10. Another mission?
The (h/c) girl was walking back with her friends from the hot springs. They were all talking to each other, but that's when (y/n)'s crow mutsumo interrupts them.
Caw caw
Oyakata-sama needs to talk to you!
Get there as soon as possible.
Caw caw
"Oh ok, t1thank you mutsumo! Tell oyakata-sama i-I'll be there shortly."
The crow left without saying anything, but he did leave the girl with some worries, Like
'what is he going to say??' 'Is he going to kick her from the hashiras?' 'What if someone else died?' 'What if they found my brother?'
"Hey (y/n)-chan, are you okay? You look worried."
Mitsuri put a hand on the anxious girls back.
"Y-yeah I'm fine I guess, I'm just a bit worried w-what he's going to say."
Shinobu piped in,
"Oh! He probably wants you to do a mission. Maybe with someone as well."
'She's right, I haven't been on a single mission since.... so he probably wants me to go on one.'
"Yeah y-you're right. I shouldn't be worrying a-about this."
After around 30 minutes (y/n) arrived. An awful feeling was brewing in her stomach, all these thoughts were clouding her mind. What if she really does get kicked out? She hasn't been protecting people at all! She's just been feeling sorry for herself.
"(L/n)-san, I'm so glad you could make it. I hope you were in good health."
She had to swallow a lump in her throat before she could speak.
"As do I. I-I would hate for you to be in a-any pain oyakata-sama. But if you don't m-mind me asking, why have you c-called me here."
The girl was sweating bullets, as the feeling in her stomach got larger and lager, until she start to felt sick. What was he going to do with her?
"Oh child don't be so anxious, I've just called you to tell you that you have a mission."
The feeling in her stomach soon vanished, 'oh thank you who's ever up there' the girl thought as she gave a sigh of relief. Oyakata continued
"I've been hearing reports from some of the lower rank hunters that there's an upper moon there, so I wish for you to go with shinaguzawa."
Then the feeling cane back. 'Ehhh?! Sanemi, he probably hates me! No I can't, but I have to.' She was again think of the worst situations. 'What if he beats me up or something?! Even worse what if he leaves me for the demons, I should of never yelled at him.'
"A-alright I'm guessing you talked to him already. I-I'm also guessing we are leaving today, r-right?"
"Yes, you are correct in both those guesses, but I need to ask one more favour."
The (e/c) girl gives him a nod. I mean she can't say no to him anyway, that would just be rude.
"I wish for you both to occupancy tomika-san on his way to his mission, seeming as you all are going in the same direction it would be good for you to have some interactions."
"O-oh Um yeah thank you o-oyakata-sama."
"Thank you so much for taking this mission. I really appreciate it, you are free to leave now (l/n)-san."
The girl still worried slowly got up, she gave him a bow and left without a word.
sanemi... What am I going to do? He probably hates me, at least giyuu will be there for a bit..
The girl was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice her approaching the two men.
The hashira jumped at the harsh words that came out of the scarred man.
"You shouldn't talk at her like that."
The wind hashira gave him a quick glare But the man looked back to the singular girl.
"What the fuck too you so long?"
She was hesitant to answer, she didn't want to make him more aggravated than he was.
"A-Ah I'm sorry oyakata-sama n-needed to talk to me about a few things."
She said in a nervous tone.
The man just grunted and started waking in the direction of their mission.
"So... how h-has it been?"
She asked the water hashira, hoping to try and forgot that sanemi was there.
"Good. Why are you stuttering?"
"Uh um well I'm j-just nervous you know? I haven't been on a mission s-since , you know."
Her voice started to drop as she continued. The man didn't say anything as the woman next to him ranted reasons why she was nervous.
"Hurry up we don't have all day!"
Sanemi shouted, he was quite a distance away from the other two, with both hashira's not wanting to be near their colleague. (Y/n) because she was scared, and giyuu because he got irritated at him whenever he opened his mouth.
"Y-eah of course sanemi!"
Shouted the wisteria pillar back at him. She lightly gripped the end of giyuu's haori sleeve, to pull him along.
It was now starting to get dark, and the 3 were no where near a village, or anyone but who could blame anyone for not living in a dense forest. But it was getting darker, soon the only source of light was going to be the stars. But that light was slowly fading as well as they treaded deeper and deeper into the forest.
"Uh s-sanemi, giyuu, I think we should go back w-where it's not so dense! I-I mean we don't want to trip or anything."
The wind pillar just let out a big huff, before he kept walking.
"(Y/n), you can get on my back if you want."
Said giyuu.
"Oh uh y-yeah uh-"
Sanemi shouted, which caused (y/n) to jump. Giyuu just gave a sigh and walked with the girl on his back.
They've been walking for around an hour now, and they finally came to a few house next to each other.
A village in the middle of nowhere? It must be old, the hosing structure is similar to ones of urokodaki-san.
Giyuu thought himself as he stared into space.
"Can you two be any slower.."
Mumbled the wind pillar.
"S-sanemi we're right next t-to you."
The scarred man just kept mumbling. Things about how the girl shouldn't call him by his first name. Yet (y/n) didn't hear this, only giyuu did.
"Guys l-look one of the houses says 'demon slayers welcomed' w-we should go there."
"Yeah no shit."
This made the girl a little down, but giyuu gave her a reassuring nod. The 3 knocked on the door of the house. A middle age woman opened the door.
"Oh hello are you 3 perhaps demon hunters?"
All there of you nodded.
"Ah you all must be so tired, come in, come in! I'll make some curry for all of you."
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