, hello, Louis!" Paul said, and I pushed past him, not making eye contact. I could feel his stare on me as I walked down the hall towards the recording booth.
Once I got in the booth, I slipped on my headset, and started working on my new solos for the album's songs. Singing had to be one of the things that calmed me down the most. The other one was, well, Avery.
"Is something on your mind, Lou?" Liam asked, pressing the button to make the music cease in my booth. I jumped in surprise, turning to face one of my best friends. "What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."
"Doesn't seem that way, mate." Liam spoke as I took off my headphones, draping them around my neck. "You're dressed lazily, you're in a dampened mood. What's up?"
I sighed, leaning my body against the booth wall, repositioning my beanie on top of my head. "I just miss her." I muttered, looking over at Harry and Avery who had been off together in the corner.
Liam peeked behind him, noticing the couple as well. Then he sighed, "I know you do, lad. But there isn't much you can do."
I nodded in agreement, looking down at my TOMS that have suddenly become quite interesting to my appeal.
"God, I wish I didn't fuck up." I mumbled, shaking my head and not looking up from my shoes.
"Do you really love my sister, Lou?" Liam asked, and I looked up with a 'duh' look.
"Is that even a question, Liam? Of course I do." I admitted as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I did love Avery. Ever since before the whole incident happened with that brunette in the bar.
I cupped my face in my hands, groaning in frustration as the thoughts of the brunette came back into my head. The thing is; I don't even remember her name! All I remember is what happened, and I'm surprised I remember because of how drunk I was.
"Get off!" I pushed the brunette lightly, stumbling backwards towards the wall in the bar bathroom.
"Oh c'mon, Louis. I just wanna have a little fun." The girl cooed, and I winced, too half-drunk to even function at this moment in time.
She came onto me, pushing me to where I was the one laying on the ground as she straddled me, starting to undress me herself.
I squirmed underneath of her, trying to break away so I could get up and go find Avery. But as soon as she undressed herself and then slid down onto me, I knew I was done for. The alcohol and pleasure eventually took over, and that was when them stupid words came out of my idiotic mouth.
"Yes that's right, love. Scream my name." The words slipped from my mouth. She was clearly riding on top of me, and we were both on the floor of the bar bathroom.
"Oh, Louis." She moaned softly, and I was praying that no one would hear us in here.
I knew from the start it was a mistake. Everything was going to be destroyed, and Avery would hate me for all of eternity.
That was definitely the last thing I wanted.
All of my anger was building up as I clenched my fists, trying to shake away the thoughts. But I failed managing to do so.
"Go get her back." Liam instructed, and I looked at him with a look of pure surprise. "Wait, what?"
"Louis, you love her. I can see it in your eyes when you stare at them being all couple-like." Liam sighed, peeking over at Harry and Avery. Avery was leaning against the wall, and Harry was leaning in front of her, his hand placed on the wall above Avery's head.
"You can only win her back if you try." Liam explained, and the lad did have a point. Me standing around and moping wasn't going to do anything. If I wanted to win back Avery's heart, I had to fight for her.
I stood from afar, waiting for Avery to walk away from Harry. After what seemed like decades, she walked off somewhere with Danielle. Thank god.
I made my way over to Harry, my fists clenched from anger. He had a cheerful grin on his face, which wasn't really abnormal. "Hey, mate!" He chirped, and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Once he saw the look of anger on my face, his cheeky smile dropped from his face and was replaced with a look of confusion and concern. "Woah, what's wrong?"
"I loved her first, Harry." I snapped, my fists clenching so hard that my knuckles had started turning white. I was a brand new level of furious.
A light laugh escaped his lips, shaking his head playfully. "You had your chance, lad. And you fucked up. Sorry. She chose me." Harry spoke, and walked away, leaving me there alone.
All of my anger built up inside of me, and before I could even stop myself, I raised my fist and punched the wall in front of me with all of my might. I fell down to my knees, clutching my fist against my torso with my good hand. Every ounce of anger was finally releasing, and one thing had crossed through my mind.
One thing I knew - I was going to make her mine again. One way or another.
Vote for Chapter 38.
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