∆ epilogue ∆
renjun sighed for the nth time today. he needed to introduce jeno and jaemin as his boyfriends to his mother. the fact is, she didn't even know he was gay. so, it was kind of a delicate announcement to make.
"renjun! someone has knocked!" his mother said, startling him.
"i'll go open the door." he yelled in response dashing to the entrance.
he opened it, revealing his two boyfriends, a big smile plastered on their faces. renjun smiled back, offering them to enter.
"okay guys, i'm sorry for what you're about to live, but- " renjun whispered before being cut by jeno's hand on his shoulder.
"renjun, calm down. it will be okay."
renjun had explained to them that he would introduce them as his boyfriends to his mother. he had also warned them that he didn't know at all how she would react, but jeno and jaemin had insisted to come.
jeno's parents hadn't seemed to be perturbed by the news, as they already knew jaemin, and as renjun seemed like someone soft.
jaemin's. parent didn't really mind. they were close with jeno, and they had already met renjun plenty of times as they would always hang out at jaemin's.
it had been approximatively one month they had been together, and renjun estimated it was time to introduce them to his mother.
"renjun sweetie, are you okay?" his mother asked seeing her son looking pale.
"hum... yes." he mumbled.
"who are those two young men?" she asked throwing the rag somewhere in the kitchen and approaching them. "i'm renjun's mother, but you can call me yuri."
jeno and jaemin smiled. "i'm jeno, and this is jaemin."
"well, nice to meet you boys. it's the first time renjun brings his friends home..." she laughed.
renjun got even paler. he stepped in front of jaemin and jeno. "mom. they are my boyfriends." he said, his voice barely audible.
"huh?" she made a confused face.
"m-my boyfriends..." renjun stuttered.
yuri's eyes widened. "excuse us a second." she said before catching renjun's wrist and pulling him to his room, closing the door in a loud thud.
"what did you say?" she asked again.
yuri gripped on her hair.
"you are gay! and you didn't tell me?!"
renjun lowered his head.
"well, actually that's not the problem... you brought your boyfriend here! without telling me!" she yelled again.
renjun's eyes got teary.
"look at myself! i'm not in a good outfit to meet your boyfriend!" she said, making renjun look at her.
"hell, you should have told me! i would have put on a dress! what will he think about me now..."
it was renjun's turn to widen his eyes. she was not mad at the fact her son was gay?! and she was only angry because she didn't wear something good enough?!
"b-but m-mom, you look beautiful, don't worry." he stammered, still shocked at what just happened.
"aww, thank you so much sweetie- oh! they are still there!" she said before catching renjun's wrist again and pulling him back in the kitchen, where jaemin and jeno wer standing in the same position as minutes ago.
"i'm sorry for this, boys. so, tell me. which one is my son's boyfriend?" yuri smiled brightly.
"hum..." jaemin and jeno looked at each other.
"both." renjun said.
"both?" yuri raised a brow again.
"y-yes, b-both." renjun replied.
"oh my gosh! in the spawn of minutes, i learn that my son is gay, and that he has two boyfriends! what a day! one wasn't enough for you, you needed two?" she asked renjun again. her son nodded.
"well, it's a good choice you made. those two charming boys look perfect for you. i'll let you three have fun then! tell me if you want to have dinner here, it's perfectly okay for me!" she said jumping up and down in excitement, making the three boys blush.
"yeah, we'll tell you!" renjun said quickly before pushing his two lovers towards his room.
once they arrived there, jeno broke the silence.
"so... this means she was okay with us?"
renjun smiled brightly. "yes! she accepted us!" he jumped in jaemin's arms, before giving him a peck on the lips, and then making grabby hand towards jeno and kissing him as well. the three boys hugged tightly.
"this is the best day of my life." renjun said, gripping even tighter on his boyfriends.
love triangle has come to an end!
thank you for showing love and support on my book!
it means a lot
by the way, I just posted a new markhyuck story called 'nico teen love' for markhyuck stans
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