4) A voice
Brooke led the group scrambling down various ladders and rope bridges. Heights was another to add to Jess collection of fears, the rope bridges and ladders had gaps leading 50ft down to the fall, which seriously scared Jess.
Olivia's foot began to hurt slowing her down, it throbbed and ached every time she put weight on it ,which really didn't help! But she was brave and able to push through it.
The group decided to split up, Brenton and Jess went left and the rest went right. Brenton led Jess across a rope ladder, testing her fears and down a rope slide.
Jess hadn't seen a rope slide and never wanted to see one again! The rope friction burn't her skin really badly. She yelped in pain.
Suddenly voices became heard. "Did you hear that scream then?" an older sounded man said. Brenton looked at the embarrassed Jess, with a seriously worried look. He noticed a small room on the edge of the building, with a small vertical ladder leading to the door.
Tripping over, because Brenton yanked her towards the door, Jess reached out to grabbed Brenton.
He moved.
Resulting in Jess falling painfully flat on her face, on the carpet floor of the mysterious room they had just entered.
Trying to hold back the yelp of pain, she jumped up trying to not be seen.
Brenton was now fiddling around with a part of the wall. As the roof sloped down and met the wall low, it created a sort of cubby hole that they could both just about fit in, without being seen.
Brushing of her knees from her previous fall, Jess tiptoed over to where Brenton was. With saying anything he pushed her into the gap, then he followed.
Jess's heart raced as she could slowly hear the voices getting nearer. Brenton's heavy breath echoed in her right ear. She didn't like this tenseness, she could feel her anxiety rising up. The only thing stopping her from having a mental breakdown was Brenton's sweaty hand clinging round her waist.
Aftershave mixed with sweat and sea water, wafted up her nose, making her nearly gag, but she still held on with all her energy to Brenton's arm. The air-conditioning was making her shiver and her arm stick up. Goose bumps filled every inch of Jess's wrinkled skin, from the swim.
"There's a room in here." a voice boomed, from outside at the odd and random room the pair were hiding in.
Footsteps boomed closer.
Suddenly... Bang the door to the flew open as a group of men stormed through, looking around and behing obvious hiding places.
Jess's heart raced. She urged to look up and around the corner but knew she couldn't. Any noise or movement could get them find, they both knew this.
"I can't find anyone, so lets move on." said a oldish sounding man with quite a strong cockney accents.
Cramp began to arise in Jess's leg from the awkward position she was sitting in, she really wanted to move but knew how serious the consequences would be. Brenton could feel Jess attempt at subtle and small movements, so gently put his arm round her shoulders and pulled himself closer to her.
Jess liked this but it made her even more squished. She could feel Brenton's nervousness and tears began to trickle down her face. Her eyes itched. She really needed to sniff but desperatley knew she couldn't. Gently she rested her tired head on Brenton's shoulder. She held her breath because of the smell, but soon gave up. By now she couldn't care about the smell, or the uncomfortable position she was in, all she could care about was being safe and being with Brenton.
"I agree we need to move on as there is clearly know one 'ere but I know that someone 'as definitely been here! Bloody 'ell it smell a bit!" a middle age sounding man joked, he had a cockney accent, but know where near as strong as the last man to speak.
Blushing Brenton, lowering his head covered in floppy, stiff, salty hair to smell himself, quickly he jerked his head away and grimaced at the smell. This made Jess chuckle a bit, but quickly her focus came back to the voices,
The voices carried on murmuring in the background. Jess was still totally unaware of why she was actually in the situation, so the more she heard the more she was asking herself question about what was actually happening.
"We really need to find the Percy kid, he will be our best 'ope, he's gotta be here somewhere! I haven't 'eard anyfing on the radio from the guys downstairs, so he's gotta be up 'ere somewhere!" said the guy, who sounded middle aged, with a slight cockney accent.
Movements sounded more frantic for some members of the search team, but others seem to stand still and think it through.
Jess became more nervous she didn't know who the 'Percy kid' was, but she assumed it was Brenton as he tensed and looked so nervous with the stranger mentioned the name. Jess thought she recongised the voice at the beginning from the quiet murmurs, but that loud speech really assured Jess that she recognised the voice.
It bugged her, she knew who was it but just couldn't think who it was. She attempted to mouth to Brenton that she knew, who it was, but he was too nervous to take it in.
All of Jess's tears had now dried up and she wasn't so nervous as she was before. But for Brenton it was the complete opposite. He had been confident and cocky before and now he was white-faced and so nervous.
The man, who's voice Jess recognised, seem to be the only one to speak.
"Make sure no hiding place is unturned"
More shuffling and ruffling noise were made, for another 5 minutes, before he went on to say.
"Brenton Percy must be 'ere! guys make sure no stone is unturned!" he shouted, and became more angry, as time went on.
"Guys! Are we sure this is the only room in the building?" he shouted
"yep I'm sure!" replied a shy posh sounding lad.
"Right then! so let's get a fu*king move on and find 'im. He ain't going be that much of a genius to find a good hiding place!" he ranted.
Brenton looked so offended, scared that he may be caught and he also laughed a little that they hadn't actually found him yet!
Looking back and forth between Brenton's emotional confused face and the white wall to the right of her. Jess finally realised who the voice was, but she doubted herself and she couldn't quite believe it!
"Getting a fuc*ing move on" the voice shouted with a lot of anger now.
The pair both jumped and looked at each other.
"Thats my dad... thats dad.... OMG that dicks my dad!" Jess mouthed repeatedly at Brenton, looking absolutely gobsmacked. She just couldn't quite believe it.
Suddenly, Jess had a huge burst of angry and confused energy. She jumped out from her cramped position, hurdled over the stunned Brenton and ran out into the space, filled with contents of cupboards on the floor and a group of 5 stunned men, of which one was her dad, staring at her.
No one said anything for the first 15 seconds, until Brenton suddenly jumped out to help Jess, as he hadn't quite realised that it was Jess's dad hunting him.
"Jess what are you doing?" Brenton asked sounding so nervous and so shocked.
"ummmm..." Jess tried to answer before being interrupted by her Dad.
"More like, what are you doing here at all Jess and plus thanks for bring us to the Percy boy" he asked, smirking in a evil way at Brenton.
Jess was scared but a urge of anger, kept her from breaking down and kept her confidence levels high.
"Well, I am here protecting my friend DAD, so why don't you leave us alone and go back to what ever your supposed to be doing, and why are you here? I thought you were supposed to be at the army base on a month training course!" Jess shouted with a lot of attitude towards her dad, she crossed her arms and tried to come across as really sassy.
All of the man including her dad chuckled at little at her obvious ignorance and immatury. Jess found this very disrespectful and it annoyed her even more.
"Any answer dad? What you are doing here?" jess shouted at her dad with a lot of anger.
"Jess darling," Jess's dad said in a soft and calm voice, "theres a lot of history, you don't know about and its pretty nasty hey! so why don't you forget this happened, forget about your so called friend, let me deal with him and I'll take you back to your mother"
Jess faced turned from a angry smile to digust. She had already agreed with herself that she wasn't going to leave Brenton as Brenton hadn't left her, he had believed in her and taken her to safety.
The man looked a little confused, three of them decided to leave the room after saying after offering to look for others. The shy and posh sounded guy stayed and started to slowly put the spilled contents back into the overturned and empty cupboards. It was clear to everyone that he had only stayed to over hear the conversation that was about to happen.
"Jess, I know your trying to help, but you don't quite understand how this whole situation works, I'm going have to go with your Dad and suffer the consequences, don't blame yourself or your dad. Just leave before you get to wrapped up I promise you, you don't want to get involved" Brenton said in a really quiet and soft voice, making Jess like him even more.
"Baby!" Jess said,
before clearing her throat at the slight awkwardness of calling her newly found crush, who had just blushed a little,
"I'm not going to leave you, I jumped out, if I didn't you wouldn't be found, we did this together, so we will suffer the consequences together" she smirked in an embarrassed, but flirty way.
Turning to dad she said "sorry daddy, but you either take us both or let us both go!"
"Darling, this is your last chance to go and not get yourself involved, otherwise i'm gonna 'ave to take you too, please don't make me do this" Jess's dad pleaded with her. But she kept her strong gaze and shook her head. You could see how much her Dad really didn't want to have to do anything to her but he had no choice.
Brenton had completely forgotten about the others, including the injured Olivia, but it was clear they must gave escaped as one of the men came back and explained that he couldn't find anyone else. You could see this confused Jess's dad even more, to why she was a strange building with one of his key targets without anyone else there. The young shy guy had now finished putting the objects back in the cupboard and awkwardly stood in the corner of the room, leaning up against one of white walls overlooking the situation, but without saying anything.
"Hey mate stand up, you know the deal!" Jess's dad said to Brenton in a relaxed and friendly way.
Jess was still not happy with this and tried to push her dad away from tying his hands together, but it just ended her getting her tied together by the more mascular, aggresive looking man. Brenton was clearly experienced, so he kept his mouth shut and complied with what they were asking, unlike Jess who was kicking up a fuss.
"Jess babes you making it harder for yourself, just relax and do what they say!"
The word babes suprised everyone, especially her dad. Jess looked up slightly embarrassed and nodded whilst her cheeks went bright red.
"Babes" Jess dad revolted "Uhh... not happening, Brenton i'm warning you now mate leave my daughter alone or you'll be in more troubled!"
He made it sound like a joke, but he had a very serious facial expression and facial expression, which confused Brenton.
Pushing Brenton forward towards the where both the shy and musclar man was standing and then proceeded to say,
"take 'im down to the van, I'll be down with my ignorant daughter in a minute once I've given her a stern talking to" raising his eyebrow towards his colleagues.
The big guy chuckled in a manly way and grabbed hold of Brenton shoulders and pulled him out the room, distressing Jess a little.
Whereas the shy queer seeming man, didn't find it funny and just awkwardly followed the escorted Brenton, making no contribution what so ever. Brenton wondered how he even had the job!
Brenton complied the mens with just the man's orders and was quietly carried down the many and confusing ropes ladders and other obstacles to the awaiting van outside.
Meanwhile, Jess and her dad were still upstairs in the room, Jess knew excatly what was coming.
One of those really embarrasing and awkward dad chats!
She really wasn't looking forward.
"Hey, honey I can't believe your here what happened?"
But without leaving anytime for Jess to reply he carried on,
"Wheres Brooke?...I've managed to keep you out this shit for your whole life, please don't get involved. How can you even trust a man like Brenton, and before you argue there is no way that whilst I'm alive you are allowed to be a relationship with a boy like that...If your quiet and promise to not get involved again, I will let you go back and not mention it again. I'm really not enjoying this trust me! I love you, little one and I don't want you to get hurt"
Jess didn't believe or care about I word he said, apart from
'I love you'.
Jess had never seen such emotion coming from a man like her dad, those three simple words, hit her but that still didn't mean she was going to give up on Brenton...
Thank you very much to the few who read! Sorry I have kept you waiting;)
I haven't edited this but I have tried to use of the advice I have been given, and any more advice will be much appreciated!
I will do reads for reads, votes for votes etc... so don't be afraid to ask:)
Please vote if you enjoyed!
Thanks xx
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