Cheri Cheri Lady
A/N: I blame/thank Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for me listening to old music from like the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's (this specific song is from the 80's). Also this one~shot is set during the same time as the first one~shot since they were in the same moon (I'm pretty sure)
Honestly, Lightningsnow didn't know when the feeling started. Every time she would look at her, she would feel butterflies fluttering around in her belly and she would feel the heat on her face every time they would brush against each other
Was it when they started to hunt together? Or was it when they were on patrol together? Or just when they decide to hang out with each other? When was it?
"Mouse dung!" Lightningsnow cursed as a tiny, scrawny mouse escaped from her claws. "That was the second mouse I missed!" She wailed and sat down with a huff. I'm distracted today, all thanks to her. Mouse dung, give me back my heart...Angelwing, she thought and slightly blushed at the thought of her fellow clanmate. Angelwing was one of the few cats that first accepted her when she first joined the clan after the flood that had happened. They became friends slowly after that and even though they had other cats to be friends with, they would do things together like hunting and patrolling.
Now Lightningsnow isn't a hopeless romantic nor does she stay up all night chatting about her crush (that was Faithheart) but she does admit, every once in a while, to think about Angelwing for long periods of time and admire her from either afar or up close when they're hanging out.
I mean, who doesn't admire other cats at afar and think of them as pretty, glad they're such a warm and comfortable cat to be around and fantasize about frolicking in flower meadows...I should stop listening to Faithheart about her crush of the week, Lightningsnow thought, shaking her head.
Besides there was one thought that kept eating at her at night whenever she did think about Angelwing. Lightningsnow always kind of knew that she liked toms and she-cats even if she didn't have a name for it until she was an adult but that thought kept eating at her. Does Angelwing even swing that way? If she didn't...well Lightningsnow didn't want to suffer from a broken heart.
The white and cream she-cat walked back to camp, unhappily. "Oh Lightningsnow! Bad hunt today?" Willowbird looked up from the vole that she was sharing with Wavewater. "Yeah...," Lightningsnow sat down next to her old apprentice. "Better look next time then," Willowbird assured her and Wavewater gave her a sympathetic look.
Lightningsnow then got up and walked to the warriors den and collapsed onto her nest. She just wants to sleep off the thoughts and stop thinking about Angelwing. After all, even if Angelwing was into she-cats, what would she see in her? Lightningsnow is just an average warrior who hunts and fights. Sure she has trained an apprentice but any other warrior could have trained Willowbird. It was just luck that Speckledstar chose her to be her mentor.
"Slow down, mouse-brain!" She heard an outburst and looked up to see Webpaw and Melodicpaw racing out of camp with Lilytail following them, more slowly. Off to gather herbs, huh? She thought and then felt someone nudge at her. Lightningsnow looked to her left and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest.
"A-A-Angelwing!?" She cried and Angelwing tilted her head. "Do you want to go hunting with me?" She asked. In her mind, Lightningsnow wanted to refuse. She could come up with the excuse that she's been lousy at hunting today and wanted to rest. She was not ready to face Angelwing right now, especially with her heart pounding right now. But of course, her big mouth just had to say something.
Mouse dung! Lightningsnow mentally face palmed as she followed Angelwing out of camp. Why did she have to agree? Dear Starclan forgive her if she ends up saying something that she'll regret later.
Angelwing had stopped to say hello to Lilytail as she was gathering herbs while Lightningsnow was silently panicking to herself. As they walked away, Lightningsnow glanced back to see Webpaw was watching them with a knowing look on his face before getting poked by Melodicpaw. She turned away and kept walking, accidentally brushing against Angelwing.
She felt a small flinch before she jumped back. "Ah! Sorry sorry," Lightningsnow yelped. "It's alright," Angelwing said and turned away. It almost seemed like she was blushing but Lightningsnow had appeared to miss it. "I think this is a good place to hunt, I heard that there was a nest of mice here yesterday," Angelwing changed the subject rather quickly. "Alright," Lightningsnow said.
As expected, Lightningsnow didn't catch too many and kept crashing into the brambles. She managed to catch one mouse before she bowled into the brambles. "Lightningsnow!" Angelwing dropped the two mice that she was carrying and raced towards her friend's side.
Lightningsnow popped her head up and winced. "I'm fine, no need to worry," she assured her and got out. "We need to get you to the medicine cats," Angelwing said and tugged at a bramble that was on Lightningsnow's shoulder. The closeness made Lightningsnow blush and make her heart point faster.
"No!" She blurted out and stumbled back. "Light, you need to get those brambles or else you'll start bleeding out and your wounds will get infected," Angelwing got closer but Lightningsnow kept walking back. "I-I'm fine, honest. There's no need to worry," Lightningsnow awkwardly laughed.
"We're friends, of course I'm going to worry," Angelwing said and her heart sank. Why would she even have that passing thought that maybe...just maybe...Angelwing felt the same. "I told you already, I'm fine," Lightningsnow muttered before Angelwing sighed.
"Is there something that's bothering you? I can see it in your eyes that your mind is clouded. I'm here to listen like you did back then," Angelwing told her. Back then huh? Lightningsnow thought.
Lightningsnow came back from a successful hunt. She was new to the clan so she tried to fit in as much as she could. She plans on patrolling later. Lightningsnow placed the squirrel down in the prey pile when she saw a she-cat looking miserably at the prey pile.
"Hey, something wrong?" She asked and the cat looked at her. "Everything is just peachy," the cat growled and kneaded the ground with her paw. Lightningsnow mentally face palmed. Of course something was wrong, the clan suffered through a flood with two cats dead and many injured. In hindsight, that was a stupid question, Lightningsnow thinks.
"Well if we ever need someone to talk to, I'm here to listen," Lightningsnow purred and the cat looked at her. Lightningsnow would later learn that the cat she was talking to was named Angelwing.
After a couple of moons after the flood, the two she-cats would be out hunting when Angelwing would spill what she was feeling. Upset, angry, tired and a question of why? Why did the flood come? Why did cats have to die so young? Why did Starclan allows this to happen?
Lightningsnow would stop what she was doing and listen, even offering for Angelwing to lean on her and vent about her frustration. "I can't speak for Starclan but this world works in mysterious ways. You can't have good things without bad nor can you have more than one thing. I doubt those cats would want you to wallow in despair for too long. It's ok to mourn, it's ok to cry but you'll need to move on eventually. Your life doesn't revolve around the dead, you honor them and share who they were to keep them alive. After all, the only way to truly kill a cat is to forget about them," she told her.
"..." Angelwing repeated what Lightningsnow said last but quietly. They stayed in each other's company for a while and little did Lightningsnow know at the time, there was something blossoming in Angelwing.
(Flashback over)
Angelwing was waiting for a response and Lightningsnow's legs shook as her mind decided to make a decision that the two of them would later laugh about but at this moment, Lightningsnow wished it was in better circumstances.
"I like you!" She blurted out and Angelwing gasped at this. "I-I really like you, more than a friend! I-I don't even know if you swung that way but even if you don't, I wanted to tell you that I like you!" Lightningsnow said, quickly.
I can't believe I said it! And out of the blue too! Lightningsnow thought. She was pawing the line between life and death via public humiliation. Angelwing was looking at her shock and the silence was killing Lightningsnow. Just what was she going to say?!
Then Angelwing did something unexpected.
"...M-Mouse dung!"
"I-I wasn't ready for this, I had a whole speech prepared, I was even going to collect some roses from that rose bush near camp. I was going to say how warm you made me feel, how you made me feel loved a-and just how much of a great cat you are a-and how I fell for you when we went hunting together that one time a-and...," the normally composed Angelwing was pacing around while saying many things rapidly.
As she was pacing around, Lightningsnow was dumbfounded by what she was saying. There was one singular thing that was in Lightningsnow's mind. One thing that was the loudest thought that she had ever thought in her mind.
The feeling...
"A-Angelwing?" Lightningsnow asked, timidly and the she-cat stopped pacing. "Yes?" She asked. "Were you...going to confess to me at some point?" Lightningsnow asked, blushing. Angelwing blushed herself and sat down. "Y-Yeah...I wanted to tell you how I feel about you. How much I liked you and how much you mean to me. Oh I cannot explain, every time it's the same. You make me feel comfortable," Angelwing explained.
She leaned stared into Lightningsnow's eyes and asked, "Lightningsnow...will you be my mate?" Lightningsnow stared in her eyes as well and said...
The two of them pressed against each other and Angelwing licked the top of Lightningsnow's head. Their tails wrapped around each other and they stayed there in bliss with each other's presence.
Lightningsnow's heart was jumping for joy as she nuzzled against her now, mate. It was mutual! Angelwing did like her the way that she liked her. This was...good. She felt good like there was nothing that would ruin her mood.
After a while, they broke apart and Angelwing pawed at a bramble that was still stuck on Lightningsnow. "I still think we should get you to the medicine cats," she said and Lightningsnow laughed.
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go back," she said and the two of them picked up the prey that they got and walked back to camp, their tails wrapped around each other's.
A/N: I'm not very good at romance but I think I did alright with this. LightningxAngel has suddenly became one of my favorite ships and all because it just kinda happened in the warrior cat command game like me and the user who owns Angelwing just had them hang out and hunt and patrol together a lot until they became mates. Like they're so cute together and they adopted a child together! (But that's for later). Hope you enjoyed this!
Cya in the next one -Flare
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