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jaemin didn't come to school for the rest of the week. the doctor had explained he was 'still contagious' and that he shouldn't go to places with many people.
and because of it (or thanks to it), jeno had to spend the entire week with renjun, not that he minded, but he couldn't help but fall in love with the chinese boy.
renjun would always be very delicate when talking, and he would also be very careful with the words he would use, especially when talking about jaemin's wealth.
yes, that had been a big conversation topic between jeno and renjun, because the latter was still very shocked of this discovery. jaemin didn't look like someone rich, he just looked normal, not using his wealth to show off, which way too much people are doing nowadays.
anyway, even when talking about sports or art, renjun would choose wise words and this, jeno found it too cute to handle.
also, as one of jeno's practices had been cancelled, renjun had shown jeno his art class, and his current project. jeno had found amazing how such a little being could create such powerful things.
yes, jeno was in love, and worst, he was starting to admit it to himself.
on saturday, after waking up from a way too good dream, he had made an important decision: he would ask renjun out. but first, he needed to ask jaemin about it.
he rushed to his best friend's mansion, greeting the maids when he entered and ran to jaemin's room, almost falling in the stairs.
he opened the door wide without knocking, and almost regretted it. jaemin had just got out of his bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and hair still wet, letting drips of water slide down his muscular chest. jeno was drooling over his best friend, and he hadn't even noticed it.
"you're done staring?" jaemin asked eyeing jeno strangely, though he secretly like having his best friend looking at him this way.
jeno shook his head to wake up from his trance. "hum yeah. i needed to tell you something."
"great, then don't stay at the door and make yourself home as you know how to do it so well." jaemin said heading towards his closet to find something to wear.
jeno awkwardly closed the door and sat at the edge of the bed. jaemin got out of the closet (though jeno already knew he was gay) wearing only shorts. "so, what is so urgent you had to come disturb me on a saturday morning?"
jeno nearly drooled at the sight. "can't you wear something seriously?"
jemin raised an eyebrow. "since when have you been uncomfortable seeing me naked?"
"since we're adults jaem, we're hornier now." jeno explained.
jaemin shrugged it off and put a shirt that was lying on his desk on.
"better now?" jeno nodded. "then what did you want to tell me?" jaemin asked.
at first, jeno didn't answer. "i-i don't know..."
"you're quite something." jaemin chucked. "you come to my house running on a saturday morning, when you usually sleep, just to talk to me. i know you have something important to tell me."
jeno kept fidgeting his fingers, not looking up.
"jeno, please tell m- "he couldn't finish his sentence. jeno had beat him to it.
"i'm going to ask renjun out."
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