Chapter 17: Karaoke Night
(A/N: I want to thank Flashbatwingman for the idea for this chapter and the suggested song. Go read his Alexa Bliss story, it's really good!) -Alex
With two weeks before Fastlane for his huge US title defense against three men, Alex decided to relax and forget about it, so he won't be too worried as he got the rest of the week off. The next morning, he woke up to Alexa and Peyton laying on his shoulders. He kissed them both on their foreheads and slowly moved them to try not to wake them up.
As he was about to get up, he was dragged back down by the girls.
Peyton: don't get up, love
Alexa: stay here with us
Alex: I have to cook breakfast for us
Alexa: please stay here with us
Peyton: it's cold without you
Alex: girls, we have to get up eventually
Peyton: Alexa, give it to him
Alex: give me what?
Before he could get his answer, he felt Alexa's soft lips on his neck causing him to melt and give in to their demand.
Alex: another hour of sleep won't hurt
Peyton: come here, darling
Peyton grabbed his arm and hugged it tight while Alexa got on top of Alex.
Alexa: babe, I'm scared
Alex: what are you scared of, babe?
Alexa: scared that Murphy will seriously hurt you
Peyton: same thing from Tye
Alex: don't worry about me, I'll take care of them and beat the hell out of them for being horrible to you two
Peyton: aww
Alex: and I'm planning to debut a new finisher
Alexa: ooh, what's it called?
Alex: I call it, Heart of the Cards
Peyton: aww, another one named after our favorite show
Alexa: how does it go, babe?
(A/N: Heart of the Cards is exactly like Kenny Omega's One Winged Angel)
Alex: here, I'll show you a clip featuring my friend from Japan, Kenny Omega
Alex opened up a video of Kenny executing the One Winged Angel on Kazuchika Okada at Dominion 2018.
Peyton: wow babe, that's a real effective finisher
Alex: that's not all; as the Tyrant, my entrance theme is the remixed version of the original
Alexa: ooh, can we hear it?
Alex: nope, you girls have to wait til Fastlane, I want to keep it a surprise
Peyton: aww, you're no fun
Alexa: can you give us a hint?
Alex: I already did; a remix of the original
Peyton: fine, we'll just wait for Fastlane
Alex: patience is a virtue, girls; I'm gonna cook breakfast now
Alexa: okay babe
Alex: but first, Alexa can you get off me please?
Alexa: but, you're so comfy
Alex: how about this then?
He tickled her hips and lower back making her squirm and giggle.
Alexa: stop babe, that tickles!
Alex: get off me please?
Alexa: okay okay!
She rolled to her side of the bed and Alex got out of the bed and walked to the kitchen. The girls stayed in the bed and talked with each other.
Alexa: how are we so lucky to have a guy like Alex?
Peyton: he treats us better than Tye...
Alexa: or Murphy
Peyton: ...ever did
Alexa: Alex treats us with love and respect
Peyton: I was thinking of something
Alexa: what you got?
Peyton: if Al retains at Fastlane, we treat him out
Alexa: sweet, but where?
Peyton: that I don't know yet
Alexa: okay, let's just be grateful of having a loving boyfriend like Alex
Peyton: he's such a sweetheart
Alexa: he sure is
Peyton: come on, let's see what's he cooking
Alexa: yes!
The two girls slowly walked to the kitchen to see Alex cooking their breakfast. Beside him, they can see six pieces of bread that are already toasted; they can smell the aroma of bologna cooking and they hear the sound of eggs cracking.
Alexa: Alex is cooking his signature breakfast sandwiches
Alex: I can hear you two
Peyton: sorry babe, the smell of the bologna brought us here
Alex: the sandwiches are almost done, so you two take a seat at the table
Before they went to the table, the girls kissed Alex on his cheeks making him smile. He put the sandwiches together and placed three of them on a plate. He also mixed three cups of coffee for all of them as well.
Peyton: this looks really delicious, babe
Alex: of course, it's my signature dish
Alexa: well we all know it's gonna be good
As they ate their breakfast, Alexa asked a question?
Alexa: so Alex, got anything planned for us today?
Alex: I'm glad you brought that up because I was thinking of something
Peyton: what's that, my love?
Alex: I was thinking for our date tonight; how about we all go karaoke?
Alexa: ooh, that's a great idea
Peyton: you know I'm good in singing, my love
Alex: I didn't know you sing, Peyton
Peyton: you'll hear me sing tonight, babe
Alexa: I have a good singing voice
Alex: what songs you sing?
Alexa: mostly country
Alex: I'm that much of a fan of country; I'm more of the Christian rock guy
Peyton: I do have one favorite song though
Alexa: what is it?
Peyton: the song that symbolizes Australia, Down Under
Alex: didn't Big E gave you a CD with that song in it for Christmas?
Peyton: yes! Wait, how'd you know?
Alex: there was a video of you and Billie's exchange gift with New Day
Alexa: I watched that video; it's so funny
Peyton: guess who wore the kangaroo costume?
Alexa: Billie?
Peyton: yup
Alex: as Alexa said; hilarious video
The three shared a laugh.
Alexa: babe, where are we gonna do karaoke?
Alex: Mustafa told me of this karaoke bar in town; it's not too far from the hotel and we can rent a karaoke room to ourselves; no disturbances from other people and no distractions
Peyton: ooh, it's like we have our own session
Alex: that's what it is
Alexa: time to warm up my singing voice
Alex: drink some ginger ale babe; it helps
Alexa: I'll keep that in mind, thank you
They finished eating their breakfast and washed up. Peyton left for a while to be with Billie in the gym.
Alexa: hope she doesn't do cardio
Alex: Billie told me Peyton hates cardio especially late night cardio
The two shared a laugh.
Alexa: what you wanna do while we wait for Peyton?
Alexa bit her lower lip and Alex knew where this was going.
Alex: let's make out?
Alexa: you read my mind, come here
She pulled Alex in for a passionate make out session. Alex lifted her up, so Alexa's legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. He pinned her against the wall and got payback by going down to her neck making her moan. She grabbed his face and planted her lips on his. She pulled back and whispered in his ear.
Alexa: take me to the bed
Alex felt goosebumps forming in his upper arms and he followed Alexa's order. He carried her to the bedroom while Alexa peppered small kisses to his face. They went in the bedroom and Alex stumbled backwards into the bed making Alexa to be on top of him. Alexa blushed heavily before diving her lips to Alex's lips.
Alexa: I love you
Alex: I love you too
Then their make out session was interrupted by Peyton as she came back from the gym.
Peyton: Alexa? Alex?
Alex: in the bedroom babe!
Peyton went into the room to see Alexa making out with Alex.
Peyton: aww, you guys couldn't wait for me?
Alexa: we were bored
Alex: nothing good on TV, so this is our way of entertaining ourselves
Alexa: want to join us?
Peyton: you read my mind, Lex
Alex: then come here, babe
Peyton ran and jumped into Alex's arm and planted her lips on his cheek. The girls then pushed Alex down to the bed and continued kissing all over his face and neck. Alex just laid there and took it all in while a big smile was on his face. Half an hour later, the girls pulled back with blushing smiles on their faces.
Peyton: aww, we left some presents on his face
Alexa: don't forget his neck
Alex: I almost couldn't breathe while you two were kissing me
Peyton: but you love us
Alex: can't argue with that
Alexa: we love you, Prince
Alex: I love you too, my Princesses
Alex washed his face and neck of the lipstick marks, and got ready for the three's outing.
Alex drove the girls to a local restaurant for lunch and treated them. Then the three went to a nearby park where the girls stole some candid shots of their boyfriend.
Alex: you better delete those
Alexa: but you look so good in this angle
Peyton: and this one shows your funny side
Alex: it so cringe
Alexa: I'm gonna post these
Peyton: me too
Alex: watch it, I'll have my payback
Peyton: don't try anything, babe
Alex: I won't
Ten minutes later, the girls fell asleep; this gave Alex an opportunity to snap a picture of Alexa and Peyton.
Alex: I got my payback
He then posted the pictures on Instagram with the caption:
alexio.auditore: look at my two sleeping angels @alexa_bliss_wwe_ @peytonroycewwe
Then a minute in, comments flooded.
billiekaywwe: be ready for an attack
ajstylesp1: nice knowing you, buddy
mustafaaliwwe: I'll pay for your hospital bills
The comments made Alex laugh and nervous at the same time. He drove back to the hotel and woke the two girls up.
Alex: Alexa? Peyton? We're back
The two girls woke up and realized that they're back.
Alexa: how long we were out?
Alex: ever since we left the park
Peyton: and you didn't wake us up?
Alexa; you two were so cute when you're sleeping
The two girls blushed.
Alex: come on, we have a lot of time before tonight, so let's rest
The girls nodded and went out of the car. As they went in, the girls got a notification. They unlocked their phones and saw that they were tagged on Instagram. They pressed the tag and saw that Alex took pictures of them sleeping.
Alexa and Peyton: Alex!
Alex: uh oh
Alexa: what is this?
Alex smirked.
Alex: it's called payback
Peyton: why?
Alex: hey, I fired back with those candid shots of me, so I did what I did
Alexa: this is embarrassing!
Peyton: yeah!
Alex: no, read the caption
The two looked closely at the caption and they blushed when they saw "sleeping angels."
Alexa: you call us your angels?
Alex: of course, when I was sick with the fever, who took care of me?
Peyton: we did
Alex: exactly, come here
He held his arms out, inviting them for a hug, but the girls, instead of a hug; they kissed him.
Alex: you two are angels from heaven
Alexa: aww
The three went up to Alex's hotel room and watched some movies before their karaoke date night.
(6 hours later; 8:00 pm)
Alex: let's go girls
Alexa: right behind you, babe
Peyton: wait for me!
The three went to Alex's car as they have a date night at a karaoke bar.
Alex: ready to unleash your talent?
Alexa: I am
Peyton: me too
After forty minutes, Alex pulled up to a local karaoke bar. The three got out of the car.
Alex: I like this place
Alexa: let's go let's go!
They entered the bar and noticed that it was also a restaurant
Alex: we can have dinner too
Peyton: sweet
Alex: I'll order for us
Alexa: so sweet of you
Alex went up to the counter.
Employee: good evening sir, how can we help you?
Alex: can me and my two dates rent a karaoke booth?
Employee: of course, and do you three want anything to eat?
Alex: uh, we'll take three burgers and fries with drinks
Employee: okay sir, the blue karaoke room is empty, so you three can take that
Alex: how much for an hour?
Employee: $20 an hour sir
Alex: okay
Employee: plus the burgers and fries which totaled $18, so your grand total is $38
Alex: okay, here you go
Employee: thank you and enjoy sir
Alex went back to the girls.
Alex: okay, we got the blue karaoke room and I ordered burgers and fries for us
Peyton: how long we have the room?
Alex: is an hour enough?
Alexa: yes it is!
Alex: then let's go!
They went in to the blue karaoke room.
Alexa: who wants to sing first?
Alex: ladies first
Peyton: aww, how sweet
Alexa decided to sing first and she chose the song, Run On by Blue Saraceno
Alex: the song that was for Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns at WrestleMania
Peyton: yup
As the song starts, Alexa started to sing:
You may run for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut you down
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut you down
My god spoke and he spoke so sweet
I thought I heard the shuffle of angel's feet
He put one hand upon my head
Great god almighty let me tell you what he said
Go tell that long tongued liar
Go tell that midnight rider
Tell the gambler, rambler, back-biter
Tell them the god's gonna cut them down
Tell them the god's gonna strike them down
You may run for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut you down
You may throw your rock and hide your hand
Working in the dark against your fellow man
As sure as god made the day and the night
What you do in the dark will be brought to the light
You may run and hide, slip and slide
Trying to make time with your neighbour's wife
Brother let me tell you as sure as you're born
You better leave that woman alone
You may run, for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut you down
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut him down
One of these days, you can mark my word
You think a man is a way at work
And you will knock up on that door
That's all son, you'll knock no more
You may run for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Run on, for a long time
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut you down
You may run for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut you down
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut you down
Let me tell you the god's gonna cut you down
As Alexa sang the final note, Peyton and Alex clapped for her.
Alex: you were good baby
Alexa: aww thanks
They pecked each other's lips.
Peyton: my turn!
As Peyton was picking her song, their food came.
Alexa: I deserve this
Alex: for a great singer, yeah you do
Alexa smiled and dug in to her burger. Peyton picked her song and it was the song that was on the CD Big E gave her for Christmas, Land Down Under by Men at Work.
Alex: I knew she'll pick that one
Alexa: shh, let's hear her sing
Peyton started:
Travelling in a fried-out Kombi
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and gave me breakfast
And she said:
"Do you come from a land down under
Where women glow and men plunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder
You better run, you better take cover."
Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscle
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich
And he said:
"I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder
You better run, you better take cover." (yeah)
Lying in a den in Bombay
With a slack jaw, and not much to say
I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me?
Because I come from the land of plenty."
And he said:
"Oh! Do you come from a land down under (oh yeah yeah)
Where women glow and men plunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder
You better run, you better take cover."
Alexa and Alex clapped for Peyton's talent.
Alexa: now I really want to go to Australia
Alex: a country to visit on my bucket list
Peyton: thanks guys
Alexa: now babe, it's your turn
Alex: okay
He scrolled through the song list to try and find songs of his favorite band Skillet, but nothing. He continued flipping through until he found a good song.
Alex: this song is country, but I think it will fit
He typed in the song number and the title of the song read, Take Back Home Girl by Chris Lane feat. Tori Kelly.
Alexa: a country song?
Peyton: babe, I thought you don't like country
Alex: well they don't have my favorite band's song, so I have no choice
As the song started, Alex began to sing:
Duffle bag, backseat
My dash, your feet
Those other side of the highway headlights making you shine
My hand, your leg
Playlist playing
Even though I haven't made it yet
I'm dragging it, dropping it in my mind
You're a drive real slow, down a no lane road
To a house on a hill where the wild things grow
You're wake up in pajamas, not a trace of makeup on ya
You're a help her fix it, having breakfast with my momma
You're a take back home, home, home girl
Home, home, home girl
Take back home, home, home girl
Home, home, home girl
You're the kind I wanna take a ride with
Sit by on a Friday night
In the stadium lights, side by side
All the ladies like, "Yeah, she's doing just fine"
Everybody in the bleachers, they all gon' want to meet ya
From my teachers to my preacher
My little crowd pleaser
Parading with you feeling homecoming cool, yeah
I wanna drive real slow, down a no lane road
To a house on a hill where the wild things grow
You're wake up in pajamas, not a trace of makeup on ya
You're a help her fix it, having breakfast with my momma
You're a take back home, home, home girl
Home, home, home girl
Take back home, home, home girl
Home, home, home girl
You're a take back, you're a take back
You're a take back home girl
You're a take back home
You're a take back home girl
You got that down home, homegrown, found on good ground soul
That down home, home grown, found on good ground soul
You're a drive real slow, down a no lane road
To a house on a hill where the wild things grow
You're wake up in pajamas, not a trace of makeup on ya
You're a help her fix it, having breakfast with my momma
You're a take back home, home, home girl
Home, home, home girl
Take back home, home, home girl
Home, home, home girl
You're a take back, you're a take back
You're a take back home girl
You're a take back home, yeah
You're a take back home girl
You're a take back home
While he was singing, Alexa and Peyton got lost in his voice in a trance like state. As the song finished, Alex turned to see Alexa and Peyton with teary smiles.
Alex: oh what's wrong?
Alexa: nothing babe, you sound so good
Peyton: it almost made us cry
Alex: aww, I found out that song fits our relationship
Alexa: how so?
Alex: no matter how people think of our relationship, we still love each other no matter what
Peyton: now you're making me cry, babe
Alex: come here you two
He hugged both of them and kissed their foreheads.
Alex: I love you, babes
Alexa and Peyton: we love you too
They continued to sing a few more songs while they ate.
(40 minutes later)
The three went back to the hotel room.
Alexa: I had such a great time babe
Peyton: I really enjoyed the karaoke
Alex: me too girls
Alex noticed Peyton yawning.
Alex: I think it's time for bed
Alexa: yeah, I'm tired
They changed into their night clothes and got in the bed. The two girls hugged Alex while the Prince wrapped his arms around them. The girls kissed his cheeks before closing their eyes.
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