12. Dreams
'Hey ani-san come play with me!'
The older boy looked at his younger sister.
'Not right now imotou-chan I'm busy'
The girl pouted tugging at his haori. The boy chuckled at her cuteness.
'I'm sorry, but how about you help me, so I can finish sooner. So then we can play together!'
His imotou started smiling again, before helping him.
The two were happy. They were no where near being rich, they were dirt poor actually, But it was still a nice life.
'Hey, (y/n)-chan do you know what a demon slayer is?'
The little girl shook her head no.
'Well you know those cool guys we saw with blades the other day, those are demon slayers!'
The girl gave him an oh! 'That's so cool!' Before going back to work so he could play with her.
'I'm going to become one soon. And I want to take you with me.'
A silence fell onto the two as they continued working.
'Does that mean we won't be able to play anymore?'
The (h/c) girl looked up to her brother with tears in her eyes. The brunette picked her up.
'Of course not! It just means we'll get to live somewhere else.'
She buried her head into his chest.
'But I like this place, it's comfy.'
He looked at his little sister with sad eyes. He was attached to the home as well, him and their parents grew up in it, but it's not safe.
'I know, I know. I like it here too, but where we live next will have your favourite flowers, and some other people. So you'll make a lot of friends!'
(Y/n) looked at her older brother with a small smile.
'But what about my friends here?'
'You'll see them again.'
'Okay ani-san I trust you.'
(Y/n) abruptly sat up, gasping for air. Causing the three girls to jump.
"(Y/n)-chan lay back down, you might hurt yourself!"
Sumi said, while kiyo and naho nodded.
The pillar decided to sit back, still being able to jump out of bed if needed.
"Ara ara (y/n)-chan you overworked yourself. How sad."
(Y/n) looked over to the door, to see one of her best friends shinobu.
"H-How long was I out?"
(Y/n)'s voice was Croaky, while Shinobus voice was angelic as always. The insect pillar closed her eyes and put her finger on her chin, as if she was thinking.
"Hmmm around 2 and a half days. I believe it's midday right now."
The standing girl looked at (y/n) to see she was looking away, in embarrassment?
"Hey, you did a great job out there, way better than giyuu could ever."
The (h/c) woman nodded pathetically, still not wanting to look at the other people in the room.
"Well, you should be okay by tomorrow, perhaps even later today! If you were wondering shinigazawa is perfectly fine, only a few bruises and scratches. Though he had a few injuries on his head. But he will be visiting soon!"
(Y/n)'s eyes widened a little, nothing too big but still noticeable.
Shinobu and the three girls waved the temporally bedridden female. Then she was alone, again.
All she could do was look at the window, and watch the clouds Passing by.
'Hm, maybe I should ask muichiro if he wants to cloud gaze with me.'
'That one looks like a tree'
'A circle'
'A face'
*knock knock
"Come i-in please."
She said in her raspy voice, The door opened, (y/n) was still watching the clouds.
"Oi idiot, how are you doing?"
"I'm doing g-good."
She looked at sanemi, he has a bruise where she punched him.
The girl couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Oi! If you were just gonna laugh at me you should of just told The woman to tell me to not waste my time!"
"I'm sorry I'm s-sorry you just have a bruise on your face!"
This girl has the weirdest sense of humour.
"Don't act as if you don't have one too!"
He gave a loud sigh, and a small smile that the girl didn't notice. before dragging himself over to the bed.
"What the fuck are you even looking at."
"You, obviously."
The two sat in silence, for a while. Looking out the window. Sometimes (y/n) would point out a shape and sanemi would reply with a grunt.
"Oi,I'm going to go now!"
He said pretty harshly, maybe he was still mad at her? Who knew.
"Oh... okay! Have a good day sanemi."
"I'm sorry by the way."
He soon left, leaving poor (y/n) all alone, until oyakata-sama walked in.
"Hello (l/n)-san, I've come to speak with you."
(Y/n) was startled when she heard his voice, so without thinking she jumped out of bed to kneel.
"H-hello oyakata-sama, I-I hope you're in good health."
He looked down at her and smiled, shaking his head.
"No need to kneel while you're in bad health my child."
He spoke with kindness.
The (h/c) girl climbed back into bed, sweating at this point.
"I wish to apologise to you child, I should of known that it was an upper moon. I'm deeply sorry you got injured due to my mistake."
This made The pillar even more nervous, surely she wasn't worth the trouble of oyakata-sama to see her.
"O-oh um I- uh yeah I-its okay. It w-wasn't your fault."
All the man did was smile at her comment. And the two had a silence fall over them.
"Ah yes one last thing before I leave (l/n)-san."
"U-uh yes o-oyakata-sama?"
"Have you read the letter yet?"
(Y/n) POV
The letter.. that cursed letter. Of course I haven't read it, if I read it then he'll, he will actually be gone.
"Ah n-no sorry oyakata-sama."
"Well I hope you read it soon. And I shall take my leave. Rest well my child."
I gave him a small yes as he exited.
I should of read that letter long ago, shouldn't I? Haha oh well as long as I don't read it he's still here, somewhere.
I went back to looking at the window, and much to my luck I saw muichiro!
I should go ask him if he wants to go cloud gazing.
I head outside, without notifying shinobu, I mean I don't really need to. I won't be long.
"Muichiro! Hey. W-Want to watch clouds with me?"
I haven't hung out with him in a while... have I been neglecting him? No no no. He has things to do and so do I, it's fine, it's fine, right.
"Someone is going to fight an upper moon."
I looked over to him, my face went a bit pale.
"Oh Um do you remember who?"
He shook his head no as he continued to look at the sky.
Oh lord someone is going to fight another upper moon?! What if something bad happens, I mean I was no match for upper moon 0 so what could the others be like?? What if they die, oh god I should go with them. Yeah yeah I should. Yeah I will. Oh no what if they already went! What am I going to do then.
I looked over to muichiro to see if I could tell what he was thinking, but as usual I couldn't tell.
Well it can't be sanemi because he just fought one and is probably getting a new blade made. It can't be muichiro because he doesn't remember who's going. Shinobu would of told me if it was her. So that leaves tengen, mitsuri, obanai, gyomei and giyuu. Oh wait has giyuu even returned from the past one?
A voice from behind me interrupted my thoughts.
"Hey wifey I have something to tell you!"
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