Episode 17: Mission 101: Catch the Culprit
Khao's POV:
Oh no... I couldn't believe that was happening. If I didn't go in time there, anything could happen and I did not want anything to happen to them.
Come on, Khaotung! Think! Where could they be? "It was his elementary school which had gotten closed just two years before." Yes! First's elementary school! But I don't know the name!
Where could I find that? Maybe... social media accounts?
I swiftly picked my phone up and started searching First's name on the search bar of every social media I could find. First and I only talked on Line so I didn't know about his other social media accounts. I went to Facebook and searched "First Kanaphan Puitrakul", a big interphase popped up, First's profile.
He looked so hot in the profile picture but it was not the time to focus on that. I scrolled through his bio. "Education: elementary: Konpatthayaphon Namnueng School." I found it!
I quickly closed the tab and opened the browser to search about the school. "Konpatthayaphon Namnuang School" I searched and the school popped up. "North of Bangkok, road no- 56, the opposite side of the road to an amusement park." I noticed the exact location on GPS and understood it immediately.
But, I couldn't go alone. Otherwise, I'd get in trouble myself. I needed to inform at least the police about it. I decided to call the police department. They had already told me that they'd be there to help if I needed it. The police department did really respect me, more than many other people did apparently.
"Hello? Officer Suphon?" I searched up from the phone, clearly in a rush.
"Mr. Khaotung? Do you need something?" Officer Suphon asked from the other side. I rushed around the house to get ready while still holding the phone directly to my ear.
"Can you come somewhere with some other officers? I'll send you the location. Don't bring the police cars. They can't know we're there," I murmured.
"Okay, sir," The officer replied and cut the call. He didn't question a thing. The officers really did trust me a lot. I hurriedly found the messages app and sent Suphon the location along with an additional message. "Once you arrive there, do not go in directly. I'll call you in."
I swiftly wore my coat and as always took the gun from the basement. The rain had stopped yet the dew drops were enough to make someone wet but that wasn't the concern. My people were in danger. I didn't care if I got sick or anything.
I walked into my car, before starting the engine and driving away.
Once we got there, I had understood that the officers weren't there yet. I hid outside the school, silently waiting for any sound or the police to come but there was no sound as if soundproof.
But when I peeked inside, I understood it totally. It was a really big hallroom so there was no way sounds would get out. The hallroom was so big I could be totally sure that no one saw me.
When I was about to go in, I finally turned around to see officer Suphon and some of his other fellow officers standing behind me silently. "Stay here. I'll give you a signal," I whispered to them.
Once I went in, I realized almost the whole hallroom was dark except a simple place where not only Jack and First but also... John was tied up. I walked into the sight of John begging Aon to forgive him but as merciless as Aon was, he definitely wouldn't have.
I stood there in the dark. I knew I couldn't be seen so I decided to stand and listen to what they were saying. I didn't know what John had to do with that but by that time, I had understood that I had made a big mistake believing him in the first place.
I turned around and waved a sign for the police to come in as I, myself, took out the gun to hold it right across Aon's forehead. "Hands up," I shouted as I freed myself from the dark onto the light, walking closer to Aon. Luckily, he had no weapon on him at the moment.
Almost immediately, the few policemen walked in with the same position as me, holding their guns up at Aon. "Mr. Aon, you're under arrest for killing innocent people," Officer Suphon muttered confidently. Aon shared an intense glare with me then lifted his head to look at the police and silently surrender. No signs of regret on his face whatsover, he rather looked angry.
Even though Aon did put his hands up, he didn't look like he believed them at all or was scared. After all, he had tried his best to hide all his evidence then how could they arrest him just like that? "You can't do this. You don't have any evidence!" Aon yelled to me.
I looked over at First, whose scared face had turned into a mischievous smile. "I don't?" I murmured and slowly took out my phone, turning on the audio that was sent to me.
"That doesn't prove anything!" He yelled again once the audio ended as if that evidence wasn't enough. I laughed a bit maniacally and explained, "Okay then why does your fingerprint match with the fingerprint on the pillow you used to kill people with?"
The minute I asked that, Aon knew he was doomed. He had been caught red-handed. He started looking around for a chance to flee but there was none, the panic in his face was visible when officer Suphon came closer to him, collected his fists together and put the handcuffs on.
At the time, I was trying to free Jack and First but not John. Once I succeeded in freeing Jack and when the police were about to take Aon away, I went over to officer Suphon and whispered something.
Officer Suphon immediately turned around, "Mr. John, you're under arrest for robbery and attempted murder," He explained. "We have both witness and evidence."
One of the officers held Aon while the other two came forward to untie John's body and put him in handcuffs. Jack had gone home.
John looked somehow expressionless. He had always been cocky, since the day I knew him. He just surrendered himself to the police calmly without saying a single word. I really couldn't believe how the king of manipulation was giving up so easily. He must have had a plan.
"One day you'll realize the people that you call innocent people were never innocent in the first place," Aon had yelled before both Aon and John got taken away by the police. And that sentence got buried deep in my mind.
Though the case seemed over, the criminal had gotten caught, I wanted to know the full story.
First seemed happy... I went up to him and was slowly taking my time to untie him. "This is finally over," He murmured and smiled as he looked over at me, taking a deep breath of relief. The smile that I loved to see so much was finally back.
I had completely untied First's arms and legs when he suddenly stood up and the smile disappeared from his face into visible sadness. He watched Aon go with the officers with a mixture of hate and sorrow in grief.
It took me a while to understand why he was making that face but I eventually did. Didn't matter how horrible Aon was or how horribly he had treated him, that was still his brother after all. Even though he didn't want to believe so anymore, the truth still remained the truth. That was still his blood.
"First, it's okay. He deserved it," I muttered near First's ear and landed a soft, comforting hand on his shoulder.
First sighed, trying his best to hide his emotions. "I just wanted my brother back," I heard him murmur.
"Is this really over?" I asked myself in my own mind but an immediate reply came from the other side of my mind, "No."
To Be Continued.....
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