5. Kids
Kyo-san and I finally got back to my estate. I could barely move my legs anymore from all the walking, But if I want to come close in strength to the other hashiras I must train. Train as hard as I can to get stronger! And then I'll finally be on their level.
I was walking to one of the training rooms in my estate, and I just happened to see Kanao, with tanjirou and two other boys training.
I probably shouldn't bother them, they're definitely busy, I can't disturb them. They're trying to become better. They look so determined as well!
Ah tanjirou noticed me, what do I do now.... I'll just go over there
"Hello tanjirou, Kanao."
I gave them a bow.
"How's training going for you guys?"
"It's going great! Kanao and aoi, they're teaching us how to do total concentration, and-"
He grabbed onto my Haori, sobbing onto it.
He sort of looks like when babies have tantrums
"Umm could you please let go.....you?"
This made him cry harder
Tanjirou hit him on the back of the head dragging him away,
Poor tanjirou... has to deal with him all the time, it must be hard.
Tanjirou also hit him on the head and dragged him away,
poor him...
"So kanao I imagine that it's tough to deal with them."
All she did was nod her head.
Ahhhhh kanao is so cute!! She's also so strong! I hope she become a hashira one day she deserves it, but I'm not sure if she'd be able to work well with others..
with the others, I mean she listens to orders well and she doesn't show much emotion, but is that a benefit or not
and well I guess she could get along with others if she stopped using that coin, tanjirou would make a pretty good hashira though, he very nice and caring. He's got what it takes
Ah I'm too awkward to exist sometimes
"It's alright (y/n)-san, I was just going to ask where you were going to go."
Where was I going.........kyo-san? No no not there I wasn't going there.... sanemi! Wait no I'll talk to him later.........MY ESTATE YESS THAT PLACE.
"Oh I was just going to go to my estate to check on everyone, maybe do some training."
"Ah I see, well good luck."
Ah soon as he finished I scurried away, hoping to not embarrass myself any further.
Wow how do I even hold conversations, how do I have friends??? Well I guess some mysterious won't be solved.
wait how is everyone going to react when I get back, are they going to be mad, happy, sad?! I don't know, I don't know... stop asking yourself these things! People are unpredictable most the time you need to chill.
"(l/n-n)-sama is that you?!"
I saw one of the caretakers of the children at the my estate.
"Ah ummm yeah it's me.... I'm sorry for being a no show for 3 months....."
"It's o-okay (l/n)-sama, t-the children really missed y-you."
Ah carp, they're probably gonna beat me up for this... well I'll get to see if they got stronger? Is that a good thing, maybe not.. no no stop being selfish (y/n)! It is a good thing.
"Can you um take me to them, P-please."
"Of course (l-l/n)-sama!"
Oh my why did I shutter?! I'm a hashira! I shouldn't stutter, that sounds weird... well the caretaker has the voice to stutter, she has a cute voice so it sounds cute when she does it, but when I do it I sound so ugly!
"C-children (l/n)-sama is here to see you."
The door opened so fast that my hair blew across my face, some getting in my mouth (unless you have short hair)
the sun is so harsh, how can these kids train in this weather, I mean I did tell them to train no matter what, but I never thought they actually would listen to me... Gyomei-sama was right they are good kids.
Ema said as she quickly grabbed onto my hand tightly.
"I'm so sorry ema! I was very bu-"
"What made them think that? If I died you guys would be the first to know...... I'm sorry I promise it won't happen again."
"I know that.... I just thought..."
She stayed quiet after this, usually ema was really cheerful, she has never yelled at me! I must of really of worried them, I'll make it up to them, I'm sure.
I'm such a bad caretaker.
"(L-l/n)-san I-is that you?!"
"Ah hello Atsushi, how have you been?"
"I missed you so much!"
The 9 year old hugged me, my uniform got a bit wet from his tears. I didn't expect them to miss me this much!
"I missed you too Atsushi! You too ema! But where are the rest of the children?"
"Well some are training while others went to work in the village near by, because they wanted a break from demons for a bit."
The 14 year old said in a pretty monotone voice.
"Well who's here in the estate right now?"
"Well there's me obviously, Atsushi, akutagawa, ray, shinra, maki and legoshi! Akutagawa and shinra are training right now, so go talk to them and I'll Get the rest."
The eldest kid left to get everyone else, probably stop to get a biscuit as well.
"Alright Atsushi lets go see akutagawa and shinra!"
"Um maybe you should go meet akutagawa by yourself, you know he never liked me..."
I nodded before walking off to find the food others.
He was right, him and akutagawa have always had a rivalry going between them. maybe it's about the man who previously cared for him? Well he must of been awful, yet I can't really judge. Oh but speak of the beast, akutagawa is here.
"Um hello akutagawa, how are you doing?"
"What are you doing?"
"Oh that's good, well um have fun. Take care!"
I didn't hear a response from him after that, he's never really been a talker. kind of like muichiro, but at least he wants to talk about some this I guess. I'll just leave him be to figure things out for now, shouldn't judge.
"(L/n)-san is that you?"
" oh yeah it's me shinra how are you doing, and is that legoshi their with you?"
Ema didn't tell me he was out here, he must of just come out just now.
"Yeah! We're training so we can beat up Shinazugawa-san!"
Shinra gave off his signature devilish smile, these kids were so cu- wait beat sanemi-san up, or genya-san??
"Ehhh what do you mean shinra-kun?!"
Legoshi chirped in
"He said some mean stuff about you, and we don't like that."
The three boys nodded as they continued to swing their nichiran blade.
"Would you guys mind telling me what he said?"
"He said you 'were an idiot for accepting a demon so quick' and that 'he was going to kill you next time he saw you' We were so worried for you! So akutagawa, legoshi and I decided we'll protect you from the bad man!"
Eh??? He's still mad about that? I- why would he say it in front of them though? Thats kind of strange.7?
"Ah you guys don't have to do that, I'm sure he doesn't mean it, and he's a good gu-"
"Okaa- I mean (y/n)-san you always say that."
Legoshi is right, I do always try to defend him. Even if he hates me I still do it, maybe I should stop....
but did legoshi almost call me okaa-san?! That means I'm succeeding as a care taker. Or maybe it's because I'm an older female in his life? People are so confusing.
"Yeah you do."
Akutagawa added.
"Well I promise I can protect myself until you guys are older enough, okay?"
"Now if you boys want to you have to continue training, so keep going! I believe in the three of you."
They sure had determination in them, they'll make amazing men one day. I should start training soon, I'll say hi to the others at dinner.
*a hour pasts*
"Ah (l/n)-sama there you are! Tokito-sama is looking for you!"
The worker left before I could even say thanks, she must be so busy.
"(Y/n)-san, I've been looking for you. I would like you to come cloud watching with me."
"Oh yeah Um sure."
3rd person pov
The girls forehead become a bit sweaty, sure she loved the boy with all he heart but it was a bit tiresome to talk to him, and he could be rude sometimes but she just guessed that's how he is.
They spent a while walking to a place to sit to watch them.
"Hey muichiro-kun?"
The boy hummed, too focused on the clouds to give an actual response.
"Why did you ask me to come cloud watching with you? It's not like I didn't want to go, I love hanging out with you. But you usually just do it by yourself."
The boy stayed silent for a bit, why did he bring her? Well he completely forgot.
"I'm not sure, but you ask too many questions."
The two layed down in a comfortable silence for a while, watching the clouds, thinking about the clouds. It was a nice break from their cruel job.
"Oh (y/n)-san, I forgot to tell you, but rengoku is going on a mission soon."
"Oh um thanks for letting me know about it, it's really nice of you."
The boy got annoyed at this statement.
"(Y/n)-san why don't you talk to me normally? It's quite annoying the way you talk to me."
Ouch, rude. Thought the girl
"Well I'd just hope you get to be a kid sometimes, I hate it that you had to grow up so fast. So I want to let you be a kid as much as you can... I didn't know it annoyed you, sorry."
Oh so she just wants me to be a kid.... why does she decide how I want to feel.
"You should stop doing that. I hate it."
The girl nodded, they both continued to look at the clouds until they could feel the air being to become cold.
"Muichiro-kun we should leave, it's getting late."
The boy and girl got up to walk back to the estates.
"So muichiro-Kun, did you see any really good ones?"
Did he even remember? She wasn't sure.
"I saw one, but I don't remember the name, so I don't really care about it anymore."
"I see. Well I had fun, thanks for inviting me muichiro-kun."
The girl wasn't sure if she should give him a hug or not. Well might as well go for the safe option and just let him be.
" okay, goodbye (y/n)-san."
With that the boy left (y/n) with herself and her thoughts
Ahhhh that was so awkward, and was I really being that rude to him?? Maybe I should just think about something else?? Ah who knows uhh dinner? Yes I eat dinner!
Maybe I should invite kyo-san to dinner.
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