First Date 1 - Dinner
Gavin was pretty sure it was a bad idea the moment he saw the restaurant. It looked like a nice place and all, but it definitely wasn't the sort of place he thought Nines would feel comfortable. There was romantic lighting, which wasn't so bad. He knew at least two of his eyes would have a night vision setting or something, but what if the extra shadows set off his combat senses? The tables were small and mostly cramped, with tight walkways and staff rushing about. It looked claustrophobic. People would have to step in close to get by them. Customers and staff. Nines didn't like people being in his personal space. He also didn't like people being behind him. There was also the noise to consider. Sure, romantic places like this were usually fairly quiet by human standards, but Nines wasn't human. Even being on a busy street could set him off, and the restaurant looked busy.
"Is this really the place?" Gavin asked, trying not to let the nerves seep into his tone. He knew Nines had gone to a lot of trouble planning this, so he wanted things to go well. The restaurant looked nice. He was sure a lot of people enjoyed dates there. Maybe he'd enjoy it, too. But what about Nines? Nines' LED was spinning blue for now, but he was pretty sure it would shift to yellow once they actually went inside. This place was a lot more closed in than the mall, and even though Nines had been working on his sensitivity, it still wasn't low enough for big crowds in small places.
"Yes. It came highly recommended by numerous sources, with excellent hygiene ratings and balanced meal options." Which is good for me, but what about you? He knew there weren't that many android options yet as far as eating out went. They couldn't process actual food, and so far thirium only came in liquid form. Most eateries didn't even bother to stock it. "Does it displease you?" Gavin internally winced at the worried tone. He'd put so much thought into planning the perfect date, he didn't want to ruin things.
"No, it looks great! Come on," he added as he took his hand. Nines had even bought a new outfit for their date. It wasn't so different from his day clothes, but the rollneck he wore looked better than the more restrictive shirt of his uniform. He seemed a little more relaxed now he could move his head freely. The soft, woollen material clung to his toned muscles from his waist all the way to his wrists. Over that, he wore a simple black blazer, which was way less conspicuous than his usual white and black Cyberlife jacket. The darkness of his clothing also seemed to emphasise the luminous silvery blue of his eyes. Gavin had also dressed up a little, though the only difference to his look was that he'd worn slacks instead of jeans, and a pair of black shoes instead of his tan boots.
Gavin led the way because he knew that's how Nines preferred it. He liked to bring up the rear, keeping him in his direct line of sight. Gavin's height worked in his favour. Nines could see over his head and look in all directions. He could use his strength and superior casing to cover his body or pull him out of harm's way in an instant. Sometimes, Gavin felt insecure about his height, but Nines always made him feel safe. He liked the way Nines held him against his large chest, and how he could lift him like he weighed nothing.
They waited in the doorway to be seated. That's when Gavin noticed the first sign. Nines' top set of eyes pinched shut. A sure sign he was overstimulated. The chatter didn't sound loud to Gavin, but Nines' ears were way more sensitive. His LED blinked yellow as they waited, lower sets of eyes darting back and forth, assessing threats, marking exits, finding possible weapons and spots for cover. Gavin squeezed his hand gently to give him something else to focus on. Nines squeezed back, silently insisting he was alright.
The host headed over. It was a smartly dressed young man in a red waistcoat, which set him apart from the servers. They were all wearing simple black shirts. He smiled in greeting, doing a noticeable double-take as he took in Nines' odd appearance. His smile became a little strained as he looked up their reservation and called over a timid-looking guy called Howard. He was to be their server. Howard's gaze also lingered on Nines' six eyes and yellow LED. Gavin softened himself a little more to balance out their oddness. He spoke in a softer tone than usual, hoping it would put Howard at ease.
They were soon seated at a central table. This is bad. They'd barely sat down when Gavin noticed Nines' jaw tighten, sharp eyes darting his way and that. His back was exposed and facing the door. He couldn't see any potential threats entering the restaurant. Gavin would have offered to swap if he thought it would help, but that would just leave Nines with his back to the kitchens and bathrooms. More danger. More blind spots. They were surrounded by tables. Gavin's hand shot across to rest on Nines' wrist as a server brushed by him. He visibly flinched at the ghosting touch on his shoulder blade.
"Excuse me," Gavin called as he held a hand up, trying not to be too loud in the romantic setting. The young woman paused with a stack of empty plates balanced in her hands, smiling politely as she moved across to him. Gavin leaned a little closer, keeping his voice down. "This table is a Do you have any that are a little more out of the way?" He tried not to look towards Nines as he spoke. He didn't want him to feel insecure. Luckily, the server seemed to pick up on Nines' discomfort, either from his stiffness or the blinking yellow of his LED.
"There's a corner table over there. Most people want the brighter tables, so it's usually the last to be reserved," she added as she nodded across to the small recess by the bathrooms. Sure, it wasn't the most romantic looking place, but the bathrooms were further down the hall, and it was perfect for Nines. He could sit with his back against the wall and see the entire restaurant.
"That would be great, thanks," Gavin replied with a somewhat relieved smile. The girl hurried away to the kitchen, and Howard quickly returned to guide them to their new table. Gavin subtly nudged Nines towards the corner seat. He was still stiff as he sat, but at least he wasn't exposed anymore. Despite that, he didn't really seem relaxed. Not that Gavin could blame him. Every person who walked past did the usual double-take when they noticed his six luminous eyes, and then exaggeratedly turned their heads so they weren't staring. It was probably worse with Nines' audio sensitivity. He could probably hear each curt comment and whispered conversation.
Gavin's main aim was to order and eat so they could leave. Even as he opened the menu, he couldn't help glancing up to check on Nines. His top set of eyes was still bunched shut, creasing his brow. His jaw was tight, grinding in agitation. Gavin knew what that meant. The noise was pressing in. As a combat machine, it also made sense that he was constantly assessing threats, but that wasn't such a good thing when they were sitting in a restaurant where there were knives on every table. Luckily, he knew Nines was competent enough that he'd dismiss most of those warnings. Steak knives were sharp and all, but they were in the right setting for them to be appropriate.
"Are you ready to order?" Howard asked with somewhat forced politeness. He stood notably closer to Gavin than Nines, almost cowering at his shoulder, hoping to get the order over with as quickly as possible and escape. Gavin knew Nines was used to such treatment. He got it from their co-workers daily, but he still felt bad. Howard didn't even know Nines, but he assumed he was dangerous. Well, he is dangerous, but...
"Uh, yeah...Um...I'll have the garlic mushrooms to start, then the eight-ounce sirloin, with the chocolate fudge cake for dessert." Howard jotted down the order before checking the steak temperature and sides, and taking Gavin's drink order. They didn't carry thirium, so there was nothing for Nines. That made Gavin feel a little bad, too. That they didn't even carry thirium wasn't a great sign. Most of the pro-android places had gotten it in right away, and those looking to capitalise on the market were the same. "How did you find this place?" He couldn't help asking.
"During my research. It was cited on numerous sites as being an excellent date-spot. Many of our co-workers have also eaten here and gave good recommendations." Yeah, good recommendations for them...They're all human! He wasn't going to bring it up. This was Nines' date, and he'd gone to a lot of trouble to pick what he thought was the right place. They'd have other dates. Probably. Maybe he could plan the next one. Much as he dreaded the idea, he could message Connor and ask him where all the androids went. Would Nines even have a place there? Even androids look at him funny! "Are you unsatisfied?" Now he sounded anxious.
"What? No-no, It's great!" Gavin knew he was probably laying it on a little thick with his tone. Nines seemed unconvinced by his reassurance. Phck! He needed a topic of conversation, but he wasn't sure what to say. They spent all day together at work, so it wasn't like they were behind and needed to catch up, and he didn't want to bring up work on their date. "I know you pretty much live at work, but is there anything you like to do in your free time?" Unless Nines was at his apartment, he was generally in the precinct, waiting for him to come back.
"You mean besides our more intimate encounters?" Nines lower eyes looked downright sultry as his lips quirked. Gavin nodded his agreement, feeling a little hot under the collar. Was it weird to have their sex life counted as a hobby? I didn't exactly ask about a hobby..."There really isn't anything...When you are at home, I take the time to recharge or work on our cases. Occasionally, I am approached for assistance by the night staff, however, most actively avoid interaction unless it is necessary." It sounded lonely and boring. How's he supposed to pick up hobbies when he spends most of his time at work? Even outside of work, it would be hard to find something he could do without a lot of people. "Though...perhaps there is something..." Nines paused uncertainly as Howard dropped off Gavin's starter. It had come out pretty quickly. Putting a rush on to get us out, huh? Smart...He wasn't about to complain.
"Go on, what is it?" Gavin encouraged as he raised his fork. He had a little ceramic dish full of small mushrooms in garlic butter, with warm, crunchy bruschetta on the side. Nines seemed uncertain, as if he shouldn't be doing whatever it was he was going to tell him about. Gavin waited patiently, dipping his toast in the butter and nibbling the corner. It was as good as the reviews claimed. He hummed his approval and popped a mushroom into his mouth.
"I befriended a feline..." Nines blinked his lower eyes as Gavin's head shot up. It seemed he'd caught his interest. "I believe she is feral, but she has developed an attachment to me. I was following your advice and taking a break outside in the alley." No one else went there. It reeked of trash and decay with all the waste from the regular bins and forensics. It was a good spot to take a few minutes away from human contact, especially if you were an advanced android who could turn off your sense of smell. "She was injured, so I gathered supplies and tended her. I assessed that a simple bandage would suffice and brought her appropriate sustenance. I believed that she would disappear permanently, however, her visitations have become regular." He'd made a friend. That's so phcking cute!
"You got any pictures?" Gavin asked eagerly as he ate. Nines held up his palm display to show him various images. In the pictures, she looked like she was a faded cream colour, but Gavin was pretty sure she'd be white after a proper bath. She had a couple of patchy areas, either from mange or fighting, and she was a little dark around the eyes, which were mismatched. One looked like a deep amber, almost hazel, while the other was a pale green. "That's phcking adorable." Nines nodded his agreement as he flicked to another picture of her resting on top of the bins. "Did you name her yet?"
"Gabby...She is extremely vocal." Gavin snorted and wiped his mouth. Seems Nines always gets stuck with the loud ones...He jerked his head round as the door opened and a large group of twelve entered. A pit opened in his stomach. That didn't bode well. It seemed it was a family outing. Two fairly young couples, an older couple, two teens, and four young children. Young and loud. They were barely even in the door and Gavin could already hear their incessant I want-I want attitudes. His eyes darted to Nines as the group was led closer and seated two tables away from them. Nines' middle eyes pinched shut as the youngest child, a toddler, shrieked in discontent. "Nines?"
His whole body tensed at the shrill sound. Gavin knew what that meant. His hand darted across the table to rest on his wrist. Phck! He could already see the seams of his jaws coming into view. He'd been dealing with the sensitivity pretty well until now, but throwing kids into the mix had pushed it just a little too far. Gavin had no problem with his jaw coming unhinged, but he was pretty sure the rest of the guests would be hysterical if they saw it. Worse, once the kids saw, they'd probably start screaming and set him off for real. Gavin held tighter as a second child started crying. Apparently, Nines had been spotted. Nines' LED span red as his cheeks parted to reveal his gritted teeth.
"Okay...We're good..." Gavin noticed Howard hovering anxiously, unsure whether he should approach Gavin or speak to the parents about the noise. Gavin kept his eyes on Nines, but held up a hand to warn Howard to stay back. "Here's what we're going to do...We're going to order the rest of my food to go, and we're going to go outside, alright? Howard's going to bring me the card machine at the door. We'll wait for my food, and then we'll go for a drive." Nines' face pinched into a guilty, almost ashamed expression as he nodded. Gavin nodded his encouragement as he slowly climbed out of his chair. Nines followed, keeping his head down to stare at the hand on his wrist as he allowed Gavin to guide him towards the door.
The restaurant fell strangely silent as they walked. Nines' jaw was now on full display, shocking diners into silence. His shoulders were stiff, despite his stooped gait. His top four eyes were still pinched shut as he focused on Gavin's hand. The roughness of his skin, the strength of his grip, the exact temperature of his skin, the sound of his heartbeat, the pace of his breathing. He felt a gentle squeeze. Gavin was checking on him as they walked. Nines squeezed back. He could make it. There were a few soft scrapes as diners scurried from their chairs to let them pass. Nines could feel their eyes staring at him, hear their hearts racing, smell their fear. It was worse after he'd passed and he could hear them talking. Calling him a monster. Wondering why he was allowed out in public. Saying he was unstable. He couldn't refute that last part.
"You did great, Nines...We're outside now. There's space, see?" Gavin soothed as he walked Nines a few paces away from the door. Nines nodded, trying to keep his shame in check. He'd ruined their date. Everything had been planned so carefully, and now he'd ruined it. He tried to encourage his jaws to seal, but his stress wouldn't allow it. An unfamiliar sensation filled his chest cavity. It made his throat ache, and his eyes filled with saline fluid. Gavin was by the door talking to Howard. That made him feel worse. As the date planner, he should be the one dealing with staff and making payments. "How are you doing?" Gavin asked as he approached. He held back from laying a hand on his shoulder.
I am fine. Gavin knew a lie when he heard one. His brow creased as he noticed the stiffness in his shoulders and the almost glittery quality of his eyes. Holy phck! Is he phcking crying? The tears hadn't fallen yet, but it looked like he was close. Gavin bit the inside of his mouth. He felt shitty. Maybe I should have told him this was a bad idea...That would have hurt, but maybe not as much as actually having everything go wrong.
"You want to wait in the car?" His green eyes were soft and warm, without a trace of blame or resentment in sight. That somehow made Nines feel worse. He nodded meekly and climbed in. Gavin joined him and turned on the engine so that he could run the heater. It wasn't exactly cold, but it was headed that way. "There's somewhere I want to take you after this, alright?" Nines nodded his agreement, trying hard to internalise his stress.
It didn't take long for Howard to reappear with a brown paper bag, politely thanking him for trying them today. Nines was quite certain that was insincere, and that they definitely weren't welcome back for a second visit. Gavin accepted the bag with thanks and set it on his lap as he pulled away. Nines couldn't help feeling curious as Gavin drove. He wound through the inner city and out the other side. Away from the precinct. Away from his home. Just where was Gavin taking him?
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