Chapter 13. What's Happening?
First's POV:
Next thing I knew, I was lying on the hospital bed. I woke up to find my mom sitting beside me on a chair. "What the hell happened?" She shouted almost immediately when my eyes open. Annoyance could be heard in her voice but not concern. Expected.
"Just a road fight, mom. Nothing serious," I replied calmly in a broken voice, trying to sound convincing and hiding every bit and piece from her. She didn't really care anyways but I didn't want more conflicts.
"Hmm..." She hummed and got up, immediately leaving the room as if she had something very important to do more than I, her son, was and she was just waiting for me to wake up so she could leave. I sighed and turned to the side to pick up my phone from the table beside the bed.
For some reason, I decided to open the chat between me and her on Line. I always liked to go through painful memories again to see if I could find any mistakes which I could learn from. But with her, I never felt like I was her son, more like an ATM machine.
First, when are you coming home?
I need some money!
I'll come soon.
Ai'First! Didn't I tell you to transfer the money? When are you gonna do it?
I will, mom. I don't have much right now. Just give me some time.
I don't have time to give you! I'm your mother! Do you want me to starve to death?
First, the debt collectors have shown up! Can you pay them?
Money... money! Money! That's all she cared about. Nothing else. When had she ever cared about me?
First seemed happy yet distressed. Khaotung noticed immediately that something was wrong. His gaze turned gentle as he stared at First who was looking at his phone. "First? Is there something wrong?" He asked as he put his hand on the table.
First looked up at Khaotung and put his phone away while shaking his head slowly. "Oh... nothing. It's just my mom."
"Everything okay?" Khaotung asked as he put his hand over First's wrist, reminding him of a soft, gentle touch.
"It's really nothing. Let's focus on the surroundings," First muttered and looked at the phone.
If you don't bring me money, you're not a part of this family anymore!
*End of flashback*
I closed the chat in frustration and stood up. Surprisingly, nothing serious had happened to me. I had a bandaid on the left side of my head. A few little bruises here and there, few small cuts on my neck and arms and a black eye.
Suddenly, the memories of Khao getting taken to the emergency roamed in my head. Where was he? Was he okay? What happened?
I rushed out of the room to find nurses walking inside the hospital. I gently stopped a nurse and asked, "Khun, do you know in which room the guy is who was taken to the emergency room?"
"Room no. 31."
"Thank you."
I rushed out to the hallway and finally found the room. I peeked inside to see a doctor talking to the nurse.
Khao's POV:
Waking up, I found myself on the hospital bed once again. I couldn't move properly due to the immense pain on my upper body. I had a cast on my left hand and a bumped head.
I looked around to notice First in a hospital gown talking to a doctor in front of my room. Somehow, he immediately noticed me staring at him and walked up to me. He sat on a chair next to my bed. His face, neck, arms, everywhere were full of bruises and cuts. He turned to look at me. I felt bad. Those bruises... they wouldn't have ever scarred his body if I would have been there... on time.
I had expected him to be disappointed, disappointed that I couldn't come to save him but he rather looked in disbelief and concerned. I slowly lifted my right hand to gently rub my thumb beside the bruise he had on his left cheek.
He looked into my eyes. I couldn't read what he was thinking. I couldn't read his eyes anymore as if they were a mixture of emotions and not only one emotion. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." I muttered slowly first. He looked at me in even more disbelief and sighed. I didn't expect him to forgive me. I had hurt him a lot... but he didn't say anything. He just... brushed it off.
"What happened?" He asked, his expression changing every second. One second he couldn't believe what was happening, the other second he looked scared while another second he looked concerned.
I sighed back and expressed, "I was stupid. When I was coming to you, a car hit my car on purpose. Someone had messed with the break of my car."
First furrowed his eyebrows and his expression changed once again, turning more serious than ever. Whatever was going on with us was no longer a game. It was a play of death and war. "On purpose?" First asked. "What do you mean? Who do you think would hit you on purpose?" He kept asking all the questions he buried deep in his mind as if his own injuries were no worries. My hands trembled as I took his hands in mine, not able to believe how I had gotten to love such an angel.
"Probably the same people who kidnapped you...," I answered, my voice weaker than before. For a second, I saw a glimpse of regret and guilt in First's eyes as if he had been meaning to tell me something but was holding it back... as if everything that was happening was his fault... not mine... as if he was blaming himself for it.
"Why does this keep happening to us?" I sighed and asked. First didn't say anything, he just sighed and nodded before turning his head to look at the wall right across my bed as if he was too embarrassed to even look at my face anymore.
To Be Continued.....
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