Chapter 14: Sick Prince
Alex woke up feeling hot, but it wasn't from the sun's heat outside due to the air conditioning in the room. He was sweating all over. He gently moved from to bed, so he couldn't wake the girls up. As he made his way to the bathroom to wash up, he was stumbling like his vision made him all dizzy. No choice, he laid down on the couch to avoid his dizziness from increasing.
(10 minutes later)
Alexa woke up and felt an empty space next to her; she noticed that Alex was gone.
Alexa: Alex, love?
No response, she then woke Peyton up.
Alexa: Peyton!
Peyton: hmm? What's wrong?
Alexa: Alex is gone
Peyton: where is he?
Alexa: let's find him
The two walked around the room looking for Alex. After a minute, they heard a loud groan coming from the living room. They follow the sound of the groan which led them to the couch. They saw their Prince all sweating.
Alexa: babe, are you okay?
Alex groaned.
Alex: no, I think I have the fever, girls
Peyton: how do you know, my love?
Alex: number 1, the obvious heavy sweating and number 2 I felt my forehead getting warm
Peyton put her hand on Alex's forehead.
Peyton: ooh, that's warm
Alexa: our poor baby
Alex: I may have a huge headache as well as I feel really dizzy
Peyton: luckily, we have the rest of the week off
Alexa: so we'll use this time to take care of you, our Prince
Alex: hello nurses
The two girls laughed.
Peyton: you need anything?
Alex: get me a blanket please
Peyton: on it
Alexa: how about anything from me?
Alex: get the thermometer so I can check my body temp
Alexa: gotcha
Peyton came back with a blanket and she put it over Alex's body.
Alex: thanks, my love
Peyton: anything to take care of you, my darling
Alexa came back with the thermometer.
Alexa: here babe
Alex: thanks baby
He put the thermometer in his mouth and waited for a minute. Then he took it out.
Alexa: what's your temperature babe?
Alex: 104 degrees
Alexa: will you be okay, babe?
Alex: I'll be fine in a couple of days, but for now I need some rest
Peyton: you want some soup?
Alex: that will be nice, babe
Alexa: I'll get you a wet towel
Alex: thank you
As the two girls were busy, Alex grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, to his delight, it showed a Yu-Gi-Oh! marathon.
Alex: just what I needed
Peyton: what is that, babe?
Alex: oh, it's just a Yu-Gi-Oh! marathon
Peyton: a marathon?!
Alexa: a Yu-Gi-Oh! marathon?! Is that true?
Alex: yeah, it's on right now
Peyton finished making the soup and Alexa got a container of cool water and a wet towel for Alex's forehead.
Alex: thanks girls, I think I'm starting to feel a bit better
Peyton: how so?
Alex: I got my soup, my wet towel, a Yu-Gi-Oh! marathon and of course, my two lovely nurses
Alexa and Peyton: aww
The two sat down with Alex and watched the marathon. They watched the episode in Battle City where it introduced Seto Kaiba's signature white coat.
Alex: there's the coat, girls
Alexa: he looks menacing with it on
Peyton: better than that blue school uniform he wore in the first season
Alex: that coat symbolizes his position as CEO of his company
Peyton: that coat makes him look powerful
As they were watching, Alex ate his chicken soup. After he finished, he wanted to lay down, so he can put the wet towel on his head.
Alex: excuse me girls, I'm gonna lay down, so I can put this wet towel on my forehead
Alexa: how about you lay on our laps?
Peyton: I agree
Alex: are you sure, it's fine?
Peyton: baby, you clearly heard us; we will take care of you
Alex: okay
Peyton and Alexa sat next to each other and Alex slowly laid down on their laps. He put the cool towel on his head as the two girls smiled at him.
Alex: I love you, my loves
Peyton: I love you too
Alexa: I love you, Alex
Alex smiled and he closed his eyes to rest. Peyton and Alexa smiled at their sleeping Prince, then the Goddess stood up.
Peyton: where you going?
Alexa: gonna get him medicine for his fever
Peyton: okay, I'll watch Alex
Alexa nodded and she left the room leaving Peyton with Alex lying on her lap.
(40 minutes later)
Alexa came back with the medicine and she found Alex awake with Peyton laying her head on his shoulder.
Alexa: babe, you're awake
Alex: yeah, I needed to rest my eyes for a while
Alexa: how are you feeling?
Alex: the good news is the headache is gone, but I'm still cold as you can see the blanket wrapped around me and my lovely Aussie girlfriend keeping me warm.
Alexa looked at Peyton with a teasing grin while the IIconic felt her cheeks warm.
Alexa: oh babe, I got some medicine for your fever
Alex: aww thanks, it's what I needed
Alexa: here
Alex: thanks babe
Alex measured the dosage he needed an he drank his medicine.
Peyton: how you feeling babe?
Alex: I feel a bit better now, but you know what will make me feel real better?
Alexa: what's that?
Alex: come sit here, Alexa
Alexa sat down next to Alex.
Alex: I feel better because of you two and your love for me
Alexa and Peyton felt tears forming in their eyes.
Alex: now look at us, all champions along with Billie and Randy
Peyton: the champions of Team Blue
Alexa: babe, will your fever be gone soon?
Alex: well hopefully after a good night sleep; I'll be okay, but for tonight I have to sleep on the couch
Peyton: aww why?
Alex: my fever may be contagious, and you two might catch it
Alexa: it will be lonely without you, but it's sweet that you think of our health
Alex: of course because I love and care for you two
Alexa: aww, come here
Alexa leaned in for a kiss, but Alex stopped her.
Alex: even kissing, no kissing until my fever is gone
Peyton: I really hate your fever, babe
Alex: I hate it too, but it happens
Alexa: hope you feel better by tomorrow, so we can attack you with our lips
Alex: don't tempt me
The girls giggled.
Peyton: if we can't kiss you; then we'll just do this
Peyton and Alexa nodded at each other.
Alex: what will you do?
Alexa: this...
She leaned in close and lightly blew into Alex's ear making the Prince shiver.
Alexa: Peyton?
Peyton leaned in as well and she lightly blew in Alex's other ear making goosebumps form in his upper arms.
Alex: ...
Peyton: aww Alexa, he loves it
Alexa: I can see the goosebumps
For the rest of the day, the girls took care of the Prince; they checked his temperature every 2 hours while they fed him some small food to get his appetite back on track.
(5 hours later)
The Yu-Gi-Oh! marathon continued through the night until the three started to get sleepy.
Alex: well it's time to sleep
Peyton: we'll be lonely without you in the bed
Alex: don't be sad babe, I'll be in the bed hopefully by tomorrow
Alexa: hopefully, good night babe
Alex: good night Alexa, good night Peyton
He smiled and the two girls blew kisses at him. Alex fell asleep on the couch while the two girls shared the bed.
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