After a good 20 minute ride, we arrived at a field, which was cleared and open, a small river flowing in front of it. It was a beautiful sight.
"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously, looking over at Louis in the driver's seat. He smiled, getting out of the car and going to the trunk.
I got out, closing the door behind me. He popped open the trunk, pulling out a wooden basket, with a plaid blanket draped over top of it.
"A picnic?" I asked, smiling. He nodded with a sheepish smile, holding out his hand for me to take. I slipped my hand in his, and he led me a ways down the field.
In the middle of the field, we came to a stop. He released my hand, setting the basket down on the ground and grabbing the blanket, laying it out. Louis kneeled down, putting the basket on the blanket. I sat down next to him.
"It's not much for a first date.. bu-" Louis started to say, but I cut him off. "It's lovely, Louis. I wouldn't have it any other way."
He smiled, opening up the basket. He pulled out two sandwiches, a medium sized bag of chips, a fruit jar filled with strawberries, and some chocolate for dipping.
He handed me one of the sandwiches which had been sealed up in a ziplock bag. Louis and I sat there for what seemed like the longest time, talking about nothing in specific.
"So how's Liam taking the whole situation? With the fake dating." Louis asked quietly, taking the last bite of his sandwich. I shrugged. "I don't know. I think he's starting to get used to it. Just took some adjustment. I understand why he acts the way he does though."
"Because the hate.." Louis said quietly with a frown. "Yeah.." I sighed, finishing my sandwich as well. "I've learned to deal with that, though. Haters gonna hate." I breathed out a small laugh.
That caused Louis to smile. "Don't listen to them. None of them know the real you to judge you." He said, pulling out the jar of strawberries and the chocolate dip. "I've learned to finally accept that." I smiled.
Louis dipped a strawberry in the chocolate. "About this morning.." He said quietly, taking a bite out of the strawberry. I raised an eyebrow. "Hm?"
"The almost kiss.." He spoke softly, looking over at me. I gulped a bit, biting my lip. "W-What about it?"
"Would you have kissed back?" He asked nervously. I felt my cheeks heat up. God dammit. I thought about it for a moment. Sure, I was certain of my feelings for Louis. But was I completely ready to come out and admit that to him?
"Y-Yes." I stuttered, the word slipping from my mouth. Once I realized what I said, my breath almost got caught in my throat. Louis' surprised look took me off guard, but then he smiled. "Good, good."
"But.. we weren't around any paparazzi or anything. Why did it seem like you wanted to kiss me?" I asked curiously, almost slapping myself when I asked that question. Who the hell asks that?
Louis chuckled. "Love, I think it was and still is obvious enough that I have feelings for you."
My eyes widened at that moment, and I felt butterflies fly like crazy in my stomach. "You do?.."
He nodded, realizing what he had just admitted to. "I have for awhile now.." He bit into another chocolate dipped strawberry.
"I understand if you don't feel the same way. I know that the reason we're 'together' is because of Si-" He started to ramble, but I cut him off. "I do feel the same way."
Both of his eyebrows raised. "Really?"
I nodded shyly, looking down as my face heated up. Louis shuffled a bit, scooting over on the blanket so he was sitting next to me. "So, you're telling me, that if I kissed you right now, I wouldn't be making a fool out of myself?" That caused me to giggle a bit.
"Yeah. I guess so." I said quietly, too embarrassed to look at him. I felt a hand go under my chin, lifting my face up so I was facing Louis. With a shaky breath, he leaned forward, closing his eyes.
I let my eyes close as well, and Louis placed his lips onto mine softly. His hand went to the back of my neck, kissing me softly. I felt myself kiss him back gently, my arms wrapping themselves partly around his neck.
When Louis pulled away, he kept his lips several inches from mine, his eyes fluttering open. "Be mine? For real, this time."
I smiled, a small laugh escaping from my lips. "Of course." I whispered, leaning forward again and placing my lips on his again.
He smiled into the kiss. When we pulled away, he motioned for us to lay down on the blanket, and we both did so, looking up at the cloudy sky.
"That one looks like a dog!" I said, pointing up towards one of the clouds. "That one looks like a frog." Louis pointed out.
"That looks nothing like a frog, Lou." I laughed. "Oh, hush." Louis laughed, shaking his head playfully.
"Make me." I smirked, looking over at him. He raised an eyebrow, turning his head as well. He propped himself up on his elbow, leaning his face down towards mine.
I smiled, his lips landing on mine again. I don't know why, but his kiss just drives me absolutely insane. In a good way, of course. God, I sound so cheesy.
He pulled away slowly, opening his eyes. "We should head home." He whispered, seeing the sun fully setting.
I nodded, sitting up beside him.
We gathered everything together and back into the picnic basket, putting it back all in the trunk of the car.
We both got back into the car, making our way back home.
Vote for Chapter 12.
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