Chapter 15: Healed
Alexa and Peyton woke up the next day all lonely as they couldn't sleep with Alex the night before due to him having a fever.
Peyton: couldn't sleep well last night?
Alexa: it's lonely without our baby here
Peyton: I know Alexa, but he's still sick and he doesn't want us to catch his fever
Alexa: I miss kissing him
Peyton: now that you mention it, me too
Alexa: but you're right, he has to get better first
Peyton: you want some coffee?
Alexa: sure
The two girls walked to the kitchen; on the way they saw Alex sleeping on the couch peacefully.
Alexa: Peyton, look at him
Peyton: aww, he looks like an angel
Alexa: I really want to kiss him
Peyton: I think kissing his forehead is fine
Alexa: yeah, we're not gonna catch anything from kissing his forehead
Peyton: well let's try not to wake him up
Alexa: okay
The two girls walked to the couch where the sleeping Alex is. As they got close, they started blushing.
Peyton: he's so cute!
Alexa: shh, we might wake him up
Peyton: okay, I'll go first
Alexa: go for it
With a big blushing smile on her face, Peyton leaned in and planted her lips on Alex's forehead. She pulled back with the same look on her face.
Peyton: his forehead doesn't feel warm
Alexa: huh?
Peyton: it feels normal
Alexa: let me check... by kissing him
She bit her lower lip. Then she leaned in and and kissed his forehead.
Alexa: you're right, it does feel normal
Peyton: you think he's better?
Alexa: we don't know for sure, but let him rest until he wakes up
Peyton: okay, we'll cook breakfast for him too
Alexa: he sure loves his omelette
Peyton: he's our baby, so we know his omelette
Alexa: I'll make the coffee and you'll cook the omelette
Peyton: right
(10 minutes later)
The girls finished preparing the breakfast, and waited for their Prince to wake up. The smell of the omelette and coffee woke Alex up.
Alex: what is that smell?
He slowly got up and walked to the kitchen and he saw his two princesses at the table.
Alexa: babe!
Peyton: you're awake, darling
Alex: yeah
Alexa: how are you feeling?
Alex: I feel okay because of you two's kisses to my head
The two girls blushed.
Alex: I maybe okay, but I don't want to overwork myself even though I'm United States Champion
Peyton: yeah, that's a good point
Alexa: come sit, we made breakfast for you
Alex: is it my omelette?
Peyton: yes it is
Alex: you two know me so well. Wait, why didn't you cook for yourselves?
Alexa: we're not hungry yet
Peyton: we're just having coffee for now
Alexa: we'll eat breakfast later, so you just enjoy yours
Alex: okay thanks loves
Alex ate his breakfast and to the girls' surprise, he finished it.
Alexa: you got your appetite back, babe?
Alex: yeah, I guess so
Peyton: you're not feeling cold?
Alex: no, I feel okay now; I'm not shivering or sweating too much
Alexa: is your fever gone?
Alex: yeah, I guess so
He said with a smile.
Alex: but to prove it; I'll check my temperature
He went to the coffee table and he grabbed the thermometer and put it in his mouth. He waited for a few minutes before taking it out.
Peyton: so what does it say?
Alex smiled.
Alex: 98.6 degrees, the normal body temperature
Alexa: so you're better?
Alex: I'm healed, my loves
Alex spread his arms out, inviting them for a hug.
Alex: come here
The two girls ran to him and hugged him tight.
Alexa: it was so lonely in the bed without you
Peyton: I missed cuddling with you
Alexa: I missed kissing you
Alex: I missed doing those things with you two
Peyton: well let's do it now
Alex's eyes widen.
Alexa: Peyton, let's get him to the couch
The two girls pulled Alex by the arms and threw him to the couch. Alexa lunged and planted her lips on his while she straddled him. Alex was massaging her back while Alexa's hand brushed his hair. She went down to his neck and continued kissing there. The feeling of her soft lips on his neck made the Prince shiver; he bit his tongue to prevent a moan, but he failed as he let out a small moan.
Satisfied, Alexa pulled back with a blushing smile on her face.
Alexa: Peyton, did you hear that moan?
Peyton: yes, it turned me on a bit
Alex blushed lightly as he breathe quickly. As he stood up, Peyton pushed him back down.
Peyton: ah ah, we're not done with you yet, my love
Alex: if I'm healed; then this is my cure
Peyton: enough talk, let my lips do their job
One half of the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions leaned in and planted her lips on his resulting in a make out session. She held the back of his neck to keep the kiss long. She straddled him while Alex held her back. She did the same thing Alexa did by going down to his neck. Once again, the Prince shivered at the feeling of his Aussie girlfriend's lips on his neck; no choice, he let out a small moan. Satisfied, Peyton pulled back all giggling and blushing.
Alex put his hand on the areas where Alexa and Peyton kissed on his neck and breathe small breaths.
Alex: now that's what I called a cure
Alexa: we're just happy that our baby is okay now
Peyton: that fever prevented us from making out with you
Alex: well, I don't want that fever to stop me from being the fighting United States Champion the WWE Universe deserves and you two also being champions as well
Alexa: the WWE Universe deserves the presence of the Goddess
Peyton: and me and Billie's reign as the WWE Women Tag Team Champions will be... IIconic!
She did her pose which made Alex and Alexa laugh.
Alex: now that I'm healed, I'm gonna take a shower
Alexa: okay babe; we'll be waiting here
Alex nodded and he went into the bathroom to wash up.
While he was doing that, Peyton got text messages from Billie.
Billie: hey bestie, how is your Prince?
Peyton: he's feeling okay now; his fever is gone
Billie: did you and Alexa did something to him?
Peyton: maybe...
Billie: what did you do?
Peyton: we made out with him and we targeted his neck
Billie: oh my goodness; I can't with you three, you're so cute together
Peyton: that's why Alexa and I love him
Billie: so sweet; you three enjoy yourselves
Peyton: talk to you later, bestie!
(10 minutes later)
Alex came out with a towel wrapped around him. Peyton and Alexa were distracted by his physique. He teased them by blowing kisses at them; making the two girls blush. He changed into his casual clothing.
Alexa: so babe, since you're better; how about all three of us go out?
Alex: yeah, that sounds good
The three spent the day going around as Alex has rid his fever, so he can be with his girls. They went to a peaceful and secluded park where they made out with some occasional neck kisses from the girls. Then they went to the mall for lunch before playing at the arcade. Hours later, they went to a local restaurant for dinner.
After that, they went back to their hotel room and watched Disney and Yu-Gi-Oh!
Alex: you know what's great girls?
Alexa: what's that?
Alex: now that my fever is gone, I can sleep with you two on the bed
He put his hands on their legs.
Peyton: yay!
Alexa: I miss cuddling with my Prince
The two girls came in for a tight hug.
Alex: I...can't...breathe
Peyton: sorry babe
They released the hug. Alex looked at the time and it read 11:00 p.m.
Alex: well let's go to bed girls
Alexa and Peyton pulled Alex by his arms and led him to the bed. Alex jumped to the bed with a big smile on his face. His smile grew bigger as he saw Alexa and Peyton slowly walked to the bed seductively. The two girls got to their sides of the bed and laid on the Prince. Alex put his arm around Alexa's body while he puts his other hand on Peyton's thigh.
Alexa: I miss this
Peyton: you're our protective shield, darling
Alex: I miss this too
The girls kissed his cheeks before the threesome went to sleep in each other's arms.
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