Chapter 8: A Day with Peyton
The three were sleeping in the bed until Alexa woke up; she moved Alex's arm from her body and quietly woke Peyton up.
Alexa: hey Peyton
Peyton: hmm? Alexa, why are you awake?
Alexa: I'm gonna spend the day with Charlotte and Becky, so our Prince is yours for today
Peyton: okay, I'll let him know that you're with Becks and Charlotte
Alexa: thanks Peyton
The two hugged and Alexa quietly leave Alex's room. Peyton went back to cuddling with Alex with his arm around her body.
(1 hour later)
Alex woke up to his beautiful Aussie on his chest; he smiled and kissed her forehead; he looked to the left and saw that Alexa is gone.
Peyton: I see you're awake now; good morning, babe
Alex: morning babe, where's Alexa?
Peyton: oh she told me that she has plans with Becky and Charlotte today
Alex: oh okay
Peyton: that means I have you to myself today
Alex went eye wide and fake coughed.
Peyton: you're so cute when you're nervous
Alex: so what's our plan today?
Peyton: I'll start with this...
She got up and straddled the Prince before launching her lips on his. The two had a passionate make out session for half an hour before Peyton pulled back and rolled to her side of the bed.
Peyton: you're alright, babe?
Alex: that's a wake up call
Peyton giggled.
Peyton: let's get breakfast and we'll make out later
Alex: you're getting me excited, babe
Peyton: let's go down to the restaurant
Alex: no, how about I'll cook breakfast for the both of us?
Peyton: oh that's even better
Alex: what do you want, baby?
Peyton: surprise me
Alex: alright; just sit there at the table and I'll be cooking
Peyton sat down at the table and went on her phone while Alex cooked. Peyton was texting Alexa.
Alexa: how's our Prince doing?
Peyton: he's fine, I gave him a wake up call
Alexa: ooh, and what wake up call is that?
Peyton: a make out session
Alexa: aww, that's adorable
Peyton: you're with Becks and Charlotte?
Alexa: yeah, and we're gonna go now
Peyton: okay talk to you later
Alexa: tell Alex I love him
Peyton: of course
Alex finished cooking and he put the omelettes in two plates.
Alex: breakfast is served
Peyton: wow, this looks good!
Alex: who were you texting?
Peyton: oh just your other girlfriend Alexa
Alex: oh, what she say?
Peyton: she said that she's with Charlotte and Becky, and she told me to tell you that she loves you
Alex: aww, okay; let's eat
They ate their omelettes, but Peyton couldn't stop eating
Alex: slow down, babe
Peyton: can't help it; it so good!
Alex: well I appreciate your feedback, but don't make a mess
Peyton: you still love me
Alex: can't argue against that
After they ate, they snuggled on the couch as Alex scrolled through the TV.
Alex: I don't know what's on
Peyton: just keep looking to find anything good
As Alex scrolled through the channels; he heard a familiar quote from the TV.
It's time to duel!
Alex gasped.
Alex: Yu-Gi-Oh! It's back!
Peyton: oh, the show you told me and Alexa about
Alex: yeah, one of my favorite anime growing up; want to watch an episode?
Peyton: yeah, I'm curious of how the show goes
Alex: okay
They watched the first episode, The Heart of the Cards.
Peyton: what's with the cards?
Alex: that's one of the main symbols of the show
They watched to the part where Yugi dueled against Seto Kaiba.
Alex: that's him babe. The guy who wore the same coat I wear to my entrance
Peyton: oh him, but he's not wearing it
Alex: not yet; he wears it in the later seasons
They watched the ending of the duel where Yugi summoned Exodia.
Peyton: now I see he had five pieces to summon that monster
Alex: yeah, as a fan; that card spells instant victory
Peyton: really?
Alex: yeah, oh here Yugi is gonna finish him off
Yugi: Exodia obliterate!
Exodia attacked Kaiba's three Blue Eyes White Dragons and his life points reached zero.
Peyton: wow, that was awesome!
Alex: what you think of your first Yu-Gi-Oh! episode?
Peyton: awesome! I'm hooked now
Alex: we'll watch some more next time because I'm taking you out today
Peyton: where?
Alex: does the beach sound good?
Peyton: yeah!
Alex: I knew you'll be happy
Peyton: I am and be ready for yourself babe; I'm gonna wear something that will make you sweat
Alex: save it for the beach babe
Peyton giggled.
They grabbed their swimwear and went out of the hotel room. They rode down the elevator hand in hand. Then they exited the hotel and got in Alex's car.
The Prince exited the parking lot and drove to the open road ahead. While driving, Alex had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on Peyton's leg. Peyton held his hand on her thigh and laid her head on his shoulder while occasionally planting small kisses on his cheek.
She had the lust look on her eyes.
Alex: what's with the look on your eyes, babe?
Peyton: oh nothing, just this...
She leaned in and kiss down on his neck.
Alex: babe, not there; that's my weak spot
Peyton: oh, you're no fun
Alex: I'm gonna get you back
Peyton: no babe, please don't
Alex: just kidding
He kissed her temple.
After a 10 minute drive, Alex parked in front of a quiet beach.
Alex: we have the beach to ourselves
Peyton: that means more of this
She lightly kissed his lips.
Alex: okay, let's go
They exited the car and walked to the sandy beach.
Peyton: I'm gonna change babe
Alex: okay, I'll be setting up here
Peyton went into a changing tent to put on her swimwear.
Peyton: Alex will want me when I'm wearing this
She giggled and blushed.
Outside, Alex put up the umbrella and beach chairs while he waited for Peyton.
Peyton came out of the tent and walked to the spot where Alex is.
Peyton: oh babe...
Alex: there you are, I finished set-
As he turned around he saw his gorgeous Aussie in a two piece swimsuit.
Alex: ooh is it getting hot out here?
Peyton giggled and walked towards Alex.
Peyton: I knew I'll make you sweat
She wrapped her arms around his neck.
Peyton: let's go for a swim
The couple went into the water. Peyton held on to Alex to avoid getting drowned. Then the couple stared at each other with a look of lust in their eyes and they submerged below the surface. Alex's arms were wrapped on Peyton's lower back while Peyton's hands were wrapped around his neck. They leaned in for a passionate underwater kiss. After making out for a minute, they went up to the surface.
Peyton cupped Alex's cheek.
Peyton: I love you
Alex kissed her forehead.
Alex: I love you too
They swam for another hour before heading back to the hotel.
(6 hours later)
Peyton and Alex were on the couch watching another Yu-Gi-Oh! episode until Alexa came in.
Alex: hey babe
Peyton: hi Alexa
Alexa: hi guys
Alex: how was your outing?
Alexa: it was good, but I felt sad
Peyton: why?
Alex: what's wrong?
Alexa: I missed you, Alex
Alex: aww, I missed you too
Alexa: so what you two did today?
Peyton: we just went to the beach
Alexa: what did you wear, Peyton?
Alex: can we not talk about that? I'm still sweating from that moment
Alexa: why Peyton? What did you wear?
Peyton: a two piece
Alex took quick breaths making Alexa laugh.
Alexa: then what happened?
Peyton: we made out underwater
Alex: it was so peaceful
Peyton: I had a great time today Alex, and Lex he's all yours tomorrow
Alexa: you have plans?
Peyton: I'm gonna be at the gym with Billie
Alex: okay babe; is it leg day tomorrow?
He said as he gently squeeze her thigh causing Peyton to giggle.
Peyton: depends on what we do
Alexa: don't over work yourself
Peyton: I won't, don't worry
Alexa: so what you guys watching?
Alex: one of my favorite anime growing up and what I say is Peyton's new favorite show, Yu-Gi-Oh!
Alexa: I'm curious to see how the show goes
Alex: well sit down because we're watching an episode right now
Alexa sat down beside Alex and he put his arm around her. They watched the iconic transformation of Yugi enhancing the spirit of Atem.
Alexa: babe, what's the thing he's wearing around his neck?
Alex: it's called the Millennium Puzzle, babe. Inside is the spirit of the brave kindhearted Pharaoh
Peyton: so why does Yugi look different in height and voice?
Alex: that's the spirit of the Pharaoh taking over his body
Alexa and Peyton nodded in amazement.
After watching a couple more episodes, Alex saw the time read 11:00 pm
Alex: we really binged watch tonight huh?
Alexa: I never knew a card game could be so much fun
Peyton: that Kaiba is handsome
Alex: hey, he's not handsome as me
Peyton: yeah, babe you're more handsome
She kissed his cheek.
Alex: come on girls, let's get some sleep
The girls went back to their rooms to change into their night clothes. As they came in, they saw Alex already sleeping in the middle of the bed.
Peyton: aww, look at him
Alexa: he's so cute when he's asleep
Peyton and Alexa went to their side of the bed and snuggled up to the sleeping Prince.
Alexa wrapped Alex's arm around her waist and laid on his shoulder. Peyton put her arm around his shoulder before putting his hand on her leg. The two girls smiled and kissed his cheeks before falling asleep.
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