Chapter 5: Friendship Ring
The next morning, Alex woke up still feeling the effects from his match with Peyton against Zelina and Andrade, but the Prince still can't get that moment where he caught the IIconic and got lost in her eyes out of his head.
Alex: I think it's best to get to know both Peyton and Alexa since those two did really well in our six person tag match together
Alex went down to the hotel restaurant and grabbed some breakfast. He sat at an empty table by himself. Minutes later, the four girls came in to the restaurant; Alexa and Peyton saw Alex sitting by himself.
Peyton: Alexa, want to grab something to eat and join him?
Alexa: you read my mind, Peyton
The two got their food and sat down with Alex at his table.
Alexa: hey, we noticed that you're by yourself
Peyton: so we brought you some company
Alex smiled.
Alex: I could use some company now, and I'm glad it's you two
The IIconic and Goddess blushed lightly and they took their seats... right beside Alex, so the Prince was in between them.
Peyton: so what's on your mind, Al?
Alex: our match last night; especially when I caught you
Alexa giggled while Peyton felt her cheeks getting hot.
Then the Prince turned to Alexa.
Alex: as for you, Goddess; I'm excited to team with you next week
Now it was Alexa who felt her cheeks getting hot.
Alex: I was thinking since we all have the rest of the week off; why don't we hang out today?
The girls were surprised by this.
Peyton: is it everyone?
Alexa: or just the three of us?
Alex: i-if it's o-okay f-for the two of you; if it's j-just the three o-of us?
The girls blushed lightly again.
Alexa: I have no plans today, so sure I'll hang with you, Alex
Peyton: I'll let Billie know; you know Al, you're cute when you stutter
Alex: I didn't stutter!
Alexa: sure, you didn't
Alex: I'll meet you two later
He got up and threw his plate away before leaving the restaurant. The girls talked.
Alexa: we got him to ourselves
Peyton: but remember, we have to go slow
Alexa: I got it; he sounded so cute when he stuttered
Peyton: that means his shell is melting faster than ever
Alexa: I'll meet you later, so let's go wash up
Peyton: yeah okay
The girls finished eating and they went back to their rooms to wash up for their outing with Alex later.
(In Alex's room)
He finished washing up and wore his casual clothes which consisted of a pair of pants, shoes and a Bullet Club shirt. He then got a FaceTime call from the guys.
Alex: yo
Mustafa: hey Al
AJ: what's up?
Randy: why are you all dressed up?
Alex: it seems I'm hanging with some friends today
AJ: why didn't you invite us?
Mustafa: you ditch
Alex: no boys, relax; I'm hanging out with Alexa and Peyton today
Mustafa: now I realized, good thing you didn't invite me
Randy: what are you planning, Alex?
Alex: I just want to get to know them better
AJ: sounds like you're going on a date
Mustafa: with two girls
Randy: at the same time
Alex: well to let you know, it's hanging with new friends not a two on one date
Mustafa: whatever you say, man
Alex: I gotta go; I'm gonna wait for the girls
Randy: behave yourself, apprentice
Alex: oh shut up
The guys chuckled and Alex ended the call.
He went out and locked his hotel room door and went to the IIconics' room. He knocked on the door and Billie answered it.
Billie: hi Alex, you're looking good today
Alex: thanks; uh, where's Peyton?
Billie: oh, she told me of you three's outing today; she'll be out soon, she's just putting her clothes on
Alex: okay, I'll wait out here
Billie nodded. Then a minute later, Peyton came out and saw Alex waiting.
Peyton: hi Alex
He turned around and went eye wide as he saw Peyton wearing a white tank top with shorts and Adidas shoes.
Alex: h-hey Peyton; you look lovely today
Peyton: aww thanks; you look lovely yourself as well
Alex: uh thanks; let's see if Alexa is ready
Peyton: okay
They walked to Alexa's room and Alex knocked on the door.
Alex: Alexa, are you there? Peyton and I are ready
Alexa: hold on, I'm almost ready!
While they waited, Alex couldn't help but stare at the beautiful Aussie in front of him. Peyton noticed this and giggled.
Peyton: what are you staring at, Al?
Alex: oh sorry, you just look so pretty today.
She lightly blushed.
Peyton: that's so nice of you, Al!
She hugged his arm and laid her head on his shoulder causing goosebumps to form on Alex's upper arms.
Then a minute later, Alexa came out.
Alexa: hi guys!
Peyton: hey Lex
Alex: uh, hey-
He once again froze as he saw the Goddess wearing leggings with tear designs, shoes and a Twisted Bliss shirt. She noticed Alex sweating a bit and giggled.
Alexa: Peyton, is Alex okay?
Peyton: oh, he's fine; just to finish for him; I believe he's gonna say that you look beautiful today.
Alexa smiled and went really close to Alex.
Alexa: is Peyton telling the truth?
She said in a flirtatious tone causing Alex to tense.
Alexa: I'm waiting
Alex: u-uh, y-yes she's right; I was gonna say it until I looked at you
Alexa: aww, you're so sweet
Peyton: well Alexa, I wanted to say that earlier while you were preparing yourself; Alex was checking me out
Alexa: were you, Alex?
Alex: I-I was not!
Peyton: and now with you here; it seems he was checking you out
Alexa: Alex...
Alex: I was not, okay. Can we go now?
Girls: okay!
As Alex led the girls to the elevator, Alexa and Peyton talked to each other.
Alexa: he was totally checking you out
Peyton: same goes to you too
Alex: what are you girls talking about?
Girls: nothing!
They rode the elevator to the main floor.
Alexa: where are we going, Alex?
Alex: I was thinking the mall since I might find something I want to buy.
Peyton: that's a great idea
Alexa: I was thinking the same thing too
Alex: okay, let's go
The three exited the hotel and went to Alex's car.
(20 minutes later)
They drove up to the mall and Alex parked his car near the entrance.
Peyton: come on, let's go!
The three walked in the mall.
Alexa: Peyton, there's a huge clothing store over there
Peyton: let's go; Alex, you're coming?
Alex: you two go ahead; I'm gonna look around and see anything that I can buy
Alexa: okay, let's go Peyton!
Peyton: wait for me!
The two girls ran off to the clothing store while Alex had a grin on his face.
Alex: they're so fun to be with
He walked around the mall looking around until he saw a jewelry store.
Alex: perfect, just what I'm looking for
He went in the store and looked around.
Employee: good morning sir, how can I help you today?
Alex: I'm looking for friendship rings; do you have any?
Employee: yes sir; follow me
The employee guided Alex to display shelf showing three shiny silver rings with an infinity design on each of them.
Alex: they look nice; how much for all three?
Employee: for all three will be... $1000
Alex: okay, I'll take them
The employee put the rings in small boxes for each of them and she put them in the bag and handed it to Alex.
Employee: thank you for shopping with us
Alex: no problem
He exited the jewelry store and went to the clothing store where the girls are.
(At the clothing store)
Alexa and Peyton picked out some cute blouses and leggings for their wardrobes.
Alexa: those will look good on you
Peyton: aww, those will look good on you as well
They went to the cashier and paid for their clothes. As they exited the clothing store, they were approached by two guys.
Guy 1: well hello beautiful
Alexa: leave us alone
Guy 2: what's the rush, baby girl?
Peyton: she said leave us alone!
The two guys grabbed the girls' wrists.
Guy 1: you two are no fun
Guy 2: come on, let's go
Then Alexa and Peyton nodded at each other and kicked the two guys' area where it hurt the most.
Peyton: come on Alexa, let's show these two a lesson
Guy 1: you two are gonna pay for that
As the two guys were about to launch their attack; their fists were grabbed by someone.
???: hello boys, I believe you're disturbing these beautiful girls' day
The two guys turned around and locked eyes with Alex. Peyton and Alexa were relieved of seeing Alex.
Alex: now, you have two options; one, leave now before this gets ugly or two, allow my friends to show you both where will it hurt the most
Guy 2: we have no problem of taking you three
Alex: a poor choice of words, but you two asked for it
One of the guys fought with Alexa and Peyton while the other fought with Alex.
Alexa and Peyton worked together to take the guy down. Peyton used her spinning heel kick fazing the guy which made Alexa set up for her snap DDT followed by one of her new moves, a double knee moonsault. The guy lied on the floor in pain.
Meanwhile, Alex was slugging it out with the other guy. The Prince landed some stiff punches and kicks. Alexa and Peyton saw Alex's fighting style and they were a bit turned on. The guy went for a right hand, but Alex caught it and twisted the guy's arm. Alex easily evaded the guy's rapid punches and the Prince fired back with rapid punches to his belly followed by a couple of wind up punches. He finished the guy off with a left hook.
(A/N: if you want to see examples of Alex's fighting style, watch this clip from my favorite Filipino TV show. The fight scene starts in timestamp 2:13)
The guy who fought the girls grabbed his friend.
Guy 2: we're sorry, we won't disturb you guys again
Alex: now that's some wise words; now get out of here before I change my mind
The two guys took off. Then Alex turned to Alexa and Peyton.
Alex: you girls alright?
Alexa: we're fine
Peyton: those two messed with the wrong people
Alex: well they're gone now, so you want to get some food?
Alexa: yeah!
Peyton: you read my mind, Alex
The three walked to the food court and they each ordered a burger, fries and a drink. They sat down and talked.
Alex: so, what did you two buy?
Peyton: oh, just some leggings and blouses
Alexa: they're all cute
Alex: well I can say that you two will look cuter when you wear them
The two girls lightly blushed.
Alexa: how about you? What did you buy?
Alex: oh, uh...
Alex brought out the bag with the rings inside.
Alex: I bought these for you two
He took out two boxes and gave one to each of them. The girls opened and they were surprised.
Peyton: aww Alex, what is this?
Alex: they're friendship rings; since I met you two, my cold shell melted away because of you guys
Alexa: that is so sweet of you
Peyton: Al, may I ask; when and where did you fight like that?
Alex: I learned it from my dad and from my favorite action TV show
Alexa: well to tell you the truth; Peyton and I were a bit turned on when you did those wind up punches
Alex: uh, you were?
Peyton: yeah, we both were
Alex: I-I'm glad they did
He stuttered.
Alex: so, shall we go?
They nodded and exited the mall. Alex drove back to the hotel.
The three went up to their floor, but before the girls went into their rooms; they said to Alex.
Peyton: Alex, we had a great time today; from our shopping spree
Alexa: to kicking some jerks' asses
Peyton: nothing can top this
Alex: don't forget the rings I bought for you guys
Peyton: that too, and thanks again Alex
Peyton leaned in and kissed Alex on the cheek before settling into her room while blushing. The kiss surprised Alex, but what he doesn't know that he'll have another surprise. He turned to Alexa.
Alexa: thanks for today, Alex
She reached up and kissed Alex on his other cheek; once again surprising the Prince. Alexa giggled and went into her room. Then Alex went into his room and laid flat on the bed.
He looked at the friendship ring he was wearing and thought to himself.
Alex: what just happened? Am I in love with two girls?
He thought about it before taking a nap.
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