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renjun was seated on the benches that had been added for the selection game. he had come there with jaemin, who had his face painted in the school's colours and was, at the moment, screaming his lungs out in the middle of a whole crowd. renjun didn't want to come to the game at first, but jaemin had persuaded him to.
"renjuuuuun!" jaemin whined, laying his head on the elder's shoulder.
"hmm?" renjun hummed, still looking at a certain player on the field.
"can you come with me to the selection game?" jaemin smiled widely.
renjun was too distracted by a certain player on the field to understand the other's question. "hmm?" he repeated.
"renjun?" jaemin snapped his fingers in front of renjun's face, waking him up from his staring trance.
"sorry, i wasn't listening!" renjun exclaimed startled.
"i was asking if you could come with me to the selection game. this way, we could support the school, and you could stalk you crushy crush." jaemin winked.
jaemin felt surprise at the sudden negative answer. "why?"
"because. what if the boy sees me? it's not my thing going to soccer game. i'm an art-guy, not an athlete. that's not for me..." renjun said quickly.
jaemine stared at him weirdly. "you're kinnding me, right?" renjun shook his head. "your boy will never see you in the middle of the crowd. there will be a lot of students there, and he'll be so stressed that he won't think about searching for the cute boys in the public, so don't worry about that. and then, you're telling me you're not the sporty type, but you're sitting there, every evening, with me, to look at your crush. so, i won't agree with this statement."
renjun smiled weakly.
"does this mean you're coming?"
honesly, renjun wanted to go, but he couldn't agree this easily. he didn't want to sound desperate. but at the moment, he was staring again at the perfect body of jeno, running through the field before shooting the ball, he couldn't think of any other excuse not to come.
"of course, i'm coming."
"YAYYY!" jaemin yelled jumping up and down.
end of flashback
so, here he was, right now, fourty minutes in the game, clapping in his hands and cheering on his team. it was five minutes before the half-time, and the score was of 3-2 for the opposite team. no goal was scored before the half-time. when the whistle blew, the game stopped, signalling that it was time to have a break.
"do you want something to drink?" renjun asked jaemin.
"i'll have a coke, but don't worry, i'm coming with you." he said standing up.
"oh no, don't, we're so well seated that it would be a shame to lose those seats." renjun assured.
jaemin eyed the field "you're right. it doesn't matter for you?" he asked concerned.
"not at all, i'll be back in five." renjun said smiling and leaving towards the cafeteria.
he got there quickly, and entered the not-so-long queue, taking his wallet out. after a minute, it was his turn to order. the boy at the desk was a bit older than him, but it wasn't the usual old lady, because today was an event day, and the student's council had organised it.
"what you'd like?" the boy asked.
"i'll have a bottle of coke and a glass of orange juice please."
"coming right up!" the boy took a bottle of coke in the fridge behind him, grabbed a plastic cup in which he poured orange juice in it and handed them to renjun who gave him his money.
"thank you, have fun!" the boy said before stating his robotic-like speech again. "what you'd like?"
renjun escaped from the crowdy cafeteria a bit in a rush, and he didn't see the boy who was entering it at the same time. the two boys collapsed and renjun spilled the glass of orange juice he was holding on the other and fell on the butt because he was way more petite than the other boy.
"i'm sorry, i hadn't seen you." the standing boy said quickly approaching renjun to help him standing up. renjun lifted his head to look at the other boy, and he got pale at what he saw. the boy, that was actually proposing his hand to renjun in order to help him stand, was dressed in soccer clothes, that were now soaked in orange juice, but the worst was that he recognised the boy, and oh, how much he would have liked not to...
renjun stood up, helped by the boy. "i'm jeno, my apologies for making you fall..."
yea, it was jeno, standing in front of him, with the whole glass of orange juice on his shirt.
"i-i'm sorry, i just spilled my drink on your clothes..." renjun blushed hard and lowered his head.
"don't worry, i have other clothes in the changing rooms. for the moment come with me, i'll get you another drink." jeno explained, pulling renjun by the wrist towards the desk without passing in the queue. "oh n-no, you don't need to..." renjun spoke very low.
"hey! mark!" jeno shouted, catching the attention of the boy who had sold his drinks to renjun.
"oh jeno! what do you need?"
"an orange juice, a bottle of water and a bag of chips, please." jeno listed.
mark came back two seconds after with what jeno had ordered. "jeno, please do something for me, win this game."
jeno winked at the boy called mark. "don't worry about it."
mark started his speech again and renjun and jeno directed towardsthe cafeteria's door, this time careful enough not to collapse with anybody. when they were both out, jeno handed the glass of juice to renjun, as well as the bag of chips. "here you are." he said smiling so widely that his eyes disappeared. "i'm sorry again, i didn't pay attention and i made you fall. this is a gift for you to forgive me."
renjun's heart beat faster than it ever had. "it's me who's sorry, i spilled my drink on you..."
"don't worry about it, i'll go change clothes."
"jeno! on the field in five minutes!!" the coach screamed startling the smaller.
"well, then i'm going." renjun said before turning on his heels and walked towards his seat not leaving anytime for jeno to ask his name.
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