Avery's POV
I finished up my hair and makeup, checking myself in the mirror to see if I looked okay. Once I agreed with my appearance, I nodded and grabbed my phone, shoving it into the pocket of my purse.
"Ready to go?" Harry asked when I walked downstairs into the living room. He was leaning against the kitchen door frame, looking as handsome as ever. He was dressed in a nicely fitted dress suit, while I was dressed in a short, black dress with white sequins. Harry had told me to dress fancy, since we were going out to I'm assuming a fancy place. But he still never told me where we were going.
Harry linked his arm through mine, and once we said goodbye to the boys, we were on our way out to the car. Walking out the front door, I could've sworn I felt a pair of eyes on me from behind. But, I ignored it, continuing on.
Louis' POV
Once she walked down the staircase, she looked as gorgeous as anything. I tried to prevent myself from staring as she walked over to Harry, linking her arm with his.
"Love, are you okay?" Eleanor asked me, rubbing my shoulder gently. I jumped out of my little trance that Avery always seems to put me in, looking over at my girlfriend.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled, hoping she would buy it. She was hesitant, but still bought it once she nodded. Under my breath, I sighed in relief. Thank god she didn't notice me staring.
Although, when Avery walked out the door with Harry, I found myself staring once again. God dammit, Louis.
"Louis!" Eleanor exclaimed, snapping her fingers in front of my face. I jumped, turning to face her. "Yes, love?"
"Why do you keep staring at her?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Shit, so she did notice me staring at Avery.
"I-I'm not." I stuttered, which gave it to her as a dead giveaway that I obviously was.
"Yes you were! I just watched you stare at her with that mesmerized look in your eyes!" Eleanor narrowed her eyebrows, a frown forming on her lips. I could feel the other boys' stares on us having this little disagreement.
I looked down, out of any sort of comebacks I could use. I was defeated, and had no idea what to respond with.
"I knew it," She shook her head in shame, standing up from the couch. "You still love the bitch!"
I stood up quickly, trying to prevent her from walking out of the fight. "Eleanor-"
"No, I should've known." She snapped, grabbing her purse off the coffee table. "I'm not going to stick around and be your rebound to get over her. I'm going to go and find someone who actually wants to be with me."
She pushed past me, causing me to fall back down onto the couch. "Babe!" I protested loudly.
She spun around on her heel, now standing by the door. "Don't call me 'babe'. I'm not your babe anymore." She snapped, flinging the front door open. "Goodbye, Louis."
And just like that, history felt as if it was repeating itself that day when Avery left me at the airport.
"A-Avery, I.." I spoke, my voice cracking.
I knew, though, that she was sticking to her guns. "Goodbye, Louis.." She said, her voice cracking again. Then, she walked through the gates.
She was gone.
My baby girl was gone.
I was officially broken.
Every day, that moment replays through my mind. Her walking through the gates, and boarding that bloody plane that came back here to London. I should be the one furious at her for making me suffer for the last six months. But, I'm not. I cheated. Unintentional or not, I cheated. I deserve the heartbreak, the tears, everything. God, I miss her so much.
Now, she has feelings for Harry. My second chance will never happen. I've officially lost the one girl I can say I truly love.
"Are you okay, mate?" Niall asked, resting a hand on my shoulder, knocking me out of my own thoughts.
"Yeah... I'm fine." I lied. The truth was, I wasn't fine. No, I wasn't upset about Eleanor. To be honest, it didn't really bother me one bit.
What bothered me was that I lost Avery Payne. For good.
Avery's POV
Harry parked outside of a nice looking house, and you could hear booming music coming from the inside.
"A friend of mine was hosting a party and invited me. Since we were in town." Harry smirked over at me, noticing the confused look on my face.
"Makes sense." I laughed, and we both got out of the car. He took my hand in his, as we made our way to the front entrance, where a man was standing with a clipboard in hand.
"Hello, Harry," The man spoke with a smile, automatically recognizing Harry. He gave him a smile back, "Hello, Tim. Just Avery and I here."
The man, Tim, unclipped the rope, allowing us to walk in through the entrance. When we walked in, a swarm of people were dancing on the dancefloor, all holding drinks in their hands.
"Who's this friend of yours?" I asked curiously, looking up at Harry. He smirked, not releasing my hand as he led through the room, looking around himself.
His eyes landed on someone. "There he is." He noted, walking with me towards the redhead that had his back faced towards us.
"Hey, Ed." Harry said once we got to him, and my eyes widened. Ed.. Sheeran?
Ed spun around, a drink in his hand. "Hey, Harry!"
Harry noticed my shocked expression, and chuckled. "I'm assuming you're a fan?"
I nodded, smiling like an idiot. I absolutely loved and admired Ed Sheeran.
This was going to be a good party; I could already tell.
Harry and I both made the smart decision of staying sober, which was probably for the best since he had something else planned.
After the party, he wanted to take me to the nearest beach. The drive didn't take long, but it was in a nice, comfortable silence.
The beach was empty when we arrived, considering it was getting pretty late at night. I honestly didn't want this night to end.
We both got out of the car, walking down the beach to the shoreline. "I want to show you something." He spoke.
"What is it?" I smiled, looking up at him. The moonlight was reflecting on him in a way that was indescribable. It's almost like he was an angel sent from heaven above.
He led me down the beach a ways, stopping when we came to a certain spot on the beach. I looked down at the sand, seeing a message scrawled into it.
Will you be my girlfriend, it read, and I felt my heart fluttering.
I turned to face Harry, a smile breaking out on my face. Leaning up on my tiptoes, I placed my lips on his, hoping he'd catch my answer.
"Is that a yes?" Harry asked once we pulled away, his hands resting on my waist. I nodded, smiling like a fool. "Of course, Harry."
Vote for Chapter 36.
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