Chapter 21: Alex vs. Alexa vs. Peyton
The three were on their phones as they had the rest of the week off. The girls were scrolling through their phones while Alex got a text message from Xavier Woods.
Xavier: hey Al, if you're not doing anything today, how about you bring your girlfriends Alexa and Peyton to record an episode of UpUpDownDown. You three in?
Alex: hey babes, Xavier is inviting us for UpUpDownDown
Alexa: ooh, what do you think Peyton?
Peyton: I'm down for playing a game
Alexa: tell Xavier we're in, babe
Alex: on it
Alex replied back to Xavier.
Alex: we're in for some gaming, dude
Xavier: sweet! Come to my hotel room
Alex: on our way
The three washed up before going to Xavier's room. As they entered, they saw the New Day and the gaming system all set up.
Alex: hey guys
Xavier: there he is
Kofi: Alex Auditore and his two girlfriends
Big E: damn son, you're a player
Alexa: he is
The two girls kissed each of Alex's cheeks.
Xavier: so you three ready to play?
Peyton: what game are we gonna play?
Xavier: you three take a seat, and we'll start recording
Alexa: sure
Alex: okay
(2 minutes later, the camera started recording)
Xavier: welcome to UpUpDownDown, I'm your host Austin Creed and today we have a triple threat match for you today. On my right we have Lil' Bliss
Alexa did her cute pose as her nickname is Lil' Bliss.
Xavier: on my left is Spirit
Peyton's nickname for the show is Spirit.
Xavier: and the gentleman sitting in between the two lovely ladies, making his debut, please welcome Alex Auditore!
Alex: what's up!
Xavier: well Alex, everyone on the show has a nickname...
Alex: yup
Xavier: you have nickname or a name that stuck with you since childhood?
Alex: well loved watching this certain anime growing up
Xavier: can you tell everyone out there what this anime is?
Alex: well the anime I grew up was Yu-Gi-Oh!
Kofi and Big E: Yu-Gi-Ooohhhh!
Alex, Alexa and Peyton laughed at Big E and Kofi's funny antic.
Xavier: have you collected some of the cards?
Alex: yeah I did, and I was happy that I had the Dark Magician in my collection
Xavier: oh wow!
Alex: as for my nickname, my favorite character from the show is Seto Kaiba as you saw his coat is part of my entrance
Xavier: right
Alex: so my nickname will be Kaiba
Xavier: okay; ladies and gentlemen, meet Kaiba
Alex did his crossed arms with his hands in the Too Sweet gesture.
Xavier: okay guys, you're playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in three player mode
Alexa: you're gonna lose, babe
Alex: not a chance
Peyton: no, both of you will lose
Xavier: the competition between these three are strong, so guys go on and select your character
Alex picked Mario, Alexa picked Peach and Peyton picked Sonic. Then they picked their arena and started brawling.
The three were mashing buttons while the New Day looked on with suspense. Then a few seconds later, the Smash Orb appeared on the screen.
Xavier: get the Smash Orb!
Alex: it's mine!
Alexa: nope!
Peyton: not so fast!
Mario, Peach and Sonic were brawling over the Smash Orb hitting it so they can activate their respective Final Smash, but Mario got the Orb and performed his Final Smash which was a giant fireball blast which was enough to knock Sonic and Peach out of the game.
Alexa: oh no!
Peyton: no!
Xavier: ladies and gentlemen, your winner Kaiba!
Alex: yes!
Xavier: you have something to say to your fellow competitors?
Alex: well girls, great game, but no matter if you win or lose, it's important to have fun
Xavier: hmm, wise words from Kaiba
Peyton: I want to play again next time
Alexa: me too, so this guy can lose
Alex: you just have to keep playing, girls
Alexa: Spirit, I think we should punish him
Peyton: I agree, Lil' Bliss
Alex: what you gonna do to me?
Alexa and Peyton nodded at each other and began to choke Alex.
Xavier: oh god, Kaiba is getting choked by Lil' Bliss and Spirit!
Alex: h-help me, Creed
Alexa and Peyton pushed Alex down on the couch while still choking him. The Prince was struggling to breathe for air.
Xavier: make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, as I help Kaiba get out of his choking situation, and as always keep it tight!
(Back in Alex's room)
Alex: you two had to choke me
Alexa: that what's you get
Peyton: you deserved it, my love
Then Peyton received a text from Billie.
Billie: Peyton, I'm afraid it's that day today
Peyton: don't tell me
Billie: yup, leg day
Peyton sat down with Alex and Alexa and whined.
Alex: anything wrong, love?
Peyton: I got a text from Billie
Alexa: and?
Peyton: it's leg day
Alex and Alexa: awww
Alex: you can't skip leg day, babe
He puts his hand on her leg.
Alexa: and you said they help make your spinning heel kick more effective
Peyton: I guess so, but it kills me
Alexa: how about we make you a deal
Peyton: and what is this deal?
Alexa: if you can through your leg day workout, Alex will treat you out for lunch tomorrow
Peyton: okay
Alex: if you don't get through it; no kissing me for the next two weeks
Peyton: aww, you're so mean, love
Alex: is it a deal?
Peyton: fine, it's a deal; I'll get through this leg day workout and you're buying me lunch tomorrow
Alex: yeah yeah
Peyton: and if I don't...
Alex: you can enjoy hopefully not my last kiss
Alex leaned in and planted his lips on Peyton's. As he was about to pull back, Peyton held the back of his head to keep the kiss longer.
Alexa: smart Peyton
The two pulled back with Peyton taking a deep breath as she was thinking of her leg day workout.
Peyton: well, time for my workout
Alex: hold on
He kissed her leg.
Alex: for luck
Alexa: you hate the two weeks no kissing thing right?
Alex: I should think my bets smarter
Peyton laughed and she went to change into her workout clothes.
Peyton: well guys, I'm off
Alexa: don't overwork yourself
Peyton: I won't and Alex, make sure you thought of a place for lunch tomorrow
Alex: I will
Peyton left the room leaving Alex and Alexa to themselves.
Alexa: so, what do you want to do now?
Alex: Disney marathon?
Alexa: yes!
The two spend the rest of day watching Disney and eating lunch.
(4 hours later)
Peyton came back limping.
Alex: hey Peyton!
Alexa: guess leg day almost killed her
Alex: I got her
He carried Peyton bridal style to the couch.
Alex: how was it?
Peyton was breathing heavily.
Peyton: I got some good news and bad news, which one you want to hear first?
Alexa: bad news
Peyton: bad news is I nearly died and my legs are spaghetti
Alex: and the good news?
Peyton: I completed the whole set
Alexa: you did the entire workout?
Peyton: that's right
Alex: well, a deal is a deal; Peyton, I'm treating you out to lunch tomorrow
Peyton: worth it
Alex: how about you, Alexa?
Alexa: oh, no thanks baby, I'm gonna be with Naomi and Paige tomorrow
Alex: outing?
Alexa: yup
Peyton: so it's just me and Alex tomorrow?
Alexa: he's all yours
Peyton: yay!
She began to pepper his face with kisses.
Alex: have fun tomorrow, babe
Alexa: I will
After 2 hours of watching Disney, Alex noticed that Alexa's yawning and Peyton is already asleep.
Alex: time for bed
Alexa nodded and she went to change into her night clothes before jumping into bed. Alex carried Peyton to the bed and set her down on her side. Then Alex changed and he laid down in the middle. He kissed both girls and fell asleep.
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