2. Acceptance
"Even if that's what you desire... I can not accept it."
Woah woah woah! They get to live? That's so weird but good, yes I'm glad. It's nice they get to have a nice sibling bond, kamado seems like a very nice and caring brother! Just like ani-san, it's nice they get to be happy.
"This letter is received from a former hashira, sakonji urokodaki"
Urokodaki.... that was uhhh giyuu's teacher right! He talked about him a few times, giyuu seems to like him a lot. I'll like him a lot too then!
"I shall read a shortened version of the letter."
"'Please allow tanjirou to be accompanied by his demon sister nezuko. Because of her resilient and mental strength, nezuko has never lost her humanity, even though she may be a demon even in her starved state she never ate a human, and this had held true for 2 years. Although the situation seems impossible, it is an indisputable fact. If in the event that assaults a human, tanjirou kamado as well as sakanji urokodaki and giyuu tomioka will Atone by committed seppuku."
As the girl finished, kamado started crying, A few of us were taken aback by this. Urokodaki-San must trust them so much to put his, giyuu's and kamado-san's life on the line.
"So what is they commit seppuku? If they want to die, then rot to death for all I care! It's not guarantee that she won't eat anyone, and once that happens we can't take it back!"
"Shinazugawa is right! We can't come back from that! It won't bring back the person who was killed."
" you do have a point"
Oyakata-sama ended with.
"In that case....."
"Actually I think we should trust her."
God why did I say that! That was so dumb (y/n)! You even interrupted oyakata-sama! ... I might as well commit to the idea. I mean they can't just kill her if she hasn't hurt anyone! This is wrong...
"If a former pillar entrusts 3 peoples lives with her, I think we should just let them continue to fight for the corps."
I concluded, a bit embarrassed sure but also relieved that I could get that off my chest.
"What are you thinking (l/n)! Do you hear yourself!?"
Obani was clearly angry at this point, but I can't let them kill her, it wouldn't be right.
"You all have a point, we can't guarantee that she won't attack people. We can't prove it. That being said, we also can't prove that she will."
Sanemi looked shocked when oyakata-sama said that, and probably mad at me... I really hope he doesn't yell at me after this.
Oyakata-sama continued.
"The fact that she's refrained from devouring humans for more than 2 years , and like (l/n) said 3 people are risking their lives for her. To reject this it must offer a more convincing argument."
Obani gave me a litter glare, while sanemi just looked star struck at this point.
"Do you all have the will to accept her? But there is something I must tell you my children..."
Everyone was tense at this point in time.
"Tanjirou here has met muzan."
That's when everyone started bombarding him with questions and statements, the poor boy...
"Ehhh not impossible."
"You mean this kid right?"
"Did you find his stronghold?"
"What did he look like."
"Oi answer me I asked first!"
"What kind of powers does he have?"
Oyakata-sama put his finger to his mouth. Everyone was silent. Now that I think about it , It's actually kinda scary how much power he has over us, even though he's so weak. I mean not to be judgemental or anything! He's just really sick...
"Sorry Oyakata-sama."
I said.
"It's okay, I get all of you are excited at this news. But we need to talk about how kibutsuji sent pursuers after tanjirou."
Oyakata-sama stopped for a few seconds before continuing.
"With how much I've heard that kibutsuji is going after tanjirou, I have a reason to believe that him and his sister are special."
"But now that kibutsuji has given himself away for the first time, and I would like to not let that go. And I also have reason to believe that what happened to nezuko was never intended by kibutsuji."
He paused again...
"I ask you all to understand."
Wait maybe this means we can finally defeat muzan! We could end years of suffering...
"No I can not understand, master. If it were a human I'd be happy to let it live, but it's a demon!"
Sanemi spoke with clear distaste in his tone.
"Sanemi please just let this happen, this could be a really good thing."
"No! Not after what we demon slayers have gone through! Not after how many people have died to demons, it's unacceptable!"
Sanemi looked like he was shaking at this
He cut his arm with his sword.
He didn't respond to me.
"Master, I'll prove it to you myself! The sheer ugliness of demons!"
His blood was everywhere now... what a mess... I look over to gyomei-san, he seemed to still be crying. Maybe I should start crying as well? No that's dumb why would I do that? Well you know why you would do that!
"Hey demon, it's time to eat! Sink your teeth into this!"
The kid started struggling, while sanemi's blood was dripping on the box. I could hear her struggling as well.
This is just cruel... sanemi show some humanity please...
I poke gyomei.
"H-hey gyomei-san could you um do something a-about this?"
I'm such a wimp! I stuttered in front of gyomei-san.. I'm such an idiot!
He shook his head no, his eyes were full of sympathy looking at me.
"No need to force yourself to stop, let us see your true colours! And I'll destroy you right now!"
I wanted to look away so bad. Yet I couldn't, it's like that saying that you can't look away from a tragedy? Or something similar to that. I don't really remember.
"Shinazugawa it's not good doing it in the sunlight, it won't come out, you need to go somewhere dark."
I'm going to have to apologise for him after this, well if he doesn't kill her that is. Maybe I should step in? Actually no, wait maybe? I can't just stand by.
"Forgive me oyakata-sama for this."
He jumped behind oyakata-sama. He then threw the box onto the ground.
Sanemi stabbed her again.
I could see kamado was about to go and run to his sister, but obani restrained him before he could do so.
Sanemi stabbed her again.
"Look the human blood you love so much!"
This is so cruel. I should do something, everything I think to do is dumb though... maybe I should take his sword. Yeah I'll do that.
I said a quick apology to oyakata-sama before also jumping behind him. Sanemi was a bit stunned, the perfect time to strike. So I yanked to blade out of his hands, like an idiot.
"I-I'm sorry sanemi but I can't watch you hurt this child anymore."
I said.
"(Y/n) are you an idiot! This is a demon we're talking about! And you're defending it?! Disgusting, but I'll deal with you later."
Sanemi is so cruel sometimes. So so cruel.
I walked back to my spot, kyo-san rubbed my back, I don't think I deserve it... I didn't really do anything.
"Thanks kyo-san..."
I whispered this just so he could hear this,
Sanemi opened the box and the girl came out, I must admit that she was quite pretty. But that didn't change the fact on how invested the other hashiras were. We were all watching intently trying to figure out what's going to happen. I think my ears just blocked out most the noise now, All I could hear was sanemi tormenting her.
I looked over to obani, his elbow was so firm on kamado's back that made it so he could barely breath. It was even happening to me but I still cringed at the site, yet I did nothing.
I'm a coward.
"Obani please be more careful with the boy, he's still injured, and kamado You're lungs will explode if you keep trying to use your breathing techniques."
Shinobu said, while still being invested in what sanemi was doing.
"Not really tengen-san"
I'm not very fond of the idea of bursted lungs honestly.
"Poor soul."
I tried tuning everything out, but her growling got louder and louder. If she ate his arm right now it would teach him a good lesson.
"If she ate your arm right now youd deserve it, i would prefer It not to happen."
I shouldn't of said that, sanemi is going to hate me for forever!
"SHUT UP (Y/N)!"
"It's okay (y/n)-chan he won't hate you for too long. I'm sure of it"
Shinobu-san came over to me and whispered.
"Thank you shinobu-chan, I appreciate it."
I do hope she's right. This is- oh wow the boy broke out of the rope? How strong for such a low level hunter!
Kamado yelled.
The girl, she turned her head away from the arm! She had such a strong will!
"She turned her head away in disgust, even though Shinazugawa stabbed her 3 times, and then restrained herself from biting him."
Shinobu said summing up the situation.
"So it's been proven that she won't eat anyone."
I need to apologise to them. Sanemi should of just listened to oyakata-sama.
"Tanjirou, I'm sure that even after this some people can't accept her, you must prove them wrong by showing them that you and nezuko can fight as demon slayers, and that you two can be useful."
Kamado bowed to our master, he looked like he was about to cry? Or maybe that was just me.
"Go our and defeat the thirteen kizuki, and then all Will accept you. And it will give more weight to your words."
Master finished on that.
"I... nezuko and I will defeat muzan kibutsuji! Nezuko and I will do it for sure!"
Woah hold on, that's a death wish right there
"Uh kamado-san that's a death wish, you know how stong muzan is??"
I sounded like my mother.
"I know, that's why I'm determined to kill him, and to get revenge on my family!"
He said while looking at me.
remind me to not get attached to him.
"It may be a death wish now, but I'm sure as tanjirou grows, it will be more of a reality. But let's start with the thirteen moons."
"Y-Yes sir!"
Kamado was completely red at this point, it got a giggle out of shinobu me. It looked like mitsuri was going to laugh as well.
"It goes without saying that the hashiras have excellent skills. After training themselves to death they have defied death and they have defeated the thirteen kizuki's"
"A good attitude to have!"
"Indeed it is."
"That is why the hashira's have received respect and professional treatment, so tanjirou mind your manners when you speak."
"Y-yes sir!"
"Also sanemi, obanai, please don't tournament the younger ones too much."
"As you wish."
They both said, i wonder if they'll become friends with kamado, ha that would be a funny story wouldn't i-
"Please allow me to headbutt the man with scars!"
Oh wow, that's new.
The helpers were punching kamado's back
"I gotta headbutt him as many times as he stabbed nezuko! Headbutting isn't against to corps rules, right?!"
I was about to laugh, but i saw muichiro grab something from his pocket.
"What are you going to do"
I whispered to him.
Was all he said and then...
Bam bam bam
He threw 3 rocks at kamado!
"You're not allowed to interrupt the master."
I giggled, I giggled at a child throwing rocks at another child.
"We're so sorry, we're so sorry! We assure you that he won't do it again, please forgive us!!"
said the helpers.
"It's okay it wasn't your fault, that he wants to headbutt sanemi."
I said trying to comfort them. It wasn't they're fault.
"Just get out of our sight."
Muichiro said.
"Y-yes sir!"
"Tanjirou please send miss tomaya my regards."
Who was she? Was she a friend of oyakata-sama. Or maybe an ex-lover?
"Now, let us end the meeting."
Alright alright, so if your wondering why their are 13 moons it's because you need some character development ya know, and also what kind of relationships would you like to have with the pillars, I kind of have an idea of what kind you have with them but i would like to hear your guys opinions
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