∆ 6 ∆
the next day, jaemin arrived at the canteen, sat at his usual spot by the window and waited for his two friends to arrive. he smiled mischievously thinking about his plan. renjun didn't know at all that jaemin's best friend was jeno, and the last one didn't know either about renjun being the cute boy he had seen the day before... the recognition scene was going to be EPIC.
the first one to show up was jeno, who nonchalantly threw his jacket on the back of his seat before sitting in front of jaemin.
"so? how was class?" the younger started the conversation.
jeno puffed. "boring, as usual. they didn't even let us rest for a day after the game..."
"well, that's sad, but this way you can meet my friend."
"really?" jeno said abruptly.
"yea" jaemin answered "he's coming to eat with us." he looked over the canteen's door before noticing renjun's frame passing the door. "here he is." he continued before agitating his arms in the air so that the boy could get where his friend was.
jeno turned around to see who was approaching but regretted it instantly. "oh my... the cute boy's here!" he whisper-shouted with a blush.
"is he, really?" jaemin smiled, receiving a nod from jeno.
renjun put his tray on the table, next to jaemin and raised his eyes to introduce himself to jaemin's friend.
"hello i'm..."he stopped mid-sentence noticing that it was THE jeno "...renjun." he continued with a lower voice.
jeno smiled at him. "please renjun, have a seat, you're not going to stand there for the whole meal." jaemin broke the ice. renjun voluntarily sat and let his neighbour guide the conversation.
"so, jeno, this is renjun, my friend whom i spend your soccer practices with. renjun, this is my best friend, the one i'm always rambling about, jeno. but i'm sure you already know each other." he ended his sentence with a bright smile before engulfing a spoonful of his meal.
"yeah, we-we've already met." renjun shyly said.
"he's the one who spilled his orange juice on me." jeno said with a goofy smile.
"and i'm very sorry about that..." renjun quickly told.
"don't worry, he's a big boy, he knows how to change clothes and have showers." jaemin winked at renjun who giggled.
jeno changed the topic of the discussion. "so, renjun, what are you studying here?" he asked kindly.
"i'm an art student." he answered.
"yeah, and he is actually a very talented artist!" jaemin exclaimed. "i have seen some of his paintings and honestly, they were 'woah', like really."
renjun flushed beet red at this statement. "n-no, not really..." he shyly said in response.
jaemin passed an arm around renjun's shoulders. "yes injun, you're the best artist i know, and nobody can change my mind." he said close to his friend's ear, making him blush harder if possible.
watching this scene in front of his eyes, jeno felt put aside. jaemin was his best friend, and here was jaemin, complimenting someone else to the point that he's blushing like there's no tomorrow, completely forgetting about jeno. could jaemin be flirting? maybe he was interested in the older. this could be a reason why jaemin always talks about him, and wanted him to meet his best friend. maybe this lunch is a test for jeno to decide if renjun is good enough or not for being jaemin's boyfriend?
he honestly didn't know at all. but he wasn't fond of that idea.
the idea of his best friend having someone else to take care of.
the idea of not being the most important in jaemin's life anymore.
the idea of losing his best friend.
he had to talk about all that to jaemin, and the sooner possible.
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